I all
' 1 + Y,
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.._. _.
Wuerth, Graf, Harris, Allmendinger,
Bradley, Kurth, Townley, And
Fisher Are Aldermen
With the antiquated German band
en route to Ann Arbor, vigcrous polit-
ical campaigns nearing the climax,
and the cvted "Oil Can" all polished
up for the occasion, everything points
to one of the most uproarious na-
tional convcntions in the history of
the country, when the annual Gridiron
banquet, sponsored by Sigma Delta
Chi, professional journalistic fratern-
ity, gets under way in the Unicn to-
morrow night.
Between 300 and X50 politicians are
erected to murmur "Skelkel, Skekel"
and dodge through the paltry portals
at banquet-time 'tomorrow night, ac-
rording to Herbert E. Vedder, '28,
general chairman of the affair. Once
inrside, the problem will b one of
Unofficial reports from all wards at
a late hour last night indicated that
democratic, nominees and supporters NO [ '11 W N E
of Mayor Edwin J. Staebler had been
successful for the most part in five
of the seven city wards-after one of
the heaviest municipal elections in
recent years. ei
The eight city aldermen who were recei e'Award Jointly fAthHemzi
chosen following the balloting are: J. For Verification Of Atomic
Fred Wuerth democrat, first ward; Structure Theory
Benjamin H, Graf, democrat,- secondT
ward; Frank Harris, democrat, third TO TREAT ON OWN WORK
ward (for full term); E. J. Allmen-
dinger, republican, third ward (for Prof. James Franck, of the Univer-
unexpired term); Benjamin F. Brad- sity of Goettingen, Nobel Prize win-
ley, democrat, fourth ward; Andrew -er in -ysis in 1925, is in Ann
E. Kurth, republican, fifth ward; Arbor this week as a guest of the
Lewis A. Townley, democrat, sixth physics departsent of the Univer-
ward; and Leonard P. Fisher, repub- sity. He is scheduled to deliver
lican, seventh ward. s
Of this group but two, Graf and three lectures here, "Band Spectra
Of tis rou bu tw, Gafandand Chemical Bonds" at 4:15 o'clockt
Fisher, were re-elected -to represent a ndma consnat 4:tr on
their wards. In the first wr today, and a continuation lecture on
herh ward In teirst - frd the same subject at 4:15 o'clock to-
B. F oled 153 oter, his topub41 formorrow; and "Recombination of Ions
B. Frank Ohlinger, his republican and Electrons" at 4:15 o'clock Thurs-
e day. All the lectures will be de-
visor, Erwin J. ,Eibler, democrat, re- livered in the west lecture roont of
ceivtr 177votes to 121zfor his con'- the West Physics building.
petitor, Ralph T. Swezey. d Professor Franck received the No-
(raf Is Re-electedbel prize jointly with Gustave Hertz
Benjamin If. Graf was returned to for achievement in making the first
the office of alderman from the sec- direct experimental verification of
end ward by a vote of 312-208 over
Henry Wei republican. - eBohr's theory of. atomic structure.
Tenr eiMore 'recently Professor Franck has
Two aldermen were selected in the been engaged in another fundamental
thirdward. E. J. A2imenlinger0re- physical problem, the study by spec-
ubin ryeeied312,ballocts to 1 200troscopic methods of the conditions
oe n r He emcrt, i under which atoms unite to form 1
te contest for the unexpired Hrr is molecules and the forces which hold?
Clarence J. Sweet. Frank Harr, atoms in molecules. His lectures
eiocrat, had a vote of 223 to lead here will deal with these .recent.
his three republican opponents. Wil- phases of his work.
