ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr Abr Ar M. t4lur"I I t r t! MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 145. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1928. EIGHT PAC KEYSERLING TO SPEAK! MMEST THELIFE" HERMEE TTHE WIFE"lH mr Mail orders will be received begin- II Liii 110 RSDAYnhI1,fing today at the Mimes theater box office for the production- by Comedy lub of" Lynn Starling's "Meet the Wife," a comedy in three acts. "Meet .ON HILO OPHIthea Wife" vill run for a week at the NOTED GERMAN PHILOSOPHER HAS WRITTEN SEVERAL WELL-KNOWN BOOKS IS HERE ONSECOND TOUR, Ideas Of Famed Thinker Have Created Much Discussion Wherever He Has Appeared As Speaker Count Hermann Keyserling, fore- most German philosopher and author of "The Travel Diariy of a Philosoph- er," "The Book of Marriage," and "Thef World in the Making," will deliver a lecture at 8 o'clock Thursday night in Hill auditorium under the auspices of a faculty-student committee. Tick- ets are on sale at $1 and 50c for main floor and balcony respectively.. Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the de- partment of philosophy, and one of the leading philosophers of the United States, will introduce Count Keyser- ling. The subject of the lecture has not yet been announced by the com- mittee in chai'ge. Is On Second Tour Count Keyserling, rated by many as the foremost thinker of the world, is now on his' second tour of the United States, and his itinerary has been planned to include most of the leading cities and educational centers of the United States. His first tour of the1 United States, in 1919, was the basis' for his chapters on this country which appear in his famous diary. On his tour of this country Count Keyserling has been followed by a storm of protest and agreement as he proceeds from place to place to make appearances. Ais ideas , have taken their place on the first pages of the newspapers of the country and have given rise to column after column o discussion of the ideas that he hasI expressed and the judgments he has made of Americans, of modes of thought, of the prospects of the fu- ture, and all of the other problems with which his flexible mind copes. Accounts For Dissatisfaction With Life Speaking before a student -audience' at the University of Wisconsin Count Keyserling asserted that man, having subjugated nature and realized that he was a spiritual being, he is now in the midst of a strange dissatisfaction,i which accounts for the great unrest that has grown up in the world. "Man is no longer a part of na- ture," Count Keyserling said; "he is and religions which presuppose a dif- ferent relationship must die a natural death." In many respects, he said, the present era is inferior to others. The Chinese and Indian philosophies,'and the Christianity of the middle ages, gave a greater meaning to life-men are now rated for what they can; achieve, not for what they are, and life is emptier than it was. Says Men Must Not Marry One of the doctrines which has been Mimes theater, .opening next Monday night. The cast will incl'ude Phyllis Loughton, '28, Tom Dougall, '28, Lor- inda MAndrew, '30, and Richard Kur- vink, '29. Phyllis Loughton will di- ct. The play was first givenat the Kiwtheater in New York with Clif- ton Webb and Mary Bo'and. Tickets are priced at 75 cents. SO N'S OFREVOLUTION I- I TO MEET HERE SOON State Organizattlan Will Hold Annual Ateetin On' Thursday In Union To Select Officials TO SHOW SPECIAL EXHIBIT I i 1 1 J I The annual convocation of the Michigan society, Sons of the Ameri- can Revolution, will be held here next Thursday, April 19, at the Union.1 j Elections of officers for the ensuing year, member of the board of man- agers, and delegates to the national congress of the society are among the business items. The program for the day will com-1 mence at 2 o'clock with a registra-a tion of the attending members at the Union. At this time, the elecions,1 se'ecticrs of delegates, and reading, of report's will be held. A reception Pori the visiting members and the ladies will be given at 4 o'clock in i the William L. Clements' library. Randolph Greenfield Adams, custod- ian of the library, will expfain the , collection of Americana and will also Sshovsome of the original exhibits of the Revolution, according to present plans. At 6 o'clock, the Washtenaw chap- ter, which is sponsoring the meetin'g here, will give a reception at the Union for several state and national officers who will be in attendance here. This reception will be followed j by the annual banquet, to be attended by the members of the society, mem- bers of the D.A.R., and friends of both groups. Prof. Arthur Scott' Aiton of the history department will speak on "Michigan in the American i Revolution." Rev. Joseph A. Vance, president of the Michigan 'society will preside, and short speeches by some of the guests will complete the program. ARMY OFFICIALS TO ATTEND BALL' Arrangements are in preparation to have severati prominent military men present at the annual Military ball to be given by the local unit of the R.O. 