1928 TH4E MICHIGAN DAILY___________ FRESI~~NWILL OE TKRE METS-TODAY" Annul'Iudor Meet WRstlng And ii0 cliig Toieys Start Ii MAY WILL HAVE CHARGE' Wat rman, gymnasium° will formI the cnter of attraction for fresh-P men athletes this afternoon during the annual all-freshman indoor meet. The meet will open at 3:00 o'clock, when the 'all-freshman wrestling and fencing tournaments will begin simul-1 tanegusly. First place winners in the Indoor meet 'will be- awarded medals by the intramural department, while fresh- man numerals are to be given the winners In the wrestling meet and the ' fencing tournament. Four sets of, fencing numerals and five wrestling numerals' will be given oit.t Hold Elirthatlon Cotsts Dr. May and his assistants have been conducting a system'of elimina- tion contests in the various gym- nasium classes :in order to deterie the men best qualified to compete in this meet. About 65 men survived these preliminary contests. Those who will compete in the 50 yard dash are: Spelke, Brady, Hayes Whittaker, Barnes, Harwig, Mackey, Plotkin, Newnn Klivans, and Kipp . Fernandez, Winn, Hatwig, Eaton, Ricks, Roper, Post, Brown Ball, Perrin, and Pullen qualified for the rope climb. The largest number are 'entered in the chinning event. Thee are: Simm- rail, Fer'nande%, Weir, Campbell, Hayes, B13iey, Bentillo, Eatp,' Oin- r stead, IT i c k s, Crowther, Brown, Pierce, Ball, White, Schwarb~rg, and Pullen Those in the standing broad jump are: Gilbert, Van Aken, Barnes, B obbin, Hlewitt, Hofmester, Curt- lander, and Kipp. Cilbert, Hawkins, Lewis, Beers, Dybvig, Post, Forsyth, Richheimer, R obertson, Ball, Pullen, darting, and Kipp will be in. the high jump. Those In the. shot put event are: Campbell, Simmrall, Kuhner, Landre, Barnes,1 Hahn, T. Jones, Shinnick, Wagar, C. Jones, Kipp, and. Pullen. Ten men,. ave signed up for thef fencing tournament which begins atl 3 o'clock. Most of these men are evenly matched and should' presnt' some clever exhibitions. They are: Gorden, Shutz, -Madero, Reid, Fred- man, Roski, Edwards, Weinsfock, Scharmer, and Whielwright. BASEBALL SQUAD RENEWS PRACTICE ON FERRY FIELD; (Continued from Page Six) of last season's team, Heidmann, and MAlacee. Rojan, a sophomore, will be op- poite Palmer when the Purple nine- trecks out on the field against the Wolverines here. Rojan lacks ex- prience,.but is a good hitter and a capable receiver. Carey is another good catcher on Coach Kent's squa. Three of the infield positions will be occupied by veterans of last year's Wildcat team. Capt. John- sos, one 'of the leading batters anl felders in the Big Ten last season, will be found at shortstop again. Flanking him at first and third base are Melick and Izard, both members' or the 1927 infield. fSophomore Leads Thankers In Points Scored For: Yearv Frank Walaitis, versatile sophomore star, led the memb~ers of the Michi- gan swimming team in individual scoring during the Big Ten season recently concluded. In fi-e Conifer- en ce dual meets Walaitis scored a total of 35 1-2 points, five Twints ahead' of Capt. Bob Darnall and Garnet Ault who are tied for second place with 30 1-2 totals. Walaitis scored points in thre, events, competing in the' fancy (living, 40 or 50 yard sprint, and being a momm ber of the free style relay team. lie also "tied with Ault in taking- the mrst first places, -each annexing five. Walaitis captured four firsts :n faiicy diving and one in the 50 yard sprint, while Ault scored all his victories in the 440' yard swim. Frank Walaitis, '30...........35'/ Capt. 'Bob Darnall, '28 ........... 3016 Garnet Ault, '30M.......... . 3011 Robert Walker, '30........ ....30 Jud Thompson, '30......... ...27 Robert Wagner, '28............19 George Hubbiell, '29E .........18 Richard Spindle, 129E.......... .18 Thomas Watson, '29 .........13r/ Ernest Reif, '30 ............... 