ESTABLISHED 1890 J Lit It I aiibj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 143 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1928 EIFHT Pd AUAl i i.. a A M E ICANDEFER ACTION ON NANATOMYDANCE INTRUDERS A Q n IA TI A it T! El ODElilAfter a meeting yesterday after- MEETINGS HEtRE TODAY TEACHERS FROM ALL -PARTS UNITED STATES AND CANADA TO ATTEND OF SMOKER WILL BE GIVEN Numerous Papers Will Be Presented At Forty-Fourth Meeting Of National Association More than 200 teachers of anatomy from all parts of the United States and Canada, members of the American; Association of Anatomists, will con- vene in Ann Arbor today for a three day conference. This will be the forty-fourth annual session of the association which is composed of doc- tors and professors from nearly all noon at which a number of the of- fenders were interviewed personally, the University disciplinary committee deferred action against those respon- sible for the raiding of the Lawyers' club ballroom last Friday night while the annual Crease dance was in progress. 'he members of the offending party, largely engineering students, turned out the lights and loosed stench bombs in the ballroom', then forced admittance, after which they were ejected only by violent meas- ures. L CONSPIRAC TRIAL DELAYED BY COURT ACT r >M N G O ,CWILL HELP HOOVER IN DIRECTING_1928 RACE GOOD DENIES CONNECTION BUT IS UNDERSTOOD To BE SILENT PARTNER WILL COORDINATE DRIVE 1.rnir (ongres sman I)ecliiros + Ioo er Will Support Coolidge Policies If He Is Nominted (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, April 4.-As a step toward coordinating the Hoover-for- President forces, forner Rep. James W. Good, of Iowa, has joined the group of Republicans who are direct- ing the campaign of the commerce secretary. He plans to spend most of his time in Washington until the Kansas City convention. In a statement today, Good, who at one time was chairman of the IHouse appnropriations com'mittee and ......_.... c r I RECEIVES OIL CAN AT GRID BANQUET a . . DATES FOR SPRING EVENTS ARE ANNOUNCED The following are the 6fficial dates for the principal spring events as announced by Court- land C. Smith, '28, president of the Student council, yesterday. Cane Day ............ April 29 Registration for all-campus elections .......... May 2, 3. Spring Games.........May 4, 0. Swing out...............May 8. All-campus elections ..... May 0. Cap Night........... May 11. Senior Ball............May 18. {lass Day...........June 15. Co) tilencelmet.......June 18. iSIXTH GRIDIRON BANQUET IS HEL IN CONVENT1INSET1TING AT UNtO0 CARL HUBER, GRADUATE SCHOOL DEAl GIVEN 'FAVORABLE EPITAPH' OF ANNUAL'RAZZFEST' Hugh Cabot, dean of the Meldical school, was awarded the famo Oil Can and the accompanying title of "Loquacious Lubricator" at t sixth annual banquet of the IOuights of the Gridiron, held in the Uni banquet hall last night. 'The Oil Can was relinquished as the featu event of the annual "razzfest," sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, prof sional fraternity, by Prof. William A. Frayer, of the histo-y depa mert, who has had the trophy in his custody during the past year. The "favorable Epitaih,,' customary and only commendation the entire evening, was this year read in honor of Prof. Carl G. Hub Dean of the Graduate School, as the closing event on the program. 'f epitaph was read by Hebert E. Vedder, '28, general chairman of t banquet. Presided over by "Roastmaster" Waldo M. Abbot, of the rheto department, this year's banquet, held amid the settings of a natior nominating convention, entirely lived up to expectations. Few m, Delay Allowed To Perniit Operator's Attorney To Study Deposition Made By Albert Fall PAll CASEl lS POSTPiu BAND *AND 'GLEE CLUB TO PRESENT CNET Two Musical Organizations Will Give Ainrual Easter Music Program In Hill Auditorium TO CHARGE NO ADMISSION t 7 1 i J of the principal medical schools on the continent. Although the Union will be unable to furnish hotel accommodations for all of the visiting doctors, it has' been designated as the official headquarters for the association during the time of the convention. Reservations have been made for some time at the lo- cal hotels for the members of the association who will be present at the