t t lished every morning except Monday ithe University year by the Board in i' of Student Publications. rier of Western Conference Editorial ation Associated Press is exclusively en- to the use for republication of all news hes credited to it or not otherwise 4d in this paper and the local news pub. 'herein. red at the postoffice - at Ann Arbor, an, as second class matter. Special rate tage granted by Third Assistant Post- eneral. scription 'by carrier, $4.oo; by mail, ee: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- Stret. nes:. Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN . Ellis B. Merry Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer Editor............Philip C. Brooks Editor..-..........Courtland C. Smith n's Editor. ...Marian L. Welles JEdtor........Herbert E. Vedder e, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. ant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink Nlight Editors t E. Finch G. Thomas McKean ewart Hooke Kenneth G. Patrick J Kern Nelson . J, Smith. IJ Milton Kirshbaum Reporters r Anderson sally Knox iret Arthn onhn H Maloney A. Bochnowskl Marion McDonald Campbell Charles S. Monroe eC'nh tratherine Price ard W. Cleland Harold L. Passman nee N. Eaeso, Morris W. Quinn aret Gross Rita Rosenthal rrg Egeland . Pierce Rosenberg me Fllmer Eleanor Sseibner B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz t 1 Gessner Robert G. Silbar e Gruber Howard F. Simon Hagelshaw George E. Simons h I;. Howell Rowena Stillman aK ace Hushe Sylvia Stone s R Kaufman George Tilley n F. Kerby Be. K. Tritscheller 'nce R. Kleir . Edward L. Warner, Jr d J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer L Lait. Jr Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH ant Manaer George H Annable, ir 'tising. .. Richard A Mey... tising.... ...........Edward L. Hulse tising.............John W. Ruswinckel xnts...............Raymond Wachter ation......... George B. Ahn, Jr. cation ............Harvey Talcott Assist~ants e Bradley Ray Hofelich Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn ialJentet James Jordan ts K Correll Marion K err ra Cromell Thales N. Lenington 4 givelav Catherine McKinven e V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons Felker Alex K. Scherer rine Frohne George Spater lass Fuller Ruth Thompson ice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum a rGross Lawrence Walkley Hammer Hannah Wallen W. Hammer PHURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1928. .t Editor-JOS. E. BRUNSWICK GOOD WILL n an effort to create an even eater feeling of good will and rradeship among members of ie T)aiily staff, as well as to lend the work a touch of the lu- crous to ,alleviate the strain of ese days of stress,-todays paper ,s been edited- by a composite aff of misplaced newspaper men d women journalists. Much te a joke issue, the entire staff Ws been shifted in a proportion tirely unbecoming relative abil- be tossed in the wastebasket before publication. Though the crowd has been unable to pay expenses since 1888 (or some such time), kindly and philanthropic gentlemen and oganizations, with no full appreciation of the literary work they were encouraging, have constantly paid back printing bills so that the students of the rhetoric de- partment who are too vapid to make, The Daily staff can have a place to publish their' misconceptions. Believe it or not, the students are rather tired of this rank publication, and it is high time that efforts at so-called creative literary production undergo a change. ABOLISH CAP NIGHT With no respect, apparently, for the economic factor involved, the Uni- versity is planning another Cap Night. Just why this event should be re- peated year after, year, when experi- ence has shown that the caps burned are totally useless thereafter, is rath- er mysterious to those who think ser- iously on such matters, and with the coming of the Alumni University and other crazy ideas, together with the already existing automobile ban, it is only fair that the University should cut the corner] close and save where- ever possible. It is a revolutionary suggestion, but a sound one, that in place of burn- ing the pots the freshmen be allowed to toss them into a giant baler. When sold, the wool thereby gathered can' be used to help defray the cost of numerous costly University projects. The auto ban alone is at present draining $10,000 a year from the cof- fers of our institution, and if the sale of the pots netted only half this sum it would aid considerably. . It is pair- ticularly fitting, moreover, that the freshmen class of this year ,be al- lowed to contribute in this manner, being the first class to enjoy the