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April 21, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-21

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*h 1







Judge Paul Jones Of Cleveland Tells
Of New Order Which Threatens
Present Systems
"No good Ameican, either under
the stress or uncontrollable ecstasy
or yielding to a vain impulse should
do anything to lessen or destroy the
confidence of the other nations in the
honesty of purpose or the fairmind-
edness of our government," declared
Silas H. Strawn, noted Chicago law-
yer and president o the American bar
association in the main address last
night at the sixth annual Founder's
day exercises, at the Lawyers' club,
commemorating the gift of the club
by William W. Cook,. '82L, of New
York City.
Talks of Education
Turning his attention to questions
of education, Strawn asserted that,
"The fundamental idea of all educa-
tional institutions should be to train
students so that they are able to edu-
cate themselves. The University here
would fail in its object if its funda-
mental purpose were not to teach
students to think for themselves; to
be able to distinguish facts from fic-
tion and to reason accurately from
premise to conclusinns."
"While we cannot directly influence
the action of the people of foreign na-
tions, we can nevertheless, by our
conduct and our example, exact a
powerful influence upon the prosper-
ity of the other countries and upon .
the peace o the world," Strawn con-
That our government fully reaiz-
es that fact is evidenced by the per-
sistent efforts of our Secretary of
State to bring into effect an agree- I
ment among the world's greatest na-
tions to abolish war.
As a special feature .of the occasion,
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
school called on Chief Justice Lewis
H. Fead, '00L, of the Michigan Su-
preme court, to present special in-
signia to those graduating Law stu-
ents who have resided in the Lawyers'
club for at least two years.
Cleveland Judge Speaks
Judge Paul Jones' ,05L, of the Fed-
eral court at Cleveland, Ohio, spoke
briefly on a charge that boundaries
of states in this country are disap-
pearing before a new order, a different
form of government evolved recently,
which, he claimed, threatens to harm
the democratic principles of state or-
ganization and government in the
United States as practiced for years
under the constitution.
Fu'ther messages were delivered by
Judge Arthur H. Tuttle, '95L, of the
Federal court at Detroit end by Prof.
Grover C. Grismore of the Law school
who read a letter from Cook, the
founder of the club. .
Final case club arguments were
heard in the afternoon before a bench
consisting of Strawn, Judge Jones,
and Jon M. Zane, '84, of Chicago, a
well known attorney. George B.
Christensen, '29L, and William A. Mil-
ler, '29L, representing the Holmes
were awarded the decision after each
member of the bench had declared his

Early Morning Fire
In Arc'de Cafeteria
Causes $25,000 Loss
Fingerle's cafeteriad gn Nickles
Arcade was heavily damaged by a
fire of unknown cause early yesterday
morning. Although causing losses es-
timated at $25,000 within the cafeteria,
the flames were stopped without ser-
ious damage from water or smoke to
the shops and offices in the arcade.
The blaze was discovered about 3
o'clock by a patrolman who turned in
the alarm to the police headquarters.
Flames were being emitted from the
rear windows when the firemen ar-
rived, offering evidence that the fire
must have started in the kitchen.
Firemen fought the blaze for nearly
'three hours.
Shortly before being called to the
cafeteria fire, the firemen had re-
turned from the home of Everett
Graf. 1207 Gardner avenue where the
kitchen had been destroyed by a blaze.
Sigma XI Elects 19 Full Members and
47 Associate Members; 15 More
Are Given Full Memberships
Sigma Xi, honorary scientific so-
ciety, elected 19 full and 47 associate
members, according to an announce-,
ment made yesterday by Dr. Carl
Guthe of the University museum.In
addition to -these, 15 were advanced
from associate to full mem-bership.1
Professor William Kynoch, Herman
I H. Riecker, Allen F. Sherzer, Leon B.
Slater, Dr. Lionel C. Strong, all of
the faculty, were elected to full mem-
bership. Ralph L. Belknap and Noel
F. Shambaugh of the faculty were
promoted from associate members to
full membership.
The following graduate students
were ,made associate members: Charl-
es E. Burt, Samuel L. Diack, Kimber
C. Kuster, George G. Lamb, Jaris E.
Miller, Alden F. Roe, Mrs. Inez Up-
john, Teunis Vergeer, Edward S.
Blake, Leonard Boddy, Nellie J. 13os-
ma, Tso-Hsin, George B. Cummins,
David A. Fox, Ralph C. Hall, Richard
H. Barrington, Robert M. Leslie, Car-
rol V. Newson, Rigoro Orisaka, Maria
K. Pastrana, Helen R. Price, Marcus
M. Rhoades, Gordon E. Riker, Emory'
M. Skinner, Mott Souders, Jr., Harley
S. Van Vleet, Frank H. Wiley, and
Marjorie L. Woolett.
These undergraduates were also'
made associate members: Ray C.
Hoisington, '28E, Martin E. Berman,
'28E, Walter E. Roberts, Clarence W. I
Chapman, '28E, Martin Katzin, '28E,
Francis F. King, '28E, Odwald T.
Zimnerman, '28E, Richard H. Davis,
28E, Edwin J. Doty, SpecM, CarldE.
Ebendick, '28E, John F. Heibreder,
'28E. Frederick J, Hermann, '28, Cliff-
ord J. Lissenden SpecE, Waldemar J.
Poch, '28E, Edward A. Ravenscroft,
'28E, Winfried E. Reichle, '28E, Har-
old T. Ross, '28E, John E. Starrett,
'28E, and, Leslie D. Weston, '28E.
The following were promoted to
full membership: Hal B. Coats, Ev-
erett P. Partridge, John E. Sass, Rich-
ard S. Schneidewind, Theodore C.
Schneira, Alfred M. White, John C.
Bailar, Claude Clark, Charles F. Deiss
Jennings R. Hickman, Frances L.
Sevdel, Hardy L. Sm-ith and Miss Yi

