F, DY, I T AY 5,12 THE MICHIGAN DAIIV PACT~FV~ (( ID0H RLA . jIDINAAND CHICAGlO TO OPEN INDOOR 'TRACK SEASON BADGER SEONDS ROLAND LOCKES FORMER CORNHIUSKER SPRINT STAR, ] (Continuied From Page Six)- Sweany, Inldanalpolis, are others vH ') SCHEDULElarbn GAMES "dllfr IL GO EAST AND JOIN NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB, LrASSWIE .Adveirtising t fl Ch7 ago in the high hurdles, along withi HTO B hELD MARUI1 j bamson, Todd and Needing. srn Indianasolprsn astng ''Iiil ~i. ~a~ ilan RQi{gqre comblinat ion in the inile run. Field's, 6tiAlilg o Nw Big Tell lananapobis;Buck, lWekni, ibonr Saturday night in what is (iX-)ecte(I to 1)e a thrilleor. On(; of the outst-andingr wrestling necets of the year will take place here Thursday night when Wost Virginia invades Bltoomnington. te Wisconsin second f1(1 11 l! 11 ani nmext flHby C(oa.ih (V enna Thisglet h- waite, head footbail mcn itor'.Tbi-ec games are in MIadison, -while the otb- or twvo cont est s iai a way Ifront li-,1. Michigan and Illinois are the lBig Ten tearns that will play ho L tad 'Or. seconds. The Wol vt ine s°(-o-i .w ill c0Th e to 1Ma(1is011 (ii Oct. 27, whiile ii 0 Illinois team xii be I11a red ?at: C'lamipaign, Nov. 10. N:art Ii Dakot a Stat e will open t ii' gridl season wvithI the Cardlinal second s in a home game on Oc1.t.:l2.Oehhi .tl Normal xwili provide o01)I~t LnforIc the Wisconsin team Oct. 20 ini aniother' home game. _In Nov. )thoe(Cardinal seceondis will journey to W~at ertoawn. Wis., for a game withI North west ret college. Rlolan d Locke, Nebraska sprint star and hotlder of the xxorld 's 220-yard dlzts ii record willI journey East within the next tfew clays ad ltake iup)his nc i13 New 'York city. Locke who has sW(adieUla xv at the t niver~sily of Nebia si~a will colicludle his work inl New YtorkU pr. aratol'y to taking the boo1 er a zict ionl. The Nebraskan wvili jon1 the New York ath11let ic cluib etnd furthei r holsteOrtup that organiza- l )on wi-i lis"alreoady consideored the ij's n thle country. Locke, xvho has ii cr r olnpeted ll lie. Neow York district, and has seldom rni indoors, will make his first ap- poarauce at the Newv York athletic club games on February 20 at the ':iadss'in Sqtuare Garden. TIN, Nebriaka sprinter's last appear- lays last April when he captured the 220-yard dash' from Henry Russell, former Cornell sp)rint star, and Jack- son Scholz of the New York A.C. Scholz was the only American to xwin a flat race in the 19241 Olympic games. Withiisucth stars as Scholz, Locke,, Wildermuth and Hussey. though the Nest- York A.C. xill have the miost successful indloor tr'ack session in the association's history. Karl WXilder- muth of Georgetown, wvho wxon the three sprint races in New York last. Sat urday, equalling a worldl's indoor r'ecord in one of them, is one of the outstanding sprint members. 11 side the~ addition of Locke to theI New York A.C., there" is a possibility that another wvorld's recordI star in the person f CIf(harley Paddock, will add tf) the w hich alreadly relay mreet in# (lat fe gives the tunny flirst to sea sons before interest in the carnival is the largest indoorj the country. The ne0w, universities an oppor- complete their indoor they turn their atten-I N t.att,.w., -'flta~Jsirk..,ts.,,,a,~v..a&,&m lioin to relay teams. For the first lime the meet wil follow the Big Ten in- door championships which will be held at Iowva City, March 9 and 10. P~reliminiary arrangements are being miadoe by Chick Werner, former Ilii nloi track= captain, manager, and Ralph C. Murphy, student manager. As usual, the meet wil be run off in the big Illinois armory, a building 400 by 200 feet, free of any supporting coluns. The 75-yard clay straight- away and six and three-quarters laps to the middle cinder track are fast, as evidenced bly the four national track records which have been es- tablished or equalled. Four university races top the pro- gram, one-mile, two-mile, four-n~ile, and( medlley, andI a mile high school relay. Ten sp~ecial events will be run off: 'i-yard dash, and low and high hurdles; 300-yard, 1,000-yard and 1,500) meter runs; high and broad jutmps; shot put andi pole vault. The all-around championship in which versatile athletes compete in the 75-yard dash and high hurdles, the high and broad jumps, the 880- yard run, shot put andl pole vault, completes the program. NEW YORK CITY-Indications are thiat the United States will not he rep-resentedl by a hockey team ini the Olympic games. due to the failure of the Olympic committee to approve such a measure. !