meeting. To Meet Twice Daily Morning and afternoon sessions will be held on all three days. Nerly 70 papers will be read by title and more than 80 papers will be presented in the ,meetings which are to be held in the lecture room of the new Medi- cal building, while more than 50Msep- arate demonstrations will be given In the various laboratories in the Medical school. Members of, the association will be received as guests at a 'sMoker to be given at 8:30 o'clock tonight intthe assembly hall of the Union. Friday night at 7 o'clock a subscription din- ner will be held at the Union. Ar- rangements have also been made.for J FJ(aLL .a.L ~ vt ,'iJL4 h J I rulbIUE - (By Associated Press) luncheons at 12:30 o'clock on the three days of the session, to be held at the Union. Dean Huber Participates. Dr. Carl G. Huber, professor of ana- tomy, director of'the anatomical, lab-E oratories, and dean of the graduate school is in charge of space and the equipment for all demonstrations which will be given during the course of the meeting. Officers of the association are: pres- ident, George L. Streeter, Johns Hop- kins university Medical school, Balti- more, Md.; vice president, Stephen W. Ranson, Medical school of North- westerQ university, Evanston, Ill.;' secretary-treasurer, Lewis H. Weed, John Hopkins university Medical school. BAUR DISCUSSES . . DISEASE CONTROLl "To check diseases not only must we know differences in the constitu- -tion of individual bacteria, but we n:ust know and be able to trace the soil in which it grows," declared Dr. Julius Baur in his illustrated lecture on "Pathological Constitutions and Heredity' of Disease" which he de- livered before a capacity audience last night in the Natural Science auditorium., Basing .his lecture on the theory of inheritance lie presented numerous examples cr? brothers and sisters pos- sessing similar diseases and traced their origin to the parents of the t~itltlra ' . ?hel n 1 t1ILII 01of lfe Cilia Dean Hugh Cabot Who was presented with /the Oil Can and title of "Loquatious Lubni-j cator" at the annual Gridiron ban- quet of Sigma Delta Chi, last night. WASHINGTON, April 4.-Post- in 1924 assisted in the management UIuII Givingtheir second pre-holiday were spared the embarrassment of hearing their most hidden weak- ponement until next Monday of the of the Coolidge pre-convention cam- concert of the school year, the Var- nesses brought to the attention of opening of the criminal conspiracy paign, said in no sense was he th Tsity band and the Varsity Glee club PlII flthe 95 delegates assembled in the trial of Harry F. Sinclair growing out campaign manager for Mr. Hoover. wil combine tonight to give a pro-PIEI IUnion convention hall, and few of the Teapot Dome case was granted It is understood, however, that heIl gram of Easter music. The co ero, blushes went unnoticed. As in pas today by Justice Jennings Bailey in will have many of the powers of which is free to all, will begin at years the specific references and courDistrict of Columbia Supreme manager, although the direction of E Fii T Eshablh llame 8 o'clock sharp and will be held in events which transpired at the ban- the D the cabinet officer's campaign prob- For Disaster ich Devastated Hill auditorium. The .nrusic which. quet, will be known only to those In T hr e ly wo i as on motion of at- th abinetl officer's crg payn prob-nd 1 San Du an il( Ito Deay ate 'will be given is almost entirely new )'attendance. 'toneys for the defense and, unop- of the group of Hoover supporters. since the last Ann Arbor appearance.Senate Spends Time With District Of Little Gives Keynote Sposed by specialwgovernment oil Is Simply Volunteer hI Ai WAS UNSAFE The two societies have been working Columbia; To Return to Farm Following the keynote address by wealthy was allowed to permit the "I am simply a volunteer with ot- N IUNSAFE on it since the start of the new Reliec Tomorrow President Clarence Cook Little, var- styhoil operator's lawyer to ers in an effort to aid the Republi- (tsemester. ionus nominating speeches were aput study the deposition made last wee'k cans to nominate a man for president IIlANGELs , Atl 4-Wth) Among the numbers for the pro- FLOOD BILL UP TO HOUSE before the delegates. Following were ~at El Paso by Albert B. Fall, a co- whom the geiat majority favor," LOS ANGELES, April 4-Without. gram tonight are several solos. The the delegates called from the-ffloor to defendant with Sinclair at the mis- Good explained in his statement. fixing responsibility for the collapse first number scheduled is Marche (By Associted Press) the rostrum for that purpose in order trial last autun sbThe date for the "There are, and I will repeat, there of the St. Francis dam on March 13, Militaire by Schubert, and will be WASHINGTON, April 4.