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April 01, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-01

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1 890

IY e

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IlI ~ lfl P T Gr d-b nqu t t cke s w ll e on j F T I A I P r~ r m E~ ~ r fl III I A IB a n C o - E d u c a tio n A s A p r il A r r iv e s W O L I
HDM DI~ TO.APPEAR GdaanqWednicedy aft enon ;SECTIIONS R IE O PRESENT -automobiley W N
d aye atdthe Unu, dayaftue-IU IIYIt I I LTerno one for The Daily wanted to makze a
for the ben~fit of invitation hld- !Teutmoil ban has been re- great occasion of it and fool every-
TO DIfDlINUITTerswhohavFePTsyethreFemoved! oeby announcing the resignation f
tOuRW NIIT F r n'saed eractn s. ye C~OMIT TEElLEARS h L Uti ~Liii~ 'Pro. William Herbert Ho~bbs has of Harve Eery terasconfer aewl ea h ieds nL C U ET M R O~ eto ainwd paigtu neo aywike rw-NO1
n~nn mair Jthe lobby in order to save the li favor of the University College ever, and mch erudite cnsiea
THIRD PMAU IRANbL +f time that would be consumed by DEPARTM1ENTS OF 11ATHEMATICS PRO01EOR ADLER WILL TALK and the Student Christian associa- tion it was decided that someone T '
1Rmal communication.I AND FORESTRY M4EET AT I ON PSYCHIOLJOGICAL tion! might take 'the news seriously and TAKE
I________________ BANQUETS IN UNION SUBJECT E C. Pardon, superintendent of the burn down the economics building in
TOPIC OF LECT URE W'ITHHELD, TO- B. and G. department, has bought a celebrating the event. Since neither TWO R
jS INTIMATED S.IORS TO 111 l GETr~I~ ER The literary college faculty will sirable, and since The Daily has, not
___ ULIIII)V ULIisapoeUrsree nrdcinGandFrtWdsraIeonto not mneet today for a discussion of made a cherished tradition of such
TOCON IDRPU LI r}FO Meldnres Redcnrutomm n idFrtdes evl p ead f'Ineiorit h nvriy olgorpsa. soisintepsTeDal oldiB
r p C A CE T A E SSweeney-Mlnry Bill Complex Theory President Clarence Cook Little did everyone, including itself, by omit- i d,
POI ESINrA_____ not speak to an alumni club last ting the story A
Section meetings and the drawying !Ira?:. Alfred Adler, of the Pedagogi- -eight! (Late Wire: It was (ienied offi-
Will Rogers, noted cowboy humorist, !u frsltosbogt tit-clIsiueo ina ildlvrb Co-education has been abolished at cialy last night that Peter Munro Taukme
whose clever remarks and twirling lar- I 1 the first ofion two e akn hi scheduled lectures Michigan! Jack was born on April .) Sta
iat have gained him a widespread Tomorrow And Tuesday gan Academy of Science, Arts and here at 4: 15 tomorrow afternoon .1{(The senior law class and theI-
reputation, will make his third ap-t Letters to a close here yesterday aft- Natural Science auditorium. These !senior engineers are planning a jointirii
perance hire in as many years at 8 SIG eN UP IN ANGr(ELL Hi ALL~, ernoon. Sections and section chai-lectures are being sponsored by the (banquet! H W T / IS S C N
I'irc All these, and mhany other things PI
o'clock tomorrow night, In Hill audi- mnfr scoringein fth col fEuatoune h drc
toim istl il egvnune nore ogvealmmer fteAcademy were..named, while the elec-' management of Dean Allan S. Whit-j equally remarkable have occurred sco.ringim. i
toiu. istak il b gve ude, nseio ltear cas oe or fna ion of officers took place Friday ; ney, but will be open to the general since last night. Lacking adedate Ll I VR h l national
the auspiceoporuniystopa theirnnclasrstheate night at the first annual banqjuet. 1 public. The second lecture will be space in which to give them fair P A E I AIA Sa h
