THE MICHIGAN DAILY l _ r _.. . Wit,,.. FEEL . TAVA XUAvAmm =3m=&'% CAMPUS, CELEBRATES Bridge Teas In Afternoon And Fancy Dress Party At Night To. Fill Guest's time SPORTS MOTIF STRESSED Today is being celebrated on campus as Women's league day, with the bridge teas in the afternoon, and the annual Fancy Dress party in the eve- ning. The teas will be given at the different sorority houses and dormi- tories, and in the evening all are to combine and go to Barbour gymasium at 8 o'clock, where class stunts, the spring style show, and the costumes worn by the guests themselves will occupy the attention of, everyone. Everything about the Fancy .Dress party is to remain more or less of a mystery until tonight, save for the fact that the motif for the party is the idea of sports costumes, sports re- freshments and sporty entertainment. Edna Mower's orchestra will play for dancing, and there will be special music for the style show. Patronesses for the Fancy Dress party will be Mrs. W. D. Henderson, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Miss Beatrice W. Johnson, Miss Grace E. Richards, Mrs. Louise P. Van Sickle, Miss Laurie Campbell, Miss Annis Hall, Miss Pauline Hodgson, Miss lone Johnson, Miss Ruth Figge, Miss Ella Rawlings, Miss Lenna F. Cooper, Miss Dorothy Ogborn, and Mrs. Elizabeth Woodworth. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES NEW BARBOUR SCHOLARS; FOURTEEN REAPPOINTED Twelve new Barbour scholars have which Miss Djang will work, while i Lectures To Honor Tolstoy's Centenary Opening a series of lectures which will celebrate the centenary of Leo s been selected and fourteen present holders of Barbour scholarships have been reappointed by recent ac- Lion of the Barbour Scholarship com- mittee. The appointees are Oriental women who have been doing out- standing work in special fields of re- search. The scholarships are pro- vided for by the will of the late Levi L. Barbour, former Regent of the University, who was interested in preparing Oriental women for serv- ice in their own countries. The women who have won recogni- tion and will study here during the coming year are Miss Sharkeshwari Agha, of India, Miss Dji-lih Bao, of China, Miss Martha Choy, at present in Ann Arbor, Miss Feng-djen Djang, now studying at Johns Hopkins, Miss Lai-wing Fung, of China, Miss Kath- ryn Kim, of Korea, Miss Zing-whai Ku, who is now at New Haven, Con- necticut, Miss Aley Checha Kuriyan, of India, Miss Jun-chu Li, who comes from China, Miss Tonio Taube, and Miss Ken Tokuzawa, both of Japan,1 and Miss Violet Wu, of China. Miss Fung-ling Liu, who is also Chinese, has been chosen as the alternate. Miss Agha comes here for ad- vanced study in En'glish, History, and Economics. She has behind her a record for intensive rather than brilliant work, including the princi- palship of a high school. Miss Bao will continue her work in history and education. Miss Choy, who will graduate here in June, plans to 'de- vote the coming year to graduate work in English literature. Political science is the field in Miss Fung, a former teacher in sci- ence, comes for further study in physics and chemistry. Miss Kim, who has already won recognition as: a teacher of English, will spend her time here in advanced study in that field. Coming with an excellent record' of achievements in physics and mathematics, Miss Ku's plans include graduate work of those two subjects. Miss Kuriyan is at present principal of' the Syrian School for Girls. She is in- terested in the study of educational methods, and plans to return to India where she will apply such knowledge as she gains here. Mathematics and cognate subjects will hold the interest of Miss Li dur- ing her year's residence here, while Miss Tambe desires higher training in America for better preparation as a teacher. Miss Tokuzawa has chosen English as her field of study, and Miss Wu comes highly recom- mended for her work in science. Miss Liu, as alternate, is a student of history; she intends to teach in that department, 'and has received high praise for her ability to mould the attitudes and thought of chil- dren. Present Barbour scholars who have won reappointment are Mrs. Ran ji- than Aaron, Mrs. Elizabeth Diakoffff, Miss Ao, Dju, Miss Ikuko Koizun, Miss Shuting Liu, Miss Maria Pas- trana, Miss Shio Sakanishi, Miss Hide Shohara, Miss Grace Song, Miss Yae Tanaka, Miss Phoebe Wang, Miss Shui-ching Yang, Miss Asal Nakao, and Miss Hsiao Lu. Tolstoy, the Russian author, Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead, former chairman of the committee on disarmament of the National Women's league, will speak at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday, April 3, in Room 231 of Angell hall. Her subject will be "Disarmament and the League of Nations." Mrs. Mead has been traveling in Europe and hasaattended various ses- sions of the league at Geneva. She come's here under the auspices of the Tolstoy league. In connection with the celebration of the centenarv of the Rusian auth ,r. CAMPUS SPORTS INCLUDE ACTIVITIES THAT RANGE FROM RIDING TO BOWLING Riding classes for credit, open 172. Miss Laurie Campbell, of the de- only to second semester sophomores, partment of Physical Education, juniors, and seniors will begin before would like to urge a great many more spring vacation, the weather permit- people to use the facilities of the new ting. Miss Esther McCormick of the athletic building. department of physical education re- The field house was opened for use quests all those who expect to enroll from 4 untll 6 o'clock every day with in riding to 'sign up in office 2 at Bar- the exception of Saturday this week. bour gymnasium by Tuesday, April On Fridays, the bowling alleys will be 3. available after 1 o'clock to those who IIt l there has been formed in England and Pegasus, riding club which sponsors America a Tolstoy society, counting riding as an elective recreation, has among its members such prominent decided that organized trips are not as figures as Miss Jane Addams, John successful as individual excursions, Drinkwater, Countess Titiana Tolstoy, and will devote its efforts in the daughter of the writer, John Gals- future to encouraging rather than or- worthy, Dr. Henry Van Dyke, and ganizing riding. Fifty W.A.A. points Prcf. Gilbert Murray. The