'6,. 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 6,198 HEMIHIA-DAL 1. LITLE ILLADDESSWAR OFFICIALS TAKE LONG FLIGHT 1 PUPILTE1ACHER GROUP ON COLLEGEUETIN0 WILL HOLD -COUtdEE'N(7E INo-c (0)N.Jt!N( 11N WITH STrATE DEBATE TrO CONVENE ON APRIL 27 .unrpo'se Is For Study Of Problems Corfroin himghIitliSchool ~~~ t President Clarenzce Cook Little will l. address the second annual High School puzpil - teachers conference, # which will be held April 27 at Hill auditoriumr., according, to an an- nouncement by Prof. Gal E. Dens-v more. The subjvct of President Lit- tie's address wilH be, "Why Go To# Colege." Tfhis student conference will be War officias going cver final plans at loling feld Washington D.C., i held- in conjunction .with the eleventh for flight to Panama on i t ( fcial inpection tour via plance outside con-; annual state championship debate, tinental United Status. Left to right: Liet. Muir S. Fairchild and Cap.r which is scheduled for Friday, April Ira C. Baker, pilots, Major General Jamies E. Feclit, chief of the army air 27, at 7:45 o'clock. The purpose of corps, .and Assistant Secretary of War F. Trubee Davidson. Lindbergh gavef this conference, Professor Densmnore themi several tips. said, is to bring together the admnin- istrators and students of the sec- DICTAPHONE STATION MAINTAINED i ondary p schools for the discussion of R F S O S BY U IR IT the pertinent questions which arise in FOR PROFESSORSf BYh UNIVERSITYnts when considering the problem of go- ingto ollge.For those members of the University ;sistant to the president said yester- Registrar Ira M Smith will pre- 'staftf, whose itfficial ecrrespondence day. side at the m'neeting and representa- does not warrant a personal stenogra- The Dictaphone station acts as a tives ?froni all of the "schools and co- pher, the University maintains at an .uIpplenent to the large force of per- leges of the University will be at annual expense of $8,500 what is Isonal stenographers and secretaries the conference to answver questions maintained by the University. The relating to their particular depart- kona h itpoesain deans of the literary college and grad- mients. According to Professor. Dens- where a force of five operators handle ate school each have one or two more, questi:Qnnarr~'s- are being,-sent all kinds of stenographical work, stenographers, and several of the de- to the principals abf the state high The station was started in a small partmneits support a departmental schools to determine the quzestions way during the year 1918-1919 'underserty.Teamitaivunto which the students in their thpciv le University requires sevral rooms schools would like to have answered J ieto fMs.EhlM ht ull of typists, and the egineering~ at this student-faculty conference. church who still superintends the ''ollege has a room full. Secretarial Professor Densmore stated that work.' When classes of the German assistants are also provided for the plans for the entertainment of the department were crtailed just after (eans of the professional schools, the visiting 'lelegates have practicallyth waoeftecls on' i department of building and grounds, been co pleted. Last year, 2,500thdieorad edpyscnsf high' school pupils, representing 80 University hall, was fitted up fer the the University hospital, the librarie high sdhbools of the state, attended use of the station. Since then it has andl extension department. the championship debate in Hill atdi- migrated tv Mason hall, from thence, torinne. 'This year it is expected that to the south wing of Untiversity hall, moreO than 3,000 will be in attend- in the roonis now used by the Teasur- Will Attend Game er's office~ and was finally moved thids H im eningrs T r u h t e c u t s of t e M c - ea to p r a e t q a t r in teigan Athletic association, each high basenient of Angell hall. In ddiionto he eterswhihMUSIFRC school delegate attending the debate throaghithensta tonealattre nmbhch)o*1 J will be given a comnnlimentary ticket thog tesatoColrenubro to the Mchigan-Syracuse baseball scientific papers, speeches, depart C lumbia Viva Tonal New game to be held at 5:15 o'clock on miental reports, and the like are hand- Process Records the afternoon ' of the 'debate. 