9 Allan Seager, '29 ............. 8 Meyer Rosenberg, '30 .......... 6" NINE EPNTR~ANTS IN UNION CONFERENCE SPORT DOPE tCc'ach (len Thistlethwaite issued di~ official call for ,candidates for sp~ring gridl practice Monday, and the' Badgers began dtrill in earniest Tuels- day afternoon. About 153nieibers of the Wiscon- sin track team opractices at Randall field in the first outdoor drill of the season, Saturday. Capt. Gil Smnith will be eligible for the out(:cor meets. Capt. Charles Swain, veteran In- diana matnian, closed the most suc- cessful 'season of his intercollegiate career by finishing second to Clod-3 felter of Oklahoma A. and M. in the 145 pound class in the National, tourney. Eight lettermen from the 1927 Gopher football squad have reported to Coach Spears for spring practice. The attention of the squad has been directed largely toward learning new formations. Members of the 'Illinois Varsity and freshman golf 'squads participated in a dual match Monday. Capt. Bill Fish, is the only veteran available from the the 1927 squad. Twe nty-two members' of Coach, ........... . .. SEVERAL '*ECO D SI BETT ERED DURING TiS PAST TRACK Y;EAR COLOMN (Continuedlfrorn Page S)AT 3 P.M.: , . irI Lon- on the indloor boards nid uill dp s, Elder of Ntre ) i mo, vhoIw ;VTI SING AT 3 PLM sies doing other- thin~gs, lied (1hw 60 yardI and 75 yaard sprint re oi'ds held !joint]:, by such as 1 Lubl1)ad, 'Murchison, 'Loomis, Russell, and a few others no less than a lolal of four times in authorized. meets. El- der should make a_ strong bid for the Olympic squad. The other standIardl dash run, in- doors, the 50, was run by" th e na entries, Grady' and Wilcox, the 1,1> ter a freshman, in :05 1-5 or just aboutj as fast as it is possible. And in the high hurdies Carrxitb ers or Cornell lowered the time in the standard, indoor distance of the, high hurdles from :09 3-10 where Kinsey, Guthrie, and Werner had set- tled it to :09 1-5. Carruthers was officially timed in the Yale-Cornell meet at this sn)eedl. Finally," but this approaches the border of the trick stuff, Conger of the 1. A. C.' slashed the,-old time in, the 1,000 yard run down to 2:11 in that shove-and-push affair (as LlAoyd Hahn, the loser, would have it un- derstood) down at Kansas City. Conger's. 2:11 displaced the old te of the Boston A. A. runners, Cutbill and Hahn. CutbN l's mark, however, had never been previously ~NOTICE~ Typewriters For Rent NOTICE-We. buy meii'S clothing. Good machines, your favorite make.' Phone '1310t. 115 W. Washington Rider's, Pen Shop St. Wed-Fri-Sun-c Phone 895U C ll. 'N. CLARK'S GOLF SHOES. are a Portle '. Typewvrters-New or Used lehssing to golfers who are afflict- IT WILL pay yo k to coma to Royal cad with tired, aching feet. They headquarters, and see the New rest your feet while playing, Cost Royal portable before you buy. This , nom more than ordinary golf shoes. "Baby" Royal is already outselling ' Golt shoes for men and women. all other makes of portable. "Sonme Ccrnier of Forest and South U. Baby." Only one store-cannot be bought' Rider's Pen Shop elsewhere.. ? Hanilmlade. Yes, we Authorized Dealhrs in Royals C do repairs - C _________________________TYPEWRITERS-Sales and Service. NOTICE-THE FAIR announces a All makes, large and p~ortable, new policy. You can trade your bought, sold, rented, repaired. Our old shit, on a. new one. Just pay machines and. work guaranteed. It) asmall difference. You will find business since 1908. 0. D. Morrill, the finest showing ok , Phe ,Latest 17 Nickels Arcade. C style in collegiate clothing. You Fuhi e earn trade~ your old car, why not yourFonanPtReirg cldl suit ' Phone or call for inves- Our skilled .Penmnakers Service costs Ligation. 