THlE MICHIGA\N DALY T HURSDAY. . _ ._ __ _ _ _._ _ BISHOP ENDS DUTIES AT VATICAN LIBRARYj Word1( has been received fromiitWil- '' liaim W. Bishop. head of the Univers- ;:.:.: ::ity librarvy, that the. work which hie adl his party had plannled to do at ."ti' s'' ;the V atican library inr Roane is now so wxeli organized that hie sailed tromi Naples on April 14. Bi.iishop wl arrive on the "Duilio" in New' York { on April 21. arriving in Ann Arbor a~ few (lays later. !Three of the men appointed to re- vise the Vatican library will ren;'alin in Rome for at least two months. llese include Messrs. H-ansom, Mar- tel, and Randall. They will be as- sistedi by Mr. Lord of the American, E Academrrj' Lil: rary, Pr. Baumgarten. an Anaicjanr priest who has lived ii Rome for the peast ten years, and Mgr. B enedetti and Prof. Scalia, have returned to Rome after spending six months at the Library of Congress Dr. W 1).Harkns Iin Washington, D. C. A new eata- 1)1 I) ~dlililoging room has been fitted up for Professor of physical chemistry at the use of the party. the~~~~~~~~ UnfriyofCiao.hsbe Bishop has been appuinted a the nivrsit . f Chcag, ha benimember of the Advisory Cominittee awarded the Willord Gibbs gold med- on the League of Nations library, for al for' 1928 . Announcem~nr4t of the a- w.hich John D.; Rockefeller recently ward, a majoir honor in' American donated. $2,000,000. chemistry, was made here today by the American Chemical society at the CLASSIFIED opening of its seventy-fifth meeting.I ADS PAY' ' TYPEWRKITERS M SEE RIDER for ROYALS The Fastest Selling, Most Up-to-Date Portable On the Market. AUTHORIZED DEALER " MAY FESTIVAL Ann .Arbor, May 16, 1'7, 18, 19 ARTHUR M. CONCERT Presenting and. Booking the MANAGER World's Greatest Celebrities 1625-163)l California Street DENVER, COLO. March 8, 1928.; Mr. Charles A. Sink, Pres., University School of Music, Ann Arbor, Michigan. My dear Mr. Sink It is a pleasure for me to congratulate you on your' Festival. I have been watching for' many years your marvelous work and the' beau- tiful artists that you have always presented. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you continued success. Sincerely yours, 1926 Ford Coupe $250 This little coupe has been driven by a young lady and is in the ver'y best of condition; has geod tires and finish. See it atn Huron Valley Chevrolet Sales HIuroni antiAshl~ey AMO:W (Signed) A. M. Oberfelder. I Course Tickets--$5.50-- $6.00--$7.00 M11111111 fill 1,11111111 J 328 I'' rNt+J , e 5 1 - / J 't ^ THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY (This Week) y 7 THOUSAND DOLLARS Are Speci al Days, at Our Store We are going to give a "REAL T HREE-DAY SPECIAL."' This, we are able to do through a special -purchase from our manufac- turer at this time, of suits worth $10 to $15 more than we regu- larly have to pay for them and what we're going to ask for them. We are going to give when purchasing one placed in one lot you this benefit Friday and Saturd'a'y (only) of these newest spring suits which we have AT $ i Extra Trousers $5.00 Extra Trousers SEE THEM_ IN OUR WINDOWS 1 A :1 f -. A E