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April 22, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-22

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VOL. XXXVIII, No. 150. ,



Explorer And Elelson Camplete Trip
After Weather Forces Landing
At Doedmansoeiro
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, April 21.-Capt. George
Hubert Wilkins,, vetleran arctic ex-
plorer, and Lieut. Carl B. Eielson,1
Alaskan pilot, have flown across the'
"top of the world," from Point Bar-
row, Alaska, to Spitzenbergen.
In a brief message to the Detroit
Nears today, Wilkins reported the suc-
cessful accomplishment of the 2,200-
mile flight across the Arctic ice fields:
"Reach Spitzbergen after 20 1-2
hours flying. One stop on account of
bad weather." Later it was learned
the stop was Boedmansoeiro (Dead)
Man's island), 25 miles from Spel-
bard, whence Wilkins 'sent out hisl
radio message. The message was l
dated April 21 and 12:31 p.m.
Breaks Long Silence'
It was Wilkin's third attempt tol

"The striki
me is that iti
to explore the
the air, and
has been no
L. Belknap, o
and assistant
sity Greenlan
ing yesterday
of Capt. Geor
Barrow, Alas
the north pol
The four f
mander Rich
dash from S
and return,
dirigible .fligh
point somewh
Ilru mu, hum

ng feature of the flight to
marks the fourth attempt
ie arctic blind spot' from
in all the attempts there
loss of life," said Ralph
f the geology department
director of the Univer-
id expeditions, comment-
on the successful flight
ge H. Wilkins from Point
ka, to Spitzbergen, over
lights have been: Com-
ard E. Byrd's non-stop
Spitzbergen to the pole
Nobile and .Amundsen's
ht from Spitzbergen to a
at w est of Point Barrow,
phreys To Talk At First
Of Interscholastic
ess Convention