142-147e you no more. The only logical place to have your pen repaired. Typewriter Ribbons and Carbons Rider's Pen Shop C The best you. can buy. Always fresh. Rider's Pen Shop C FOR RENT FOPRP FNT-OnA ' fi.vrr ,iiivnlpx 1i'OltR ENT''hree-room comp'lletely furnishied aphartnictt Also large double room. 42 ast Washing- WOR RIENT-Smiall 4-room cotta-g andl garage on Haven, furnlished 0r unfuruislied. Call .5290). 142 FOR R17NT--Front single reoom, nicely furniishied. 1130 orest ,Ave, Phone 7142. 142-143-144 E YFOR SALE 'OR SALE--In faculty neighborho00d between Hill St. and Cambridge Road, attractive 6-room house, sleeping porch, wide lot with. trees. ,Ph*'ne 5290. 142-143-14- F _ WANTED WANTED--Studenits to know that oui homde laundry methods' give -your clothes personal attention. Mof Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. t WANTED-Student to work as w.aitc-i at private honm, over spring vaca- tion for -buard, Call 54313. H- Huisman. LOST LOST---Coin purse. containing $20( 6:15 Monday evening. Either Cal. kins Drug Store or on Stato SI Reward. Phtone 7723. 14, TYPEWRITER SERVICE All makes. No better skill found any- where. Prompt service. Rider's Pen Shop Phone 8950 C TPD{TLh tasa a a noeial tz, Ra- steam heat and modern; soft water; with yard. Also one 6-room house, modern. Can be had April 10, 1928. Phone .5421, 141-142-143 FOR RE-NT-For vacation, 1926 Ford coupe; gpood condition. Tharp, Tel. 7019. 141-142 Subscribe. For THE ,a MICHIGAN WEEKLY r -',- recognized because of proved chargesj sonable rates. M. V. Hartsuff. professionalism. IIal 9387. C-77-180 SWIM COMPLETE DISTANCE~ Harry Gill's Illinois track (team are I ~en route to Los Anigeles where they Late yesterday °afternoon, nine en- will meet University of Southern Cali- trants in the ten mile swim being ' ornla in a dual meet April 7. held in the Union pool, had finished the necessary '704 laps. The contest j. P. Hooker, 158 pounder, has will continu~e until June first, and ieen named captain of the Purdue it is expected that most of the 221 mat team for the coming season. Men entered will complete the dis- Hooker was high point winner on the tance. meBnt~odr hL le-loilermaker teams this year. - finished' are: R. W:' Scovill '31E, P. Iowa will be represented lby a mile A. Kunkle '31, M. M. O'Brien '30A, and a two mile relay team in the an- R. J. Peterson -'31, M. N. Gingrich nual Georgia relay carnival which] '29E, R. W". Haberman 131E, C. C. will be held April 14 at Atlanta. TheI Torell 31t; J W. Daly , 31E , and M\. mile quartet. also competed in the F. Vanick '29E. Texas and the Rice relays. HOLY WEEK UNION SERVICES OF WORSHIP Artlang'ed by t11w Pr lestantl ('Jiureles of Anin Arbor 'Wednesday, April J-Pros yterati 1Church--7~:3301} . tI. Thursday, April 5-First M~ethiodist Church-7 : 30 P. X1. - Friday 14pri 6-St. An rew'' EpIscoloal Chuirch 12 :00-3.-00) P. 111. The iPublic Is Cordlia~lIi lted I a- -Perfumes add, Charm For your, preference' we carry very extensive stocks of the most prominent foreign and domestic productions. Eberbach Sn&CO. LbSTABLISHlED)1840 200-202 E. Liberty St.- p.- { I a tThompson's Pd K ?. AII1 WhnteAe F,' I'ou'dl need- SHIRTS, $2 'to $3 EUNDERWEAR 75c to $2 TIES, $1 to $2 SWEATERS $4.50 to $6.50 HOSE, 35c to $2 PAJAMAS. $2.50 to $3.50 i good suits= in imported-- fJabrics for the holidays, TO COMPLETE YOUR VACATION- WARDROBE is sliced I e Ci}} Ik There goes a "dollar! 'He saved on hIs underwear but lost on his golf. For' balls4 go' out- of bounds when un- derwear binds.. The Lewis' Golf Suit makes it easy to relax and cut down strokes. No binding-bunching- plastering. Just airy, cool freedom. An unusual, nat ura l; crotch support. Perfect fit with- out "~balloon sizes." j$2.50. STILL TIMB TO HAVE A SUIT FITTED Cheviots, Cashmeres, Worsteds-One and Two Trousers, ~4O10 17 I 1 DOWNT OWN SHOP I III ';