THE MICHTGAN DATLY i 1 1 &A-A aiiA I A a.LVt ka 1_ La 1A Ar/ x ..n CLOTHI ILL BE HORSE APPE IN F NOTED FASHION CRITIC TELLS OF TREND By MISS ELSIE CARtEY Paris Fashion Critique Clothes of several various kinds will be worn by Michigan co-eds while canceing this spring on the Huron, it is believed by fashion critics of New York and Paris. With the pass- ing 'f winter it is deemed certain that fur coats, which achieved consider- able popularity thr. ugh the colder sea- son, will be discarded; and fur col- lars, ear muffs, and galo3hes will likewise be ossed into the ash can. Herman J. Schnizzleshweezer, famed French fashion critic, last week vol- unteered the information that rubbers will again be worn in wet weather. The rain-coat or slicker, so popular in the past, will not be worn for canoe- ing-at least on clear days, though clothing of other kinds may be in evidence. Boulevard Wear Optional t For wear on The Boulevard, no 'such ~Speaker Reports That Bribery Is Rife In League Bribery is rife in the Teacher's league! This startling announcement was made public yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Holen Shambaugh when she announced the purpose of the Wom- en's Educational club meeting this afternoon. For Tea is going to be served by the members of the club, many cf whom are prospective teach- ers, to the brawny and brainy mm-- hets of the Schoolmaster's club, next Thursday afternoon. According to Mrs Shamhaugh, as she told it to a Daily reporter, some of the women in the club who are en- rolled with the Bureau of Appoint- ments, (r which Mrs. Shambaugh is the Judge Landis, have had a hard time finding *suitable teaching jobs for next fall, and many are desirous of meeting state school men to have per- sonal interviews concerning positions. With this in mind, the club is now planning to soften the superintendents with tea and wafers and then beg for jobs. TO PLAN THIS ,BOLD MOVE, THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT 4 O'CLOCK THIS AFTERNOON at the Faculty Women's club room's at 22f Ingalls street, directly back of -1111 auditorium. Is Latest Oil Plot In addition to setting the minds of the prospective lady teachers in mo-' tion on this latest "OIL" plot, invi-J tations for the members to send to men whom they wish to see present will actually by distributed in public. o according tc Mrs. Shambaugh. In her : testimony, she stated that several of J the girls were anxious to meet cer- tain of the schoolmen whom they haQ' not yet had chance to meet for inter- viewing and that the clubwomen coulfa mail these to certain schoolmen Even at this early hour, it was an- nwcunced that invitstion's had be a mailed to all superintendents of th, J state! To- such depths are teachers"c leagues stoopin1g. e But the tea which will be given fronm a 3:30 o'clock to 5 o'clock next Thurs- day afternoon in Tappan hall will m probably be served, if the schoolmen c are both careful, and the furthering of r these nefai:icus plans will be accom-i plished this afternoon. (Honestly). t: PREXY'S WIFE - vt x TrTJ T AT'N SPEEDY CHIC BALL PLAYERS EGOA BEN SEASON WITH A BANG dre fi n. ite opinions were of fere d though Coach Otto Blemshnitz of Nor- mal College Fash- ion Parade (Ypsi- lanteye ) declared that "as in the past, choice o f clothing for such functions will. be largely a matter fqr milady's own, judgment and tem- perament." Other wet sug- gesions which have iilady 'tIHIl In preparation -for the resumption. of rehearsals during the coming week, prior to the special showing of the... .;::::- unior Girls' play, "For The Love of Pete," Friday, April 27, at the Whit- j iey theater, there will be a meeting oft all choruses at 5 o'clock tomorrow in R Harbour gymnasium.