.;, 5, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 5, 1928 T. . . . ......DA.L sRn k - , * .wo O' w L1" AIL~ LEAGUE AND W. OFFICERS FOR MANY WOMEN PARTICIPATE ELECTION OF LEADING ORGANIZATIONS VOTING IS VERY CLC IN OSE Mary J. White, '29, and Be4*y Smnither, '29,.. Head Two Organizations For Coming Year i Mary Julian White, '29, president for the nast. year of Masques, and Wyvern society, yesterday was elect- ed presi-dent of the Women's League for the coming year. With her were elected the following officers, who will take office , at the same tim-e as she and who will also serve a year's term as administrators of the Women's League: vice-president, Vir- ginia Read, '29, corresponding secre- tary, Margaret Bush, '30, recording secretary, Gertrude Smith, '40, treas- urer, Dorothy Beck, -130, senior rep- resentatives, Jessie Church, '29, Jean Hathaway, '29, junior representatives, Louise Cody, '30, Eloise Avery, '30, sophomore representatives, Frances Movy, '31, and Helen Jones, '31. Three mem'bers were elected to the Judiciary council who are, senior representative, Vera Johnston, '29, junior' representatives, Helen el- lows, '30, anid Margaret Babcock, '30. W. A. A. elections were held at the satre time as the League elections and Betty S'mither, '29, vice-president of W. A. A. for the past year was elected president. The following offsi- cers were also elected with her: vice-president, Doris Renkenberger, '30, secretary, Frances Sackett, '30, treasurer, Arlene Heilman, '30, pub- licity manager, Marjorie Follmer, '30, Intramural manager, Dorothy Grif- fith, '30, and point recorder, Gertrude Smith, '30. The voting - was ex- tremely close in this election. Later in the year there will bej a banquet in which the officers of the League will be inaugurated. This banquet is an annual affair and every woman on campus is invited to at- tend. CHILDREN T AUGH T Mrs. Vandenberg Is A.. ELECT ALL IN CRIPPLE WARD InterestedAlumna Interested Alma Little folks in the crippled child- ren's ward of the University Hospital With the appointment of Arthur H. are'learning how to weave, to do- me- Vandenberg of Grand Rapids to the tal work, to draw; and are being Senate last week, the Alumnae or- ttheir three R's-rading, writ- ganization of the University of Mich- OMICHIGAN WOMEN WILL The ithmet igan is also losing a valuable mem- children do what they are phy- ber. Mme. Vandenberg, who for sev- sically capable of doing. Jack, who eral years has been Vice president of The annual luncheon of the Tjetroit has to lie on one side, draws, some- t Alumnae counci oftthe niersity Association of University of Michigan times bunnies which he later paints. left today with Senator Vandenberg women will be held at the Statler Many of the kiddies are able to take for Washington, D. C., where they will hotel in Detroit at 12:30 o'clock on the daily lesson which is taught them make their home until the adjourn- Saturday, April 14. The arrangements by a trained occupational therapist. m ent of the Senate. s for this luncheon have been made Two hours every morning is spent in of the class of '06 and was a member fbr this time in order to make pos- learning how and then doing some sible the attendance of any Michigan one of the minor crafts. Girls in'ofDeta Gamma sorori. After woman who wishes to attend. Dr. Ar- training and volunteers help the graduation from the University she thur Morgan, President of Antioch youngsters, sometinies doing the work has been actively iWtereague in the college will give the main address. of an unwieldy right arm, occasionally University. Mrs. Vandenberg has been This luncheon will also be the an- leading an inexperienced hand. one of the leading league workers in nual meeting of the group and the The workshop is a brightly lighted the Grand Rapids Association of Un- business of the year will be discuss- room with soft curtains, gray walls, rndy Raidhsganowomen, ch ed at this time. Slides of the new and short-legged green chairs. Each is oney of Michigan womn, which Women's league building will be head is bent oven its task, each mind in the country. Mrs. Vandenberg is shown and explained by Mrs. W. D. intent on its problem-busy hands, at the present time Vice-president of Henderson, executive head of the Wo- happy children. Many and diverse the Alumnae council, which office she men's league. Any Michigan women Iare the products of this odd shop. will keep during her sojourn in Wash- desiring to attend are asked to make Baskets of many types, rugs, oil igton at the request of the council. reservations by calling Miss Emilie paintings, drawings, metal objects, Mrs. Vandenberg and the three chil- Sargent, Detroit, Empire 0936M. Tick- embroidered towels, all are made by drsnd bJrgantart- ets for the event are $1.50. the busy hands of crippled children, dmet, ArthurrBa.ara,Senor atatenr- T ing a finishing school in the east and W omen in Journalism Are Responsible Betty who is in a private