THE IMtH1AN DAILY p -,FOURTEEN CIRCUIT RUNS LEAD 1 TO HEAVY SCORING IN MAJORS; DETROIT WINSFROM ST. LOUIS ea __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ -Unusually heavy hitting and fre- .Holloway for Detroit; Gray, Nevers, quent home runs made it necessary( Beck for St. Louis. jo use a liberal inmber of pitchers in ' the Big League baseball games yes- Home Runs--Williams, Boston; terday. Ten home runs in the Na- Ruth, New York; Sturdty, St. Louir; tiTonal Leagute and four in the Am- Easterling, Detroit. erican League, brought the total nuzm- ; ber of circuit drives to fourteen. 'Nationial Teague Pennock for the Yankees and Wilt- Boston 010 114 010 1--9 16 1 se for Boston were the only pitchers New York 0005 003 000 0-8 9 2 ~~to stay. on the mound for the full nine Pitchers: Genewich, Brandt for innings. Pennock held the Red Sox Boston; Ciantwell, Faulkner for New to two runs while his teamin mates an- York. n exedl 7 counters. The Boston Braves and the Giants Cincinnati 000 000 000--0 2 1' ~were forced to play ten innings be- Chicago 250 103 100-13 21 0 fore they were able to dlecide their Pitchers:' Lngiua, Jabonowski, ash game in New York. One run in the for Cincinnati; B'lake for Chicago. tenth gave the Braves a 9 to 8 vic- tory. Detroit took a close game from St. Louis 001 055 200-13 17 1 St. Louis, 9 to 8. Pittsburgh 022 013 020-10 14 2 The Red Sox won the first game of Pitchers: Frankhouse, Tittledhon, a. double header from New York in Sherdel for St.JLouis; Hill, Dawson, .th~e morning;, 7 to 6. Brome, Spencer for Pittsburgh. Anierican ~Leaguei Chicago 000 000 200-2 8 2 Philadelphia 110 007 00x-9 12 1 rdCleveland 004 010 04x-9 15 2 Brooklyn 000 220 100-5 11 ,'I Pitchers: Barnahe, Cox 'tor Chi- Pitchers: Ring, .Sweetland forj cago; Hudlin for Cleveland. Philadelphia; Elliott, Ehrhardt, Moss New 'York 032 020 xxx-7 11 1 for Brooklyn.q Boston 010 100 xxx-2. 6 0' Pitchers:]1ennocl( for New York; Homne runs:Leach, Harm'an, Bras- Wiltse for Boston. sler, Philadelphia; J. Kelley, Wilson, Detroit 300 410 100-9 7 2 2, Chicago; Grantham, Pittsburgh;l S 4. Louis 012 220 100-8 6 4 Elliott, .1 rooklyn; Reese, New Yor7k; A Personal Invitation 3s offered to you y "".,./", I",/, I I"r, I".~1r" A n K J~. '. './~ll./.IJ, 1./.Y~",/".Il.IJl././".rI.I.; y by the Chubb House to enjoy the varieties of its meals, the excellent: serv ice and pure food, The Chuhb- House is note to be one of the mnost sanitary eating places in Ann Arbor, m. j ( j OSTUMES for architects' ball, made, LASt1 IE IE3ai ?'ed ~r pulin,351 ACVertiSing illsda'e Drive. Dial 3581. 148-49-50Q-5i ITypewriter Ribbons and Car~ons L.ET'$ 00 CANOEINGA C; The best you can buy. Always fresh,. t________________ Rider's Pen Shop C NtOTI C>E H. W. CLARK'S GOLF' SHOES are a TYPEWI{RITER, SERVICE' blessing to golfers who are afflict- All makes. No better skill found any- edI with tired, aching feet. They where. Prompt service. rest your feet while playing. Cost Rider's Pen Shop rho more than ordinary golf shoes. Phone 8950 C, Golf shoes for men and women, Corner of Forest and South U. TYPING-.Theses a specialty. Rea- Only one store-cannot be bought sonable