- Schedules for rehearsals wil be ar- j 1dne Vaiintz anged at this time, according to VeraJn ohnston, '29, chairman of the dance Just tak- a look at this young lady ommittee, and it is imperative that shown above if you want any proof veryone be present. The perform- that good swimiurs come from Chi- nce Friday has been listed as one of cago! Merely in passing we ought to "he outstanding features of entertain- mention that she is a member of the ent for the Michigan Schoolmasters' Illinois Women's Athletic club splash- lub, in convention here that week- ers. nd. Although it is given primarily Jane has already set several In compliment to thi's organization, records, including one in breast strok- ickets are obtainable for the general ing at 100 yards in a meet with the ublic. Dophinetls at Toronto. emanated from fashion centers report that, as in the past, bloomer; will be worn for riding. What the horses will wear has not been decided. though in the -early season fashion parade most of the beasts have ap- FROSH DANCERS TO TRIP} M; pearea ciac in a brown jur. It is sal i 1 diU * ii ii x . _ to be the latest thing. I J.i 1 Ji~ .1~S A to e te ltes thng.Freshman women who have ,igned i Water Taboo Per Swihus . . p with the dance c-onmmittee of the A number cf other - suggkstions Dr. Cyrus Sturgi , director of Simpp Freshman women who ae otn niti ue wlldisusf freshmanpgataeakdt un have been made by the leading fash- son Memorial intitute will discs. a pgt rk ed to urn out 'for a light workout in Sara Cas- ion critics. Red flannel underwear is tl4e wTrks of the institute at a meeting well ngell hall at 5 o'clock on Fro- deemed passe almost universally, and o the American Association of Uni- lyAngell2.ate5oalck osimpi- sun-bonnets have been tossed into th-I versity women which will be held at Iay, April 20. Attendance is impor- discard. Women students playing ten- 3:30 o'clock, Saturday at the home of tant, according to the manager, if the nis so far this spring have appeared Mrs. Clarence Cook Little, South Uni- squad is to round into shape for the' almost invariably with tennis rackets, versity avenue. early performance of the light-- though the tendency is considered The nominating committee will steppers. most unartistic and unnecessary by make their report and yearbooks will Helen Ilrunplirey. most of the co-eds. be distributed at this time.ET New York crtics are credited with a Officers of the Jackson branch of -EY. IMPORTA4I! costly bobble for recommending water " A.A.U.W. will be guests at this meet-1 for swimming, nevertheles3, and it is ing. Chi Omega announces the pledging universally agreed 'that nothing will' of Ruth C. Weber, '29, of Pontiac. ever persuade- the countless campus BLOOMINGTON, IND. - University mermaids to approach a pool or even of Indiana women are in the midst lIlill ill a spot of moisture. . of a campus warfare over the election of the queen of the annual junior Oval seams accent the backs A REA WOMEN' PAGE !prom.spelling newness and smartness. In coats cf satin 1{111{Ill{{1{111{{i ll{!11{111{{11{1{!1! {1{{El{{! t1{Ior broadcloth. $49.50 Leather Accessories Are Essentials To the Woman Who Would Achieve Distinction in Dress She chooes a Handbag of dull beige leather trimmed in alligator. -- Her Cloves are beige, too, with scuffs of a blending shade, Shi knows that Belts are good and that leather is = good, so she completes her smart costume with a B1ige Suedc Belt, futuristic in design. The Rubley Shoppe 111lll lill11 lt illllll!l111ll1l lli ll lil!!ll{11II"lU 11111ll11. Party Frock Exactly to Your Liking Will Be Found in Our Collection of Yo ing FkA Coat for Madame tha -that is possessed Pa of slendering lines and and seaming. $ 95 $98.50 ma Why Pay More? - UNIVERSITY OF mlUeU-ON-Wom- en of this university are going to publish their university Daily over; Mother's week-end. Women pioneers, the theme of Mother's week-end, willl be the motif of the women's issue. This Page Edited By IIERI.,ERT VEDDER (Slorts Editor) A REAL WOMEN'S PAGE!