THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FORESTRY WEEK WILL EDTH UPU TIIP MLLLITC illlrtYAN1 nATL 1 "Wu. n ESBnarY .u uw r COUNTRY APRIL 22-29( STATE COMMI1TTEE PhANN 'G TO CA3111AltGN IN MICHIGWAN UNIVERSITY TO COOPERATE Forestry Club To Hold ExhibIts Of Timberland Produicts; Prio grant I To Be Arranged. American Forestriy week will be ob- served throughout the state during the week of April 22-28,, with an in- tepsive campaign in every county to interest citizens in the needs of for-, estry. The Michigan executive commnittee in. charge of- the week's program, which is headed by John W. Blodgett of Grand Rapids .and Arthur W. Stace of Ann Arbor, secretary, has held frequent meetings; to complete plans for the campaign. Prof. xErnst, V. Jot- ter of the School of Forestry and Conservation, represents the Univer- sity on the cometittee. The University will cooperate with the state comnmittee during Forestry week by supplying speakers for schools and organizations throughout Michigan. Locally, tentat~lve ~plans include displays of forestry products, radio programs, and special exhibits. The Forestry club 'will hold a con- test similar' to the one held last year in the game of guessing how old a big redwood tree was, and will furnish ex- hibits illustrating, methods of plant- ing trees. A collection of wild ani- mal pelts will be shown by the con- servation department of the forestry school. Several State street windows' will be given over to displays of the uses of woods in sports and in paper making. The state committee will attempt to. carry to the citizens of Michigan the need of reforestation of all idle lands. which are not suitable for ag- ricultural, industrial,, or mining pur- poses.. There ante more than 12,000- 000 acres in Michigan, which are suit- able only for a forestry crop, the committee has pointed out. To create interest in reforestation, the committe will carry appeals to the luncheon :clubs, Boy Scout organiza- tions, and other bodies. NOMINATE TEMOOREF Law Freshmen Hold1FINCH S COSEN. RIBBONS AND FOR AMBASSADOR AidHANDBOOK TEDITOR UPLE Dinner AnO Smoker for all makes of -Robert Finch. '29, has been 1,~TPERTR R~eviving an old tradition amiong poinxted Mnag1:"ing Editor of th, Rapid turnover, fresh stock Insures " ~members c f their class, the freshman; Freshman handboi~ok for the comxing est quality ata moderate price. law stuent hed aba~que 1 ear. Finch, who has been a zn iht t"1 D~ TI editortudeThesDalydtar the pasta nd } iL D.£i1 smoker Monday night at the Union. year, has had c )nsidlera1l)h' joraxis 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615i. T he punrpose ot the affair was to pro- tic exuxerience.r mote a closer feeling between monm- All freshmen who (lid not rec eiv e CLASS IFIED I br~oftheclssan toefec ahandbooks at the beginninzg of this j ADS P AY school year, or those who) have " better contact between student and f'riends matriculating in September, facu~t~y. xmay obtain the annzu l "Fre7 sh Li-a " fi. .'ble, at Lane hail. Make Selections Ear Am erican R ug Cleaning Wrks and Choice j Rugs and-Carpets ICl1eaned-Sized--Repaired RAE -NOW BILLY IDOVE, In The. Sensation, Seekers TUXEDO COMEDY Thompson's This "Ad" with Hie Thiurs.-Fri-MONTR JBLUEJ in "THI IAN iV11STAIiR" -1 I1 rly-Prices Are Lo-W eis Greater take a I - q I1032 Green St. Phone S811 5 i Alexand(er F. Moore. Former ambassador to Spain, who has recently been ncminatled by Presi- dent Coolidge as ambassador to PeruI to succeed Miles Poindexter, who ha;:;' resigned.. Mr. Moore, a former pub- lisher, is returning to the nhwspaper business, also, having purchased tab- loids in New York and Boston. The Senate must ratify the Presi- dent's nomination befoN an appoint-I ment is definitely: made, but it is expected that he will be approved by that body. Re-discovers LIi~Favorite Tobacco Charleston, W. Va., Laru & Bo. ~ March 4, 19271 Richmond Va. Gentlemen : Recently I stopped ir, a little village that consisted of about nine houses and a small hotel, which I entered. A little old manl wearing a, skP1l capi was seated in a rocking-chair smoking1 an enormous pipe. I had come to buy a can ofEdgeworth, but when.I caught a whiff of the tobacco he was smoking i changed "my mind. ,The aroma of that tobacco was so delightful that 1 made up my mind right then and there that I wanted some of the same brand, regardless of the cost. I began with: "I beg your pardon, sir, but I came in to buy a can of to- bacco, and I would like the same brand you are smoking. if you don't mind telling me." He looked at me for a moment, grasped his pipe with one hand and said: "I'm smoking Edge- worth. Would yotu like some?" Of course I did, and I 'secured a supply from the old fellow. The joke,' of course, was on me, but I went on my way rejoicing. Yours very truly, 4 Dr. John R. Koch E dgewort Extra High Grade Smoking Toacco - ----------- F crusher hat, home with you. It is' the HAT that is most Popular. this COLLEGE MEIN AND WOMEN will find the Packard Restaurantj bigger and better than' ever. I .703 Pack ard St. I.___________ 1 and Flpowes F RAGRANT, blooming plants in daintily decorated pots - gor- spring. 40 geons spr,ingtime flowers to lendt beauty to aster. Theseare from our own grenouses an dgre are unusually low priced for this time of the year. Ann Arbo r Floral Co. Thompson's -South U P 1 -IY I'1 122 E. Liberty St. P~hone 62 1 5 Flower'Shop 1115 So. University Campus F1Qrist State at Liberty 3.35 X D 7.06 8.40 BILLIE DOVE "AMERICAN BEAUTY' Tice Wild blower ilnaI Bouquet of Love FRIDAY Adolph MenJou "SERENADE" Flowers telegraphed, to. any- where in the United States. This service is inexpensive. Investigate ! uml I .NJ IN M FOR I . S ' F O LDIU A i 0-.Nw IL LIU M, "um J a. o' 2 :00 and 3:30 7:00-8:40 1 - 0 4 0 5 Another Big Unit Show HARRY ROGERS' ALL GIRLRVE I c Delicious Thick, Creamy i A Glittering Galaxy. of Gorgeous Girls wIth' MALTED MILKS IBROOS & RUSH "The Clean ii " 5 Cnt.- 1Ve~ G~S~WSNAVII iii hit Jolly saflcir "The ,Bean Bruitmmel of Londen ", 60 IGATORS -Minutes, r Maid of St1 !5 * M~ti~s"Revelry 60 - 8 R jERSGIRLSs I "Pret ty ploijt I uIlancer ;'" Cold Drinks,; Sodas, Sundaes SHORR SISTERS "Fas.t Steppers" Jciiciling Specie l 3Michigani Theatre Prepeitfiitiou of Visiolns in alfiize 11,d11Killue WI LL1AI FOX , esents ALSO- Karl Wieclerhold's Michigan Orchestra KINOGRAMS TRY SPECIAL WILL ROGERS ini ENGLAND Cri ppen Is Subway STARTS .'! AnkAm'azing0 vofl1 MIIN~tiTExotic -Beau tifi ,......,_=m.. Xe I T T I 1" r" - . a -a I II