THE MICHIGAN DAILY LI1HALDEM AN AND STINSON ESTABLISH OUNEW ENDURANCE FLYING STANDARD tlve notice~~ to al em rso ication in the Bulletin is construc Jniversity. Copy received by the A p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) tive notice to all members of ssistaut to the President until CII 31. g Number 141. S. SATURDAY, MAR o Members of the University Senate: The committee, appointed by President Little to receive and formulate uestions relating to finance for presentation at a meeting of the Senate, equests that suggesti us be submitted promptly, and if possible beforet iednesday, April 4. They may he handed to any member of the committee hich consists of Professors Crane, Edmonson, Hobbs, Thieme and White or ddressed to me at Room 2028 East Engineering Building. Alfred H. White, Chairman. I wo Public Lectures: Dr. Alfred Adler, Profcssor' in the Pedagogical Institute of Vienna, will iv o two public lectures under the ;auspices of the School of Education on [onday and Tuesday, April 2 and 3, respectively at 4:05 !o'clock, in the 'atural Scienco Auditorium. Dr. Adler's addresses will concern themselve's rith individual psychological differences and their educational implications. 'he general public is -cordially invited. C. 0. Davis, Secretary. aeulty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: A special meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and ie Arts, is called at the request of President Little for Monday afternoon, pril 2, at 4:15 o'clock, in Room 1035 Angell Hall for the purpose of con- idering the creation of a committee to set forth the points of view of this aculty with reference to the Univer'sity College to the Board of Regents. IL. C. Carver, Secretary. o Students Having Library .Books: 1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the University ibrary are notified that such books are due Monday, April 2 before the im- ending Spring vacation, in pursuance of the Regents' regulation: "Students who leave Ann Arbor for an absence of more than a week ust first return all borrowed book's." 2. Failure to return books before the vacation will render the student able to an extra. fine. 3. Students who have special need for certain books between April 2, and i:e beginning of the vacation may retain such books by applying to the u-perintendent of Circulation on or before April 2. 4. Students who have ,special need for certain books during the vacation, ill be given permission to draw these books, provided they are not in eneral demand, on application to the Superintendent of Circulation after pril 2. F. T. D. Goodrich, Associate Librarian. ducation Seniors: Invitations and Announcements will be placed on sale Monday and uesday in Tappan Hall. This is positively the last time they w,ill be on SECO ND READING HERE Robert Frost, noted New England poet who is visiting the University f::r one week, gave the second and last of his two public readings during the present stay in the Mimes theater yesterday afternoon. Mr. Frost ar- rived Monday, and in addition to his two public appearances has spent the week in interviewing students under the auspices of the rhetoric depart- OTnt. He is former holder of the fellowship in creative arts and thej fellowship in letters of the yersityv. D1uring his 'stay here Mr. Frost has been the guest of J. A. Bursley, dean of students, and Mrs. Bursley. HB. P0.HARDING { 1 i ,. homer Grafton, secretary of the enough to run in a column cf a new,;- Student Christian association, yester- paper. and must be given to the camp day announced the opening of an art as part of its private property. It is contest for the best drawing by a student of the University depicting hcped that the winning drawing may the work of the student councilors typify the spirit' of the camp which 'with the poor boy's, members of the the Student Christian associatin runs camp. Prizes for the best three draw- each summer at Patterson lake for t1; ings will be $12, $8, and $5 respect- ively . pool- boys of lhi,; district of Michigan. Three judges will be.Tappointedlbh'-Ie campers Carc h1s( 1by various fore the closing date of the contest ocial agecies around Ann Arbor and April 25, one (being from the facully 'lDetr::it, which insures their character of the architectural school, one from and worth. The councilors are all the staff of the Gargoyle, and one from cho