Machine Thrown On Its Nose By Im-
pact With Concrete Wall; Na-
tives Aid Germans In Work
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, April 20.-All the en-
ergies of the. crew of the transatlant-
ic Bremen are now directed towards
continuing the flight to New York.
Ray Fernscrom, Paramount News-
Associated Press cameraman who w;
the first news reel man to reach{
Greenly island, landed at Curtis field
today to tell of learning of the fliers'
hopes at -first hand.
The German members of the crew,
who had waited on the island with
their damaged ship while Major Fitz-
maurice went out to get their sup-
plies, were said by the photographer
to bo, far from bred by their island

Due to a day's postponement of the
Comedy club production of "Meet The
Wife," the regular ticket sale will not
open in the box office of thetMimes
theater until Monday morning, it was
announced yesterday by Roy G. Cur-
tis, president of the organization.
"Meet The Wife," a farce comedy
by Lynn Starling, will begin its run
on Tuesday night at the Mimes theater,
and will continue throughout the week
Mail orders are still being received
however. All seats are reserved and
are priced at 75 cents.
Tom Dqugall, '28, Robert Wetzel,
'28, and Phyllis Loughton, '28, are
heading the cast for Comedy club.
Miss Loughton is directing and carry-
ing the leading role, originally played
by Mary Boland in New York. The
play is in three acts. A special
musical program has been arranged
by the Mimes orchestra.
Program Will Include Theater, Track1
And Tennis Meets, And Banquet
At The Union, May 12