-House in which thef appeared: Prof. H. P. trial of Fall has been postponed in- will be no headquarters. We who the committee of engineers who in- played in coim'emoration of the Scott, of the rhetoric department definitelytbecause of the condition of are his friends realize that Mr. Hoov th s of the s 0 anniversary of S'chubert's and Senate sessions today offered Prof. Everett S. Brown, of the pot- his health. er should not be drawn continually ideath. But one Michigan song has poor news picking, a tilt on the ical science department; Thomas A. Entering the courthouse where he into the campaign. le is fully occu- reported today the dam should not b een included on the program as it is House side over prohibition marking Koykka, '30L; Robert S. Miller, '28; twice'has been convicted of con- pied with his duties as secretary of have been constructed in San Fran- 1 now, that being "The Yellow and about the only bit of colorful cx- Stephen E. Jones, *80L; Prof. Robert ings growing out ofth court proceed- commerce." eisquito canyon. Blue,' which will conclude the con- change in either branch. Hannah, of the speech department; Calling attention that 'Mr. Hoover Some 400 persons lost their'lives cert. Among the more familiar mu- Ray Alexander, 28L; Prof.Preston Sinclair appeambd unchallenged. Smil- was borya and spent his boyhood in when the dam gave way and unloos- sic which will be played are the It had nothing to do with the bust- Shosson, of the history department; h gr cour attendants, a central Iowa district which he Once I Overture from 'The Barber o' Sc- ness before the House, which was and William A. Comstock, '99, former k shokhands with his counsel and represented in Congress, Mr. Good ed a 'tremendous torrent of water ville," Beethoven's "Moonlight So- muddling through a flock of resolu- Democratic nominee for governr. !chatted with newspapermen while said that "if we had set out 25 years down the canyon. nata," and some . Tannhauser un-- ions to cover payment of small in- 'Fol1winig the nominating addres, waiting for court to convene. ago. to pi'epare a man for the presi- Engineers, delegated by the district hers. Professor Frayer, who untalnast night Before departng he expressed con- dency, we would have taken the ttorey to make a report on the ca- According to Robert A. Campbell, natonalclaims of sundry kinds. was holder of the Oil Can, delivered attorney to makea repor owashholder- ofcctheigOil Cant dlivpbrld fidence in the outcome of his trial, course that has so well prepared Her- Iastrophe to the (orne's juiy faculty manager of the two organ-- A belated whoop from the dry side the address announcing the recipient. ernt-stof the bert Hdooover.'' .orte the huge water alizations, the Easter concert is now over recent afailure of the wets ef- Professor Frayer reviewed the his- -erInt t secretary would be Suports Coolidge Polcy builtontro watian established annual event, and if forts to prevent the use of poisons to tory of the past awards and past in- lf great valueri thenresentati n of "I believe in a continuation of the 1o a w 'c s ora isufficient interest is shown In the make industrial alcohol undrinkable cumbents, concluding with the an- f get ihe Coolidge policy and no man knows e with saturation ad tconsequentlyperformance tonight, will continue to brought a wet retort as to accuracy nouncement of this year's choice. Abony time the truth is out it is the policy better or, has had a larger load o the 185 foot retainin wall. beso regarded. of figures on a purported wet-dry When the name of Dean Cabot was an, unt help a person, he said. share in making them effective than i This will be the last appearance of count of congressional noses and be- ounced, pandemonium bra keloose