University Lecture: Inlander ontributors:
Dr. W. L. Westerman, Professor of History at Columbia University, will j All contributions to the Poetry Prize Issue must be in by 6 o'clock,
give a University lecture in connection with the Classical Conference of the Wednesday, April 18. If the poetry submitted is not of sufficient merit in
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club at 4:15 p.m., Friday, April 27, in Room 2003, the opinion of the judge, the prizes will not be awarded.
?ublication in the Bulletin is construc
he University. Copy received by the A
:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
:ive notice to all members of
ssistant to the President until
IL 17. number 145.
Angell Hall, on the subject "Transportation and Communication Changes in
Antiquity." The public is invited to this lecture.!
F F. RoinbhN.
dmie 8.
L'o the Presidents of Sororities and Fraternities:
All fraternities which have not already filed a list of members and
ledges for the seccnd semester with the office of the Dean of Students, Room
, University Hall, are requested to do so before April 21, on a printed form
o be secured from that office.
J. A. Bursley, Dean.
Faculty, Cclcgie oif Literature, Sceuce, and the Arts:
Midsemester report cards are now being distributed through the Dean's
nessenger service. Instructors are re'quested to report before spring vaca-
ion if possible, in any case not later than April 18, the 'names of all studfiits
whose standing is at this time D or E. These grades should not indicate
nerely the mark received on the midsemester examination, if such an examin-
tion is given. More carols, if needed, can be had at my office.
These cards should be used only for reports of the work of students en-
olled in this College.
WI. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean.
~ast Engineering Build lug; Mafi:
The ,East Engineering Building Staff will not meet for luncheon on
7uesday, April 17. The next meeting will be on May 15.
E. M. lnker.
3:shiess Ad1mm istration Le rct :
Mr. Pau\ W. Pinkerton, Presidient of the American Society of Certified
'ublic Accountants, and member of the firm of Ellis, Pinkerton and Co.,
hicago, will speak on "Why Is a Public Accountant?" Wednesday, April 18,
t 3 o'clock, in Room 101, Economics Building. The public is invited.
C. E. Griffin.
~raduate Students: ,
Graduate students, men and( women, who expect to receive a degree in
uune should order caps, gowns, anl hoods through George Moe, 711 North
Tniversity Avenue. The wearing of hoods is optional.
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder.
enfr 'echanical Engineers:
Mr. Ray 3. Hosken, '10 Engineer, representing the Sullivan Machinery
;mpany, of Chicago, will be in Room 221, West Engineering Building,
Tuesday the 17 for the purpose of interviewing those interested in positionrs
with this company.
It. C. Anderson.
o Students Interested int Football:
Spring football practice begins today. Not only are those who wish to
resent themselves as candidates for the teams expected to report, but oth-
>rs desirous of learning about the game are urged to ;talie advantage of this
pportunity. All will receive the best attention of the Varsity Coaches. Lock-
rs and suits may be obtained by applying at the Yost Field House.
E. E. Wieman.
AnIversity Lecture:
Mr. Walter S. Penfield, of Washington, D.C., will deliver a lecture today
t 4:15 p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium, npon "The Nicaraguan Ques-
ion." The public is cordially invited.
I. S. Reeves.
-niversity Lecture:
Count Carlo Sforza, former Minister of Foreign Relations of Italy, will
eliver a lecture April 19 at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Science Auditorium upon
he subject, "Whither Goes Europe? Towards Union or War?" The public
s cordially invited'
F. E. Robbins.
nilversity Lecture-
1V. Pierre Roland-Marcel, Director of the Bibliotheque Nationale, will
ecture on "The Treasures of the Bibliotheque Nationale" in the Natural1
cience Auditorium, Monday, April 23, at 4:15 p.m. The lecture will be in
rench and will be illustrated by stereopticon. The public i's cordially in-
. *. .. '1 VI 1 R'1S
French Lecture:
Prof. A. J. Jobin will give the last lecture on the Cercle Francais pro-
gram, "Quelquest phases du theatre de Brieux," Wednesday, April 18, at
4:15 o'clock, Room 1025 Angell Hall.3
The Annual French Play will be given May 3 at the Mimes Theater.