Bar L. Henderson led the republican Professor Franck first became-
group with 182; E. Edward Lucas re- known for his experiments with Gus-
tiring alderman received 111 and Sam tave Hertz on the Bohr theory when
C. Andres gained 45. he received the Nobel prize in 1925.
Benjamin F. Bradley,. democrat, 1Bohr's brilliant conception, also
was elected to the council seat from awarded this prize, included the idea
the fourth ward by a total of 228 that in order to emit light an atom
votes to 127 for his opponent, SaaHr- nrust have first received an amount
uel S. Hamnmial. Hammial had been of energy which It then gave out as
a candidate for re-election. - light and that the amount of this
Rev. Andrei, W. Kurth !henergy was exactly proportional to
highgst vote and the election ie the the frequency (color) of the light.
fifth wd defeating his fellow Re- ed. This dea Bohr announced
pubiicanrd bd the retiring aIlderman ein 1913 and in the same year -Franck
Augus .a a rd ,he 2reting Ta'ler ' and Hertz showed that a mercury,
August W. Dar row, 127 to 100. Thfere t'
was no Dsmocratic candidate for the atom could in fact be made to emit
office. light according to this law when it
In the sixth ward contests, Alderman was given energy by striking it with
Charles C. Freeman was defeated for electrons of known energy.
reelection by Lewis A. Townley. The Professor Franck's work in this
ballet totals were 195-162. In the field is believed by many to be as
contest foz, supervisor, Prof. Waldo Irnlportant as his earlier work and hlis
Abbot, o[ the rhetoric department, ap- given him world-wide recognition not.
pea-red to have a lead of two votes only as a most skiliful experiment +
over his Republican opponent, Harry Ibut as one of the leaders in the de-
G. Raschbach-e. The vote was 177 to ;velopment of fundamental physical
175. Alderman Leonard P. Fisher, theories. He has been in this coun-
Republican, carried both precincts of try for the past two months visit-
the seventh ward by d(ecisive major- ing the leading American universi-
ities to receiv reelection by 434 ties. He will be entertained during
ballots to 181 for his opponent, his stay in Ann Arbor by members
Cecrge E. Apfel. of the physics department.
finding the most respectful delegation
to join for the feasting, according to
the latest report from the decoration
committee, who held an industrious
session behind closed docrs yesterday
afternoon and far on into the night.
The assemblage tomorrow night
will consist, general speaking, of
three parties, faculty, students and
townspeople; but far be it from the
intentions of the seating committee to
have them grouped that way when
festivities begin. Each table will be
designated by a card and script, ac-
cording to the decoration committee,
and the first problem will be to select
the least despicable delegation. It is
expected that there will be about 45,
tables to choose from.
The Union convention hall will be
decked out in -flags, red, white, and
blue bunting, and the table cards will
be in harmony with the general color
scheme of red, white, and blue. The
German band will be located at one
end of the hall and Bob Carson's
Buccanneers at the other for the pur-
pose of fanning the air between "hot-
blast" spasms.
The rumor circulating late last
night to the effect that Will Rogers,
humorist, was to he the recipient
of the Oil Can, was officially denied
by members of Sigma Delta 'Chi.
"There are men right here on the
campus far better qualified to receive
it" several members were quoted asi
saying. But, as Kipling might aver,
that is another story, and one which
will be settled tomorrow night.
After that, heaven help the "Loqua-
cious Lubricator."
All those still holding invita-
tions to the Gridiron banquet
must present them at the side
desk in the Union lobby today
or tomorrow afternoon from 3
to 5:30 o'clock if they wish to{
obtain tickets. No more tickets j
will be sent through the mails, in
} in order that loss or delay may
LI beavoi(dd..All queries regard-
0 F
IIflu(:rist Treats On Camipus Affairs;
Says News etlhods Could Well
Be Used In Teaching
Covering a range of subjects that
varied from political campaigns, Mus-
solini, the auto ban, and senatorial af-
fairs, to women's styles, his exper-
iences with doctors, campus notables,
and Lindbergh's exploits, Will Rog-
ers, noted cowboy humorist, spoke
continuously last night for three
hours before a capacity crowd in Hill
Rogers after placing his delay at
I)ean Emery's door, declared first,
that the great interest of the moment
was in politics, and tha he would like
to see how this campus stood. After
'aking a straw vote by having the aud-
ience raise hands for favorite candi-
dates and finding Hoover supporters
pre lominated, the comedian paid a
tribute to -Hoover, maintaining that
under him the country would have a
Cites Helen Kellar
0ne Who (o
As Example Of !
