ESTABLISHED 1890 4V Zrh I mill MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXVIII, NO. 148. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1928. EIGHT FAMOUS GERMANI I R AI DELIVRS TALK COUNT XEYSERLIN% DECLARES WORMY IS FACED BY GREAT CRISIS SPEAKS ONMANY TOPICS I Says han Has Become Leading Fossil. Of Planet And That Meaner Forms Must Die "Man has become the leading fossil of the planet, and the meaner forms must die unless they prove of service,' as has always been the case," said Count Herman Keyserling last night. "For centuries, man has been grop- ing for a place in the world, and the position of man in the universe has changed. Now he feels himself not the child of nature as he really is, but, that he is the ruler of nature," th philosopher continued in his talk last night in Hill auditorium. To continue, he made the outspoken statement that the world is now fac- ing the greatest crisis in a long per- iod-probably the greatest crisist since the Flood. Now man considers, himself the sovereign of nature and has no feeling of submission. But we1 show no achievements, we have no, great art or other things we should have, for we are specialists and have t very few developed personalities. DiscusseS ProgressE "Progress has a meaning only when a applied the intellect, and progressf depends on the intellectual develop-1 ment. If so, we are an uncultivatedt people, for progress since the eight- eenth century has been technical and1 intellectual progress," was his firstc statement of point. The present civ- ilization stands in line on one pla-e of animal evolution. We are not so cultivated for progress has stayed on animal lines, and not on the intellec-t tual. Materialism is the 61irit of the age, and the Count mnentioned that the materialism in this country was; one of things which most attacted his attendance here when he came.t There are few dominant ideas in thist age to show any form of progress.S "There has been no progress, butt that which we call 'Progress' is but rejuvenation," he stated to emphasizeI his attitude. We have no new ideas, but what we call new are old onesa rejuvenated. As an example, the un- settled attitudes of the present ageI were mentioned. "It is nothing but the old nomadic urge," he said. The present urge for the music of thet colored man is but a showing of theI primitive urge in every man. Fase-f ism and Bolshevism, the Chinese wars and the other changes in government are indicative of the instinct, age- old, to change and seek better andt more powerful things. Speaks On Education Count Keyserling came close to the1 college audience when he made thec statement, in connection with his dis-t cussion, that one of the main reasons1 that "there were so many educated per-c sons tese (ay as tat th aets sott e ed y a h t t e p r n s(didn't know what to do with their I children so they sent them to college.t le mentioned that the colleges were now turning out graduates like Ford cars, but that they did little. "We must try t solve problems from the inside and not the outside now" he said in changing the line of thought.I He pointed out that the period of the seventeenth to the twentieth cen-I turies was a period of great mechan-I ical development, but that in that time, no great intellectual progress, was made; hence, no progress had been made, when using his idea ofI progress. The present day man is of a much lower type than his predece's-1 sors.c Material Age Is PastI The second and the more cheering was that of the grouping for the spirit1 of intellectual advancement-the great- prize of the world race. "We have passed the material age and now must go on. What we want is the domina- tion of man combined with spiritual advancement. We must now seek understanding, and a harmonious re-c lation between the inner and outer.I We may then regain a sense of pro- gress on. a higher level. It will be1 the age of the Holy Ghost. Now we t have achieved only the new animal7 life, but now we must start to buildi the new basis of life. It will be per-I sonal - personal understanding and thought which will bring this to pass," lhe concluded. j GROUP RECTIFIES ERROR REGENTS TO VOTE ON NEWCOLLEGE The University College project, al- ternately studied, approved, and re- jected by various faculty groups and adniistrative Officials, will go to the Board of Regents next Wednesday, April 25, it was announced by Presi- dent Clarence Cook Little yesterday. Committees representing the literary college and engineering college faculties, which