lauwihbogthm to Ann 'poruit otarear lssdesCoachP
lege hc bogthmandc obtain orders for announcements, Two banquets were also hgeld Iin j given Tuesday afternoon at the saltre tetment, and lacking a number of
pAbrraces he. spevos p invitations, programs, and senior the Union yesterday noon, the fores-! time and place, other things equally important, The mersssr
DaiyahsaeciedtosishthmrrielyWolverine -Wrestler Defeats Taxsn, decided
canes, the class committee members try section, of which John C. De- Dr. Adler will give his addresses Dail hAsdeOtedhorlitFthllbrefl
asyerhfildHlauioimwill again he in the lobby of Angell Camp, of East Lansing was chairnman, on matters concerned with individual anelitcly frtecnuptionghter EvennMo
to capacity when .a number of en- lal einga hUinfralnho '~cooia Lfrne n hi of the entire student body. In addi- Llhe Eet ive na
cores were demanded by the eager Odr for announcements, ivita- at 12:15 o'clock. The mathematics l educational imlications When heI tion to this spring vacation has I een TWO f trailedi
mortenetr eewhoutRrs,Atthatetime ions, and, programs will be taken section of which Alfed L. Nelson, of :spoke here last year. Dr. Adler gaveabee cllsed tffGadir auticlyLAHevery-ES T--Favnine
mor tani hre ors A of tm frcm 9 to 4 o'clock tomorrow and ;Detroit, is chairman, held a banqueti some facts about his work inl the be aldof n rcial vr-- iem
entusistiall tht al jTuesday. . Ii conjunction with the in the Ladies' Dining room of thej especial field of studying pathology tiges fnt a aldt a-(pca oTeDiy edy
the college audiences before which signin~g up for ord'rs, representa- Union at 12:15 o'clock. and the inferiority complex in Pay-j pen as it should. AMES, March ,31-Bob Hewitt, di- ariiexaec
hehaapere ielie teAn ivso the senior literary class Resolutions Drawn chloy This is APRIL FOOL'S DAY! minutive Michigan 115 pounder, de- the dis
hebo hadsappearedthe liedfrtheynntiesurrwiof cainhothloee eoltos eedrw p Gy.ut Dco But that's not the worst of it, even feated Taxson of Kansas in the na- Ailt, M
"always caught his best jokes." ;lobby f Angell hall, to receive class by the members of the Academhy. They Soon after hie was graduated fromnrninaweslgmethetogttodfte
Toi o icoe usf~m9t 'lc ohtomor- are as follows: "Whereas, the unre- the medical school of Vienna uni- inii~fl f win second place laurels, behind De- Brigham
There is no indication as to whati row and Tuesday. It its stated em- stricted introduction of wild animals versiy, he began his work in pah-UL fRI ~mash of Oklahoma Aggies, and Hig- aind 440
Roagers will ,tace as his main theme p atically by senior class officials into Michigan, whether as stock for .0 clogy a and publishednfroiy his firstn book in VA D N nrrGN Arrn Dins ohermeslsolowebett
for discussion; but it is thought that that no orders will under' any cir- game propagation or for other pu - 10in Ifrort fOras"ti I t L Uh erar..sults f eatedwOkl-yAmerit
nd surbmancofentsiAmowllsome 'Nmeoftercsofts eniheinrodctonofundsialepests, 'neurology, and their relation to psy- daa ydcso ihtm da-mr
infrmn omns mn oe N ebr ftesno ieaytherefore be it resolved that the'Mich- chology with Freud and his pupils led tage ofdeisonw1:39.e Ca mrkat
!01so his other favorite topics are Pnes- ;class will be able to order announce- gan Academy of Science, Arts and. to his theory of the inferiority comn- Eitor And Author Will 'iFl1 Positiontaeo1:9Cp.
