"TH FFMICHIG..ANDAILY TUSDY 0660 - - . ______- --- ___ ____. ___.__... _ ._ .._.._._., ..n _,..n ..,_._. . _.._,.... .. i OL OF MUSIC IS- ROANIZE STUDENT CIL ATMETN 01! (1ILOUP WILL TART, ?CONO) SI EP TOWARD RE ORGANIZATION Plane To, FlyTO South Pole With Byrd; Dirigible To North With General Nobi PLAN 4DANCE 'LIKE -HOP UnfIl Organiztion Of Men Last Week Syiplionk League Was Only Student Governtent FIor the purpose of establishing for the School of Music a student council similar to that of the University, all tudents enrolled in the School of Music" are to meet this afternoon. At this meeting the size of the cun- cii will be determined and its mem- bers elected. This is the, second step which has been taken in the process of reorgan- izing the student government of. the School 'of Music. Last week the men of, the School formed an organization similar to. the Symphonic league, the women's organization, and elected of- ficers, Those elected w~ere: president, Roy . Langham; 6seretary, Stewart E. Churchill; and treasurer, Mac E. Carr. "Langham' and Churchill, as presi- dent and secretary, will, it is expected, serve as members of the student council, along with the presdent and secretary of the Symphonic league, did other ;members who wil be elect- edt tomorrow. ;Astudent council will, we hope, rac~e the standard of the School both socially and scholastically," Lang- ham observes. "We are planning a. number of activities, which will in- clude an all-school dance similar to the J-Hop, to be held in the spring. Since we arse entirely separate in our organization :from the University, it . seems right t t .we should have our own student co ail to consider mat- ters of general Oiterest. "Until the ,men, of the School or- ganized last week -they had no self-l govern~ment of 1th r own but simply jolined unoffcally with the Symphonic league in all activities, such as the annual banquet. We have not yet cho- sen a name for our organization, nor a faculty adviser. N1owever, we are °hoping to have a dean of men for, the School, as Mrs. lBacher is dean of women." Ir News From 0 'TINY'LEWISGIVEN DERBY NORITIWSTORN UNIVERSITY- Lelandi "Tiny" Lewis, was awarded the traditional brown derby in ap- preciation of h1, activities during his college career, at the annual gridiron banquet sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalistic frater- nity. Lewis starred at Northwestern both on the gridiron and track team. ORGANIZE FLYING CLUB TULANE ;UNIVERSITY-A charter for a flying organization has been gr nted to the Aero-Cub by the Prs- ident of the university. The club was recently furnished planes by an air- ,ways company and instruction is be- ing given by experienced pilots of that' company. HOLD THEATERt CONTEST NORTIHWESTERN UNIVERSITY- Nine colleges repnesenting seven dif- ferent states are entered in the annual theater contest which will be held here April °19, 20, and 21. Each team will present its play at RIBBONS AN) SUPPLIES for all makes of TYPEWRITERS1 MAY TIL ENER ix Whiskered Students Composed First [10PAVi11T17 1e~ PEECCONEST~ Varsity Band Established 70 Years Ago;ALU~Ifl~ LUI Witli 27 students already entered !IT IIPkiU I in the Thomas E. HT Black Oratori j (Continued fr~om~ Pare One) lit until a larger sour,,e of incom(ue iIalcntsOrUUIVihadD.T.UD ofwrkad 1LUitIheIIIen iz firIi lister, sponsor of the event, an- rlAges somlewhere in the neigbor Duing; the pIescutsc(l0 year, Speak~ling mowst hopefully of thae nounces that any others who plan hored of 75 nieces during ihe loolballltwo illortanlt steps> have hben taken Il)P05P~et s of constructive developt-. to participate should register withi seaisoni to about 50 men when flt;e by the hland ora iio. h;,iltent ,at the Unive+rsity, P~rof. Thomas him not later than the beginning of timne forl the Spr1ing coflUei't seasoniis fihe fine cooperation wtiith t ,lug :If.gee~, of the