groups rejected the plan, will be allowed to submit their views. The Regents will also take up at the April meeting the question of the budget and of appointing a dean for the Colleges of Eugineering and Architecture. Dean Mortimer Cooley of these colleges will retire in June. Preliminary meetings of the Regents' budget committee will take place to- day and tomorrow. TESTIMONY, TAKING IN OI0L TRIAL CONCLUDED PRESIDENT C. C. LITTLE ADDRESSE AMERI.CAN\ \LL REOUTOAY SN DELIVERS PRINCIPAL SPEECH CONCLUDING SESSIONS OF MEETINGS AT i NEW OFFICERS SELECTED" Little Scores Patriotic Organizations For Falling To Face Issues Of Present Day Scoring American and American pa- triotic organizations for not being willing to face the real issues of the present day world, President Clarence Cook Little made the print- cipal speech at the Annual Banquet of the state organization of the Sons of the American Revolution, held at the Union last night. This event inarked the close of the annual meeting of the Michigan so- ciety, which held its business session at the University this afternoon. Lee M. Hutchins, of Grand Rapids, was elected president for the ensu- ing year, to succeed the retiring head, Rev. Joseph A. Vance, of De- troit. Francis C. Campbell, of De- troit, was elected first vice-president, while Milton E. Osborn, from Lansing, was placed in the second vice-presi- dent's position. Dr. Wilbert B. H-ins- dale,tcustodian of Michigan archaeol- ogy of the University museum, re- ceived election to the post of histbr"- ian. Testimony Rested After Witnesses Stand State Oil1 Magnate's Reputation Honest On, WITNESS DENIES BRIBING WASHINGTON, April 19- The tak- ing of testimony in the conspiracy trial of Harry F. Sinclair was con- cluded today after defense suddenlyl rested its case after placing on thel stand character witnesses who said the oil magnate's reputation for hon- esty and fair dealing was good. 4Hutchins Opens Prograin The action was most surprising to President Hutchins opened the pro- the government prosecutors who had gram last night with a tribute to Rev. Vance, the retiring president, expected a long deposition taken by 'who was not in attendance last night. Sinclair's counsel from Albert B. Fall, President Little devoted the major former secretary of the interior, would portion of his speech to an analysis be introduced and that Sinclair might of where modern America was head- testify in his own defense. The de- ing. "Lincoln," he said," never went out of his way to avoid an opponent, ppsition was not produced, defense surely Roosevelt never dodged an is- counsel said, because evidence which sue, and this society is founded to it had been epected the government commemorate our ancestors who left would introduce was not offered. a country because they would not Closing arguments will be made ignore an existing condition, why, tomorrow, with the prospects that then, do we today shrug our should- the case will veach the jury by noon ers at the terrific problems facing Saturday. America? Such important matters Defense counsel announced that of race assimilation, of religious un- Sinclair was not placed on the stand derstanding and toleration, and our because M. C. Eberhart, of Pueblo, appalling prohibition tangle are Colorado, son-in-law of Fall, had told troubles we are seemingly afraid to the story of the liberty bond trans- tackle.'' actions between the two principals as j Going on to mention the great the oil man himself. changes that were occurring in this Eberhart as a government witness, country, President Little spoke de- had admitted receiving from Sinclair ploringly concerning the lack of pro- for Fall $233,500 in bonds and $35 - per recording given them. He said 000 in cash, which he contended was that small and petty matters were in payment for a third interest in receiving too much wrangling, and Fall's ranch holdings. The govern- asked if "it is not time now to stop ment has maintained the sum con- this quibbling and take a few more stituted a bribe to Fall in return for ichances such as the founders of this the Teapot Dome lease. R. W. Rag- country did. We have made possible land, of Sinclair's counsel, filed be- Chicago's mayor because of our gen- fore Justice Jennings Bailey some eral character." time ago an affidavit setting forth that Beal Enumerates Problems Fall would tell the same story of the Junius E. Beal, regent of the Uni- receipt of the bonds if allowed to versity, enumerated in his speech the testify. problems that the Sons