O De rU'101 )1al yL11 Oa~
prison, being all eagerness at the R. B. Alberson, '001, of Des Moines,
thought of resuming their journey. Iowa, was announced yesterday as
Sighted On le the principal speaker at the sixth an-
"We first saw then; waiting for us nual father and son banquet on May
on the ice as we circled before land- 12 being sponsored by the Union.
ing," said Fernscrom, who still wore Plans are fast nearing completion for
his sub-arctic clothing and his sun the week-end program which is being
glasses. He was the first man to arranged by a committee under Wil-
come by 'air from Greenly island to jliam Nissen, '29.
New York,rthe Bremen's crew hope Mr. Alderson attended the literary
to do so next week. college of the University from 1895 to
"They gave us a cordial greeting 1897 and then graduated from the Law
and drove us on a dog sled to see the school in 1900. -His son, John W.
Bremen, propped up and with every- Alberson, is a member of the 1930
thing in readiness for replacing the law class and has been instrumental
broken parts when the new are re- in arranging for his father to speak at
ceived. They ,showed us that if they the banquet.
had touched ground two feet beyond MrI. Allyerson- is member i t1he
where they did, they would not have general counsel of the Bankers Lifej
hit the concrete wall which threw Insurance company and has held
the plane on its nose. many positions cf importance in the
Natives Aid Work city of Des Moines. He was one ofI
"The natives with yapping dog the officials of Minneapolis and St.
teams, some of which had been driven Louis railroad for some time.
from points 200 miles away, swarm- Plans for the speakers at the ban-
ed about their first movie camera as cquet on Saturday night, May 12, are
earlier they had about their first aero- now complete. Carl Brandt of the
plane at close range. They arrived speech department has been chosen
daily and are promptly recruited to the toastmaster at the banquet while
assist the Germans. William Jeffries, grad., president of
"Neither flier seems to have any the Union, -and William D. Henderson,
complaint to make and did not seem director of the University Extension
eager to discuss the difficulties that division, are the other speakers.
they had met. 'Fine, fine.' they re-- The program 'for the week-end
pley to all questions about them- starts Friday night which has been
plid t al qustins bou thm-announced as Cap Night; Many of'
selves or their progress. Only when'anoce asCpNgt Mnyf
the baron was asked whether nhe the fathers are expected to arrive in
would consider leaving his plane (1 h time to be present at the celebration
he speak, with sober determination, of this tradition which many of them
'e stark, uth for e r hav- have experienced as students of the
We started out for New York or heav- niversity. Saturday afternoon there
en, and now we will go to New York e track and tennis meets at Ferry
and take the Bremen with us.' " field and Harry Tillotson, manager of
the Athletic association has promised
S TRIAL cooperation with the Union in taking
WILL GO TO JURY care of the fathers at these events.
WPasses to the Majestic for Saturday
(By Associated Press) night after the banquet wil be avail-
WASHI yTOAss il 2 S h able due to the courtesy of the But-
WASHINGTON, April 20-Six hours Fterfield management. Everything
of attack and defense of Harry F. coming on the program will be on theI
Sinclair today brought his trial for tickets which will be sold soon at theE
conspiracy up to a point where only ,nmain desk in the lobby of the Union.-j
the court's charge remains to be given _i
before the jury could retire to de- Bd
cide upon its verdict. Butterfield Oustig
Justice Jennings Bailey, presiding,I
planned to read his charge when court ArOuses Discussion
opens tomorrow and the case EhouldI
be in the hands of the jury before All Over M ichigan
This was a day of divided emotions (By Associated Press)
in the small, crowded courtroom and LANSING, April 20.-The virtual
asMartn...,Lttetoncnc 1.,e..in-s dismissalof-Presdent 7....y,- T.

Homer K. Calvin, Speaker For Smill
Faction, Pledges Support
To Decision1
(By Associated Press)
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., April 20. -
Frank 0. Lowden, Illinois' wartime
governor, was named as the Repub-
lican state convention's choice for the
presidential nomination here late to-
day. Delegates were instructed "to
bring out his nomination."
The instructions of the 61 delegates]
were contained in the convention plat-
form adopted at the late overtime 'ses-
sion, necessitated by protracted de-
bate over delegates, and a demon-
stration that first indicated all hope"
of harmony might be fruitless.
Calvin Encouraging;
Homer K. Galvin, of Chicago,
spokesman for the Robert Crowe,
Mayor William Hale Thompson and
Gov. Len Small faction, dispelled any
belligerent uprising when he appealed
to obstreperous Cook county delegates.
He told the convention that "we will
use every effort to support the state
ticket. I beseech you to treat most
kindly those who beat us in a fair
campaign." 1
The administration of President
Coolidge was endorsed as "progressive
and efficient," as was "constructive
work of senators and Republican
members of Congress from Illinois
and the present state officers."
The Republicans got their conven-
tion under way without a designated1
"keynoter." Lewis I. Emmerson, the
gubernatorial nominee, Otis F. Glenn,
nominated for the U. S'. Senate, and
Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick, one of
the two nominees for congress at
large, were accorded lengthy ,ova-
Smith Is Delegated
SPRINGFIELD, April 20.-Illinois
Democrats pledged 15 delegates to
Gov. Alfred E. Smith in their state1
convention here today which was
marked withcompleteyharmony, and1
a 10-minute demonstration when theI
New York executive's name was first1
mentioned as a presidential choice.
Sixteen delegates at large, each with
a half-vote, were named, including
George E. Brennan, recognized as the
state leader, William E. Dever, for-
mer mayor of Chicago, James Ham-1
ilton Lewis, former U.S. Senator,
Judge Henry Horner, today's "key-
noter," Edward N. Hurley, wartime
chairman of the shipping board, and1
Judge Noral L. Jones, unsuccessful
gubernatorial candidate of two years'
Twenty students, fiv more than
were entered last year, competed in
the local examination of the New York
Times Intercollegiate Current Events
Contest held yesterday afternoon.
Prizes aggregating $250 will go to the
three highest scorers. The second
prize of $75 will be awarded to the
undergraduate who had the highest
The winning paper at Michigan will
be sent to the Executive Council and
the final award of the grand prize
of $500 will be given to the student
with the highest number of points in