dent-Coolidge , Queen Marie fRn mets, invitations, or progran's af Letters disapproves of the introduc- iplex. He emphasized the importancel Until Regular Senator~h 1 on lasDmrhakih-fre
Waemania, the Prince of Wales, whom ter Tuesday. According to members tion of wild animals Into the state, !of this complex, and here hie first Election Is Held byAgis deciowihteadvagntAgesrotfti bo
he says he doesn't hold fullyre oftecmieen charge of these unless by careful scientific investiga- gained his wiespread irecognijn ---1310.Te
assponsiofble for avthis conflicts dwith -the items, the final order for thleentire tion i!ssonta h rpsdi-iD.Alrha ie etrs i EM INfQ IIDC1A~
lw ofgaiy, and princes an J ls nutb nth ad f ttroduction will not be harmful to the many of the leading cities and uni'm~~~.iiI 3 oudcasHlig ms e " sta3:1s"
inohronris usso- 'printer <by Wednesday miorning, after native fauna; and further be it re-! versities throughout the world. Hef- feaed Moore, OklahomaAgisbyo31.
twntaes a 1 hat number, n no mr will soled hat th - Associated P > decision, with time advantage of 1:39.8 i
lii 'soften the sulbject of:a few solv that and mrehi opinion of the has lectured in Germany Holland,'ILNSN Mrh31-Arthur H. 1:36. Other
quips for Rogers held piprivatetbak dis-yt ASIG achI
prvt i;qbe pitdai et ak os-Academy, legislation should lbe enact-! Switzerland andl England in aditioni
cessionis with the famous dictator. quently- it is stated that this will be ed restrictinxg the introduction of wildto t the United States. HespokeVher e nbro rn ais dtr Fnl o eodpae72 on anr
Roer' aryyers eie pet sabsolutely the 'lst opprtunity' toanml o tcknsoeIeeand author, is Michigan's new United las, Hewitt, Michigan, defeated Tax- breasts~
an Oklaoma coboy, an 'lie ade animalsy forhestockin.g purposes into about this time last year before ase
Roes al er ej pn Sorer nyioftsei gte. a"I s the state, and placing thle control of large crowd in the Science audito- 1Stats senator. ak-t
an frs Okl a a cbyind rlie maden s i gantd a lls c nrdcios . e h a ruiadvantage of 1:40. Taisonaurtomat- aks
inrpbli at ance1 o t 4-odrb- kratseior usdycls a ls uc nrdcin drtea- uand his caeption was so; His anvoiitment to succeedthe late.iclywntrdpae
'rde showepartmYok.t .son , pance- crei ireaaslcane
hs fro appe ri vancee so atr ministration of the State Depatmn popular that he was asked to seakf Sen. Woodbridge N. Ferris, who dlied)ontidpae20y
sopshowmtttenrez igld, sign-r noon after which the total order oConseration. here againi and readily accepted. In : ach23 as formally announced'I(WalkeDI EC OR
" hcattd;FoezZefl in must be sent into thre manufacturing _ Adioge Iegislatiton addit ion to this Public lecture, .I toaych 2Fne,3,ee a scod
ecenimtoayear inehe hsFoe irmoaeoreswilbeacptd And whereas: Information of a Adler addressed time students of the teeioa rn ais cetd
miore famours, ince has pentnost and no extra canes will be made, so scientific nature is largely lacking as medical school in a private meeting. Vtr diantGraind RidsacplastoeodTI? P ~ L N me e
Is timge in travelling from place 'to l that o senioro class officials urge that tonmes ait n cnmcme ok r raulated IoWsigo i bu ek TO P__P__E_ 200
l)a e ban n aeil f r hs m n al o h s h ne dto order, do ationships of predatory m anials in Many of mis books ive been trans- to beg ings dt ies.f Ha so a nne k oun ed200 S hot
J so Tuesday.Miign and whereas some recta- 'fated into J7ngish, French, and Ger- i acpngte ponmntht Idrng the plan of appointing ihga
logue,^ and meeting many of the l ory mammals are at times of value man. is "The Nervous Character"'em o
" in cceptng te appintrnent, thei president and recording secretary
wor~d' most amouspeople He hs LITT E unriGIVE s furor ascontros forpests, and i!was published in 1912 and was 'fol- liwoldeena anddattthspfalrogthameitibsis thobird-o diT239.