of the Amer- As soon as the defense concluded lcan Revolution might set aside for Owen J. Roberts, special government itself to discuss, and urged he adop- pi oecuoroffred bref efualI tion of general discussion cessions to pirosecutor, offered a brief refutal, consisting chiefly of documents, and air these subjects. Professor Arthur then requested the court to permit S. Aiton, of the history depatment,i him to call attention to the failure spokeon "Michigan in the American of the (defense to introduce the Fal Reolvution," and Dr. Ward Holt, of (leposition. Justice Bailey took this Detroit, national trustee, read a paper under advisement and will move on it on the present conditions needing tomorrow morning. remedying in this country. During the course of the evening medals were 1-JAIES TO MEET awarded to members of the society AINE TEET who participated in the World war. OPERA AUTHORS President Hutchins concluded his duties as toastmaster by asking that Following close upon the announce- each chapten represented in this an- ment of cast registrations for the nual meeting adopt a resolution of 1928 Union opera, next week, Donal appreciation and thanks to the Wash- Hamilton Haines has announced that tenaw chapter, which was host for the he will meet all prospective authors day in Ann Arbor. The banquet was of ,opera books at 4 o'clock next immediately preceded by a reception Wednesday afternoon, April 25, in at the Union.f Room 304 of the Union. At this time, general directions concerning the Tthe books for the next Mimes production of a Union opera will be discussed and Mr. Haines will give directions S (By Associated Press) concerning form and other necessary Fair today followed by showers to- particulars. morrow; slowly rising temperature. ANNUAL CURRENT EVENTS CONTEST IS SCHEDULED TO BE HELD TODAY With local prizes aggregating $250 of the second examination. Hereto- and a grand prize of $500 to go to the fore, the winners of the local con- national winner, the New York Times tests at each of the 20 competing col- Intercollegiate Current Events con- leges. and universitie's were required test will hold its local examination to take a second examination to de- from 2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon in termine the winner of the grand prize. Room 18 Angell hall. The contest This year, the winning paper from this year is the third annual one to each school will be forwarded to the be held under the auspices of the Executive committee of the Council Times. and the final award made. There have been several changes in The examination will be three the rules governing the contest this hours in length, one hour being al- yeaf, in an effort to attract more stu- lotted to the factual part and two dents to compete. One of the most hours to the essay part. important changes was the splitting Although students who expected to SFORZA PREDICTS PEACEFUL EUROPE "Present Europe, despite consider- able diplomatic trouble, is on the way to a united Europe of tomor- row," stated Count Carlo Sforza, for- nrer Italian Minister of foreign af- fairs, ambassador to France, and member of the Italian senate prior to the Fascist regime, in a lecture yesterday afternoon in Natural Sci- ence auditorium. He was speaking on "Whither Goes Europe? Toward Union or War?" "For the first time," he said, "there are two prominent factors which are bound to have an effect on Euro- pean policy in the near future. The working classes and the aristocracy are both against war; they are be- coring more intellectual and strife in the future will be settled by di-. plomacy rather than by forceful means." Count Sforza spoke extensively on the conditions of France and Ger- many following the war and of the new spirit of union which is growing throughout Europe as a result of the late war, in place of the former spir- it of settlement of troubles by means of force. UENON BUTTERILDf EXPECTEDTO RESIGN'l 'Two Members of M. S. C. Faculty Are Ousted By State Board In President's Absence RECEIVES EXTRA LEAVE The resignation of President Kenyon L. Butterfield, of Michigan State Col- ege, is expected immediately upon his receiving the news of the arbitrary dismissal of Dean John Phelan and J. D. Willard, director of continuing education, from the college payroll 'y the state board of agr/iculture Dean Phelan and director Willard were two of President Butterfield's most ardent supporters. President Butterfield, so far as had been determined, had not been informed of the board's action, since