ban for a full four years. It is to be hoped that the University authorities will take the matter under consideration. The man who took seriously the statement that voters should consid- er conscientiously the worth of the men they support is a. good example of the decay of the American intel- lect. This paper heartily endorses the proposal that the University be chang- ed to an educational institution. OAsTED OLL 7 STHE SENIOR ISSUE OF THE DAILY It 'seems almost unnecessary to add a humor (that's what this is) column to such an issue as this. With an entire inversion of the staff - the Sports and the Women's pages inter- changed and C. Cathcart Smuts and, the other. bigwigs of the upper staff reading proof-there should be suf- ficient horse-s play going on to satisfy the most avid of Roll's addicts. * * * TONIGIHT: Miss Virginia Tice will present a graduation recital in the School of Music auditor- lum. It seems a shame, however, to see such a worthy and conservative sheet as The DAILY degraded to this ex- tent, and hawked throughout the mar- ket place like the Police Gazette. We= feel very much as if it were sacrilege and we are sure that the Board in Control feels much as we do: that; the shrine of the temple had bleen profaned and things like that. . * * * WE BLUSH TO- And as a matter of fact, we are peculiarly unfitted for our task. Train- ed as a purveyor of Profound and Serious thoughts on music, the drama, and allied arts, it is difficult to enter into the general spirit of travesty and burlesque. Morteover, we don't exactly know what's humorous. It's true we col- laborated with Mr. Tom Dougall in the perpetration of an opera book and lyrics, but that was long ago. Furthermore, we can't think of any- thing very mean to say about (1) Mr. some time duping the week. There were many evils resulting from the late war, but none of them were half as bad as the motion pic- ture, "Finders Keepers." ''ii I I I c fl STUDENTS-IT WILL PAY YOU TOI P E N M A KESR S SEE OUR SAMPLES SEE TAILOR-MADE C STOIII ( LO'II ES Drive cver and get measured for your Spring clothes. We have a very Rider Co rns choice selection including 'some fine HIGH QUALITY AND STANARD PRCES importations.HG ULT N SADR :RCS Suits Cleaned and Pressed, $1. PLUS SNAPPY SERVICE CHAS. IOUKAS 1319 South University ' R E PAIR SE RVICE Sports writers have turned ir attention to the woman's ge, finding this nearest the tural bent, while 'the managing tor has been relegated to the ff's lowest position, a Itesti- >nial of his capacities. In all, virtual hodge podge of inabili- s has been created in which the stocrats have deigned,. to join th the hoi polloi. Ihe ensuing editorials are the pressions of a budding editor d his staff, who have stepped rond the line of the riegular utine to keep pace with The ily revolution. It is the wish The editor that the viewpoint rein be interpreted as such, not the regular stand of The Daily, ich might otherwise involve me paradoxes and incongruities policy. ABOLISH THE INLANDER the form of unadulterated rub- foisted on the campus once a th as a literary magazine, the of the Inlander has successfully ettated its inane publication on unsuspecting student body. Re- s with tales of the most vitiating ness and reeking from cover to r with the comments of rhetoric ents, the publication has now been ved to move into the Press build- home of the Gargoyle, Michigan- an, and the world's greatest col- newspaper. Unashamed, the ibers of the staff appear from to time. Unpaid for and prac- ly uninvited they come. It is )st an outrage. pile insult onto injury the staff now announced a new ramifica- CAMPUS OPINION Annonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Letters pub- j lished should not be construed as ex- 1 pressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. PHI BETES On Tuesday afternoon 89 men and women of the University were suffered to become eligible for full membership in Phi Beta Kappa, National honorary frat-ority which requires that its members must have had some attain- ments in college scholastically. And so it goestalong trying to remain the dean of that "God-awful" flock of honor societies. Perhaps' if this were an ordinary issue of The Daily we should con- gratulate the neophytes, but since this is not, we shall take a G. D. Eaton attitude, being one of the few not elected Tuesday. But just who would wear one of the dumb keys-it is rumored in official circles that Eaton will tender a darn good job on "Plain Talk" to any Michigan man or women turning down the key. It will be remembered that Eaton was a Michigan man a few years back, though one would scarcely guess it from the content of his