chief pur- are to be awarded for every series of pose of this society is to publish a 12 rides taken during the season. ccmplete edition of Tolstoy's work's Class baseball is very much in pro- in English, which will, it is believed, gress at Barbour gymnasium. Fav- contain 35 volumes, orable reports have been circulating The committee here claims the is.;to the effect that a great quantity of terests of a number of faculty mem- excellent material has appeared in bers among them Professor Arthur E. practices, a fact which would seem to Wood, Prof. C. L. Meader, and Prof. foretell some good games later on. P. M. Jack. Class squads are to be picked im- - __-____-_mediately and will probably be an- noun ced on Tue'sday. STATES APPEARANCE IS j An important meeting of baseball IMPORTANT IN BUSINESS managers will be held at 4 o'clock on Monday in the parlors of Barbour According to a youn woman in gymnasium at which it is important charge of placing unemployed women everyone be present. in New York city, efficiency is not the The Sunday morning hike sponsored only requirement for success in a by the Outdoor department of W.A.A. Business office. The woman must fitI should not be overlooked in plan- in with the general scenery of the ning one's week-end program. i Orchesis, dancing club, opened its office where she is placed; that is newly revised year's :program with a her general appearance must coin- y ' o it cide with her employer's idea of what decidedly succe'ssful initiation on it shuld e. IWednesday night in Sarah Caswvell it should be. Angell hall. It followed the simple For instance, one very efficient and custom of Orchesis initiations in experienced stenographer secured a custhe of remis i ans in position in an office where she hap- which the new members danceinto co nd t bethe circle of ol(d members waiting to pened to be the only blonde. Every- receive them into the society. one in the office was so cool to her in The alley record in bowling up to spite of her efforts to succeed that it date is in the hands of Elsie Haus- finally affected her work. In about child, '29Ed, who has made a 'score of 10 days she was told that the work for which she had been hired was completed and that her services were no 'longer needed. Her employers TI A were serious business men, but they TECA R thought more of her appearance as DEPARTMENT 8 it harmonized with that of the other women than they did of her efficiency. Lenses and Framesrmade { To Order BRIDGE TEAS FEAR OF ALL KINDS IS A MOTIVATING INFLUENCE,_SAYS ROBERT FROST Women's league bridge fleas will be held today from 2 o'clock until 5 o'clock in every organized house .pn campus. The charge to play will be 75 cents per person or $3 a table. All the money is to go to the league building fund. Women do not have to play at their own house. They -may buy their tickets at their own house and play at any 1 other house on campus. 1 I HILL AUDITORIUM ADDS FURNISHINGS New furnishings costing about $500 were installed yesterday in the wom- en's rest. room of Hill auditorium. They included a davenport, couches, rockers, chair's, rugs, and window cur- tains, according to Irving . Truett- nor, maintenance inspector for the Buildings and Grounds department. The old furniture has been moved to the rest room in the laundry operated by the department. Mrs. Nellie Taylor Ross, governor of Wyoming, states that co-education is conducive of greater serious in- terest in work than detrimental to scholastic standards, because the high grades of the women stimulate the men to hold their own. RIBBONS AND SUPPLIES for all makes of TYPEWRITERS Rapid turnoTver, fresh stock insurega best quality at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR.RILL 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. One of the chief motivating in- fluences of today, according to Robert Frost, "our New England poet," who has been visiting Ann Arbor $during the past week, is fear, fear of all kinds. "And the chief fear of all," he said,' "is the fear of not being taken. The fight for freedom is a pretence. We want to be bound, to be captured by sone great art. We are afraid lest we will not be taken by. some com- pelling ideal. We are afraid that we won't want to do some one thing so much that we will be willing to sacrifice everything else to it." And this fear, says the poet, dom- inates all our lives. "Progress," he said, "is being scared out of your- 'self forward. It is the result of the fear of not achieving. I can remem- ber the same fears I had when I was a boy on campus. I have always been afraid. It makes me tired when people are afraid of fear." All of human kind want to- be happy, and it is Frost's belief that, true happiness comes only from this being completely captured by some idea that requires expression. "And men and women are both alike in: this respect," he continued. "What the woman really wants is to be cap- tured by a man, to have a husband and at home. She wants divorce least of all. Her fear is that she won't be' captured." Robert Frost leaves today. "The stay here this time has been so brief," he said, "that I air unable to do many things I should have liked to have done. I shall be going back to the farm," he smiled. "My tripsj from there are always short." New! Style and Beauty Small Hats of Straw Smartly collapsible, colorful effects are- the Season's Favored Styles PUYEAR & HINTZ OPEN EVENINGS Michigan Theatre Building DN Dozens of NEW -frocks _ ~. I I FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK eornwell Blk. (Temp. Hdqts.) 330 S. State Street Don't-be an April Fool either by pick- ing up an empty pocketbook or letting someone empty yours, without first getting expert advice. We have had I are arriving daily - and certainly the collection is worth seeing. Frocks for the college girl, in spring- time colors, and youthfully fashioned. What a diver- sity of fabrics, of colors, of models! Prints are the vogue for Spring. Of cob- w e b -1 i k e chiffon, sheer georgette and silks. With sunshine and warm weather, you will want several of these creations. f the benefit of years of banking expe- rience and will be glad to serve you in any way we can. COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED Member of Federal Reserve System II III