it the present he is enjoying a leave of absence in the Holy Land. The 'ard also extended President But- 'erfield's leave, without his consent, from May 1 until July 1. This double plow adninistered against the Butter- field regime is expected to exact the president's immediate resignation. By extending Dr. Kenyon L. But- temfield's leave of absence until July 1, the state board of agriculture Wed- aesday indicated quite definitely that Michigan State college probably will have a new president next fall. The extension was unsolicited and it was interpreted to be a lefthand nvitation from the board to Dr. But- terfield to tender his resignation. The president now is returning from a missionary conference in the Holy Land and will face the board at its May meeting. ORATORICAL BODY MAY AMEND LAW A meeting was called yesterday by the Oratorical Board, to vote on a proposed amendment to the Consti- tution of the Oratorical association, i'hursday afternoon April 26, in oom 3209 Angell Hall. The proposed amendment is: "All nominations foi election to the office of president, vice-president, se- cretary and treasurer of the Oratori- cal association, must be made by the nominating committee of the'Oratori- cal Boaid. STARRETT WILL ATTEND MEETING Choice of John Starrett, '28E, to represent the UJniversity at the North- western Student congress to be held today and tomorrow at Evanston, Ill., was ;announced yesterday by Court- land C. Smith, president of the Stu- dent council. The Northwestern Stu- dent ccngress, held in the past for students of Northwestern university alone, has been extended this year to include delegates from a large num- ber of colleges and universities. Top- ics similar to those generally dis- cussed at such meetings, such as the honor system, student council organ- ization, and campus problems of a general nature, will be taken up at the session. - HOUSE CONTINUES FLOOD BILL TALK WASHINGTON, April 19-Triangu- lar flurries of negotiotions, swinging around the White House as a pivot,j brought the House compromise on the UEST AT LAW CLUB EVENTS WILL GATHER FOR SESSIONS TODAY PROGRAMIS OF FUNCTIONS WILL BEGIN WITH CASE CLUB FINAL ARGUMENTS FEAD AND TUTTLE ATITEND Kerr And Johnson Of Story Club Are To Meet Christensen, Miller Of Holmes Club Prominent guests from many parts of the country will gather here' today with the faculty of the Law school, members of the Lawyer's club, and many others from the Law school to commenimorate the sixth annual F'ounder's day in honor of the donor of thcl Lawyer's club, William W. Cook, '81. Among those who will be in Ann Arbor today for the occasion will be the honorable Silas H. Strawn, noted Chicago lawyer and president of the American bar association, Chief Justice Lewis H. Fead, 'OOL, of the Michigan Supreme court, and Judge Arthur H. Tuttle, '95L, of the Federal court at Detroit. To Hear Arguments The program of the day's functions will begin at 2:15 o'clock with the hearing of arguments for the case club finals in the lounge of the law- yer's club, appropriately decorated for the trial to resemble a regular court room. Strawn, Judge Fead, and Judge Tuttle will compose the bench to hear the case. On one side in the case will be George B. Christensen, '29L, and William A. Miller, '29L, of the Holmes club, while Robert M. Kerr, '29L, and James . Johnson, '29L, of the Story club will oppose them. $150 in prizes will be dis- tributed to the contestants, $50 apiece. to the winners and $25 apiece to the other pair. The awards are made pots- sible through the fund established by the Detroit law firm of Campbell, Bulkley, and Ledyard, in memory of Henry M. Campbell, '08. . The case to be discussed is iden- tified with the one used in the trials of the case clubs. It centers about the heirs of a fiancee whose lover had deeded his property to her before leav- ing for the war with the verbal agree- ment that when he returned the prop-- erty should be transferred back to him. The fiancee dies and when he returns her heirs refuse to recognize the oral agreement previously made. The man sues for the transfer. Bates i IToastmaster Dean Henry M. Bates will be the toastmaster at a banquet to be held tonight in the refrectory of the Law- yer's club. The main address of the occasion will be delivered by Strawn but a number of other guests will be called upon for speeches, including Judge Tuttle and Fead. As a special feature of the ban- quet, ornamental watch charms will be presented to those graduating Law students