Rene Talanuon.
Phi Bet *ly
Pi1etai Kappa..
The annual meeting for the election of officers and new members will be
held today, Tuesday, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1035 Angell Hall.
P. F. Weatherill, Secretary.
V. Valerie Gates, Many of the country's prominent
legal minds assembled here last Wed
nes'ay for the convention of the Am-
Athena Literary Society: erican Law institute committee on the
Regular meeting of Athena tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Athena room. re-statem'ent of the law on con-
All upperclass members are required to have a three-minute tryout speech flict of laws. The sessions extended
on the question announced previously. from Wedesday until Saturday.
Pauline Zoller, President. William Draper Lewis, well-known
Philadelphia lawyer, and former dean
Portia rembvrs: !of the University of Pennsylvania
There will be a meeting of the Portia Literary Society Tuesday evening! Law school, was chairm-an of the
at 7:30 o'clock. Tryout for the upperclass debate will be held at this time. ;group. Among the others in attend-
All upperclassmen are asked to come prepared to speak on the subject: ance were Prof. J. W. Binghanm of
"Resolved that the U. S. should cease to protect American capital invested Stanford Univehsity, Prof. A. M. Dobie
in foreign countries." of the University of Virginia, Dean
Margaret Meyers, President. Van Vleck of the Law school of
George Washington university, and
Reserve Band: Prof. Joseph H. Beale, Prof. Austin
Rehearsal tonight at 7:15 o'clock at the Band Hall. Every member W. }Scott, and Prof. CAlvert Magrud-
must be present at this rehearsal. er, all of Harvard university. Prof.
Nicholas D. Falcone, Director. F. Goodrich of the Law school here
Iwas also in attendance.
Girls Wishing Outside Work:
Will any women student's wishing part-time work come in to see me to-"
day about several opportunities which exist.
Beatrice W. Johnson.
Moving Pictures of Industry:
The School of .Business Administration will present, "The Story of
Steel," as its seventh program of industrial moving pictures in Natural,
Science Auditorium at 4:15 o'clock on Wednesday, April 18. The public is
Carl N. Schmalz. I
Choral Union Rehearsal:
Rehearsal Tuesday, April 17, for men only at the School of Music. Glee
Club meets at School of Music at the same time.
Earl V. Moore.
Thomas E. H. Blackj
OraltoricaI Contest:
The preliminaries in this contest will be held during the first weekfin
May and the final during the second week in May. Speeches are limited to
fifteen minutes in delivery and must be on some theme suggested by the New
Testament. Manuscripts should be handed lin by May 1. Any student carry-1
ing full work in the University and eligible to take part in student activitiesj
may enter the contest. Prizes : $100 and a gold medal for first honor, and
$50 for second honor.
11. D. T. Hollister.
Prescott Club:
The April meeting of the Prescott Club will be held April 18, at 7:30 p.m.,
in Room 303 Chemistry Building. The address of the evening will be given
by Mr. 0. F. Louis, a prominent retail pharmacist of Bay City, who will talk
on the topic, "Pharmacy, Yesterday and Today." A large attendance is
desired and a cordial invitation is extended to all who may wish to attend.
Ii. C. Byce, President.
Maithemnatleal 4Club :
Regular meeting will be held Tuesday, April 17, at 4 p.m., in Room 3201,
Angell Hall. Prof. Glover will present, "Actuarial Treatment -of Deprecia-
tion." Prof. Hopkins will present, "On the Motion of Jupiter's Fifth Satelite."
All interested are cordially invited.
W. W. Denton.
English Semnarly:
English Seminary meets tonight, Tuesday, 8 p.m., Library 407. Profe'ssor1
Thorpe will speak on "Crabbe Robinson and the Wordsworth Circle."