t w W I L G I V E ary in m portan e duri g diffe ent ;lo ed bforhethe Republicane of;enatorialpub iom- rectorsal nof-thetoUnionthyeUn oteydayrdap-a5050 ya:
ments for a news "syndicate and for RELIGION ADDRESS seasons amd In different sections, Individual Psychology"whih a tis ap h fl trpointmentby te goerno plaothrughkhichthi aybefbi ti
the magazines. He has appeared in therefore be it resolved that the Acad- translated into French and rp-man. i ponmn ytegvrirpa hog hc hsmyb f pa hi
the motion )pictures, writing the sub- Presidept :Clarence Cook Little will emy urges the state department to The Journal of his own sho, "In- ,ass to serve until December 1 when I fected. Wtialaitis
y ja ucesortoseve utSeatr Te omitteschoolwih ar
titles. Recently, he has spent much speak at 7 o'clock Tuesday night at initiate a thorough scientific study of ternational Journal of Individual a ucso t ev ut Sntr Thomteewlet.ihvr (Bryan',
time in speaking: fromt lecture plat-;Lane hall on the last of the Institu- all Predatory animals in Michigan, Psychology" is no0W in its sixth year !Frrs' term, to be elected lin Novem- os student groups and the pan qi~ m
form thogotte ionanlion on Religious Education series to determine their distribution, abun- and cotisatces ibrnh er, will take office. The term ends which they draw up for the amien- 40
ara.lectures. ''"Science and Religion," dance, 'rates of increase, food specie German, and Englsh His latest nextLarch 4 and a senator for a nt to the constitution of the Brighan
Conisiders Public Policies 'wihsPridn Little's topic, is. eaten at various seasons and in var- work, pulsern196 s "h full new term also will be Eected Union will be placed before the board gain{t
publishisdPresident Th isfal.ofdiecnr;o te'tmon'Cl
Public policies, in addition to per- one in which he is particularly in- sous sections, and their economic re- Textbook of Individual Psychology.,, Apointment of Vadneg ws i recoved bth atnio dytieECol iny
sonages, occupy much of Rogers' at- terested, and will be fin the for'm of lationships in the several parts of the It is expected that some of his sub- amendment willdebrg wa h ppo e ptanbory e vtew in
tentdon onminte, stage. His honesty of, a general summary of the whole state.I ject matter in the two local lectures' announced two days ago by a De/At amnmn. ilbpu eoea oe 10Ya
opinion is rarely assailed and his n- course which has preceded.{ "And whereas: The effective hand- ! will be on snm'e of the work alon newspaper, but the governor at that of the student members.' The plan Northwq
aogEtime said he hadnodeitly - cannot possibly effect the choice of
humo ud m n f ain l faris' (ing the fe stla dsicth cunry 1_hiin .___"..n t _efnie e ar. y t
ha md im known as a FRuS MANrAWsS OKE and th fiient utilization of their O con o haim o h ided upon an appointee. president and recording secretary this Andea
n ofens. OMOROW Products demand a more accurate and 'dress tomorrow afternoon, the regu- Ld 7 The committee will take up the 00nal
One of the ex-cowboy's most recent I TO BE IMELD TM RO complete information than is now C lain meeting of the faculty of the- MICfl.1 UD TO GIVE action. immediately, and an attempt