the judging of the winning paper at
each of the twenty competing colleges
and universities. The winners will be
announced next week by the local

M. S. C. Diminishes
Coaching Staff By
Dismissing Two Men
(tBy Associated PI'm")
R. . Lecnard, wrestling coach at
Michigan State for the last two years
and winner of two Michigan A.A.U.
championships, was cut from the col-
lege pay'roll by the State Board of
Agriculture according to the separate
athletic budget made public today.
B. /C. Trraynoi, assistant football
coach, also will be removed. The
State Board cut $5,670 from salaries
of the athletic department. The
budget was decreased from $54,720 to
$49,050. A substantial increase was
voted to Ben Van Alstyne, who led the
Spartans to a successful basketball
season. Action of the board delegates
wrestling at the institution to a minor
consideration. A part time wrestling
coach is authorized for next year.
Coach Leonard came to State in 1926
from Penn State where he coached
wrestling and two other minor sports.
He had been the second highe'st paid
man in the athletic department.
Second Triennial Of Michigan Clubs
To Have Noted Educators
At Convention
Arrangements for the Second Tri-
ennial of University of Michigan clubs
to be held May 10, 11, and 12 in Chi-
cago, with headquarters at the Black-
stone hotel, are practically complete
as to the main features. Speeches by
various noted men will form one of
the highlights of the convention.,
Among these men are included five,
college presidents. The idea of bring-
ing in the heads of other schools to
talk to alumni is new in the history
of Michigan alumni meetings. These
men are President Stratton D. Brooks,
of the University of Missouri, Presi-
dent Lotus D. Coffman, of the Uni--
versity of Minnesota, President Wal-
ter Jessup, of the University of Iowa,
and President Glenn Frank, of the
University of Wisconsin, in addition
to President Clarence Cook Little, of
The theme which has been chosen
for this Triennial is "The Interrela-
tion of the State, the University, and
the Alumni." Dn. Brooks has been ap-
pointed "Stage Director" for the pre-
sentation of this theme by university
presidents, state officials, and alum-
President Little, who has helpM ar-
range this program, is attempting to
have presented to Michigan alumni at
this meeting a picture of the Univer-
sity in the eyes of the State. Dr.
Brooks, president at Missouri and a
graduate of two Michigan schools, will
open the discussion and Dr. Little will11,
also present his views.
"Haitians have advanced to a high
state of communistic organization in
their Societe Congo, and have devel-
oped an almost perfect system of la-
bor organization," was the opinion
voiced by Prof. Robert B. Hall of the
geography department, in a paper
"The Societe Congo, with Suggestions
as to its Origin," which he presented
at a meeting of the Negro-Caucasion
club held last night at the Union.
The annual banquet given by the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions for the upper staff of the edi-