school in Grand Rapids, will all be present And Business-Like-Professor Brumm when Senator Vandenberg takes his oath of office. Special word has been Editors everywhere claim women ing it when they renew their connec- sent to the Association of Michigan have been unsuited for journalism be- tions. women in Washington of the arrival they lt sexof Mrs. Vandenberg and Mrs. Van- cause they let their sex interfere too Many women have graduated from denberg will no'doubt affiliate her- much. Especially in newspaper work the journalism department of the Un- self with this group, for the time of they have demanded attention and iversity and now are very successful. her residence in Washington. sympathy, and have been unwilling A striking example of this Margaret - to cover .anything that may prove Sherman, a graduate in '27, who work- COLLEGE BRINGS POISE i DR. BELL ANNOUNCES Tentative to a Mid-West Conference of College Directors of Physical Edu- cation to be held in Ann Arbor April 30 and May 1, and a convention of the A A i.n Ph i R Ebiation associa- Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Win Baseball Games' In a fast game characterized by a great deal of. hard hitting by both teams, Delta Delta Delta defeated Helen Newberry, 24 to 12. The Tri- Delts maintained their lead from the D 0il o R Ts c Daily Bulletin of Sportswomen League Bridge Teo Net $664 Clear Gai As a result of the Bridge teas whi were held last Saturday at every rority and dormitory on the camp $64 was turned 'over o the Lea from the Undeligraduate campal committee. This sum is net gain the League fund. A charge of cents was made to every guest pl ing bridge last Saturday and $3 N charged for those making up a tal Margaret Bush, '30, was in charge 3I t .merican r yscaiructu Zs41-}alth tesfrheUdgau start by the outstanding batting of a tion meeting in Detroit, May 2, 3, 4, Marshall, Underwood, Fast, and Groff. campaign committee. and 5, Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the Robinson, Schmidt, and McCredie -- University department of physical starred for the dormitory team. education, announces the part which . The lineup was as follows: Tri- Posters for the Freshman Pag the University of Michigan will take Delts-Underwood, Marshall, .Fast, i be due April 18. emanrs of in both conferences. McColl, Unsworth, Van Zwaluwen- in both conferences. C berg, Groff, Amerine, Wihiting. Helen posteiz committee headed by H President Clarence Cook Little will Newberry-M. Robinson, Laur, Mc- Cheever, '31, will be at Barbour g deliver one of the addreses at the De- Credie, Schmidt, Fostei, Pierce, nasium Tuesday and Wednesday troit convention as .a speaker upon Abbott. lowing vacation and all posters the program of the Women's athletics In the 5 o'clock game Kappa Alpha to be submitted at that time.' section, which is in charge of the Theta defeated Chi Omega, 13 to 12. The gm a eycoe h cr University of Michigan. game was very close, the score Freshman members of Alpha La Jbeing 11-11 at the beginning of the a Dla re skdt m et nth He will speak on the question of third inning.aWhite and Brusie star- da Delta are asked to meet in the "Extra-mural Competition for Girls red for the winners, and Wilcox and lors of Barbour gymnasium at 4:30 and Women." Other speakers in the Sibley were outstanding on the Chi day for the purpose of electing ofli Michigan section, which will take Omega team. and organizing. place on the afternoon of May 4, will be Helen Hazelton, of the University of Minnesota, chairman of the na- tional baseball committee, who will present the report of the Women's athletics comnittee; PaulineFrederick, FRESH FISH EVERY DAY of Battle Creek, whose subject will be Track and Field; Pauline Knapp of Trout, lb. . .........30c Jumbo Herring, lb.... 15 Chicago representing the Illinois, league, followed by discussion led by Halibut, Jb. .......30c White Fish, lb..:.'...30c Lydia Clark of Ohio State university. A second discussion group in this sec- Salmon, lb. .. ....30c t Wall-Eyed Pike, 1b.. .25 tion of the -convention will be upon the subject of "Problems in Testing Ath- T eao Street letic Ability of High School Girl's."iea The other topics to receive the at- tention of the convention, in addition 215 North Ma StP to Women's Athletics, according to an ain . one,811 official program, will be the Normal Open Evenings, Sundays and Holidays school, Public school, Women's co.