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April 06, 1928 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-06

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"Eighteenth Century Documents
Relating to the Royal Forests, the
Sheriffs and Smuggling" is the title
cf a hook written by Prof. Arthur
Lyon Cross o the history depart-
n.ent, :nd recently published as the
-eveint1 volume of the history and
political science group of the Uni-
versity of Michigan publications.
The book contains, in addition to
Introductory chapters on the royal
forests, the sheriffs, and smuggling,
54 documents from the Shelbourne
manuscripts in the William L. Clem-
ents library, edited by Professor
Cross has selected the documents ap-
pearing in his recent book, were as-
senbled by Sir William Petty, sec-
ond Earl of Shelbourne and fiirst
Marquis of Lansdowne who was a
prominent figure in the British po-
litical and intellectual life of the
eighteenth century. Tphe majority of
these papers were purchased for the
Clements library in 1921.
Nearly two ,years lago Professor
Cross was authorized to examine the
Shelbourne manuscripts in order to
calendar or report upon them.
Commenting on the docum-ents in
general, Professor Cross writes: "As
a whole these reports and discus-
sions, undertaken at the instance of
Lord Shelbourne during his brief
ministry, show tha-t he was alive
to the situation and helped to pre-
pare the way for the later work of

Hugc- Dornier-Napier metal flying boat snapped on one of its test flights over Lake Constance, Germany.
Powered with f-.ur British engines the ship carries 20 passengers and a crew of three. Itlhas a cruising speed of
105 miles an hour and a top flying speed of 135 miles.

from which he was graduated four country.
years later as a barrister. Joins Vanderbilt interests
Returning to the farm at the age Just as Depew was preparing to
of 22, he clashed with his father over leave for Japan, Commodore Vander,-
politics and subsequently abandoned bilt acquired the New York and Har-
the latter's Democratic faith to take lem railroad-128 miles of "junk" as
local stumps in favor of Fremont and he afterwards described it. He called
his Free Soil campaign. After the upon Depew and offered him the po-
election he began practicing law, and sition of general counsel at a salary
earned his first fee- $1.75 for an of $7,500 a year, but the young law-
opinion that required several, days yer promptly informed the financier
to prepare-just about the time Lin- that he was to receive{ a much higher
coln was first mentioned for the pre4- salary as Minister to Japan, "l's
idency. He immediately entered the up to you," Vanderbilt replied, "Rail-
campaign on behalf of the latter and roads are the career for a young man.
gained considerable fame as a polit- There is nothing in politics. Don't
ical orator. make a fool of yourself."
Eight years later he had been nom- Depew took the job, and on Jan-
inated and confirmed for) the post of uary 1, 1921, had rounded out 55 years
American Minister to Japan.. Previous with the Vanderbilt interests. His
to this be had been Secretary of New connection with railroading covered
York state and had held several other practically the whole period of rail-
public offices, although he declined way construction, expansion and de-
more political appointments perhaps velopment in the United tSates. Be-
than any other young man in the ginning in 1866 as attorney for the
__________________________New York arid Harlem, he became
TO OPEN SESSION vice president of all the Vanderbilt
roads merged into the New York Cen-
i__tral in 1882 and president of the New
York Central in 1885. In 1899 he re-
signed to become chairman of the
board of directors, a position he con-
tinned to fill through the eventful per-
iod of reconstruction following the
World war.
Mr. Depew was frequently criticied
for taking an active part in politics
while he retained his powerful rail-
road connections, but those who knew
his work intimately were quick to
point out that he never neglected the
details of either his business or his
;Y>= ; public career.
S>Once he made a tour of the New
York Central lines to inspect the
various restaurants operated by the
company. Hie was prompted to mnake
the trip by a letter received from a
patron of the road.
"You are the finest after-dinner
speaker in the world, it said, "and
I have listened to you many times,
but I would give anything I pos-
sess to hear your speech after you
had (lined in your restaurant at Uti-

homeless. Rising streanis which ap-
proached the flood stage in several
sections were watched with concern.
Greatest loss of life was at Shaw-
nee, Oklahoma, caught without warn-
ing in the path of a cloudburst that
threw a small creek into a raging
torrent, driving more than 1,000 resi-
Idents from~ their homes.



By \ssociated Press)
KANSAS CITY, April 5.-Loss of
life and property damage moidited to-
('harkes E. hughes, llf day as the Southwest checked the
Charles W. Waterman effect of yesterday's series of winds,
Present indications are that Charles rain and hailstorms and small torna-
E. Hughes, former secretary of state, does. Seven persons were known to
will be chosen temporary chairman be dead, several were missing and
of the Republican national conven- more than a score seriously injured.
tion at Kansas City, Mo., and will Descending temperature and the
niake the keynote address. Charles threat of more rain, together with
W. Waterman, below, United States minor wind disturbances, handi-
senator from Colorado, probably will capped relief workers today, adding
be made permanent chairman. to the suffering of many people made

11th and Final Week
Tfonight at8
In Bernard ShawS Magnificent
Love Story
With Charles Warburton as Morell
Robert Henderson as Marchbanks
The Rockford Players. wish to
thank their patrons for the appre-
ciation and support that have
made these eleven weeks so happy

entered Yale.1

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