( AMERICAN RUG: CLEANING WORKS Rues andi Carpets Clean ed-- Sized-Repairedl A Butterfield Tliealre E-KIDDIES 10c ALL SHOWS- ,* 1032 Green St. Phone 8115 BALCONY MAIN FLOOR .30c GREATEST LAFF FEATURE IN TOWN 'Gil~lt1l~itiititl*"Ylilu AYke hR, $OUlderllttltlllliillii _:.._:._. N - , give..me :..:chanc... " INOTICEt RAGGEDY ANN BEAUTY SlIOPPiE. Every Monday and Tuesday this month and nuext, shampoo and Mar- cel, $1. Shampoo and Finger Wave, $1.25. Open evenings by appont- ment. Dial 7561. 86 DRESSMAKING-Experienced; can furnish references. 'Estimate given on work desired. Phone 3655. SUn., 'rues., hrs. .NOTICE- We deliver between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p in. Prompt Delivery. Barbecue ,Inn. Phone 4481. 20 100 TYP~ING TH-IESIS, ',26 Packard. Wal 7391. 85, 8, 117 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Ie- sonable rates. 1M. V. lartsuff. Dial 9387. 77-180 TYPEWRITER, RIBBONS--Or rapid turnover insures a fresh stock. You secure the best quality at a moder- ate price. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nikels Arcade. COMPLETE typewriter service, new and used machines of all iakes. Rentals by the week, month or semester; repairing of all makes by skilled workmen; all kinds of typ- ing, prompt service. H-igh class rib- bons and carbons. Rider's Pen Shop. TYPEWRITING and Mimeographing promptly and neatly done by ex- perienced operators at moderate rates. College work a specialty for nearly twenty years. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, re- pairedl. Our machines and work guaranteed to give best. satisfaction. 0. D, Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. FOUNTAIN PEN SERVICE WE~ have three skilled penmakers back of our retail counter to serve you on correct fitting,. adjustments and repairing of- all makes. You will not find equal service any- where else. Our prices are no more than you would pay elsewhere. Manufacturers of the famous Rider "Masterpen." Rider's Pen Shop. FOR SAL~E FOR. SALE-T-H-op ticket. Apply Box 22, Michigan Daily. 86, 87, 88 FOR SALE-Sweet cider, grape juice, apples, potatoes, carrots andl (ab- bage. Call R. E. Wagner, 9534 or 22413. 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 FOR RENT SUITE-Single and double room, one block from Campus. Phone 5009. 1303 Wilmot. 86, 87 LARGE beautiful suite, also double room, in comfortable home. Con- venient location. 208 N Division. 86, 87, 88 FOR RENT--214 Packard St. 2 pleasant double rooms, near cam- pus; $3.00. Phone 9152. 86, 87, 88 FOR RENT-Furnished house, 6 rooms, good condition, facing cam- pus. For second semester. 121 Church. Phone 5561. 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91 FOR RENT-A pleasant suite and single room for rent. Dial 8194. 86, 87, 88 FOR RENT-Double or single room, at 916 Mary St. Call 8294. 85 FOR RENT-Double room, with run- ning water. One block from cam- pus. Open next semester. 7669. 719 Tappan. 85, 86 FOR RENT-A suite at 311 Thomp- son; steam heat; continuous hot water. 85, 6 FOR. RENT-A strictly modern fur- nished apartment, suitable for two girls, $50. 621 Forest 'Ave. Phone 5607. 85, 86 P'OR RENT-For girls, a large light, well heated front room, single or double. Special price for second semester. 'Call 6284. 85, 86 FOR RENT-Suites, double and single rooms, at, Seducedi pricei3. Saves you dollars. Secure Sat, or Sun. Steam heat, hot and cold waer. 337 Thompson. 85, 86 FOR RENT -Furnished two-room apartment, well heated, light and garage if wanted. 315 Packard. 22464 85, 86 FOR RENT-Single room,;:warm, pri- vate, home. ,1344 Horman Ct., be- tween Forest and Olivia, near Wells. Telephone 21619. , 85, 86, 87 FOR RENT-One double room, also room-mate for Senior Dent. in suite, near Law Club. 517 E. Madison. 85, 86, 87 FOR- RE NT-Completely furnished five-room house; heated; one block from Campus. Very reasonable. Phone 6642. _83,.84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 ROOMS at $3.25 per week at FLETCHER HALL Ann Arbor's only Men's Dormitory. r Under new Management. Especially adapted for Student's con- venience. N'ew, Fire-proof Building; Steam heat, Shower Baths, Hot and cold water in each room. Lounging' and, Smoking Room 915 Sybil St., near Ferry Field. Dial 4770. I FOR RENT-Men, That single or double room, quiet, well-furnished, clean, light, well-heated right price, clolse-in, is just 1 / blocks from southeast corner of campus, in pri- vate home; only five roomers, two 1bathrooms. See it now. 1306 Wash- atenaw Terrace. I d'r "K- 4,, /'m Presented by, HOWARD HUGHES -JOHN CONSIDINE h, THE SURPRISE PICTURE ADDED FEATURES t)OYD"Felix in Zoo-Logic"~ ANOTHER SCREAMt g PATH-E REVIEW f AND LOUIS WOLIIIIm PATHE TOPICS ARE ALWAYS VERY GOOD - -. -NEWS- ; }x< t E FHISTORY AS IT 1S MA1)E REMEMBER r y. c1-OUR lBARGAIN 'PR ICES Balcony Maini Floor 20c 30c IDIIES, 144 'rt- i 0 WAFTED) -- WANTED CHEF m I® a