THE MICHIGAN DAILY S ' :Amed Monday morning, April 16. Ira l. Smith, Registrar. House Presidents: All Signing-out Slips for March must be in the office of the Advisers by April 6. Alice C. Lloyd. Du Pont Fellowship For 1928-29: The Department of Chemistry announces the renewal of the du Pont Fellowship (compensation $750) for the year 1928-29 Preference will be given to students who have had at least one year of graduate work. Appli- ,ations should be addres'sed to the Department of Chemistry and sent to Room 212 Chemistry Building. They must be in by April 5. At. Gomberg. Ann Arbor Art Association: The Print Makets' Society of California exhibition of Etchings, Dry Points, Lithographs, and Wood Blocks closes Sunday afternoon, April 1. Bruce -1. Donaldson, President. Freshman Hygiene Lecture: The sixth freshman lecture in hygiene for men, will be given in Waterman Gymnasium,.Monday and Tuesday, April 2 and 3, at 3, 4, and 5 p.m. This re- quirement includes all freshmen in the regular physical training groups and' others that have been excused from these groups. G. A. May. All Women on Campus: Bowling will be open to all women on campus every afternoon, 4 to 6 o'clock, except Saturdays, at the New Athletic Field House, for women. Laurie E. Caipbell. Second Semester Sophomores and Upperelass Women:} Students intending to take riding for credit fur the spring season mustf sign up at office, Room 2, Barbour Gymnasium, March 31, April 2 or 3. Ethel McCormick. Education Seniors: Invitations and Announcements will be placed on sale Monday and Tuesday in Tappan Hall. This is positively the last time they will be on sale.$. Earl A. Kelly, President. Education Seniors: Canes may be ordered at Wagner and Company. Earl A. Kelly, President. Graduate Club in Education: There will be a meeting of the Graduate Club in Education Tuesday! evening, April 3, at 7:30 o'clock in the education laboratory of University High School. All graduate students in Education are cordially invited to be present. Pease note the change in date. L. W. Keeler. Ann Arbor Division, Detroit Chapter, A.S.S.T.: The next meeting will be held Tuesday, April 3, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 32011 East Engineering Building. The subject under consideration will be "Foundry Control." It will be discussed by Mr. Fred Walls of the Wilson Foundry and Machine Company, and Professor 1I. L. Campbell and Mr. John Grennan of the University Shops. IV. P. Wood. Seniors in Journalisi :I All second-semester seniors who are completing one of the curricula in journalism and are candidates for the certificate in journalism must file at the journalism office, West Medical building, before April 7, a complete transcript of credits covering the four years of University study. J. L. Bruimmi. French Lecture: Mr. G. L. Michaud will give the sixth lecture on the Cercle Francais program, Tuesday, April 3, at 4:15 o'clock, Room 25, Angell Hall. Subject: "Le Roman de Rabelais Faculty Women's Club: The regular meeting of the Monday Night Drama Section will be held at the c-ub house Monday evening, April 2, at 7:30 o'clock. LIlah Ellis, Secretary. Alpha Nu: Alpha Nu's Spring Initiation Ban- quct will be held Tue3day, April 3, at the Michigan Union at 6:15 o'clock. Dean Edward H. Kraus, dean of the summer school, will be the speaker. Reservations should be made before Tuesday if possible. J. Webster, President. h.illel Foundation: John Kaliff, a native-born Palestin- ian will lead the discussion group 'uesday evening, April 3, at the I Foundation at 7:30, His subject will be "Problems of Present-day Pales- tine." Philip S. Stern. University World Cruise: Anyone interested in the Floating University. to 'sail from New York next September, is cordially invited to attend a luncheon at noon Monday at the Union. Ben S. Washer Jr. Spanish Play: All students having parts in the Spanish Play, "La Blancha de la Mar- quesa," will meet in Room 302 South Wing, Monday, April 2, at 5 p.M. Julio del Toro. Phi lambda Upsilon !The April meeting wil be held on th night of Tuesday, April 3, at 8:15 o'clock in Room 303Ch. The presence of all active members is imperative as the spring election of members takes place at that timq. Rodney V. Shanklind, President. Course in Glaciers: I shall be unable to meet the class on Monday and Wednesday, April 2 and 4. In addition to chapters 5 and illustrated. Rene Talauon. 6 cf Glacial Anticyclones, study chapter 4 and look up the subjects of shelf ice and inland ice in'the Ant- arctic reports referred to in fot- notes of Chapter 4. W. It. Hobbs. PURDUE UNIVERSITY-Members of the *freshman debating team will meet the Indiana freshmen. in a de- bate here soon. INDIANA UNIVERSITY-Reviews of the R. 0. T. C.,will be held Weekly on the University golf course. Again Ready to Serve You! C laudeBrown Is in business again at 115 E Ann St. In The Store with the Red Front. WE GUARANTEE THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR USED CLOTHES Phone falls Given Prompt Attention NEW AND USED CLOTHING FOR SALE Read The Want Ads WHITNEY THEATRE STOCK SEASON 11th and Final Week IMAPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Opening TONIGHT at 8 FINAL WEEK'.',OF' THE SEASON The Return of ELSIE HERNDON KEARNS In Bernard Shaw's Greatest Love Story A STETSON HATS cryledJor2ouyaen ~1 e /' S.... Soft bats for travel comfort © b ..ats of Stetson quality to a withstand travel wear-and Stetson style to travel as )becomes a gentleman. Eigh.t to Forty Dollars II .I: 3 t i ' N D J udithMayer. , ENGINEERS-Your Inning You Must Not Fail to See Our BARGAIN TABLE Books on Engineering Some Real Bargains -Come Early I VNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE A"9 Charles Warburton as Morell Robert Henderson as Marchbanks JOIN THE CROWDS TO THE WHITNEY! i Why Not. Tonight? Us" QA &1"Giuj v ri uci vGj Qj rj Qj rj rjyi arrtwi g. -- . 9'. $ " ' I.-, fION I.1 - - - - - - - - - - - See You x . .-. . . _-_ I .-.. ' WI . TT .4 I-. , ,_I__