endeavors has been the production ofj available, be it resolvedl that the Scol oDahs be E TU E T E D 'wl emd t rn h atru ortho
motion pictures of hslatest Euro- IFreshman Law students will attendI Academy endorses the Sweny- oo 2:45 to'clock in the ilber e tmebrs ofthe Unionter u5pti
Zean expedition. In ltese films Ro-' a banquet and smoker tomorrow nigh'ti Wary bill providing for a comprelien- Ladies Dining room of the i Cnsav :i55ad fte (orthiersmi eese loe.I
thg per sonailly conducts a tour 1Inthe blalroomn of the Michigan Union. Isine program of forest reseairchiand sTaffGustwillL.oMieaud of willRordrtaet corc oo60yesterda
through England, France, Germany, Th-11affar was at one time a tradi- strongly urges its enactment into law asuul adaminiai na gie anglusaedepartment415mmbrsoitestdetboyFutaenrty
Ireland, Scotland, and other' countries tien Iin the Law school, being observed at the present session of Congrej."1beens usxt;endleantonthoseioem hes wooclcmusdyatrnomnron boeris onecessayto aprovemuthe forh
of the continent. Rogers hinself has I(annually as one of the regular func- 'Following are the officers for next do nt m'enlamly atendutedprsentfndeanwo-tirds ffirmtivemouth;
written the sub-titles for the features 1 ticns of the year's activities, and~ they year's mEeting of the Acadlemy, as dalnt0.egDavispressorth luncheon. 1 25, Agell hal, it was anmnounced voe.iIeesr o prv h orh
and they are all, written 'n the vein class of.1930's attempting to revive elected t the first anual banqmiet1tlion 0 and srofesth neculyst e Lay. roma d aes, and met nd°brngboth
of humor so characterisoc of him. hire qld custom. The purpose of the Friday night: president,Prof. W. 1. Itpn1nThcetrcommitteeuty aappolmemLaiomatedRaelisa ui heShelds
Wrote For Xagaine 1 get-togethr has always been to pro- Worrell of the semitics department; )anuinicd that two very impor tat I he lecture will be illustrated byupThe planmmidmeepiteth - dnraw, cha
Perhaps the most popularly read of! mote a closer feeling between the vice-president, L. A. Kenoyer, West- 1Matters will cone under consid era- ioloredysideshobtinedathroghdtheeo the stdnmbd n ee i i
all the humorit's writings were the I members of the class and a better ern State Normal college; ser etarytonavetm, courtesy of Prof. uo he1eofi cmosdofme-hW2DacPrf
:eiso ati es w t n fin Th Sa-Icontact between, faculty and students. Prof. Dow V. Baxter, ot the silvics 11-- 7 ..-me-Fr nchHdeoreme t frieeomfnm'ins composed. .of: :Arch3

an Make Now ltereole9
ndard In Medley Rae;
Tile Relay !lak
(Special to Thce Daily)
ADELPHIA, March' 31-
37 points in the fifth ani
l collegiate' championsh ip il
Palestra pool here toni
M'att Mann's: Michigan sw
rengthened their claims,' t
upon in their meet with
iday, to their second cons
tional title. Northwes
in second place with 22 pol
ites to wirt after qualify
en in the preiminaries y
the 'Wolverines met with mi
;ted opposition, especially
tance events, where Ga
ichiigan sophomore, was t'
I. Shields, sensation fr
in Young, won oth the;,
yard swims, by lowering"'
cord in the 220 to 2:1a.8,F
Ing the long pool .440 y
n inter collegiate mark,
Ault holds the short r'~
t 5:.04.