'T.C., Friday, April 27, in the ballroom of the Union. Formal acceptance on the part of some of the invited has been received, and it is expected that ithin . tnr two the 'committee in LABORATORYTHAE Detroit Probation Head Tells Duties' WILL PRESENT ELEVEN To Education Club RE PLAY N GROUP o le by no means a MOREPLA S I GRO P cre-ll srve tomeasure the per- sonality of the criminal as well as E his crime," stated Mr. Fred B. John- NEXT PLAY TO BE PRESENTED THURSDAY, AND LAST ONE son, chief probation officer of the Re- ON MAY FOURTEENTH corder's court at Detroit, speaking on I ~"Probation and Delinquency" before FLEISCHMAN IS DIRECTOR the Men's Educational club last night. Until probation, which is an out- One Or More Of Dramas, Under Study growth of the juvenile court, was es- Now, Will Be Given With All- tablishe in Boston, 1878, criminals Campus Cast Litter were judged for each individual of- fense and his pecularities were not "Aren't We All?" the smart English considered," Mr. Johnson went on. He farce by Frederick Lonsdale, which further pointed out the case of a Iman who was arrested 110 times in was gievn private production by Play a period of 14 years, how probation Production the week before the spring would have aided here, and the vacation, was the first of the series strength and weaknesses of the ha- of 12 plays that will be presented in bitual criminal law. Probation has an exceedingly complicated task before the laboratory theater in University which it has taken long strides to- hall during the remainder of the year. ward accomplishing the following: of The other plays will begin Thursday I all the criminals brought before the and the last one will be given May court 70 per cent have made good, 10 14. All are under the supervision of per cent have failed absolutely, and 14.EAl re undr tthe other 20 per cent have been sent Earl Fleischman. to jail on small offenses. One or, more of the dramas under study will be given a public presenta- I.T tion sometime during the spring, ac- cording to present plans, the cast to be picked from all campus tryouts, rather than from the classes alone. f his time will be spent in London luring the course of his reseaich ac- ivities. Prof. Robert Burnett Hall of the Geo- 1raphy department has been granted a fellowship in Human Geography and will make a study in Japan of rural Japanese communities, with special :eference to the readjustments result- ng from migration to higher1 and low- 3r latitudes. Prof. Arthur Scott Aiton of the His- tory department will gather materials n Spain, France and England for a study of the family compact and in- e(national relations in the eighteenth. hentury. The .Social Science Research Coun- -il announces today the appointment )f twenty-one Research Fellowships 'or the year 1928-29. These are in the ields of anthropology, economics, hu- nan geography, political science, law, >sychology, sociology and history. Phey are granted to young American 'nevstigators both men and women, who are under 35 years of age, have received a doctor's degriee, and are if outstanding promise in the social sciences. By Herbert E. Vedder, Sports Editar Brilliant hurling . by Freddie As- beck, backed up by satisfactory work with the stick by Coach Ray Fisher's proteges, made an auspicious start for the Wolverine nine in its premier game of the 1928 chase after the Big Ten baseball title. The net result ,of all this was to dismiss the North- westernWildcats with two hits and a 7-1 defeat yesterday afternoon at; Ferry field. So 'masterful was the work of Michigan's veteran junior twirler that the Wildcats were at no time other than tame. Asbeck pitched perfect ball for eight innings, not a Purple batter even coming close to a sight of first base until Morse's bobble on a grounder which gave Prang, visiting keystone sacker, a life after two were out in the next to the last frame. The next man went out easily however. Asbeck bore down af l the way de- spite the cold weather which was more suited to spring grid practice and the production of sore arms than the national pastime, making the per- formance all the more noteworthy. Thirteen strikeout's were chalked u' on the Wildcats, Captain Johnsos, the Purple clean-up man whiffing on each of his three trips to the plate. The visitors were able to get the horse- hide out of the infield only five times during the game. Asbeck did not s- sue a base on balls. 1 The strikeout, one-two-thre order had become almostmonotonous when Izard, eighth in the batting ordr, opened the ninth by singling sharply to the right. Palmer who rxeplacre Hellerman in the boxfor Northwest- ern in the seventh followed with a double down the third base line which sent Izard across the plate to spoil shutout hapes. The next three men, however, reverted to form and went out one-two-three. Hellerman, Northwestern pitcher, who first came to light in collegate circles as a star on M\ichigan's yearl- ing team two or three years ago, was the startlin'g choice of Coach Maurice. Kent. While not batted out of the lot or anything like that, Hellerman's deliberate southpaw'slants found a ready reception awaiting them, the Wolverines clipping his offerings for seven hits, well bunched for five runs. Although 'setting the Maize and Blue down in order in the first