rates. M. V. Hartsuli. elsewhere. Handmade. Yes, we Dial 9387. C--77-180 d1o repairs c NOIC-W by ensclothing. Typewriters For Rent PnOIEW umen'1.11 .WshigtnGood machines, your favorite make. PhnSt 10 . WashFi-Snto Rider's Pen Shop s1 . We-r- u- Phone 8950 C AREMARKABLE SALE OF TWO- TROUSER SUITS AT $24.50. Portable Typewriters-Yewv or Used VALUES UP TO $45.00 IT WILL pay yo t to come to, Royal This sale is another demonstration headquarter's and see the Now of this store's supremacy in extreme( Royal portable before you buy. This FOR RENT--1 single room for No '^ther roomers in house; e: tional location. Iquire 810 Ch Mrs. Emma Bunting. 19 OR St ALE FOR SALE- !Wood for stove and place. Also potatoes and vegel. SPhone R. E. Wagner, 2-2413 or FUR RENT-© South State, studio. Call ble FRATERNITY and room ing 0.' T. Albro, 106 East Plione 5800. 3 WANTEDJ WANTED-A couple of men wit] two, Inummers' experience selling for summer, employment. $500 plu 501 per cent commission. Call Roon .06, Michigan~ Union, Wednesda3 April 25, from 1-4. 47-5 JANITOR or porter work in' private home or fraternity house. Call Bil Robinson. Dial 6759. 146-7-. Ioqrd by Day or by Wee k CHUBB HOUSE 209 SOUTH STATE STREET as, an ext raordlinary buying opportu- nity among men andl college, men whio know real clothes-value. The collegian suits in- the large assort- ment are designed iand styled in the newest and most authentic models from ail attractive variety ot+ all-wool fabrics. Thiey are distinguished by expert tailoring and careful finish- ing. Early selection is advised. THE; FAIR 200 N. Main St. c L)aUY 4MJy ai is aireaay oIutseLLU j all other makes of portable. "Some Baby." Rider's Pen ShopI Authorised Dealers in Royals C~ WANTIRD-Students to know that o holand ~rymethiods give yo LaundtT, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. j .. TYPEWRITERS-Sales and Service. C'All makes, large and portable, bought, sold, rented, repaired'. Our~ machines and work guaranteed. In business since 1908. Q. Dl. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C ~OST WST---Will party who took two'" blankets by mnistakte from Calki 'Fletcher, please return. Calki Fletcher. LOST-"Dutchess," black and wl bird dog. J. R. Collins on na plats. Call Rlobison, _.2-1417. ward. 1 Subscribe For The Weekly. HAVE you get your orchestra for Fountain Pen Repairing fyour spring parties? If not, iry Our skilled Penmakers Service Cooper's Colorerl Wolverine Stomp- (you no more. The only logical ers. Dial 21118 and ask for Cooper.LI to have your pen repaired. 148-49-50 Rider's Pent Shop costs place fltclle s: "Billings. smith. Gibson, I Farrelly, New York. Cl J4TA~TN GO 0ENI _, ........... ... $ ,. %J} t ON STATE STREET ~stablished 1888 Ag f / 4 a 6 4 a &r E 4 4 A s ii a a w a r ' ! F t .:::: . ; - ... . i Correct Sportswear-, This spring convervativeness in sportswear will be evidenced amClonl7g betrdsedmenC9 p. 1 These camels' hair knickers in plain of tan are in extremely good taste. FLANNEL TROUSERS 8.00 to 12.00 FLANNEL SPORT J ACKETS, LEATHER WIND; -BREAKS KN CKRS 80,0 to 12.00 3 400' _ s WtX1HIPCOR i~BREECHES SLIPOVER SWEATERS 4.5:0 5.00 IMPORTED GOLF HOSE 3.00 to 8.00, SPORT SHOES 1Q000& 12.00