In accordance with previous
announcements, today is the
final opportunity for members
of the senior literary class to
order class announcements, in-
vitations, programs, or canes.
Members of the senior literary
class committees will be sta-
tioned in Angell hall today for
the purpose of receiving orders,
and class officials urge that it
is imperative for all of those
wishing to order any itenis to do
so today. After today, dine to
the necessity of fulfilling con-
tracts, no orders can possibly
be received, it is stated.
Senior literary students may
sign up for announcements, in-
vitations, and programs from 9
to 4 o'clock in the lobby of An-
gell hall, and orders for canes'
"Striving is decidedly wonthwhile,
but this striving is too often troubled
by feelings of inferiority," said Dr.
Alfred Adler of the Pedagogical In-
stitute of Vienna yesterday afternoon
in Natural Science auditorium. - ;Dr.
Adler was speaking here under the
auspices of the School of Education.
"The problem then, is how may we
develop opposite feeings in the child,"
he continued.
"We must strive fo4 superiority.
There are social problems all around
s 'in this great coherence,' and these
social problems are of great interest
to others. We can be artists only if
we show an interest in others and if
we interest other people."
Dr. Adler. further developed the
factors which are dominant in the
inferiority complex. The first was
OF 5:01.4-5
Eli Quartet's Close Margin In hebr
Provides 16 Polnt Advantage;
1darnall Loss Thrice
(fy Associated Press)
('1I-'LCA(O, April 2. - Waller
Laufer, former Olympic swirn-
ming star representing the 'in-
einnati Y..C.A. at the national
A. A. 1. cliamnpionships here to-
night, established a new record in
the 300 yard imedley. Lanufer's
time, of 3:394-5 clipped three full
seconds off the existing standard.
(Special to Tl1e Daily.)
NEW HAVEN, April 2.-Yale dE
feated Michigan at Carnegie pool her
tonight when, in the final lap of th
final event, Captain Jim House of th
will be received
place from I to
in the same
5 o'clock this
MeiiImbers Of Federatioini Come
For Three Day Conference
As University' Guests
i - ....., .. i
HOUSING PLANS FINISHEDI Bulldogs maintained until the
great administration. the lack of courage, and as an ex-
"Why that fellow sure did a great ample of one who had conquered this
deed when he was busy making the and had shown her courage, he -men-
women knit and the people go with- tioned Helen Kellar, who was born
out cream," he said. "You know he under great handicaps and who yet
got the Catholic vote in those days overcame them all. "Many children
when he succeeded in making the will confess themselves courageless,
Baptist eat fish on Friday. but may feet inferioil and grow up
. May Be Candidate with that feeling," he continued. "The
"Besides," he continued, "if Hoover feeling may be matured easily, and
gets in, maybe he'll break all tradi- the children will begin to cry, mis-
Lions in politics and appoint some behave, and act like beggars, with
men intu these offices because they' no struggie to overcome this even
are efficient. You know, I myself though it may be seen by them and
might want to be a candidate, and by their parents."
I'll tell you this much, if I ever get Mauifested In Other Ways
to n rlolnid nt thi, cr.i ntrvr I'll - - - -.
Ic tA Ur jJIuCoUe pe -eL o sL11 Ln y, 111
ing the banquet will be an- be the first one they ever had that
swered at this desk. acted fuiny-purposely."