- lege, Men's college, Private schools, Playground and Recreation, Indus- trial, Y.W.C.A., Y.M.C.A., Men's ath- letics, Orthopedics, Boy Scouts, and Campfire and Girl scouts. Ar. Easter Buny grets you- The headquarters of the Mid-West conference in Ann Arbor will be the With Fem ninineNovelties new athletic building on Palmer field.Nl 2 to Complete the Easter e,, M ;. dangerous. But, asserts Professor Brumm of the journalism department of the University, this fault is be- coming a thing of the past, and wo- men arp venturing into almost any- thing men do and are becoming more responsible and business-like. Wommen have entered practically every field open to them in journal- ism, from foreign correspondent to editor. There are various organiza- tions for women writers, but the W8- men's National Press club, whose ac- tive membership consists of publish- ers, editors, writers, correspondents, and reporters, actively engaged in Washington on well established per- iodicals, including- government pub- lications,as well as women in pub- licity work who have regular con- tact with ,the press, probalAy exacts the strictest requirements for mem- bership of any similar organization of women writers. Not only does it in- sist that its active members be en- gaged in writing articles which they actually market, but if, for any rea- son, they are "at liberty" they may retain their membership only six months, with the privilege of renew- ed only six months on the Pittsburgh Post Gazette before she was made Women's editor, the highest position open to women. Prpfessor Brumm says every year more' women enter the department, not wishing to take up teaching or stenographic work, which are about the only women's occupations outside of professions. A sNOTICES ; A sale of novelties and handmade; goods of various kinds made by pa- tients of the Psychopathic hospital will be held this afternoon from 3 until 5 o'clock at the Pi Beta Phi house. Mri. Dorothy; Wulp, who is head of the occupational therapy de- partment will conduct the sale. MADISON, Wisconsin--A new insti- tution, the "Date ,Shop" evolved here puts dating on a systematic basis. Sheets aie used on which are kept names, addresses and accomplish- ment- of the co-ed applicants. There is no charge for this service to bash- ful swains. "College work aids a woman in de- veloping tact, poise and a capacity for work in after life," said Mrs. Florence Robnett, director of the Chi- cago Collegiate Bureau of Occupa- tions. She stated that college courses, as far as their actual content is con- cerned, do not benefit a woman a great deal. when she presents herself be- fore an employment bureau. . When asked whether or not women starting out in life after college are satisfiedI to start at the bottom, Mrs. Robnett stated that most women are not will- ing to accept the lowly beginning. v' SOCIETIES DECIDE ON DEBATE TOPIC i As the international topic for thb upperclass debate between Portia and Athena liteirary societies, the joint committee has selected the following question: "Resolved: That the United States government should cease to protect American capital invested in foreign countries." Since the subject will involve study and investigation, it was proposed at the meeting of Portia held Tuesday night that tryouts foil the upperclass team representing the society be scheduled, for the program Tuesday, April 17. Three -minute speeches' will be required of every .upperclass Mem- ber. The committee appointed to be in charge of arrangements for the debate are: Wilma Neubecker, '28, Eleanor, Horsey, '29, and Nancy O'Neal, '30-' "Dramatic Cozy" is the latest form of co-ed get-together. It is a com- bination program of dramatics, bridge, dancing and tea. The place of ori- gin is not known, although it spread from the east to the west. Will Re-open He has picked gay Spring pqsies, for Easter tailleurs. lHe has invented fascinating new hosiery shades for the parade. And he has painted by hand dainty Greeting Cards to accompany his gifts to you. He Would Like to Meet You at THE RUBLEY SHOPPE In the Arcade I I Under the Managen'aent of -REPAIRING II We sell and service all makes of Typewriters The Largest and Best stock to select from in Ann Arbor, backed by skilled service. at Rider's Pen Shop Phone 8go Mrs., Anna Kalmbach. I 1. i Who, the Past Three Years, Has Been Located at My-T-Fine Cafe 222 S. Main 1$ . ALL MAKES 11 11 Phone 4161 11 I. i 2'mo I I FLOWERDAY'S LOWERS ,:a Vacation Days for Easter Are happy days if you have appropri- ate and comfortable all the requisites in a ,n.-- -_ ...... _ __ _ . r, ,: % ' ... i 1 '/ . . y= 4<< / l '$ro./ }w'A w-.. . -r _ , := 'r fJ f^y.A i 1y,+t ^ / F i: A FF ryh x $. ,; .. S +v. t i. _I .I Lilies, Roses, Spring Plants togs. for each gala occasion. We have Inviting Spring Into the home. Brighten up for the sunshine season Everything Just Right wide range of colors and styles. Early Summer Frocks Nothing over $15.00 by, making roomsA porches more attractive. and Phone 7014 We Have Many Sugges- tions in Our Delightful Assemblage of Lamps Mary Louise Shop Nickels Arcade Store Nickels Arcade Greenhouses 1400 Traver I.. "Flowers by Wire" I i 308 Maynard Street ." o~e~ftp~ Near the "'maJ" Hi~ 'The Enseml-e is the complete summer costume. Tweed, flannel and silk are all combined in attractive $ modes at. « 'i 'I-'' (Second Floor) liI t I .v MOVOMMMOMMONOMM6 ._ _ ' - * Junior irs' lay FRIDAY WhitneyI A w~uuiI (0) I I .... - -t " - w+ 'er-4 . -Wa 7" I wl I &P m Te- a i