'led. President Clarence Cook Little Alsq on the day of the debate cam- prefers to dictate letters to ste- LATE POPUILAR RELEASES pus guies il coduc .tours e'grapher, but his spkeches and re- C'oum~bia. -Masework Include ps gie wil cnutports 4to the Regents are uually put ,EHVNS~PINE througoutrth "Univrt bulig in shape b~y the operators in the sta- t ANR ~ PS1A and groundts) These otours will leave WA . i i~I''HI'5'V I from theo front ~n~aei'trance of, Angell tio. Prof. WilimH lob fte Shalcris17 lTiuile ymhn aiat1an 4o'lc.ge.ology department has many of is And Many Others The Board of Regents has appro- letters, sneed ches and scientific papers ArhiifdLHerhe. priatedl a special fun which wilhnldtee t i President Marion ILeRoy Burton 305 Maynard St..' eanable the- high school delegatso used to use the dictaphoine almost x-D~.71 secue acomlimeentry opyof he lusively, Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as- Freshmnan handhook. The supply of ________________ these books" is liited and they will be presented to the students in the '-l~llllll~iil~lfitiilIIiiiiHi1i1116ii11~1llii1t~i11 order in which they''egister at the office of he University extension division. VOGa EL BROS. MA1RKET.E SCOO 1 PHONE 665zf ANN AIR10t, MI('IIx t4N .° PRSEASTER SPECIALS = All Expenses Including round Order your Ham for Easter dinnler. Ham t trsteamislalpy fare for Two ete o fry. Ham to bake.. am to boil. We $750' have Hames of all brands. Your choice Directed by Homer A. 1estarnls S wI ZuuiSu~i;II(idlu Arranged by IMTravel Club, -= Armciir Star (uialay Peacock ' Grand Itaapids, Michigan.= Wilson ('er~tliiedDcl .r i'aking hest Maid = Parker-11ebb HIoney Branid llsa mm ronId Stndisli G reeii Field _____________ _____________ AVI' 'YOUR. 'IICE OF I'l[I Rt IE I IA 1 DS -25 .......... -.............,.., OHALF OR I (M I JE-PO UNDI..... ,,...............,.........2 c ' £Ieotro i eaters W-' fcAls'o laive the f'.iiiioes, 11. A. Cana~ian Jhilee Hams janit Back Baconi 1:1tit.. Rtt___.._ittt_.."..... . t... .. Tv~ sonmc of our geanuine liomie dressed Spring Land) h. inad, and fore Woodward, at- Eliot - una rs for rcansting. First- of thle season. B ON S T EL LE= WE HAVE FRIESHI FOWL AND) CHICKiENS PLAY,$15H ts.E oe.,Thiera?, *11 he a demoitstratiemi in ouar Store Saturday of Swift Pe Tihurs. .and Sat., 50c, 7 c = - SPECIxa. .oci aaan ta some fterfIl as Bleg'inning Monday, April 2" PCIL Week i 2-POI'NI) OX JUBSP1Y CRACKiERSa ........................2'~c A Thrilling Dramatic Play of 1.POITNI)D llLK ('HO'GCfLAT'E FIG BARlS...........9e ~JaIofA_ 1 POU) ~)C_. OcOLATE BEL ISLIA CAKES ................. 2 9 =SAINT JOAN ANNOUNCE3 FINAL DATES) OF MICHIGAN ELECTIONS FOR BALANCE OF YEAR Important (lates in the sttile elec- ions for this spring and next fell were announced yestierday, following lie receipt here of the complete cal- ndar by Claramon L. Pray, county cleric. The following is a partial list oft dates containied in t lie calendar: April lI-Republican county con- ventions to select dulegat ' , to the tate convention. April 25-Republican state conven- tion to name seven delegates at large to the national convention at Kansas City, the state gathering to be held( in May 9- Democr~atic, state conven- tion at Port H-uron to select' delegates to the national convention to be held in H-ouston, Texas. June 12-Republican -,nationaI con- vention. at Kansa's City, Mo. June 26-'Democratic national con- vention at Houston, Tex. June 1, to Aug. 14-Statewide re-reg- stratien of. electors in cities and townships of 5,000 or niore; 'optionalI in places of less than 5,000. July 5-Last day for filing petitions for constitutional amendments. July 17.-Last day for filing nom- iating petitions. Sept. 4-General primary. Sept.-County convention's to be held within 15 dl,- ys after goixerat? primary. a1P191 * May, Succeed W11s~PTESON STRESSES FRIENDLINESS BETWAEEN PROFESSOR AND STUDE x ~"Kn3ow y ourl, Michigan11," 1" the wdl.aum,,nent his' education and in K vi'c of Actin,:denn Patterson of thel learnied hat Professor Gibbs wa Engieing oinlc to the under rad- mnan who was cansidered the aut Uat ' : o t1tth nil rjslty, In an imtt lr- ty on the stuidies that Dean P, - vieiv yvterday the fl)ean enmphhasiz d sont was interested in. the vali of4n iitimat acquinttance- Dean Patterson is strong forl siup ith te w I knon menof th iga i bt he is even stronger fo . schooil. En gineering college. "Some o F t f