political ,cience de- Spigvctois at hland. Tho IiAen in the Iband11are biids uas WaIS lonie tluring the 1927 ,partiu, itwho I~s abse;nt on leave fcr Students of any of the shosslce ybrco acn fe afobl . Telad ~itis rsemestcr, au~lr,'sedthe1,alumnni of s lec ed y liii ec~ o r 'al o n e aft r i th o u g;h t it b etter to stn i tle iv lr ' and colleges of the University who series of thorough {tryouits at the between the home and vAisiting b lands , the [iersity of Mlicigant~ residfing are schiolastically eligible may enter opening of the ;school year and ;iat and substitute coonrationi. As a re- in the10Pit(,~tsburgh ara. at :a diner the contest. Second semester fresh, the start of the seceond semester. sualt, better playin, bieitt i' ;1 more 'resday nighlt t the liv rsity club men with special permission are inl- 'Eligibility rules such as are rc(Inired ig ini figures wec rformied on the .Ptbr~ en eluded' in this :group). Professor Hol- Ifor all campus activities ar'e strictly fie, i. Iand ;l better s mii it of friend-]! lister should be, reached' by tele- en-flforced. the Reserve lband ltaktinlg ship) grew iii? hi tween iifte Vars1iiy l''ofe"isor Reed iurged the ;alumni to phone at his'residence it~ he canl not care of the freshmen :;and the inchlind and the visiting flllsi('al o01' continule and increalse theiri lyal sup- be found in his office onl the fourth gibles. The latter organ11ization actsI gaizationis. rtfthUnvsiy stressing the floor of Angell hall.j as _a feeder to the Varsity organize-rrThe other stet) is that of Usint" )WhenelofEthe "sippor t withiout which A preliinia'ry contest will be held tion. bN10t bring abou11t clos;er conitat the conltinuedl progress; of the Unriver- either late- in AprilI or early In May The band is now financed biy.the w ith aluiii, as is showni in the re- spity is iullnosile. and the final contest will be' held money tillned over to it bey the AtIV- cent Onuils'\which I elmie an has!mae l'cfesor Red ws gated.a lealve during tlier first ten days of, May, l etic associationl from the sfutiiitto the Varsity hockIey gamuies at the of absen('ice for tis semester andulis Professor _. H oliste r states. The' tuition money. The organization Olymipia arena in Detr-oit. Po Itlvn in Pitsbuirh where he is actingt speeches are' limitedt to 15 minutes by h rm otis it:1;s; dl. 1~ be h ;i iei f ias.adviser t(,; tie Pennisylvania COm)- in length iand must deal with a theme horns, fandlthe iuniformls com'iplete.creasing commnenidationu"pon th1e prarission,1 to1tudy mun 111ic'ipl Cnsolida- suggested" by the New Testament. The.l From the nioney which is left over, Iof aluni and visitor's. tioli ini couinties of ]the sconid class. competition: as such is not intended it pays. for the music,* and for the to result in a religious contest but I trips which -it takes to out-of-townl she ion of .apersonal, ttreflections f rcio steand econ- - agivens.occasionally T eo al o attsnearby i htowns;PW K T R victions as inspiredI by the New are not money milkers for the treas- SEE Testament. ury, as only expenses are asked. An, award of $1001 and a gold medal . As it costs a large sumi of moneyI I YI i t r s r lo/ f r' $ 4/ 1 t .. . & .x' iS to Lbe. mnae to tesper la IJIUC- LI aII.71pu1pI o u m iat t te- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - mg first in the final' contest. A se- country, but one ril) to aIn out-o-Th attSelnM s U-oDtePrbe ond prize of $50 is also .offered. Rob- (town game is taklen each year. In ert J. Gessner, '29, was awardIed first the east years, there has been mu,1,1h On the Market. place last spring, the- first year that talk about inceasing the size of the Blounid for different extremities of the earth, these two .arrat are ling ithe contest has been held. Jarl A. band, but according to the manage- 'VH R Z D D A E made ready for polar journeys, one to the North Pole and one to the south. A