span the Arctic wastes and word of Opening with localregistration next
its successful culmination came after Thursday afternoon, the seventh an-
fear had been expressed that he was nual convention of the Michigan Inter-
lost after having left Point Barrow. scholastic Press association will be in
He was last heard from at Point session here on Thursday, Friday and
Barrow last month when his radioSaturday of this week. The conven-
sent out a fragmentary message about 'tion is sponsored by the journali'sm
plans for a takeoff shortly. department of the University, Sigma
Plans for organizing a rescue expe- Delta Chi, professional journalistic
dition were being talked of here when fraternity, and Theta Sigma, women's
Captain Wilkin's message from Spel- journalistic society. An attendance
bard was received. of between 300 and 400 delegates is
Whether Captain Wilkins actually expected.I
flew over the North pole was not Following registration from 1:30 to
known. His plans, however, contem- 5:30 o'clock next Thursday afternoon,
plated a course between the pole and, the first general as'sembly will be held
North American continent where-he in the Union at 7:30 o'clock Thursday
desired to make observations. night, at which time the delegates will
Word is also awaited whether he be welcomed to Ann Arbor by Prof..
and his companions found land in the ,John L. Brumm, head of the journal-
unexplored area they crossed, and ism department. Prof. Wilbur R.
whether they were able to observe the Humphreys, assistant dean of the lit-
ocean currents, temperature and make erary college, will be the other main
sounding in the interest of meterol- speaker of the evening, speaking on
ogy. , behalf of the University. At the con-
That Captain Wilkins himself my iclusion of the first assembly, a mo-
have sent the radiogram announcing tion picture, the New York Times film,
his achievement was indicated by the will be shown in the Union for the
news that the old radio operator at delegates.
Szalbar had died some time ago and Owing to the inability of Prof. Wil-
that the new operator was not due to liam D. Henderson, director of the ex-:
arrive in the isolated country until tension department, to be present, a'
April 24. slight change has been made in the
^-program as previously .announced.
COPENHAGEN, April 21.-Another Dean Humphreys will speak Thurs-
conquest of the north polar regions day night instead of Friday morning
was recorded today when Capt. George and Shirley W. Smith, secretary and
H. Wilkins announced to the Copen- busines's manager of the University,
hagen Colitiken the 'safe arrival at will speak at the annual banquet Fri-
Spitzbergen of himself and Lieut. day night. Lee A. White, of the De-
Carl B. Eielson. They flew over the troit News, will address the Friday
"roof of the world from Point Barrow, afternoon assembly, while the speaker
'Alaska. .for the Friday morning assembly has
Narrowly Averts Disaster not yet been announced.
Only two brief wireless messages Friday will be featured by round
came through but they revealed that table discussions, two assemblies andl
Wilkins, like Koehl and Fitzmaurice t h e annual banquet. Discussion
in the Bremen, had a narrow escape groups, to be conducted by members
from disaster at the very end of their of Sigma Delta Chi, The Daily staff,
epic adventure. For some reason, as and the journalism department, will
yet unexplained, Wilkins was obliged be held from 9:45 to 11:45 o'clock,
to make a landing on an uninhabited Friday morning and from 3 to 5
islet, only 25 miles from his goal. The o'clock Friday afternoon.
fliers were detained there for five The seventh annual banquet will be
days by bad weather. held in the Union Friday night at 6
The islet, on the north side ' of o'clock with Professor Brumm presid-
Isfjord, bears the forbidding name of ing as toastmaster. Mr. Smith and
Boedmansoeira (Dead Man's island), Coach Fielding H. Yost, director of
It is a mere speck in the Arctic Intercollegiate athletics, will be the
wastes. There was shelter for Koeh, 4 main speakers.
Fitzn.aurice and von Huenefeld on George E. Simons, '30, is chairman
Greenly, but there was no lighthouse of the rooming committee for the con-
on Dead Man's island. vention; Charles S. Monroe, '30, is
The Wilkins announcements V/re chairman of the program committee;
all the briefer because the regular and J. Stewart Hooker, '29, is general
radio operator of the small station chairman of the convention.
e iShalbard was killed a few days be-P
fore in an accident. Someone in the PREPARA TIONS STA
S'pitzbergen colony knew enough a-U
bout radio transmission to get out UNION OPERA
word of the accident and to call for
I relief operator. 'With the call for tryouts for the
a 1n ownHand fendsNews 23rd annual Union Opera scheduled
oefor this week, and a conference for
It was not clear as to who trans- prospective Opera Book writers ar-
mitted the messages from Wilkins, but'rongeperatoos rte r -
he may have done that himself since ranged, preparations for the next pro-j
he ay avedon tht hmsef sng duction of Mimes and the Union are
he had kept in communication with I11dcino ie n h no r
stations in Alaska by using a small I well under way. James H. Yant,
radio set with which his plane was '31M, president of Mimes, announced
aquipped while he was still at Point that members of Mimes will be at
Barrow. The plane's set is believed the theater all next week from 4 un-
however, to have gone out of cor- til 5:30 o'clock in the -afternoon to
mission, for no word came from Wil- sign up those interested in some pha-
kins on the day he hopped off for sev- ses of the Opera work.
in the start. E. Mortimer Shuter, director, is
eRoal Aysndse expressed gratifi- still in St. Joseph's hospital,- Wphere
cation and said, "No flight has been he has been confined for several
made anywhere, at any time, which weeks bgayt.
could compare. with this." It is being especially emphasized
____d___________hths this year by those in charge that all
bM1NI ANS A I I WN fields of activity in the Opera, includ-