~ob Darnall of Michiganl
into third puace in the :s
ut. repeated his meet re
:55 to win the 100 yard d
Wolverine medley relayi
ed a new intercollegate mx
.2 and a new meet record'
mn the 200 yard crawl rl
Michigan point scorei,'8~w
second l ace winner .n
troke, and':Fubbell and ,,$
:ond And third place l-n
roke, respectively
SU111n ayles
ardr relay-r on by Micig
r, Walaitis, Seager, arnal
Stanford; third,'Mnnee
Princeton. ''imne--1:39.$ (,
ard breast stroke-won
Williams; second, Wag
n; third Lenox, Nortvw
rth, Ulihile8, Prnceton. '1
(new imeet record).
r'd free style-ron by"]
uth; second, =right, ~Col
ird, Darnall, Michigan; fori
;Michigan. Time -
s mark of .24 yesterday
,et record).
yardI swim-wvon by Sie
in Yofng; second, Ault, Mi
ird, :Driggs, Stanford; fo'
,Northwestern, Time-5 '
itercollegiate record).
rd back stroke-won: by Hi
extern; second, Hubbell,.M
ird,-Spindle, Michigan; fo;
n, Oregon. Time-1:453,
yard free style swim-won
.Michigan; second, Br
uthr; third, Harrison,' Stafc
Crocker, -Minnesota.'Ti-
s Darnall's meet mark
y ie - o y Cobestern; second, Hubbard, D,
third, Saseen, Pensyva H aS rnfed
card free style swim.m-wom
Brigham Young; se(
ti, Northwestern;, third,A
in; fourth, Creem, Rut
:19.8 (new meet record).

nnrda~y Evening Pst entitled "The epartmnti;treasurer, Prof. mRobert I 1-1 IU. ;. nue u ' possession. ichg'
ue rsoy Ev eng MPost e nipl ttleoT eIru~I1. Hallof th e geog 'aph y department; ! a i a U~ d3lo w in fg ii h is posetsrs i llbte.f eng nee ing ep rt n, and W illiam( , I i chiga
The eathler eitrPof Ptedk meTe lcuewl etesixth ofJeffries, ,grad., president of the Pincet
hiLett en"Terso Sl-ae wDi ploaeon I' dtr Po. eeOkebrg, of the To E d Stock eas n ,the Cercle Francais series this year. Union.
letters to Coolidge.. They afterwards (1YAsoite res)I ooogy dprmn;adlbain 31.
were -published in bsok form and en- 1Partly cloudly today and tomlorrow; jWiiam W. Bishop, University ibar- i EM N S LI Y C N IS S O
jocdwide popularity. i slightly YAwarmer today. an. ogeher with the openimng of Bern- L E 1AENT FIG
__________ickets________for_____his_ adIShaw's "Camdida" tonight at 8 MVAR OUSRENOWNED C L EC I N
ticketsro r hisht ernow onmacte !F W TI K RSRE A N F R N U Lclock in the Whitey theater for a _____________1~
toino~;w igt renowonsae t EW TIIC TS E~I~AI F R NN ALweek's run come; the amnnouncementI Editor's Note This is the twenuty. the Main library, was the acquisition
War's bookstore, with prices rang- QtA4 Q JT W D JS A1'N G T]ta Cni a ilmmkteeee t tird of a series of feature articles on
ingI, fromV75 centsStoY$2. All seatsCareida"_willmarktheelevent cra nijs itlodi ftenlee to evelopo f im Hny Viguaud library of CLfI
ingfro 75cets o $.. llseas ae nd l ial week of te Rockford play- their ehisory and major princiiles or Paris purchased in 1922. The volumesatefp
reserved. j With student and taculty accept- ion committee announced yesterday. e's stock season. Tihis will be the olgani'-atins and management. thtwa oeet ihteCee tsIte Oi~
/+ 7 7th ~~~aices nearly all in for the annual It is deemed advisable, however' to irst stock season ever to be presented ta eechrn ihtelmnsteUi
PS YCH O?-AN.AL YS'S IGiio aqewihwl ehl keep the wording of these banners a . i Annt Arbor, and it is reported that William L. Cements library owes libary were added, the remainder' go- gates b
r ^,Grdio bnqe, hihwil ehedsecret until tento the anua1 negotiations are under way to re- its existence more to Regent William ing to the Main library, support
TO BE DISCU SSE j next Wednesday night,, less than 59 razzfest" when the utterance of tie turn the company next fall in a 20 j I. Clements, 82, than to any other IteShbueparsprtfwic of Mr.