in- ning, Red Corriden proved his right to the clean-up post by cracking out a double. Oosterbaan fol.lowed Immed- iately with a single and Weintraub came through with a sacrifice hit. Mc- Afee, a right fielder when not o the mound, singled and Michigan had a 2-0 lead. The third inning found a renewal : of Wolverine activities. Nebelung drew a base on balls, the second off Hellerman, and raced on to second when the ball got away from Carey, Purple catcher. McCoy popped a fly to third but Corriden's second hit sent Nebelung in with the third Michigan tally. After a couple of peaceful frames, Oosterbaan singled and Weintraub got i a life on an error-both scoring through Morse's sacrifice and As- beck's single. (Continued on Page Seven) HOUSE PREPARES FOR FLOOD ACTS AS espoused by Keyserling in his many, talks-and the doctrine which has ex- cited the greatest amount of contro- versey and dissension in private andt public discussion and in the newspa- pers-is his belief that the man who aspires to be a genius must, never; marry. It is his belief that marriage overwhelmingly defeats all individual- ity in a man and makes his thoughts i serfs to those of his wife. "During1 800 years of the world's history," Count Keyserling says, no man ofi spirit ever married. He entered a mon-1 astery instead. Genius is not born of genius; it is an accident." Women were praised by Keyserling as rulers and builders of the destinies of the! world, but lie bitterly denounced them as parasites of man's intelligence.t It is expected that/ Count Keyser- ling's lecture here will deal with some of his more radical and advanced ideas, since his lectures in education -I al centers so far on the tour have been I of this nature. The subject will be announced tomorrow, according to word from the committee in charpge. i W1Lnn a Uay U W H U fL I charge of the affair will announce the complete list. Tickets for the ball can be pur- chased ondy through members of Scabbard and Blade, campus military society, or through any R.O.T.C. mem- ber. The subscription price is $4.50. The mode for the ballroom decora- tion on the night of the event will be in strict accord with a military set- s:..,, 4 1- hnn id ~tid Tnyedosg or I of iliv i Th Na ap. WILL SPEAK HERE Mr. Penfield is author of various i fuel by plane. It it should prove aarticles and pamphlets and is at pres- impossible to renair the Bremen at Count Carlo Sforza, former Minister ent a practicing lawyer in Washing- Greenly island, Miss Junker said they Foreign Affairs of Italy, will de- ton, D.C. jiwould take the crew back to New rer a public lecture at 4:15 o'clkinLdet * i York in the F-13. da 41 cl c Students From Nine Icebreaker Goes to Rescue mursday afternoon, April- ,In the meantime, the Canadian gov- itural Science auditorium. Ile will Nations Made Tours ernnent's icebreaker Montcalm was oea an the subject, "Whither Goes Nanuhina forward to the rscueand HEAD OF STATLER SYSTEMIS DEAD (By Associated Press NEW YORK, April 16.-Elbert Mil- ton Statler, who built on the meagre wages and the tips of a bellboy the hotel system bVring his name, died today after a two week's illness of pneumonia. His death at the age of 64 in the Hotel Pennsylvania, the !argest of the string of hostelries he owned, term-- inated another romance of the rise -of a poor boy to a millionaire. He was born in Somerset county, Pennsyl- vania, in 1863, and a~s a boy of 9 he wen't to work as a stoker in the "gkory-hole" of a glass factory inI Wheeling, West Via., where he earned 60 cents a day. The Weather (By Associated Press) (By Associated Press) Mostly cloudy today and tonmrroiW; not munch chaige in temperature. LOPRYISTS DRAW FIRE OF SENATE; (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, April 16-Lobbists drew fire from the Senate today as Senator Carraway, ,Democrat, 'Arkan- sas, piloposed an inquiry into the financing and activities of various as- sociations and special organization about Washington. Senator King, Democrats of Utah, joined in the attack with an equally vigorouse assault upon those who would influence Congress in behalf of special legislation and both senators charged certain organization leaders;. .-nn ~ nnln.--449---' I ting, it hasIJben aeiz e31Utl. Iuxea0 Europe? Towards Union or War'I I military dress will be proper apparel Count Sforza's knowledge of Europ- Twenty students from nine. differ- far the occasion. ean affairs makes him a distinguished ent countries constituted the group and outstanding diplomat of the pres- which made up the seventh annual, INTERNES GIVEN POSITIONS ent generation. lie was formerly spring trip for foreign students Arrangements have been completed Ambassador to France from Italy and through a number of Michigan citiesI sor of roentgenology, where senior at one time was a member of the during vacation week, under the lead- by Dr. Preston M. Bradley, profes- Italian' Senate prior to the Fascist ership of Carlton F. Wells, of the internes may receive two month ex- regime. rhetoric department. Four and a half j perience at the Detroit Deceiving Hos- From 1911 to 1915 he held the )o- days were spent in a tour of the fol- pital. This will fallow the interne to sition