TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY___________ TR~KME 1 DRLLYALESWIMMERS AN NVT IN 00 Q[QRII (Continued from Page Six) fGH ._ ~third place at the aximuumn,for r svnpoints, lbut it 1 is oreClikely; opopcie°o ebti~rst -- ° ~~that olyfour pit il remainSIii f~ XI il tiaii u wimr ig, to thO use the facilities of ,our 11office in S In 4cn rri Irhcrr everrV~ill itiu BleWith i four events re niig, Y l Period T1o Practice should gain first place in the dliving, working out 'the details of their °--especially inaich as the Easternne ho e FIRST MEET ON APRIL 2 1 style of uip and downl will prove a i handicap to Walaitis and osenberg Approximately 12 members of the of Michigan. Varsity track squad will be" invitedDanl or Walker in the spfl il AnAr o H me B id sI c! Thompson or Wagner in tie brest. toareminn rri Ain or ovpro pae stroke, and Hubbell or Spintle in the vctopeidioretopeaeback stroke may out speed tefli P '.4.(or -r' -.'holz V . E I. *li *c~rras for t he outdoor season, which will niatators in allI thse events, andire Jt'10 N. )iain St. I'iwe ; 14) capon April 21 when a. squad of 20 con.'ionly expected to do so. men wile-tke-tot -anua-Mchi nvicores.n"he rest Lack, anid 0 would allow the \Vol- OhioReay R Clubu.aysne tphav mrgnColu11111111111s11,11venueslillllllla011topllfileavyfil 11 margin.IIlEEi Althoug~h it is uncertan as yet - - which o h e will reoaih for UNION I 0MILE ENTRIES O ltyadSrieurM to SoJ n th4xr ann eid NEAR FINISH O SWIMIS roll expets to announce the list the- O the Crowd for You udyDne first, part of next week. A series of With the earliest posible finishI of two prIact ices a day will'be held dur- the Michigan Union 10-mile swim, ing the week of the Paster recess, TusaArl3lraigcoe h- anol the veteran Coach is seriously number of marathloners w ho have=R cnieiga plan of training that covered the frnaximum (liane 0 ~ ei A''r S ek"t 75r will call for four or five mile walks 612_laps or 8 1-2 miles has narrowed each day, ~~~down to ten. Five have dropped be-at L1 X LLIIL ('fiaiiuuari Ik Recoverinig hind after passing the halfway mark= Chapman, sophomore sprint sta,a week ago} with the leaders. Prepared by . who was injred in practice shortly hs h r edigtefed_ W er o eC oe el before the yo Haewo lain h il hr a Peae w 20e o r irvard sin:tas ept- of220bermnt ri are vDal, Pter- Am rican'Chef Are Sre any hrd Wrk. f. i somwhatson, Tellez, Vanik, O'Brien, and 2Cen n om /eetefrmnnvrgt (oubtful whet her or not the will be Kunkle. I al pobbiltyfiv quiet adcozy om.Wee h -ea nvrg in shape to remain here duripg the sly thers will he able toyv complete too tired to 'keep up steam to beat the whole house. lvacationi Iraicnirififlg p c nd.Jack ' ar- their 10 miles before aster Vd Yul fr Srvce 11's cnltoiaso r"isanu-to (;CrUlity.The names of those who complete He44zSlrin Aiii 1113 h euie itncIeoeth n - P R O 2 There iv a m siili ly that Mich- ofethe currentsmsterwl be n r° . P. , 22Lit iganwil berepesened y atwograved on the large trophy which is H' NII'E N) WTVAM AAW m1ile as well as a mile relay, team kept in a case, adjacent to the pool. at the Ohio Relays, according to Handso-me individual medals, which =(Co. Hron1 St. in114 Fourth Ave. Coach Farr ell, In ca so Leonard,'may be worn as watch charms, will vtrnqatrmlrsueesiialso be presented to the winners by' working oft his condition in the next th ihgn Uin hsewl ) 7 L U .. th ihgn no.Tes ilb eek or so, the mile quartet will awarded on the completion of the S bcie Fr te W e l h e greatly strengthened, as he was swim in June. II one of the best 440 mmen on the squad. Yearling Trackmen- Awarded Numerals (Continued from Page Six) the mile, while Croehn ranks as the' pick of the two mile anudidates: tl The hurdlers are the mocst numer- ouns of the numeral winners and Pot- lbe 'P ad ON ter ranks as the best performer in the lot. Cook looks like the best 440 mani on the squad at the pros- ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN FOR ALL nbilad iei tohsal-S N O CL D E IN T E U V R I Y iyty in this event le is a capable high SE IOuLA SEpNeHE U IV RST TiyerssudifotntinOffcial 'Out fitters for the Past Ten Years t having a pair of sprinters of the abilyty displayed lby Murray andl TDolan. Froth of these ,men aye been turning in good time for the dash, while Tolan holds the national in- terscholastic sprint title. Harrell s the leading broad jumper on the ny Ppi freshman, squad. Pottle has been Thbowing promise in the pole vault, A~.S A. and Patton, Marshall, and Decker! 