nder, '29, de placed] second to Ges et t ol wdngru od Abo e, Commander Richard E. Byrd's tri-motored plane built for' his polar nr nd e sc ompeting ini the da geou t d fih.Blw th diiiltaiiwhc Ge.UbroNbltays lakcnetaan tis yeartng al-h famous airman a~lnl explorer, hopes to reach the North Polc.,;though Gessner' is not. f - ' I i r.n %S Mn W V W'4 W'qNs LAW U(JJVIITI IEE WI LL MEET H EE Arrangements are being completed for the convening in Ann Arbor of the American Law institute committee of the re-statemient of the law on con- flict's of laws, according to Prof. Herbert F.. Goodrich of the Law school who is . cne of the meqmbers of the committee. Sessions will be held from April 11 to 14 _inclusive. Among those wljo will attend the conference will be William Draper Lewis, a prominent Philadelphia lawyer. )they Colleges least twice, and the winning school will lbe'picked by a process of elim- ination. VOTE FAVORS BOLTS DARTMOUTH- The class of '28 here voted for the unreserved right to take as many bolts as desired after the Easter vacation. The 317 seniors voted unanimously for the right. PRI NCETON FAVORS TWO .lTEAMS!1 PRINCE~TON- Student opinio:a here favors having two Varsity foot:,,all teams - not of equal strength, bu'. classified according to .weight. One would consist of the heavier men who usually make the Varsity at pre- sent; the other, of the men under 150 pounds who are just as brilliant play- ers, but whpse weight handicap keepsf them from Varsity competition. MONTE BLUE ' in 'The Man Upstairs'I (IIARLEY CHA SE 1'IY[NNY -I .1 15% oSaved That is the discount we allow you When you bring your laundry to the Cash and Carry Office of White Swan Laundrfy Co. Opp. Maj. Press Building Open 7 ae m. to 8 p. M. CORNWELL COAL - COKE STrain Service accon East'r",u.L er Vacation w For the accommodation of University of Michigan students, re - rE S turning home Friday, April 6th, account Easter vacation, the Ann Arbor Railroad will provide the f ollowing train service from Ann SArbor, to Toledo, protecting all To"ledo conn ections: Sv. Anun Arboir ,........10:30 A. M1t..(C. 'Fl'.}' L ; . A n n Aibor. ........ . .1:0.1IiV. -if. (C., TO) fr. Toledo/...... ......1:14) P. in. (E. r'I) A ?. Iol'do ....... .....::30 P. 11. (E. T.~) - NORTHBOUND TRAIN SERVICE _ Northbound Trains Ngls. 51 and 53 leave Ann Arbor, 8:05 A. M. (C . T.) and 3:52 =P. M. (C. T.) respectively, connecting wit; Grand Trunk, Michigan Central and Pere =Marquette for all principal, destinations in Lower and Upper Peninsula of Michigan, 1 All trains will be provided with additional first-class coaches._ _ W(ould suggest purchase tickets 'and check baggage in advance' so as to avoid unnecessary . S delay anoT confusion at train time. - ANiN ARBOR RAILROAD Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas'Coke. This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. 7CON I 0 "iscovery i CORN WELL COAL - COKE And On the .Screen- OFFICE, CORNWELL B3LOCK Phones, Office :4551-4552 Yard Office : 5152 I Rapid turnover, fresh stock Insures best quality at a moderate itrice. 3 0. D. Ml.O RRIL L 17 Niel~els Arcaide.Phn 6615. This "Ad" iviti1He SOO -lW ATICE FAIRFAX'S "TH1E *LOVELORIN" I V 7= 11 MOMMONWA NOW SHOWING ; 2:00) and 3:30 7:00-S8:40 -Y I NEy SON. 22 :1 -'I ~ '1 '1 I' ~ 1Q-.30-40 10-50 SEAUTY/ !,p40 pop1 - 1 ,Q~r nv E 1 Ei/AV j STAGE ATTRACTION BOB JULIE CARLETON BALLEW IN "SONGS BUILT AND REPAIRED" SCREEN I STAGE, ENCE 1155INURNATIONALl-All 11 i PRICER Orchestra ..$3.30 Balc-y . ,$2,95 .2.20, $x.65 69 APHRODISIAC ALLURES BOX ()IFI%4E SALE ON A-1)AFE MON. APR1. 13 REVOSTf ,/ l5ondejti NrmnartKeir'ry Jealousy! Love! Adventure A uleqiknu dia nof -three 111-l uni icartis struggling lto find true love In ,he ilepih l i d'uhest Africa. The mysterious, seul-stirring grip of the tz ri:pics. At once haunting and thilling. ,. .,is "(A i ARE. - ls UUEUSUX16 &A 11 I L I