article in the iecent issue of College Humor. He was selected for Phi Beta honors (?) but had the courage of his convic- tions and refused. Just what good are those keys any- -how-think how many intelligent peo- ple would take you for a "Prof"! Fig- ure out what a calamity that would be. Then too, the elect have the per- plexing problem of selecting keys- in case you all do not know, there are four or five kinds to pick from. More trouble-and EXPENSE. DI9appointed, '28. ABOLISH COMEDY CLUB Learning from your usually ;"wet" publication Tuesday morning that Hobbs or President Little (2) The auto ban or birth control (3) The Boulevard Gates or the dirt about the J-Hop favors (4) Roller skating (that isn't being done this season, you know) (5) The Inlander was taken for quite a ride just yesterday (6) AndC the B and G boys removed a veryj fertile source of humor from the cam- pus during spring vacation. And rolls contributors haven't written about much of anything else for the last couple of years. Since this is all supposed to be good, clean fun we can't use any jokes that the Gar- goyle would use. And there you are.' We just can't help announ.ing that "Gay Paree"-the Messrs. Shuberts' little band of 69-Beauties-69, who are vending nudity, crudity and Gallic, J indecency to the provinces-will beI at the Whitney theater next Sunday night. The story is about the colonel's daughter in a training camp who spends all her time making the sol- dier boys happy and promises to mar- ry most of them as a part of her work. Finally she falls in love with one of them and wants to tie the knot that will make them man and better half, but the war department inter- feres and the lad is shipped off to France. Of course she is waiting for him when he jumps off the boat, and they live happily ever after, or at least there is nothing to tell us that the fairy story ending doesn't apply. As far as we can see there isi't an excuse in the world for the picturie except that Laura LaPlante may have been out of work for the time being and the public was roaring to see her dimples. Miss LaPlante does a fine job of displaying dimples during the course of the show and also adds a neat piece of clowning. It happens that she per- suades one of the soldiers to lend her his outfit so that she can see her sweetheart. As luck would have it she gets into the camp during a for- mation and review and has to take the place of one of the men. Fortunately, it is her father who discovers the sex of the "little soldier" so, no harm comes of it. We have said before that there is not an excuse in the world for the picture and we wish to add that if ever the same ham cast gets together again the camera men should walk out on them. It is a complete waste of film to take pictures like this one and they can only be sold in towns like Ann Arbor where the students have to go to shows to keep from be-- ing bored to death. We might add a paragraph about the stage bill, but we won't because we have said so many nasty things about the Michigan show that we feel they may become insulted. 3'35CADE 7.00 8.40) TODAY ONLY JACK MULHALL III "Ladies' Night in Turkish Bath" a Batlie Yourself in Laughter and Wash Away Your Blues Woodward, at Eliot B ON S T E L L E PLAYHOUSE NIGHTS, 75c, $1.50. Mats. Tues., Thurs. and Sat., 50c, 75c Two Weeks, Beginning Monday, April 16 A Comedy of Youth,, Romance and Thrills 2 Girls Wanted i GARRICK Beg. Sunday, April 15 Return by Popular Demand ANNE NICHOLS' Abie's Irish Rose At These Astonishing (Prices Nights5 0C to $1.50 W~ed. and Satt. Matinees 50 to $1 I I e :; { .. .. , " CASS THEATRE 2nd Week, Beg. Sun., April 15 Nights, $1.0 to $3.00 1ats.-Wed. $LGO to $2.00 Sat. $1.60 to 2.5( Alex. A. .A-arn and Tinton ireedfp;y PreOent OH. KAY! i , ,, «: . .. .. ... .. .. .. PHI BETA KAPPA ELECTIONSl Now here is something that we real- ly feel should be funny. Somehow we were always given to understood that Phi Beta Kappa elections always were funny. But still we don't seem to be able to function on this very well. And since we've failed on this very important item, we really think we should acknowledge our incompetency and leave the rest of the column for Mephistopholes. (signed) The Eggplant '* * APPRECIATION -And now gentlemen, on such an occasion as this, we cannot close with- out an appreciation of that estimable blowhard whose position we assume, Jeb. Perhaps no more futile occupation was ever conceived than that of writ- ing columns and columns of stuff which is by definition devoid of sense. For this reason we have found Jeb sftion. remarkably well qualified for his po- Although at times he has led us to call him Jug instead -of Jeb, his