THE MICHIGAN D.,-iLY I LY OFFICIAL BULL IThursday, and Friday of this week in the lobby of Tniv}rsity Hall. This will Tbe the last opportunity to purchase them. J br osh #Seniors: members of 1A Mr. Coleman of the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company will interview \eNwemers' Seefioil, Faculty Women's Clb: The New vcomers' Sction of the Faculty \Women l's Club1 wll ha1ve ia card party- at 2:30 o'clock; this afte-rnoon at Betsy Barbhour hojise. All llowcOIIWVI are cordially invited. Those who dec not (lsroplaly bridg~e 1mayv bring thir sewing. 1lccagaet "t*Kii lDuren, S:ecre ta.i' W .:_... u W.. llication in the Bunll-tin is construictive notice to all U'niversity. Copy received by the Assistant'to, the Pr( i0 p.m. (11:20 a~m., Saturday.) esident until fiutler 147. lure S. 'Il VISlAY, AP~RIL 1$). ice to All Seniors: The iploma fee (A' $10 and the certilficate fee of $2 are payable -now and y settlement thereof, by al procti uve graduates at the coming corn- icemen will be helpfiul. Over 2,000j diplomas mnust be lettered, signed, and ed. Shirley W. Sin it Ii, Secretary. the Presidents of Sororities and Fraternitfies: All1 fr aternrities which; have not already filed a list of members and ages for the :;econdl semes'ter with the office of the Dean of Students, Roam riversity Hall, are requested to (10so' before April 21, on a printed form e secuired from that offlice. J. A. Bursley, Dean. ul1ty, Colleges of Wngineering andi Architecture: There will be ,a meeting of the Faculty of these Clleges on Thursday, i1 19, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 343, West Engineering Building. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. All Tlelihoiie lIsrs: Will you ple a se c'ser ve the foillwing simple requirements when .apply- fo ra telephone or in the present installation c"' the telephone} are now using: 1. Submnit w-ritten rentuest to the Assitant Secreary of the University. 2. In the event that as a new installation is needed specify-(a) The aber of the .room in which it is to be installed and (b) the person under se name the phone will be listed in the directory. '. If 1tehe eent installation is to be changed specify- (a) Present number of telephone. (h) Room in which phone is now loca ted. (c) Change desired. 4. The standard cord length is six fe t. Special lengths are eight feet, feet, and 15 feet. Permission to use a" cord longer than 15 feet must come n the general offices of the telephone company-in Detroit. Everyone concerned will be saved much time if tbe'se simple directions followed. fllrrteii . Watkins, Assistant Secretary. lversity Lecture: Count Carlo Sforza, former Minister of Foreign Relations of Italy,' will, ver a lecture April 1P at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium upon subject, "Whither Goes Europe?, Towards Union or War?" The public -ordially invited. ;on of the Adjulnistr&ative iBoard: By action of the Administrative Board of the College of Literature, once, and the Arts, Mr. Walter J. Stenernageol has been suspended for the winder ofl the present semester and recorded E in Geography 33 because dishone'sty in a written examination in that course. W. . IL uniplreyxs, Assistant Dean. iless Adninistraiteu Lecture: Mr. William L. Davis, President of the William L. Davis & 'Company, In-, tmnent Banikers, Detroit, willi deliver a lecture Thursday, April 19, at 4:15 ock, in Room 20t Tappan Hall, on the subject--"Problems of the In- tmenit Banker." The public is invited. (lare E. Griffin. seniors interested in work leading to chain store management; positions, o1nn orA rt As iton Thursday, April 19. See Mr. Parker, Room 201 Mason hall for appointment. The Exhibition of Tibetan Sacred Banner 11aintings coPcs Sundlay, April IV. F. Pa~rer. "122 and closes Monday, April 30. The Sacred ArtTibe ''Ft is the workofLaa -t Artists living in the several monasteries and 'is ra~rely seen (outside of thet Seniors:! religious centers of the country. Mr. R. CG. Forshee, of the S. S. Kresge Company, will be in Room 304, Byrueeiz t. lDon"1ldson. Michigan Union for the entire (lay, Wednesday and Thursday, April, 18 and- 19 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, to interview students desiring permanent ABBOT ENDORSES EVENTS CONTEST positions. A usiy SADJUNCT TOLIBERAL EUAIN FJ.tA.Sp iiisli l cture:Em phatic endo sem ent of the New cevcuts w~ill then 1,e a girc t liic The ift lecureof he Scieadlispanica