Turning his attention for the mo-
3 AN Lment to campus affairs, Rogers said
WOMIAN TO MAKE that he wondered in crossing the cam-
APPEARANCE FOR pus whether students didn't come to
Michigan "to get their heads ferti-
TOLSTOY LEAGUE lized instead of the grass. You know,"
Jhe continued, -"if this fellow Little
"Disarmament and the League of wasn't so big, I wouldn't have to go
Nations," will be the subject of an so easy with him, but I'm kind of
address by Lucia Ames Mead, chair- l afraid. I'm begining to suspect these
man of the department of peace of Regent-fellows for that auto bian
the national council of women, to be stuff. Maybe they're to blame. Little
given at- 4:15 o'clock today in room got a pretty good idea in this Uni-
231 Angell hall. Mrs. Mead's address j versity College thing. Maybe would
is the first of a series being given be all right to teach a fellow a little
under the auspices of the Tolstoy ( spelling, reading, and arithmetic once
Centenary committee which has been in a while instead of harping away
formed by a group of faculty men. on all these technical things that
Mrs. Mead recently returned from {don't amount to anything anyhow."
Europe where she attended the as- Almost Imniortal
sembly meeting of the League of Na- Declaring that his only chance of
ti n She has achieved considerable ever becoming immortal was the day
Iinteriority may be m aniested in
many other ways. Often it is ex-
pressed in jealousy, and in the emo-
t ions. High tenrper is one of the
best ways of showing the inferiority
cmotion. A strong person who
trusts himself will never show it.
Then, there is the superiority com-
plex which is another important fac-
tor. "The inferiority complex can
never exist without the superiority
complex, and must always be accom-
panied by it," was his staterrent.
"All criminals are cowards. All
are escaping from problems for
which they are unprepared. They a"e
not prepared for a certain work or
for labor, and they cannot be coura-
geous. No crime can be com-mitted
with courage; suicide is an out-
Approximately 400 members of the
Federation of American Societies for
Experimental Biology will convene
Thursday, April 12, in Ann Arbor for
a three-day con erence beginning
with a general session to be held
Thursday morning in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium.
The society is composed - of the
American- Society or Biological Chenm-
ists, American Society for Experi-
metal Pathology, American Society
for Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
The meetings beginning. Thursday
afternoon will be held in five sepa-
rate sections. Friday afternoon will
be taken up with demonstrations and
and inspection tour o! the University
The University will act as host to
the visiting members of the society
at a dinner to be given Friday night
at the Union. The official dinner of
the convention to be held Friday
night will also take .place at the
Dr. Charles W. Edmunds, professor
of materia medica and therapeutics,
and general chairman of the conven-
tion, announced that plans had al-
ready been completed to house more
than 380 people who will attend the
conference. The entire Union, Bar-
bour and Newberry dormitories have
scant split-second advantage re
ceived at the start of the last leg o
the relay. With the eight point:
awarded in this event Yale prevented
a 31-31 tie, in which case Michigan, as
winner cf the relay would have been
awarded the meet under Eastern
Michigan won only a lone .first
place, Garuet Ault's feat in the lonI
440 grind. Ault slashed teven ful
seconds off the existing American in
tercollegiate standard at this distance
established only two days ago at th
national meet at Philadelphia. Hi
time, 5:01 4-5 now stands. as the
long pool record as com-pared with
his short pool record of 5:04. San
ford of Yale met defeat in this even
for the first time this year.
Yale JRemnains Unbeaten
Inability to annex first places in
other ,races cost the Wolverine
their claim to an undisputed nationa
championship and prevented then
from snapping the string of 30 con
secutive wins amassed by the Bli
Blue squad over a period of fiv
years. It was, nroreover, the firs
loss encountered by the Maize and
Blue since Coach Matt Manmi bega:
his tutelage at Ann Arbor in 1925.
Perhaps chief among the disap
pointments of the evening was the
failure of Captain Darnall to cop
with his competition in all three heat
in which he was entered. Darinall an
nexed Gnly third place in both sprint
G:"A "=nc nina t h th l h~ in tll
standing showing of the inferiority been secured for the convention, an'd
complex." - several -nmedical fraternities together
The first four or- five years are the with some of the general fraternities
niost important for children. During near the campus will open their
tl c thi h aiatain rr hoI A fn fli d~nm~ltn nrdn
I c
1-1 A."FIX A 1Tt'U Y"1II !'iAS Y1t'ti WT-t "ti I.