torial - side of The Daily will takeE
I place at 12:30 o'clock today in the


Bunch 'Hits In Seventh And Overtake
Early Hawkeye Lead; Mulroney
Puzzling Till Then
By Alex A. Bochnowski
A single by Corriden, star Michi-
gan left fielder, after one man was
retired in the tenth inning, sent Squler
across the home plate and enabled the
Wolverines to nose out Iowa, 7 to 6,
in a hectic contest that ended In a
near riot yesterday on south Ferry
field. Several hundred spectators
swarmed out on the field at the end
of the game when Coach Otto Vogel.
and the two umpires, Green and Clea-
xy, engaged in a verbal battle.
Alleging that poor and doubtful de-
cisions were made by the two of-
ficials, Coach Vogel announced later
in the dressing room that he would
file a protest on the game at once with
the Wester Conference officials.
With the Hawkeyes leading 4 to 1
at the end of the first half of the
seventh and to all intents and pur-
poses winners of the game, Michi-
gan bunched a pair of hits with Iowa's
Mulroney's wildness in their halt of
the inning to tie the count and sub-
sequently win the contest. Until this
stage of the battle, Mulroney, the
Hawkeye twirling ace, had the Wol-
verine hitters yielding to his delivery
and showed no signs of weakening.-
Michigan Scores First
After threatening dam-age In the
second and third stanzas, the Michi-
gan nine forged into a one run lead
in the fourth inning. Weintraub sent
a sharp single over second base to
open the fourth. Morse's grounder to
Glassgow was too difficult to handle,
the Maize and Blue second sacker
reaching first safely and Weintraub
taking second before Glassgow could
recover the' ball. McCoy then poked
out a one-base smack to left field to
allow Morse to race across the rub-
ber with Michigan's first marker.
Iowa Takes Lead
The Iowa nine more than retaliated
in the next round when it capitalized
on the loose fielding of the Michigan
infield and two hits to score four
runs. This was all the scoring done
by the Iowans until the eighth when
they coupled a' triple and walk to
take the lead again.
Following their three run rally in
the seventh, the Wolverines resumed
the belated scoring spurt in eighth and
pusedover a lone run on hits by
Morse and Nebulung to deadlock the
score again at 5-5. Both t'eams added
another tally to their totals in the
ninth inning.
Then came the tenth inning which
witnessed Michigan breaking the tie
and winning its third Western Con-
ference tilt. Squier, batting for
Gawne, took first when Capt. Terry
muffed his 'drive to right field. Slagle,
who replaced Nebelung in center field,
then advanced Squier, to third base,
the latter scoring a moment later.
Terry, rf.........5 1 2 2 0
Blackford, 2b .....5 1 0 2 3
Glassgow, ss......4 1 2 5 2
Rath, lf. .........5 0 0 2 0
Thompson, c......5 0 1 4 0
Nelson, 3b. .......5 0 1 2 0
ISahs, 1b. .........5 1 0 11 0
Smith, cf.........4 0 0 0 0
Mulroney, p.......3 1 1 0 4
Ccrbin, p. ..........0 0 0 0 1
TOTALS ......41 6 8 28 10
Michigan . AB R H PO A
ENebelung, cf.......4 1 1 2 0
Loos, ss. ...........4 0 .0 5 3
Lange, rf...........3 1 0 1 0
Corriden, If.........4 1 2 4 0
Oosterbaan, lb. ....4 0 2 9 0
Weintraub, 3b.....5 1 2 1 2
Morse, 2b.......3 1 1 3 2
McCoyc. ..5 0 2 5 1
Asbeck, p........1 0 0 0 3
Slagle, 'cf.....2 0 1 0 0

McAfee, rf. ......2 0 0 0 0
*Myron,..........0 1 0 0 0
**Squir ..........1 1 0 0.0
TOTALS .....38 7 11 30 12.
*Myron ran for Corriden in ninth.
**Squier batted for Gawne in tenth.
Score By Innings
Iowa ..............000 040 020 0-6
Michigan , ...........000 100 311 1-7
Errors - Blackford, Glassgow 2,
Lange, Loos 2,Morse. Two base hit-
Nebelung. Three base hits-Glass-
gow, Corriden, Thompson. Sacrifice
hit's-Nebelung, Loos, Lange. Hits-
Off Mulroney, 8 in 7 2-3 innings; off
Corbin, 3 in 21-3 innings; off Asbeck,


. ., .. M .. _ ._ 1
,t o., ~ rn ,

pleasur. ,
Those who oppose the winning Fang Wu.
team were James I. Johnson, '29L
and Robert M. Kerr, '29L, of the The W eather
Story club.