who have been in residee at the Lawyer's club -for at least two years. This is 'anew idea developed by the administration of the club with Ethe idea that some special insignia shall be awarded all future lawyers who become members of the club. CHOOSE DELEGATE FOR CONVENTION Ellsworth M. Brockway, '30E, will represent the University chapter of Scabbard and Blade, national honor- ary military fraternity, at the six- teenth annual national convention of the society to be heldaat Columbus, Ohio, on April 2, 27, and 28, it was announced yesterday. It is expected that more tlan 200 delegates from 40 states will attend the convention, and ' ang the prominent men expected to b) present are Major General Charles Summerall, chief of staff of the United States army. CRIPPLED BREMEN WAITS FOR PARTS (By ssociated Press) MURRAY BAY, Quebec, April 19 - A week has passed since the Junkers monoplane dropped down onto Greenly island in the Straits of Belle Isle after making the first non-stop aero- plane voyage across the North At- lantic frpm east to west, and it will probably haveto stay therecanother four or five days before it can con- tinue to New York. Major James Fitzmaurice, the Irish member of the crew, was waiting here today for a relief plane from Detroit, expected tomorrow, to take back to the island the spare pants with which to repair the Bremen, damaged in landing. He was eagerly waiting to rejoin his German companions, Bara Ehrenfeld von Huenefeld and Capt. Hermann Koehl, who stayed on the island when he flew out to civilization for aid, COUNCIL NAMES DATEA FOR ALL NOMlNATIONSi Candidates For Next -Year's Student Council May Be Placed On - Ballot, By Petitions1 CAMPUS TO VOTE MAY 9' Nominations bypetition formom- bers ofl next year's Student council may now be made, accorling to an announcement yesterday by Courtland C. Smith, '28, president of the coun- cil. Such petitions must contain the names of 10 per cent of the students of all schools and colleges on the campus, and must be in the hands of Smith by Saturday noon, May 5. The all-campus election at which { time the candidates. will be voted upon will take place on Wednesday, May 9. Tie regular nominations for these positions will be made by the Student council nominating committee next Wednesday night, in accordance with 1 the constitution of the council. The committee, announced by Smith yes-. terday, includes Jo Chamberlin, '28, William Jeffries, '28, Henry Grinnell, '28, John Snodgrass, '28E, John Gil- martin, '28E, and Smith.1 Nominations made by this commit- tee will automatically be placed on the ballot, together with all nominations made by petition.1 Nominations for president of next year's council will be made by the present council as a whole at its meet-.. ing of May 2. At this time at least two and not more than three men will be chosen as candidates for this po-, sition, with the council voting by secret ballot on the names presented. In no case are nominations for presi-i dent of the council allowed to be made by petition, since the constitu- tion of the council precludes the pos- sibility of such priocedure., There will be three junior members and three senior members of the Stu-' dent council chosen at this time. LOCATE SUPPLIES IN HIDDEN REGION (By Associated Press)) MANAGUA, Nic., April 19.-Reports from the district east of Queleli be- tween the Jicaro and Coco river, states that marine patrols have un- earthed caches of supplies at a num- her of points indicating that the Sandino rebels have been planning to congregate in that region. Forty tons of corn were found in one place as well as blankets, cooking utensils and some ammunition.} Five patrols operating in that region during the past weeks engaged a num- ber of small bands of rebels. The marines believe that Augusto Sandino, the rebel leader, either is hiding in the wilderness in that region ox is working through toward the Hond- uran border. JIAWKiEYES ILL CONFERE-NCE CVIRiRENT ENTER F GAME OF YEAR IOWA BASEBAL TEAM JO ME E MICHIGAN TO0l TW00OD WILL HURL GAM Battle Of Pitchers Is Expected Wit Asbeck As Probable Woverie Mound Selection Michigan, victorious in its first tw Conference opponents by overwhelm ing scores, will attempt to keep it record clear when it meets Iowa, co holdor of the Western Conferenic title with Illinois in 1927, and deem ed one of the chief contenders fo: first place honors this Year, today o south Ferry field. The game will b called promptly at 4:05 o'clock. The game today will -nirark the firs Big