. ! 4
...._ _ _ !
FARMA AN) LOO) LIE (By Associated Press.)1
- - -1
(r:e AssciatedPress) . IProbably showers today; cloudy and
WASJ-IINGTON, Ap>ril 2. - Those cooler tomorrow.
husky relif twins, farm and flood,
which the 70th qongress 'hopeso t EXTENSION DEPART
bring up in a manner thtat will be a.
credit to their legislative parertage, TO PROMO TE CA
were frisked about both ends of the :
ta d t.E.ditor's 'dote: Thik is the .twenty-
capital today totie virtual exclusion -fourth of a series of feature articles on
of otheK 'important law-making pro- 3camusinstitutionIs intended to deCvelop
I their history and majior principl1es or
jects. organizations ail aiagemet.
Orn the Senate side, it was the farm-
bill, revised in a way the McNary- "To promote the cause of education
Haugen bill to appease previous presi- and 'the advancement- of culture
dential objection. It came under de- throughout the state; to serve local
iate, real debate, not just speech- I communities insofar as the technical
making; and even the most daring of and expert knowledge of University
senatorial prognisticators hesitated to specialists is available; and to ac-'
state when it would be voted upon. i quaint the members of the faculty
After the surprise party that put in with local conditions and educational
the flood bill over the Senate hurdle Ineeds throughout the states." There
in ju4.t under an hour and a half, are tha aims of the Extension depart-
reput06.ain a auseke.ondsrna lnslegit idbrhanafodtationsLor the nousesforhe' e acommn ation of the ana was nlippeda t h etouchi 1 n ,
reputation as a speaker. on disarma- he flew with Lindbergh in an old inferiority complex are liable to first-guests. relay.
ment. Opportunity for discussion will Mexican airplane when there was, as show themselves, and it is then that Letters of acceptance have already Walker Beaten Twice
be afforded at the conclusion of the -!ie claimed, a chance of dying togeth- we must conbat them. This is the been received from some of the most Bob Walker, Michigan sophomore
meeting. er, Rogers pointed out that on top place. where social adjustment must prominent professors and doctors in hitherto defeated only once in thf
The second lecture of the series will (of ali his great achievements in the be begun. -the country, Dr. Edmunds said. dashes, gained two second places be
be given by Prof. Robert M. Lovett, air, Lindbergh must be looked up to, beHbegn.
(h sc~e stepl onwho hind Ed Howland of Yale, whro swain
professor of English at the University syCOM PETITION FROM EDITORIAL the two fastest races of his caree
of Chicago, who will speak here short- jever carried a ham sandwich over tonight, :24 1-5, and .:53 4-5.
ly after spring vacation. Completing to Paris.,T1~~TTC
y.tgI WRITERS ,ANNOYS WILL ROGERS Rickman, fifth of Yale's individua
the spring series will be an illustrat- "By tie way," Rogers continued, " champions in the Eastern intercol
ed lecture on "Tolstoy, the Man and have got a bunch of ideas for that . legiates two weeks ago, by defeatini
His Message," by Prof. Francis M. senate. 'They could get a few things "Humorists have an awful lot of shots of an honest election -in one of botr Wagner and Thompson, sur
Orderdonk and a symnposium at which done once in awhile if they put in competition from newspaper editorial them oter countries and bring them prised the huge audience that scale
different members of the faculty will only one good rule, and that's for the writers," declared Will Rogers, diplo- back to show us folks here," he said. every rafter at Carnegie pool. Inche
give their opinions upon Tolstoy. senators to agree to sit down every mat, humorist, mayor, cowboy, aithor, In
Icopeigterpasfrte-time theyirad said all they knew. Why ioole md oua etrr In Rogers', opinion the United1 States separated the three natators.