an attampt with two seaplanes which
was fored down on the ice and spent
90 days repairing one plane in whicn
they all flew bac;, nd finally Wil.
kin's recent flight over the pole. "From
the looks of things, flying over arctic
wastes is not only a lot safer than
flying over the Atlantic, but also safer
than the older type of arctic expedi-
tion," Belknap said.
Geographical data of great interest
on possible islands between Alaska
and the pole may be one of the re-
sults of the flight, according to Belk-
nap. Such islands would have an im-
portant bearing on the practicability
of flight routes from America to
Europevia Siberia. It Is generally
held that there is no land between
Alaska and the pole, he said, but this
area, which Stefansson calls the "geo-
graphical pole of inaccessibility" is
practically unexplored.'
Wilkins' contribution to the know-
ledge of the "blind spot" cannot be
estimated until more details of his
flight come through. A direct route,
however, from Point Barrow to Spitz-'
bergen would take Wilkins over prac-
tically the same territory covered by
Nobile in the Norge.
The problem of navigating a plane
from Point Barrow to Spitzbergen, I
though a relatively small point iso-
lated by water, would prove compara-
tively simple, Belknap explained, be-
cause the flight would be along the
samira meridian with the same sun
correction throughout. With the
Bumsted sun compass used by Byrd,
the navigation problem would be al-
most nothing, he said.
Performance Of Junior Girls' Play
Will Be Given Before Members
Of Schoolmasters''Club
Tickets for the special performance
of the Junior Girls' play to be given
Friday night at the Whitney theater,
for the special event of the Michigan
Schoolmasters' club convention, will
go on sale tomorrow morning at the,
Whitney theater box office, it was an-
nounced yesterday. The performance,
while being given particularly for the
teachers' association, will be open to
the general public as the other per-
formances have been.
The advance sale of tickets for this
performance through money order ap-
plications has been particularly good,
according to officials of the Women's
league. The tickets are priced the
same as those for the regular perfor-
mances, at $3 for boxes, $2.50 for the
main floor and part of the balcony,
and $2 and $1.50 for. the remainder
of the house.
In addition to the teachers' conven-..
tion for which the performance was
arranged, the night also falls on the
date of the annual Military Ball, given
by ,thh local R. O. T. C. unit. The
performance, though starting at 8:30,
will be over in adequate time for the
grand march of the ball, those in
charge have stated.
The presentation of "For the Love
of Pete" on Friday night will mark
the eighth local offering of the play.
During its regular run of one week
before spring vacation it gained high
praise for its standard of musical
comedy excellence, and the extra
showing was decided upon largely be-
cause of the fact that the play this
year was not allowed to make an out-
of-town journey to Detroit as it did
the year previous.
All of the proceeds from the show-
ing Friday night. as from the other
presentations, will be contributed for'

tthe benefit of the Women's League
buil'ding fund.




Specially Recognized Students Will
MBe Sealed In Section Reserved
For Them
President Ernest M. Hopkins of
Dartmouth college, will deliver the
principal address at the annual
Honors convocation, which will be
held in Hill auditorium on Tuesday,
May 1, according to an announcement
made yesterday by J. A. Bursley, dean
of students. The event will take place
at 11 o'clock in the morning, and will
be open to the entire student body
and the general public.
The Honors convocation is held for
the purpose of publicly recognizing
those students who have distinguished 4
themselves in their work at the Uni-
versity during the year. The highest
10 per cent scholasticgly from all
senior classes of all schools and col-'
leges. of the campus will be invited
to the function, in addition to those
'students who hold fellowships and
scholarship's at the University.
, Freshmen Are Invited
This, year, also, the members of
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman wom-
en's honor society and Phi Eta Sigma,
the corresponding scholastic honor
society for freshman men, will also be
invited to occupy the honor section.
Students who have been elected to
the various honor societies of the Uni-
versity during their residence here
will be additionally honored by having
the name of the society printed after
their name in the program.
The students honored will occupy a
special section reserved for them in
the center of the main floor of the
auditorium, and the remainder of the
seats will be open to the general
President Hopkins, who will give
the principal address of the occasion,
is one of the most important educators
of the country. Born in New Hamp-
shire, 51 years ago, he graduated from
Worcester academy in 1896, entered
Dartmouth the same year and received
his A.B. degree from that college in
1901. Upon his graduation he be-
came secretary to the president of
Dartmouth, which position he held un-
til 1905, and from 1905 until 1910 he
served a's secretary of the college, re-
ceiving during the iterim his M.A. de-
Boasts Other Experience
In 1910 he left Dartmouth, and was
engaged in organization work for
numerous large industrial concerns in
Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia
until 1916, when, on July 1, he was
called to the post of president of his
alma mater.
On January 31, 1918, he was ap-
pointed to take charge of the indus-
trial relations of the Quartermaster's
department 'of the United States army.
From June to September of the same
year he served as assistant to the
secretary of war in charge of indus-
trial relations, and from July to Sep-
tember served as representative of
I the War department on the war labor
policies board.
President HolIkins is himself a
member of Phi Beta Kappa, and has
received honorary degrees from Am-
herst college, Colby college, Brown
university, Rutgers college, and the
University of New Hampshire. He is
versity of New Hampshire. He is
known as a liberal college president,
and two years ago proposed almost
simultaneously with President Clar-
ence Cook Little a plan for a two-
team system of university athletic or-
ganization similar to the one which
has now been adopted by the Western
t Conference.
Sinclair Acquitted
In Short Order On