BY NA4THANP KIRASS tickets remain, according to the: password, "Shekel, Shekel," will di- Iweek sealsonl to open, within te opening man. His interest and asistanceI were on exhibition inii the library ware l
tcket comm.ittee. Three acceptances vulge the secret. I~ h nvriy
Dr. Nat an K ass on of th ' f n te er fi ed est rd y w en wo an s h ve een ei gag d f r I " andida" the title r oe will be ates back to 1903 whome the first! cases recen tly Shelburne ke pt very u a at
111os pomnet fguesinNa ionlWlimA ostco eri aken by Elsie H-ermdoim Karns, who books of the library were obtained close -touchi with all affairs, beimg er o t
Iii'st rommmhtefiurefiniiaionacWiliadA.ngmsoco of Detoittheaffiraccodinrtotheente-CooreeamunusalauccssitfewknfoomAarnas.tooeeobest Ciynfkormeasdteebstnnfomed an f jtomigh
.Jewry, will speak under the auspices I Democratic candidate for Governor, tainment committee, Bob Carson's weoeks an In'sl cedsasr, irrycnannamota ftwhousYa hitme Muhothcnetsfte
of the Hillel Foundationi at 4 o'clock Ira M. Smith, University Registrar, 'Buccaneers being booked to pr ovide wendswho in seunin' s e ciaalerom lbooks coftaiw ngl l oselte hsorisa of slirry e.fMc m Bit'he c ollct o ns.the
this afternoon at Lane hall. An am.r and Dr. TPoni Iovet, campus poet, the few nmelodies of an unharmonious I One of the most recent collections
clot student of psychology,DrKrs philosopher amd holder of many de- eeig n emnbasbn New ork city to play this part. he the 13 colonies.
has pi keror hs o ic h r asyI g e s u mite h ieppi ai n , v ing ben ga G tokeepr upstan role of Candida" is in direct contrast U ider M r. Coo e's guidance bo os was thim British H eadquarter papers,
cho - analyzing a Psycho - analyst," As was feared, one of the effects spirit of the occasion. to that of Hedda Tesman and will wr eat cnse08 rva tivel added t until his whichct on tainof the compledurnthePns-
dealing especially withi Freud' and jof early canvassing for tickets was( This year's banquet will take the I ive Ann Arbor audiences an oppor- detSi 98 rmta aet h cin fte Egihdrn h rf
hs d crn s as exposed in his( evidenced in Registrar Smith's ac- fr f a n to a oiia a c stun ity' to see Miss Kearns in a roman- apring of 1911 th e accumulation was Re oui n rf e c le ti n w s h- he U
fomo ainl oiia acstic comedy part. rather slow, but in 1911 the Robert taned tinrough the family of General iland e
books. 1 ceptance, according to the committee, with the three old reliable parties I'lyig opposite Mis(eans Hce collectioni was offered at auction Burgoyne, ,of the British forces. for For
Havin2' 2gained great innularityvas I when several lines of original verse from these carts in attendance it 1ayin--- ss Kears, 1vNoy .i, Coa,91 yar hnn a T~,1nxy hWiim L. Clemns - I lcture

in (Hubbell, Thompson,V
seconid, Northwestern; ti
on; fourth, MAinnesota. T
(new intercollegiate reeco
YMB1IUS, March 31.-Althii
crary truce has been calle
io contest for presidentiald
etween Sen. Frank B. W~
ers and those of Secretar;
rce IHerbert Hoover, beec
Willis' sudden death at I
tst night, the fight will gc
ed, Carmi A. Thompson, mai
he Willis campaign, djek
William H. Hobbs, heac
niversity of Michigan Qr
Xpedition, will leave Moi
rt 'Wayne, mrd., where he,
on his recent journey


9' Q

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