In completing their plans for the tm they adsialthykw.Wy philosopher and popular lecturer in .'In another blanket finish House
commemoration of the one-hundredth pretty soon, all some of them could air interview yesterday afternoon. The is in so deep that though it would In te bakt finih-mpius
anniversary of the birth of Tolstoy, do would be to stand up, nod their popular platform artist singled for like to get out of Nicaragua, it finds the East and until recently holder o
the faculty committeemen anounce heads, and sit down. Take this particular attention the attacks levied difficulty in doing so. If big nations, the American intercollegiate record
that Prof. William Lyon Phelps, of flood affair, for instance,-nothing ever- against him by certain newspapers like big men, were honest enough to led Hubbell, Michigan's Big Ten titl
Yale university, has agreed to speak happened in the senate about that. for his recent radio speech in which admit their errors, this country would
t a student convocation in November. he pretended to be Calvin Coolidge. probably get out of Central America holder; Cahill of Yale, formerly in
atastdntcnvctsameNvmbr p'ge Iterscholastic champion; and Spindl
GALES BRING' MUCH I HAV ; The principal objection to this speech, immediately, he averred. The same of Michigan former Conferec
"MENT FOUNDED lire said, was the fact he didn't an- fellows who were original enough to champion.
BY SWEEPING NORTHWEST nounce berorehand that he wasak't get into the trouble, and to send 4,000c
USE OF EDUCA TIONreally Coolidge, and a umber of per- marines to the country to catch "Sar- summarles
(By Associated Press) sons misunderstood. dino" and his randful of men should 50 yard dash-won by Howlan(
asked Dr. Henderson to give hris en- SEATTLE, April 2.-Besieged on Continuing on the subject of Cool- be original enough to think of a means (Y); Walaitis, (M) second; Captai
tire time to the work of the Exten- land and sea, the Northwest today] idge indirectly, Rogers commented ( of getting us out, he said. Darnall, (M) third. Time: 0:24.2.
sion division. felt the full fury of a last wintry that Col. Lindbergh, whom he recent-! Turning his attention from inter- I 440 yard swim - won by Ault, (M
The work of this department is thrust that lashed the region from ly met, is "just about as silent, I national policies to national affairs, Sanford (Y) second; Spencer (Y
carried on by a series of important Sa katoon- to San Francisco, with wonder what would happen if he and Rogers pointed out that at Culver third. Time:', 5:01.8 (new intercollc
bureaus. Probably the largest of rain, snow, cloudburts and terrific 'Cal' should get together sometime," Military Academy, in a straw ballot giate record).
these bureaus are concerned with the winds that imperiled shipping along he said. conducted there, Rogers himself de- Fancy (iving-won by Glasscoc:
many lectures throughout the state the gale-swept coastline. I The huhorist met Lindbergh while feated all candidates of both parities (Y) (84.8 points); Walaitis, (M) se
which are arranged by the Extension Swollen rivers caused flood condi- both were on their tours of Mexico on the first ballot, including Herbert cond (83.1 points); Vaen, (Y) (85
division.. Every year under it-s aus- tions in some areas; others were aird Central America. On Rogers' desk Hoover, but in the fnal vote, after Ithird.
pices many members of the University clogged with ice jams, and snow blan- was an uncompleted article for a na- strenhous 'sectional' campaigns, he 150 yard backstroke - won by Car
faculty lecture to large audiences in keted the mountains, while in the tional magazine in which he attacked was beaten by a narrow margin by the tai House (Y); Hubbell (M) second
the cities of Michigan. broad Pacific two ships were known l pointedly the policy of the United leading Republican. Such popular Cahill (Y) thirdi. Time: 1:45.4.
Two years ago more than 400 lee- to be in distress. 1 States in sending marines to the endorsement is nothing new to the
T. - l . ...1. . ., ,. «.. T7 7 s ___-. LL .. - 20l0 yard breast stroke-wn b