Conspiracy Charge
(By Associated' Press)
WASHINGTON, April 21.-Harry F.
Sinclair was freed today by a jury
which decided in one hour and 59
minutes that he was not guilty of
charges of conspiracy to defraud the
government which have hung over
him for seven years.
' In this quick time the 12 men ruled
that the government had failed to
prove that Sinclair had given Albert


"Tha4 the Burton Memorial Cam-
panile should be one of the first ob-
jectives in the ten-year alumni pro-
gram," is the ambition of the officers
and directors of the Alumni associa-
tion, said E. J. Ot away, president, who
was in Ann Arbor recently in con-
ferenc3 with President Clarence Cook
Little and alumni with reference to
dormitories, which has been made an-
other chief objective of alumni acti-
"Tne alumni officials have been
much pleased with suggestion of the
officers of the class of 1928 that efforts
of siudents and alumni 'u joined in
this project, adequately to recognize
in a lasting way the influence of a
great president upon the life of the
"Following up this suggestion,
alumjii officials have been endeavor-
ing to develop a wide interest among
Ann Arbor alumni, faculties, students,
and citizens of Ann Arbor and Michi-
gar generally, in support of the Bur-
tun memorial. It is not to much
to say that the attitude of the class
of 192S has influence:d to a degree thb3
effort to advance as rapidly as possi-
ble the plans for this project.
"At the present moment, optimism
preva-s in circles with rega,'d to the
a iAncement of plans. P:'eident Os-
car iberbach, of tho Ann Arbor alum-

campanile would stand not only as a
great memorial to Dr. Burton, but
would forever tower as an enduring
mark of beauty for campus and city.
It is, therefore, peculiarly fitting in
every way that campus and town
should join in this part of the cen-
tennial program. Celebrating a hun-
dred years of educational history that
has sent students into every corner
of the earth, with their records of
service, civic and professional, the
Burton Campanile would also point
the way forward to another hundred
years of similai', service.
"A suitable carillon installed in this
memorial would give it the final touch
of enduring beauty and would daily
Ssuggest tostudent and citizen alike,
not only the memory of a president
who gave his life to Michigan, but
would be a token of pride, to all local
interests, that they made a little
though inconseqgiential sacrifice ib
time and money, that both service
and beauty might be recognized on
this historic campus.
Wetzel, Loughton, and Dougalli Have
Leading Parts In Play
Rv Uamdv C b



ni club, as well a3 several citizens ""v asy ome y u
representative of various local civic TARTS TUEI AY N HT'
interests, have indicated a healthy NI T
"It has been pointed out that the,, Final rehearsals are now being

-. .
Scabhard And Blade Dinner To Honor
} emnhbers And Outside Guests;
Men To Be Initiated s
Scabbard and Blade, honorary mil-1
itary eociety, will bohd a formal ban-
quet the evening of the eighth annual.
Military Ball Friday night in the Un-
ion. The banquet will begin at 6:30
and is to be held in honor of the mem-
bers of Scabbard and Blade and their
outside guests. Before the banquet
the following men will be initiated
into honorary memberships to the
society: Lieut.-Com. Wortley, Lieut.-'
Col. Daugherty, Dr. Fred A. Perry,
and Col. Walter Cole. Lieut. J. A.
Madison will be initiated to associate
The formal pledginr of s ampus men1
into the organization will take place
during the ball, later in the evening.
During the course of the dance, Reo-
grams will be taken of the guests.
Miss Helen Wescott, of Ypsilanti,
will lead the grand march as the guest
of Wayne Brownell, '28, general chair-+
man of the affair. The dancing will
begin at 9:30 and will continue until:
2 o'clock. The music will be furnish-
ed by George Williams' orchestra of
Cleveland. The Williams' band has
broadcast over WTAM and WEAZ,
and for the past year has been em-
ployed at the Music Box Restaurant,
prominent Cleveland cabaret.
Favors for the affair will be either
compacts or vanity cases, according
to the committee in charge of the
affair. Approximately 25 of the 250
tickets placed on sale are left. The
ticket sale is restricted.
Decorartive features for the ball-
room will follow a strictly formal
,military aspect. Officers in the R. O.
T. C. may attend the event in uni-
form; non-ranking men and civilians
will wear tuxedos.