{ With the players on all of the wom- en's class baseball teams hitting and fielding with their mid-season form, the regular spring schedule of the in- terclass series will get under way early next week. Practice has been held twice a week for the past month at which a large number of candi- .- dates have turned out, only to be eliminated by the final s-election of the isquads which are to participate in the S-"-~ - - - - - - - - - series. The pairings for the curtain raisers to be held Tuesday include a game between the ouniors and freshmen I which will be -played simultaneously --"--:-----with the sophomore-senior contest At preent there is a shortage of - T " I scorers which must be remedied be- fore the series begins. These posi- tions are open to freshmen. All, squads will go through their final workout at 4:15 o'clock this - DN I ternioon. The following players have been designated as regulars and are asked to report at Palmer field for CORN LL practice. Seniors-Helen Beaumont Eunice Child, Sarah Bonine, Marva Hough, By Court Smith Martha Robinson, Marian Van Tuyl s last year on April Fools, Audrey Wright, Florence Powers, Rhoda Tuthill, Gladys Appelt, Eda t haughty Princeton poked Weiskotten, Jane Folsom. n at the whole country by Juniors-Frances Miller, Jeanette a trick story in an April Saurburn, Thelma Levin-e, Velma ie of The i)aily Princetonian Johnson, Carol McKee, Dorothy Lyons, ig to the effect that dear old Florence Conrad, Florence Neyer, wrned down $20,000,000 rather Aletta Morton, Rose Strausser, Ann co-educational. But that was Zauer, Alice Urban. i and this is a story about Sophomores-Helen Collins, Arlene So there. Heilman, Margaret Ohlson, Gertrude v, listen-the truth hurts, but Smith, MargaretStahl, Adeline Novak, s, lily-white and unadulerat- Helen Clinton; Elizabeth LeRoy, Mar- garet Bush, Frences Bielby. ily reason that they do have Freshnmen-Helen Wilson, Esther at Ithaca is simply that the Cook, Flora Shafer, Elizabeth Whit- president there, Dr. Andrew I ney, Helen Sneider, Miriam Locke, as so influenced by the then Elizabeth Wood. r of the State Board of Reg- __ )r. Woolworth. Ten too, it was Dr. Wool- daother who led the agitation rst place. Finally, now that l there, the girls rate even han they do here, for their sn't eveni run in the campus ons BLUE BIRD Soft Summer Furs indwich Shoppe $89.50 516 E. WILLIAMS sir, the boys are cominag Bird ar ciri h'reValues to $125.00 Bird;,ar a ting hereWh even 1okeie this way - e We .are serving clean I These charming coats are at a rght -price. Ihonest cpied from Worth and Vion- ey ys gets a gayo net and are softly feminine 101rN O of line. Small stand-up col- 001EY 181LAND 110r D Slars are a contrast to the wide cuffs of fur. The fur that is being used is 'short T T T T -and smooth with a smart sleekness. Blonde, moth, and dusky brown are the favorite Backs adda- postilion- lavor to wraps of tweed -cors oadcloth. Smart and ing to the slim figure. $29.50- $2.0Fine Quality Fabrics $39.75 Values to $59.50 -Tweed; homespun and kasha are fabrics that are often used. Again the kersey cloth, and the heavier satins fash- ionw the dress coat. The fab- rics this season are like the furs - smooth. Excet of course for the sport coats. Their claim to smartness lies in the roughness of -their - - fabrics. Swagger Cape Coats $59.50 Values to $89.50 I iThe coat that defies you to onde fur relieves deny its usefulness is one e furbreliees with a cape collar. As the sombre blackness style assured owner of this a broadcloth coat. coat swings down the ave- )r miss or matron.nue, she ican be proud to $ 70know that she has selected $59.50a coat which bears fashion's stamp of approval. Some of the capes are divided, one -over each shoulder, Others claim one shoulder only for their support, -- 1f I /r/ r AWI ' I New Wraps u are invited to inspect our outstand collection of coats. An assortment t overlooks not a feature of the best BI ris creations. For about-town, sports the d formal wear. Models for women oF models for misses. All expertly F de and beautifully finished.