Ten start for the Hawkeyes thi season, their scheduled contest witi the Illini at Iowa City last Saturda: being postponed on account of in clement weather. On the souther] training trip, however, the Iowan made the best record ever compile by a Hawkeye nine on a Dixie ton The team won five out of seve games, scored 36 runs, and punde the rival pitchers for 57 hits as a gainst the 15 runs and 40 hits regis tered by opponents. Coach Otto Vogel will pit a well balanced team against the Wo4ve ines, a nine that has batting punch fielding ability and pitching strentlj Their victorious southern tour -an these facts presage that the Hawk oyes will test the Wolverines, Wy, have run rouglishod 'over their 44t two opponents, to the utmost, Io-Aa Brings Veterans Five veterans of last year chmp lonship team will be in the Iowa line ip against the Maize and Blue nitN today. The lettermen in tfie startin lineup will be Capt. Terry, right fleld er, Blackford, second basema Thompson, catcher, and Twgqo% pitcher. A pitchers' duel is expected to de velop between Twogood, the HIawk eyes' portsider, and Freddy Asbeck who hurled a sensational two-hi game against Northwestern last Mon day. Twogood has control, a varlet: of grooves, and speed that is repute to be the most tremendous in th Big Ten this year. Twogood, who was the Hawkeye' basketball captain during the recen season, hurled a notable contest a .gainst Tulane on the, spring trainin jaunt when he yielded the Southern ers but two hits. But whethe Twogood can hold the Wolverin "murderers row," which has assauLt ed five enemy twirlers for 30 hits I1 two games in check, will remain matter of conjecture until the gam starts today. Iowa Stars At Bat If Iowa has any edge over the o. verines, it is atabat, for the Hawkeye had a team,, average ol .300 for th seven games on the southern tri while the- Wolverine batsmen estat lished a team average of .20 In a equal number of contests. In the tw games here this weekc against tim Wildcats and Bolermakrs, tiro Maize and Blue hitters proved cor elusively that it has heavy batter from the top to the boton of th batting order. Rath, sophomore left fielder, i Iowa's leading batting threat to dat He appeared at the plate 21 times o the Iowans' trip through the Sout and connected safely for nine time for an average of .380. Other slu gers on the Hawkeye nine are Cap Terry, who poled out nine hits in 3 times at bat in. the pre-season game: Sahs, sophomore first baseman, an Blackford, second sacker. Coach Ray L. Fisheir announce yesterday that aside from Asbeck tb Michigan line-up will be the sam as that which faced both Northwes ern and Purdue. Terrific gales an near freezing temperatures forced tb Wolverine squad to complete its pre, parations for today's encounter- i Yost field. house yesterday afternoo STUDENTS HEAR A HEA "The Business of Gas and Its Futui ,Development" was the topic taken b Frank W. Steere, '12, vice presiden of the Semet-Solvay Engineering coy poration and president of the Mich gan Gas association in speaking las night at an engineering smoker in ti Union. QE.IT CINIJ(1ID fPATi nATI FOURTEENTH MICHIGAN RADIO NIGHT PROGRAM TO GO ON AIR OVER WWJ A select group of musical interims school here. and three addresses will comprise the Prof. Henry Hutchins, of the Eng- fondtreenth Michigan Night radiospro- lish department, will be the third { ~speaker on the p)rogram. Professor ramtobeHouacast over station Hutchins will tell the radio audience WWJ, the Detroit News, between.'7 what characteristics make a reader and 8 o'clock tonight, according to of fiction an ideal reader. He. will Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric de- also consider some phases of modern partment, who is program manager fiction. and anouncer of the current radio- A duet by Thelma M. Bolin, '29 as casts. Mi-iri, and . James Hamilton, of the Hugh Cabot, dean of the Medical School of Music, as Rudolfo, entitled school, will discuss appendicitis as it "A Scene from the Opera LaBoheme," is suposed to effect children at an will be the first musical number on early age, as the first of the three the program. This will be followed addresses. Dr. Cabot, in a recent con- by "Hear Ne Ye Wind and Waves," versation with Mr. Abbot deplored sung by Julius Niehaus, SM. A duet, the fact that children are frequently "Solenne in Quest' Ora,"' from the rushed into operations for appendi- Opera Forza del Desdino, sung by citis unnecessarily, and chose this as Herman Hildner, S'M, and Mr. Ham,- t , [I