PAGE, TWO TI-z MTC1-_lTGAN DAILY TT-ESDAY, J..1\t'.A1:1 1.+, ' TIlE MICI-IIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 192~ DEBATING SOCIE T Y IS EK WORKERS FOR LABRADOI TJ HOLD ELECTION,;Tho fud'Ilfset interested iln goin' with Dr. Grenfell aboard the St vi uI- to Labrad )r i L(Xt summer to join1in cona, Dr. Grenfeiill~slosital ship Alph Nudebaingsocityjill he ldrk of 'lw Gr'nflmission will with which he cruises up andI down i 1 e ' *f j ' REPAItIR N( All males of urn- cll i vs. Our equip. Ilil 3tand ipersonnuel is (onidered a moral suite. Th~Ie result o I N&OWV PLAYING! POL C a its last mietig 01 this semester in the 'society's room on the fourth floor of Angell hail tonight. Officers lor the coming semesthr xil be chosen at this sessionl. "Resolved, that the control Aow ex- ercisedl by the United Stales govern- ment in Panama, Nicaragua, and Salvador should be condemned,'' is the proposition which will lbe de- bated by members of the society. '.his question 'has been selected as the topic for the Mid-West debate league. ~~ lii Aug. , ,19'2G Messrs.-Larus & Bro. Co. Richmond, Va. Dear Sirs: Just a confession an dan anpreciation. A numb)er of year:, ago i ws (A zuserl of your {mod exorth smoking tohaecc. Put like some others, perhaps, 1 was ledl by alluring advertisements to change. A few lays ago I went into a drug store to get some tobacco, and on the case was the fan;iliar can of Ed gew~rth. I bought it andl since 'hen I Lave en- joyedl old-time comfort. So my confession is that I made a mistake in changing to other brands,1 and my appreciation is such that Edge-I worth wvil he my Smoke Pal while life lasts, which may not be long;, for I have passed my "three scon'e years and ten." Very truly ,yours, (signed) E. P. Fishburn Extra High Grade Smoking'T'obaccoI 1a. an oppo-,- Ui_;n Y to conf1er with D~r. Carl NV. l'ber1 vh It 4 o'& ocRItIhis ialttrnooll iI j5hall 'at the cornerCX of Stiate a01ldI iliven. 'i)r. IEb1erlac31 speni 1tlast ';ummei' i . _ _ _ , I the cast (luring tli5 season of open water, ministering to1(1 i lls oft 1lie large temliorary fishIng 1}{}l I i~l{i1. jDr. Eberbach was, in clie r c o,All lmedical work aboard thli SrB. WLAiE NRAI ) NAY 1 ( E And id xcept ioual Cas t of players . j I -31JE'l P1,ioN1rM lNTIS "r3eLII i I .h ( 3i L Tl T' 81 T I B L I I I iI Y .w i I I - , -_Y- . -- A 6 ,.