J. If. IHunford.
Men's Physical Education Club:
There will be a meeting of the club in Room 316, Michigan Union,
Wednesday, April 18, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Howard Y. McClusky will speak on
"The Psychology of Athletics."
It. S. Jones, Secretary.
Research Club:
The Annual Memorial meeting of the Research Club will be held in the
new Museum Building, Wednesday, April 18, at 8 p.m. The members of the
Junior Research Club and of the Women's Research Club are 'invited to this
The following program will be given: "Justinian's appointment of the
Commission to codify the Roman Law," by Professor Joseph Drake; "Harvey's
Exercitatio de motu cordis cat sanguinis," by Professor W. E. Lombard;
".John Hunter, tbe Anatomist," by Dean G. Carl Huber.
Louis 1. Ilredvold, Secretary.
Alpha Nu:
There will be no meeting of Alpha Nu Tuesday, April 17.
J. Webster, President.
Scabbard and Blade:
There will be a meeting Wednesday, April 18 at 8 o'clcck in the Union.
C. . Staff.
Alpha Epsilon Mu :
Regular meeting of Alpha Epsilon Mu will be held in Room 308 of The
Michigan Union tonight at 7:15 o'clock. Everyone should be there as this is
an important meeting.
Bailey L. Canlield, Librarian.
Forestry Students
Plant 30,000 Trees
During Last recess
30,000 trees were planted during
Spring vacation by foresters from the
University school of Forestry and
Conservation. A crew of 30 men work-
ing under direction of faculty mem-
bers set out the trees in plats near
Belileville, in Stinchfield forest, and
on a plot east of Ann Arbor on the
Huron river.
White pine, Norway pine, jack pine,
and numerous other _ species were
planted. With the exception of
Stinchfield forest, all the work was
done on privately owned land. Trees
set cut were from two to four years
old. It is planned that the first thin-
ning of the tracts will take place in
20 years, wh'en small timber will be
removed for firewood and for use in
making paper pulp.
Phi Beta Kappa, national academic
honor society, will hold its annual
Miss Luvicy M. Hill, chairman of the
commercial arts at the University of
Nebraska has recently been appoint-
ed national officer of Pi Lambda The-
campus election of officers and new
members at 4:15 this afternoon in RIBBONS AND
room 1035 Angell hall. The annual SUPPLIES
initiation banquet of the organization for all makes of
will be held on May 5 at the Union, it TYPEWRITERS
was announced yesterday by Prof.
Philip F. Weatherill, secretary. Prof. Rai turnover, fresh stock Insures
Chals .Weasherill, secetaryEn Pshof- best quality at a moderate price.
Charles G. Osgood of the E nglis;h d eD- 0RR
partment of Princeton university.RL
will deliver the principal address. 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615.
Fraternities and Sororities
If you are thinking of buying a house or would like to trade for
a better one, here is a real opportunity! One of the older fra-
ternities wants t build a new house, but since theirs is too good
to ra'e, they ae decided to sell ad buil i "another location.
The house they wart to sell is in excellent condi'ion, on. a beau-
tiful, large. wooded corner lit, and the price and terms are very
fair. For further inforinatiou call
9312 or Eve. 5041
Contracts for the installation of a
series of electric clooks" throughout
University buildings, as authorized by
the Regents at their last meeting, set
the cost at $12,000, according to Irving
W. Truettner, maintenance inspector1
of the Buildings and Grounds depart-
F. E. Robbins.
University Lecture:
President William O. Hotchkiss of Michigan College of Mining and Tech-
nology of Houghton; Michigan, will lecture on the subject "Upper Peninsula
Ores and Lower Peninsula Factories" on' Tuesday, April 24, at 4:15 p.m.,
Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited.-
F. E. Robbins.
Lecture om Rome:
Mr. Henry Burchell, Secretary of the Italy-America Society, will deliver
a lecture on the subject, "The Rebirth of Imperial Rome," ( a city planning
lecture) in the West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Wednesday, April 25, at
8 p.m. The lecture will be illu'strated with stereopticon slides.
A. Taldh.
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