held for the opening Tuesday night in
Mimes theatre of Lynn Starling's
"Meet The Wife," a sparkling comedy
in three acts. The production will be
the third this year conducted by the
Comedy Club, being preceded by
Kaufaman and Connelly's "Dulcy"
and Philip Barry's "You and ."
Robert Wetzel, '28, Phyllis Lough-
ton, '28, and Thomas J. Dougall, '28,
will carry the principal roles in
"Meet The Wife," and will be sup-
ported by Richard Kurvink, '29, Lil-
lian Setchell, '30, Harlan Cristy, '29,
and Lorinda McAndrew, '30. The di-
rection of the piece is in the hands
of Phyllis Loughton. Other members
of Comedy Club are assisting in the
management and technical direction.
Only a single set is used in the pro-
duction, and this has been executed
by Fred Rebma, techical director of
"Meet The Wife" will mark the first
of the campus dramatic attempts to
take place since the spring vacation
period, and will be one of the few re-
maining for th'e remainder of the col-
lege year. The several productions
planned by Mimes for this spring may
be postponed because of the illness
of E. Mortimer Shuter, director of
that body. One public presentation
by Play Productions may be forth-
coning but the date has not been de-
finitely announced a's yet. Comedy
Club had intended to present some-
thing other than comedy but was
forced to change its plans because of
altered dates for use of the theatre.
"Meet The Wife" was first produc-
ed at the Klaw theater in New York
by Stewart and French in 1923, and,
was written especially for Mary Bo-
land by Lynn Starling. Its story is
that of a domestic mixup occasioned
by the great San Francisco earth-
quake and fire, of a first husband
turning up unexpectedly to find an-
other in his place. The situations are
comic in the extreme, and the' char-
acters well-drawn. I
Although mail orders for the play'
have been coming in all week, the
regular ticket sale is scheduled to be-
gin Monday morning in the Mimes
box office. All seats are priced at
75 cents.

Wolverine Trackmen Capture Seven
Places In Individual
(Special to The Daily)
COLUMBUS, April 21. - Record-
breaking performances featured the
fifth annual Ohio Relays which were
held here yesterday, in spite of the
wretched weather conditions that pre-
vailed throughout the meet. No less
than seven of the existing marks were
bettered, including four relay rec-
ords, although rain fell intermittent-
ly all afternoon.
Seven members of the Michigan
contingent captured places in the
various individual events, including
two firsts, while the two mile relay
team finished third and the mile quar-
tet tied for fourth place.
Don Cooper fulfilled all previous
predictions, when he raced to victory
in the 220 yard low hurdles in :23.7
to establish a new Ohio Relay meet
record for the event and repeat his
success of last year. Felker, Wolver-
ine sophomore, sprang a surprise by
tieing with Carr of Illinois for third
pla'ce in the high jump.
Wilfred Ketz, Michigan's star ham-
mer thrower, gained the teans ec-
second first place, when he captured
his favorite event with a toss of 154
feet, 11 3-4 inches, while Williams, an-
other Wolverine entry, placed fifth.
Century Mark Falls
Splashing his way over a muddy
track,. George Simpson, Ohio State's
crack sprinter turned in the outstand-
ing performance of the day when he
tied the national collegiate record of
:09.6 for the 100 yard dash, eclipsing
the former mark, which was held by
DeHart Hubbard of Michigan.
The Buckeye star defeated one of
the fastest fields of sprinters ever as-
sembled including Kriss of Ohio State,
who finished second and Capt. Buck
Hester of Michigan, last year's win-
ner, who placed third,
Two Michigan athletes, Prout and
Eardley, finished in a tie with Hein-
son of Illinois for third place in the
pole vault which was won by Otter-
ness of Minnesota, who cleared the
bar at 13 'feet, 1 inch, one inch, better
that the former 192? mark set by
Pickard of Pittsburgh, who placed
Both Relay Teams Place
The Wolverine relay teams both
succeeded in placing in their respec-
tive events, the two mile combination
finishing third, while the mile quar-
tet tied with Illinois for fourth.
Indiana's team composed of Leet,
Smock, ,Abromson, and Sephenson
ran well to defeat the strong Syra-
cuse entry in the slow time of. 3:35.4.
Chicago was third in this event. The
two mile relay was captured by the
Illinois team in 8:22.5.
Glen Carlson gained a third place
in the discuss throw which was won
by Raymond of Ohio State with a
heave of 140 feet 6 7-8 inches. Vollsler
of Miami captured the shot put with a
mark of 44 feet 4 3-8 inches.
100 yard dash-won by Simpson.
(0); second, Kriss, (0); third, Hes-
ter (M). Time-:09.6.
Broad Jump-won by Smith, (Tex-
as); second, Simon, (Ill.); third,.
Diehl, (Wis.); fourth, Elliott,, (Beth-
any). Distance 22 feet 7 3-4 inches.
Javelin throw-won by Rhinehart,
(Ind.); second, Goode, (McKendrie);
third, Bartletit, ;(Almbon,); Distance
204 feet, 11 inches.
Mile relay-won by Indiana; second,
Syracuse; third, Chicago; fourth,
Michigan and Illinois, .tied. Time-
Pole vault- won by Otterness,
(Minn.); second, Pickard, (Pitt.);
third, Prout, (M), Eardley, (M) and
Heinson, (Ill.) tied. Height, 13 feet
1 inch.
120 yard high hurdles-won by
Work, (P); second, Rockaway, ();
third, Benquite, (Drake). Tie 15.4.
Discus-won by Raymond, (0); se-