711 No. rg~rstt ve. ANext to Arcade aTheatre #have displayed marked improvenva nt! in the .weights. .._ - - ,:REPAIRING IC LSIIE We -sell and service all makes 'of Typewriters II./ Advertising The Largest and Best stock to select from in Ann Arbor, backed by skilled service. M UIN, f't't;is y atRider.'s Fen Shoff utClugan iBeauty Shop no Phone 8950 c ted w ,ith li flldws 7e~tuty Si, fc(talies inll adies' m~ Andl q ALL .MAKES ' hai lur Cutting. i-4 r '1 ;i Y ,gip- - __________________ For EAS E;Rf Sed t o" h SWISS Gar en"It teai gC 209 S. 41lb Avea I -,1 4 And &e Pr- eparedfo icpn of Spr''ig Head th-e Paradie! Let ENERINECLEAPSING be the forerunner oif your L er de- sire for Smartness and Cleanliness. Ladies--Have your garments SWISS ENERGINE cleansed to bring 'out that nbw sparkle and lustre. We make a specialty "of fancy' pleated dresses. Men-Have your light suits, light ,topcoats and hats SWISS ENER- GINE cleansed, and be assured that all lint and dirt in the seams will beG removed at the Swiss'. We maintain the FORM PREST. Pressing Service, a service of which we can -truthfully say that there is none better. Send" It to -the SWIS4 Crme Ceai NOTi'iCFa-Ecluc'ttiOn ;Seniors, cla ssi (in-'s Ipayabilin 'Tappan Ihll Minl- day and TuesdaIy. Dues :ins ludel subscriptionl ich. Alunus M llt- ' m .lial Funol Class Balnquet, SNOr!('1 -Wo buy imen'sclot ing, Phone 4310. 115 W. Wa":shing:loli Q i. Wed-PiSi 11, f cI' Uot lood and goi u rvico, (ioniablock from cai,[illu.-;ht wy you save1'. -v eys l1 ..tai'" t, 1 - l'1''r. X ilhiaI_-; A 0 0 I lr", ;t ' . F t'1 . 511": t 1 l ii: -,.1~ ma l~ker, Crner owluthU. '1d11(1 111:Forest, NO (cnct iol1N ith anily firml 1911 of the same ( nnme. Only One p1a The best you can buy, Alwysfrsh 4n I, !Rideor's iPen .Shop 0{ TIFEIAVIITI It S IlVICi, SAll makes. No better ':,1ill found alny- \where. Prompt srie 1Ilider's Pen tshop TYPN hone S:)50)C f TYPIN-T-h1eses it splc.Iair~y, t~ua son able rates. 1M. V. Ilartaulff. Dial 92F7. _(-77-1511 - i'yiewrilT~is 1'4)i' RIt flUood ma~tchins, youlr favorite makte. ~ I Rilr's Pen Shop Phone 8950 C tk'titbt ie'yltaew ntaers- -N 0iv ,r Used It' WILL pay yo)~ to comle to Rtoyal \ headqlucuarter's ani see the N(ew Rtoya.l portale behfore yoult uy. '1'hiis "HBabyt"RoAl is alreadly otlselling; all oilier mtakes -of lporit ble. "Some Bay"Ride r's Pen Shlop { Authorized Deabrs in Royals C ST YPEWlt1'VEItS--- ales and ervnie. All makes, large and portable, Sbought, sold, rented, repairedl. Our machines and work guaranteed. In businfess since 1908. 0. D." Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcadle. C YUfoz:~n ell pc: plac Our skilled Penmakers. Service costs Rider' Pen Shop C lFOR SALE-Bausch & .Lamb micro- scope. Mechanical stage, low and c high po'wem; objectives. Perfect; Icondition. $45. Call 8661. 140) I kOA RENT \FOR RENT-Three-room completely furni'shed apartment. Also large Sdouble room. 422 Eas;t Washing-. \ ton. Dial 8544. or ;}97t1. 1 8-'139-140 WANTEDJ~ WANTED-Students to know that our home laundry methods give your clothes 4 per'sonal attention. Moe SLaundry, 204 N. Main. Dial ;316. C l)STRICT agents wanted. Fast sell- ing article used by every moan. S pare timheland. full surmmer work. See Mr. Englefried , Mbonday;, 7:45 t P. M. Room 302, Michigan Union. 8 LOST SLOST-From Athletic Builinga golf bag and Clubs with initials. ' Reward andl no questions alsked. 4191 Call Cornelia Thompson. Phone ~I7472, or r (turn to Mliss MeCo(rmnack. ~ I J"19-140 "The Home-t'of E n ergne 209 S. 4th Ave, H. Schroen Dialz : it 1 t <<,, , , .+ 9'"' i 1 t ... /// . . ,,, _ -, . r t ,, r . - ---___-._. r ' . . .., r _ A a° "' a With INN4 Col. Fred L' (Who Appeared on the M NOAHBE CHARLES FAI GEORGE BANC CHARLES EMMETT MARY AS1 FRAN K HOP a Qaramou 9icture insy4 DAYS! "S-TARTINGXTDAY ajestic Stage)} ERY neerl MACK ) .i 'AL 'it a A Itinmbr the z aine7 Tht rough, tough, happy-go lucky A-ot- l fit-the Rough Riders! owboys and coleg men, hoboes and millionaires, East Side, XWest Side, Sunny South, Adults