The College of Architecture will
hold their annual May Party on May
11 at Barbour gymnasium, it has been
announced by Charles Coolidge, '28A,

(By Associated Press)
Increasing' cloudiness followed by
rain today or tomorrow; somewhat
warmer today.




chairman of publicity for the event. "My message is to the youth of
In-- a previous announcement regard-
ing the party, which appeared some- America," said Count Hermann Key-!
time ago in The Daily, the statement serling. "At the present moment, the
covering the style of design for the American nation occupies the most
decorations of the pauty was incorrect unique position in the history of the
as was the spelling of the name of world in that the people do not real-
the creator of the design. The Daily ize, or desire to take advantage of
ishies to correct its error and to their pre-eminent position among the
state that the winning design by Alex- nations of the globe. The next gen-
is Lapteff, 29A, Is "A Terrace of Old eration will find that it has to face
Inca," the setting being of the very the greatest crisis ever faced by a
colorful architecture of that time and new generation-that of deciding the
location. There will be an exhibition future of 'a nation which holds the
ofuur toe competitiondrawingslfortth
of the competition drawings for the world's destiny in its hand as the most
setting-of the party o the window of powerful of nations. This power may
Graham's State Street book store next prove either one of two things-that
week.[America will be a great benefit to the
Two or three excellent orchestras worid, or that it will be a great dan-
are under consideration but as yet wr!, o
the choice has not been made. The Count Keyserling regards the pre-
sale of tickets for the eighteenth an- sent American idea in regard to pow-


as Martin W. Littleton concluded his dismissal of President Kenyon L. i
closing arguments he made an im- Butterfield of the Michigan S'tate Gol-
passioned plea that the jury find Sin- ! lege by the state board of agriculture
clair not guilty, not only for himself drew attention and discussion in statej
but for his family, who sat in the front circles today. It also brought startling-
row of the spectators' section. ly to the fore a program already par-,
FAC SG AVtially launched by Gov. Fred W.
FACES GRA VE!Green advocating more centralized
0OUNT KEYSERLING i direction of all state educational in-
his position with no thought as to its While the governor refused to com-
potentialities, and goes ahead, worry- I ment on the board's action further
ing most ovei' his own pi'ivate con- than to indicate he was "watching the
cerns. "America is too self-centered, situation, other state officers took]
and it is up to the young people in rigid stands. Son-e lauded the boardt
the colleges and school to awaken an for its action; others criticized, not
interest in world affairs and make the so much for the current incident
American, nation more politically [as the fact that there has been fre-
minded-that which it certainly is not ; quent flareups in the past years in
today." connection with the administration
As an example, Keyserling pointed (of the college. It was only a few
out the American newspapei. "Amer- years ago that former Pres. David
ican advertising is wonderful, it is Friday was dismissed. A bitter con-
marvelous, it embodies the whole idea troversy proceeded and followed that
of America," he said, "but the news action.
columns attach more importance to It was suggested in some quarters
local news and not the world news. that there n'ay be a movement de-
as do the continental papers." The signed to either alter the complexionj
newspaper can play an important part of the state board or to provide for
in awaking America to its great crisis a new body similar to the board ofj
of deciding the fate of the world by regents of the University of Michigan
subordinating local news to world Iwhich would supervise all state edu-

It was just 86 years ago, in 1842, parent society.
that there gathered in a small and IAdeiphi House of Representatievs
thtshe ateredom nMa nmall a originated as a literary society, which
freshly painted room in Mason Hall a met fon the purpose of reading a pub-
group of young men who strongly felt lication called the Hesperian, the con-
the need of a public speaking society tents of which consisted of editorials,


to provide an outlet for their ora-
torical expression. This organization,
then called Phi Phi Alpha, is the
forerunner of the present Adelphi
House of Representatives. A unifi-
cation of Adelphi and Phi Phi Alpha
gives to Adelphi the distinction of be-
ing the oldest organization now ex-
isting in the University, as well as
the first forensic society in the state
of Michigan.
Phi Phi Alpha was in- reality the

philosophical observations, and elo-
quent poetry.
In order to revive the waning in-
terest of the students, women werej
introduced into the organization in
1871. The male membership immedi-
ately increased.
The topics debated by the society inj
those years were of a momentous'
chqracter. Two prize examples were:I
"Resolved: That There Was a Rain-
bow Befo'e the Flood;" and, "Resolv-
ed: That the Mississippi River Flows


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