cond, Allman, (M. ,S. N. C.); third,
Carlson, (M); fourth, Tillotson, (M.
S. C.). Distance, 140 feet 6 7-8 inch-




arrive some time in May to initiate
some of the preliminary routines.
Chorus work will begin with his ar-
rival and will continue until the eifl]
of school in June. There wil be a
!meeting of all those interested in
writing an Opera book at 4 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon in room 304 of
the Union under the direction of
Donal Hamilton Haines. At this
time regulatios and requirements for
the book will be explained.
Any of those interested in writ-
ing music for the production are
urged to begin working at once--eith-
er in collaboration with a book writ-
er or alone-and to have sanples of
their music ready for a meeting of
the comm-ittee which will be held in
the near future.
T1. ,,, - - A V _ + ~ n ,,, 1;,

"Leadership, based on training,
character, and iAtelligence, will de-
termine the future of the republic,",
1 asserted William W. Cook, '82L, donor
of the Lawyers' club, in a letter sentI
j by him to the board of governors of{
the Lawyers' club on the occasion of
the sixth annual Founder's day cele-
bration held this week in honor of
Cook. The letter was read to the 3501
guests assembled at the exercises to
pay him tribute.
"The rapid rise of America to the'
1 primacy of the world; its vast wealth,
i power, and population ; its problems
of capital and labor; its expansion of
I governmental functions; its diversity
of races; its determination to preserve
j American institutions - all demand
y leadership of the highest order, and
that can be found only in the legal
profession," Cook continued. "The
I-~--i-l -- -a --'..-in

schools will broaden.
"There should be a professor of
American institutions in the Law de-
partment or the Literary department
or better still in both jointly," Cook
maintained. "Thus graduate's may
know what American institutions are.
There should also be a consulting pro-
fessor for counsel to judges and other
public officials. Judges would be glad
to avail themselves of dis-interested
advice, as I happen to know from
personal experience."
Advancing the belief that the part
the bar plays in the furnishing of
leadership has changed greatly from
the condition one hundred years ago,
Cook said, "Court work and oratoryl
work have gone out and counsel work
has come in. The courts, except tho'se
of last resort, are no longer frequent-
ed by the talent of the profession. The
art of exposition by oral argument


220 yard low hurdles-won by Coor
er, (M); second, Kane, (O. Wesleyan)
third, Rockaway, (0). Time- :23.7.
Two mile relay - won by Illinois
second, Ohio State; third, Michigan
High jump-won by Abernathy, (S
Xavier); second, Brunk, (Drake)

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