sober moments have been as senseless asl his others. Qualifying neither as journalist, gentleman, nor- scholar, Jeb has prov-! ed himself consistently the least re- spectable or useful member of the staff. His graduation will be wel- comed by all. Mephistophelie. ANNOUNCEMENT Rolls folowers. will roll horseshoes in competition in the greatest contest of all time-the JEB (jenerally ene-1 SADIE THOMPSON A motion picture made known in Ann Arbor at the Majestic theater during the early days of the week. With both Gloria Swanson and Lio- nel Barrymore in the same cast a, motion picture which is full of the so-called drama, could not help but l be a splendid show. The story is that of the great stage show "Rain" which gave Jeanne Ea- gels such a swelled head that she threw down a lesser prpduction the other day and got herself suspended- from the league for it. However, we don't blame her much for she ditched the show in Milwaukee and if you have ever been to that town, well-. But to go on with the plot of this re- view, the story is a good one and i you don't know it all we can say is that you have missed something. Most adult males have seen the show or at least heard vivid accounts of it. Miss Swanson, or Countess some- thing or other as she should be call- ed, has always been known as a great actress and in this picture she proves that she has lost none of her skill. She overacts the part a little, but perhaps that helps put it across. Mr. Barrymore also does well, but it is rather amusing to see him break into Sadie Thompson's room at the end of the play. H-e does it more in the 'role of a murderer than one who is being urged on by passion. The rest of the cast is fair, and Raoul Walsh, the director, had the nerve to cast himself in the part of the hero. He handles the part well and makes a nice looking marine, too nice in fact. All in all the show is good, give the kids a hand. When we reach this point we should apologize for writing this column be- cause this is the funny issue of The Daily when everyone does something other than his regular work. How- ever, the movies ar, not often re- I viewed and we feel that the manage- Sh ubert-Lafayette Beg. Sunday Night THURSTON THE FAMOUS MAGICIAN Nights, Sun. and Sat. 31.. 25c to $1.50. Popular Mat. Thurs., 25c .to $1.00. iPlus tax. I 122 E. Liberty St. Phone 6215 Back to Study and Work Again Bring Your Laundry to Our Branch Office and Save Money Whifte SwnLudyCo. Opp. Maj. Press Building Open 7 a. m. to 8 p. ,m. rr Sring Pants tand Flowers Fragrant Blooming Plants in Daintily Decorated Pots Gorgeous Springtime Flowers VA b 4 _i These are from our own greenhouses Ann Arbor Floral Co. r MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO.1, Long Distance Rates Are Surprisingly Low For Instance: 11 I 11 or i 11 i Comedy club is planning to attempt one of its usual plays on the campus next week, I should like to take this opportunity to express my disgust for a dramatic organization which I have never been able to make. Not only have their plays been invariably terrible in the past few years, but their membership has gone steadily downgrade, and if I have ever gotten into Mimes that organization would have been much improved. or less, between 4:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. You can call the following points and talk for THREE MINUTES for the rates shown. Rates to other points are proportionately low. Day Day From Ann Arbor to: "Sttionttation statio-o-ta PITrTSBURG, PA...........$1.30 LOCKPORT, v. Y. ..........$1.45 (HARLEVOIX, 1IC 1... 1....139 MA(KINAC ISLAN),- H(CH.. 1.40 CHEBOYGAN, MICI... ...134 3IILWAUKEE, WIS. ......1.30 CHiIAGO, ILL. . .1. . -. 120- PETOSKEY, MIICH..........1.30 CINCINNATI, 0............. 1.30) ROCKFORID, !ILL..150 GARY, IN..............1.15 AULTE STE. MARIE, 311C1H. 1.55 LIUN'INGTON, W. VA......1.50 INliANAPOLIS. IND........1.25 - -IONTOWN, PA..........1.4 The rates quoted above are Station-to-Station Day rates, effective from 4:30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. Evening Station-to-Station rates are effective from 7:00 p. m. to 8:30 p. m., and Night Station-to- Station rates, 8:30 p. m. to 4:30 a. m. A Station-to-Station call is one that is made to a certain telephone rather than to some person in particular. If you do not know the number of the distant telephone, give the operator the name and address and specify that you will talk with "anyone" who answers at the called telephone. A Person-to-Person call, because more work is involved, costs more than a Station-to-Station call. rThe rate on a Person-to-Person call is the same at all hours. Additional rate information can be secured I 11