of Italian Minister to China. lowing towns: Battle reek, Kalama- Idobtain a great deal of experience in He has ust returned from an eten- Grand Rapids, Lansing and emergencywork and active surgical sive tour in China studying local con- jacsonp service. ditions. iJcsn "The trip proved a many sided ex- SPECIAL DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE per"ence for the boys," said Mr. Wells. i 1 "It enabled them to see at close raige IS POPULAR HERE, RECORDS SHOW American industries, the American j-- business man, and the American What the present speed-mad college field of local usefulness for the special school system. But the nmost import- eneration would do without special delivery lies in the 10 cent class, n Ijant part of the acquaintance with delivery is a perplexing problem. Fig- other words; letters, where 121,617 American life which it gave them : y were distributed here last year. It 1s was assuredly in the home entertain- ures recently compiled for The Daily a well-known fact recognized in the ment provided. A list of 41 hosts at the Ann Arbor post office show, that better books on etiquette that many and hostesses in the various cities $16,221.90 worth of situations were correspondence complications can be received the boys in their homes ov- saved here from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, smoothed over by a 10 cent stamp. ernight." The special delivery adhesive has 27. P a t ocome to convey a special message, OHIO EDUCA TORS Probably the most serious of these open to a number of subtle interipre-EE saved situations had reference to the tations, that will help explain an awk- HEARPRESIDENT ever-present dirty-shirt problem that ward delay in answering, or will often becomes acute towardsthe end prove especially effective on birth- 'President Clarence Cook Little last of the week. The statistics show that days, anniversaries, etc. Thur'sday addressed the Ohio Educa-j 16,068 pieces of special delivery mat- Of the larger parcels weighing more tional conferencet ofteachers f'oi ter, in the 15c class (weighing from 2 than 10 pounds, for which the gov- all parits of Ohio at Columbus. Pr esi-I to 10 pounds) were distributed here ement charges 20 cents to hasten dent Little, in his address, stressed t pa,,ndr v as fall into this the tdiverv 3750 were handled here [the fact that the most desirable type II FIRST UNIVERSITY RADIO PROGRAMS WERE BROADCAST ON SMALL POWER Editor's Note: This is the tw"enty- fall of 1925. As a result, a success-t eighth of a series of feature articles on ful series Of programs, known as campus institutions intended to develop li eiso rgas nxn a their history and major principles or Michigan Nights on the air, was p organizations and management. Ibroadcast fron University hall through the courtesy of Station WJR, Radio broadcasting at the Univers- Iat that time the Jewett Radio Corpor- ity oflMichigan dates back to the fall l ation at Pontiac, and station WCX, of 1923 when faculty and students of the Detroit 'Free Press. Twelve pro- the College of Engineering built and grams were broadcast, which incaud- op~erated a 200 wvatt station. Since ed musical numbers by r'epresenta- tives of the University School of Mu- the equipment was considered to be sic and a total o? 48 short talks on a experimental and not fairly repre- variety of timely subjects by admin- sentative of the University itself, a istrative officers and members of the plea was made at that time for the University faculties. a a mat necessarytantin a e- With Michigan Nights on the air anrtount necessary to maintain an ef- definitely in demand as a University ficient station that would extend the radio feature, continuation of the { educational value of the University programs in 1926-27 was assured. to the most isolated homes in Michi- From September to May, 1926-27, gan. tour teemn programas were broadcast Undismnrayed by limited financial re- over station WWJ, the Detroit News, sources which prohibited the erec- with Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, April 16.-Congress put in a legislatively active Monday despite a Nicaraguan outbreak in th Senate. The House ran through a lot o smaller bills, clearin-g its decks fo flood control warfare, beginning to morrow. Included in the output wa not only a $50,000,000 veterans' hos- pital project, but also the separat veteran's bill, liberalizing and bring ing up to date the 1924 veteran's ac Even the Senate managed to ge through a dozen small bills before i got back to the debate on' naval appro priations. At that point a Blaine Norris combination resolution callin on Secretary Wilbur for the depart ment's cost of Nicaraguan intervem" t ion and American and Nicaraguar I casulaty lists to date was shove through. With that out of the way, the navy bill was deferred (anyhow to perm various senators to join in telling eac was expected to arrive at the island today unless piling ice should com- pletely block its course. The Mont- calm was prepared to take the Bre- men and remaininng members of its crew aboard and transport them- to some point where they could get what they might need for quick repair of tthe lane. ,as., 1........,.