Series will b' given iby Pro-1 York Times current events contest as Thus it is important that students I esrArthur S. Aiton on Tuesday, April 24, at 4:15 o'clock. The subject an adjunct to a liberal education w as e ,cad the news of the dlay." of Prof essor Aiton's lecture will be "La SublevaeiQn dhe Tupac Amaru, el I given by Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, of the Thtiranulclrs 'h:e ultimo de los Incas."I rhetoric department and a member of Tetidana ots ilhv Ijulio tiel Totro. the local committee for the contest, in its local .examination from 2 to 5 ____________ an interview yesterday. o'cleck tomorrow after noon in Room" 1Spanish PMays: "Every real student should be in-iAgelhl. neouwllba- Rehearsal for all members of the cast of "L Plancha de la Marquiesa" terestedl in. the contest," he stated,lwelfrteaculpit0thcx today to 4 p.m., in Room 202 S. W. All taking part must be present. "andl it is a shame that more stu- Charles N. Staunhiacl. dents don't enter. For the past tw'o amination and two hours will be de-_ ________________years, less than 30 have enteredl. The voted to the ess;ay pl-t. Althiough ail Phiu Beta K1appat:l benefits would be greatly increased if I students who are exipecting to enter A special meeting will be held in, the office of the English Department,! a greater number of students were3thcoeswrenkdosihu «tl Room 2209 AngelI-Nall, today at 2 p.m., sharp, U., cosider the election of participating. the conmtetebre skedtonupithl one person whcsce name, by a clerical error, was omittedl from the list votedl I "Most: students excxuse their lack still be pcssible to enter. on last Tuesday.1 of knowledge of current events on the P.F e~urlSecretary. groundl that most of their time is U I E S T E spent on their text-books, and what'T I~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ vi ~ okTne uretEet ats ewspaper reading they do is practi- NTE R AIR ]iEE Th NvvYrkTie CrrntEens ,tctcllvy all confined to that of local news. I____ OP ENING NEXT TUES. A Comedy of Gorgeous Amusement -N. Y.Times. Comedy Club, The examination which will constitute the local contest at the University of Michigan will be .held Friday, April 20, from 2 to 5 p.m., in Room 18 Angell Hall. Each contestant is requested to bring a sealed envelope with a nom deC guerre written on the outside andl c2,ntaining a slip upon which his real name, -cass and address are written. All papers rerquired for the examina- tion will be furnished by the committee. E1verctt S. B1row ii. 'Students, as a rule, pay far too little The University of Michigan will be attention to what is going on in in- represented in the first intercolleg- ternational affairs. Reading of Only1iaeirmttobhldtMtcl, local news carries little value to= a Field, Junk 30, when ten colleges- of student seeking a thorough education ti onr ilcmoefrato for it has little significance oeutside cti onrywl optefrato that community. phy andI cash prizes offered by G rov- "The newspaper is esentially a culr- em' C. Leoning., rent history text and the news of to- Each flying chlub of the competing day will be history in years to come. colleges will enter three flyers, all I Ten or 15 years from now, such local of' whom must hold the F. A. I. pilots news and scandal which is at the license. Among .the ,unlgcsA at the focus of most students' attention will contest will be Col. Chiarles A. Lind- all have been forgotten. The con- Bergh and Cornelius Vanderbilt Whit- stant readting of worldly news and ney. , [, L r will p'resent LET GradalioniRecital: Virginia Tice, piano, or the seniorc 'Music will present her gradunation recital; Thursdlay evening, April 19, at 8 o'clock, Bach: Prelude and Fugue C sharpi No., 2-Allegro, Adagio, Allegretto; Gluck danslea ;' Liszt: ;Etude-Faux Fol Ic te; Rigaudon. class of the University School of at the School of MusicAuditorium as follows: minior;. Beethoven: Sonata Op. 31 Brahm: Gavatte; Debussy: Reflets Chopin: Ballade Op. 23; Raff: Diarles A. Sink. C lloquiuintitinApplied ieebafidiiiC: At the next meeting on Thursday, April 19, at 7 :30 p.m., in Room 248, West Engineering Buildling, Professor F. W. Pawlowski will 'speak on "The Torsional Strength and Rigidity of Mlulti-Spar Cantilever Wings o:f Airplanes." All interested are cordial-'y invitedl to attendl. NY. . (Coates. W",,,hamen's Educmational CIO): There will be a meeting of the 'Women's Educational Club at 4 o'clock Thursday, April 19, 1928, at the Faculty Women's Club, 226 South Ingalls Street. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss p~lan. fIcr the tea to be given -for school superintendents at the time of the Schoolmoasters' Clubl. All meifibers are r'equested~ to .attenil. fargaret (Clarke, President. Sigma Vaiii~tEpsilon: Sigma Gamma Epsilon will hold their monthly luncmheon Thursday noon, April 19, at 12: 15 p).m., at the Union. All member ::, shoulId be present. Rlph 4% .Taylor, Secretary. "ersity Lecture: Under the joint auspices of the UnvErsity, the Gardening Section of Faculty Women's Club, .and the Botanical Garden of the University, Liberty Hyde Bailey, formerly Dean of the New York State Colleg~e of iculture and formerdially invited. F. E. JRobbins. Advanced Students int Educnat ion: The preliminary 'exmjnatis* for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. in uation will be hield on Thursday, Friday, andl Saturday, May 10, 11, and 12, m 2 to , p.m. All iniiuasplanning to take these examinations shouldI imunicate with me at once. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF REALING - 2 Graduate Fellowships-5 Scholarship Rejailing is an attractive field for college gr iduates. == Experience in departmient stores is linked vvith Instruiction. 1= iMaster, of Seience in Retailing degree granted upon complet ion of oneI year of graduate work. - Illustrated booklet on request:. For further infornmation write- Dr. Norris A. Brisco, Director, New York Uniixersily School of Rtetaii- ig, Waishington Square East, i. Y. t11 NVOW TOPEN!I. 8 A. Mdo 11 P.M SAUNDERS CANOE LIVERY - On the Huron River at Foot of Cedar Street CORNWELL COAL-CO"KE, IFE Lynn Starl.ingk s Gay Farce with Phyllis Loughton Robert Wetzel Lorinda McAndrew TomDou gall Harland Cristy Richard Kurvinak Lilflian Setchell Thurston Them THE ('hristlaji Science Soiety: Christian Science Society of time University of Michigan meets tonight 7:30 o'clock in the Upper Room of Lane Hall. f, Alice Louise Fouich, Secretary. at Alpha Kappa l, eflta: The spring initiationi banquet has b~een postponed until Friday, May 4. The Secretary will communicate with members and initiates as to further ori WVooly, Chirmn,,iComittee on Graduate Work, 4,000 U.H.Q. particulars. Richard V. Futller, Presid ent. The last date uponwhc application to the Ccmbined Curricula for -1929 may be mdeis April 20. The blanks may be obtained in time order's Office, Room .4, hUiversity Hall. Florence Mohr i, Reco rder. omlity Exlierimen3t-Id y l)choigy 1: There will be a -grctip test rThursdlay, April 19, at 5 o'clock and Alon-_ April 23, at 4 ocok All ratings,;must be in Monday the 23rd, l.P. .swianum. Iota Sigma Pie: Business meeting from 7:30 p.m.., to 8 p.m., i Room 303 Chemistry, Thursday, April 19. At 3 o'clock, Prof. Sumeation will give an illustrated lec- ture concerning the historical development of chemistry. A nunmber of rare books on chemistry will be shown. 31label Miller. IClii Delta P111: 3 There will be a meetig tonight at 7:30 o'clock in Roonm 204 South Wing. He~len ' t.nmvi-ltubPresident.1 TUESDAY, APRIL 24 THRU Engneering Students:I Mr. Frank W. Steer, ice-President of Semet Solvay Engineering Coin- IScabbard' and Blade: any, will talk on "The lusns of Gas and Its Future Development," under There will be a meeting of a1l Scabbard and Bl1ade pledges at 7:30 the auspices of Aneri(-an Inst itute of Chemical Engineers, in Room 316, , o'clock tonight in the'R.O.T.C. Drill .Hall. 4ichigan Union,, Thursday., April 19, at 7:30. p.m., E 'in ~ut. I .3.Sciulder Grifing. Quadrangle: ienio1. Lids:' The meeting scheduled for ton ight has b~een postponed until further Senior Programs, Invitations, an(I Announcements will be on sale notice. II. P. Scett. 19271 CHEVROLETI COACHT $.495 THE SEASON IS HERE-IMPROVE YOUR TIME- This car has just, been. YOUR GAME-YOU HEALTH broken in nicely. 6400 Our Stock Is Complete miles. See it and save the3 difference. V '1I7 .&AWSHuron Valley Chevrolet SalesBO K TR Scranton, Pocahonitas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay arnd Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. THEATRE Seats by Mail Now, 75c Box Office Sale Opens Skiturdlay CORN WELL COAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office : 4351-4552 Yard Office : 5152 fi DANCE AT TH E MICHIGAN U',io TO THE MUSIC OF FRIDAY Ma PAUL OHMER and his ORCHESTRA SATvURDAYI 019 Under Personal Direction of DON LOOMIS I