O a ew of the witnesses sum- has the secretary of commerce," Good ienlthobugh eamin atia sf 1oth groups until after the Spring s and endured for several minutes.Dean uly thorough examiriatiomi ot the piratons of Al Sn'mthr got in, too, Cabot took the pafratrrey moned for the trial were in court, declared. "His, nomination will as- geological formation in San Francis- recess when the band will begin its r platform, after reeiv- t nunber of them were in the sure the continuation of those policies. elit a format n Sn mancis- annual Spring concerts, and the Glee for a few words. ing the coveted trophy, to be held un- city, inresponse to subpoenas. These He is like Coolidge, short on words isto canyon had not been made, ther club will make some tips out of The Senate was on District of Co- til the night of next year's banquet, investigators found from their exam-lmian tokaltftiefradeivednadesbftin h . . Everhart, Pueblo and big in accomplishments inatin that the failure of the da town to give concerts. lumbia and took a lot f time for and delivered a address befitting e banker and son-in-law of Fall, who He said there were thousands of u ft as that. Then it did a little calendar occasion. itse to defective foundation materialtr clearing work to fill the balance of ,i t Ie c witness for the gov- Republican volunteers all over the "I was t he conclusion of the board," ASK APPLICATIONSthe day and will go bak tomnorrow Tnallroom waoeckted lcnent, and Robert W. Stewart, country who are working for Mr. (loo- h a n il,gbakomrw The Union balrom was decked out chairman Of the board of the Stand- ver's nomination, and added: "They yathe mortlaced beforete Jury FROM ARCHITECTS to the farm relief bill debate. One in flags, banners, red, white and blue y f t d of h S - hves n tioy an ed: T es yOoftheresolutions passed and sent bunting and placards.otThehportraits and Oil company, o.1 Indiana, who is have effectively ouganized themselves engineers, that the damn was con- toftheHreluto zpasse an ent utn n lcrs h otat under indictment here because of 'his in most of the states under able lead- Thginet1 that u emmtly to- 'flhe Michigan State Board of Ex- to the House authorized settlement of the "Five Fathers of Our Party," refusal to answer certain questions ership. The spontaneity of this move- sy'u e Without a sufiiciently tho-i aminers. for the registration of archi- of some million dollars in claim's by which, it was intimated, will be pre- before the Senate Teapot Dome con- ment necessitates no formal organiza- 1 otimefundationnd mteria erstnwhi tects, engineers, and surveyors an- 'grain elevators and firms against the served, constituting as they do the mttee. tion. It is desirable, however, that the next examination for food administration, growing out of previous holders Of the Oil Can, hung this vast and widespread expression S)ml of h fondatio mat s architects would be given on April aspects of war-time or immediate above and at each side of the rostrum STEERE TO SPEAK of confidence should have more co- although asoably hard when dry 1213,14, at the University here, war price guarantees. and speakers' platform. Bordination. I have been requested by bectme soft and mealy when satut Anyone interested in these examin- Another preliminary step was taken As an added feature of the annual Mr. Hoover and a number of state ed, the engineers elieve They ex- ations can receive application blanks by the House rules committee for ,"Razzfest" a scandal sheet carrying leaders to gather'with his friends to pressad the olinion that the softened amd full information by writing to the getting flood control legislation mov- the complete story of the banquet and Frank W. Steere, president of the join with them to do what I can to offi e washld t from umdr th 011ce of the Board, 1043 Book build- iig today but it agreed to split the the announcement of .Dean Cabot's Michigan Gas assocfation and vice further these effoets." ing, Detroit. day tomorrow in hearing those in election, was distributed inediately president of the Semet-Solvay En- Since his retirement from Congress g _ndsdwfte___m_favor and those opposed to the re- after the award was made. gineering corporation of New York a few years ago, Mr. Good has been Iil te s RESEA