THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday ring the University year by the Board in introl of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial7 isociation.- The Associated Press is exclusively en-l led to the use for republication of all news spatches credited to it or not otherwise edited in this paper and the local news pub hed herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate postage granted by Third Assistant Post- aster general. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, .50 0fices: Ann 'Arbor Press Building, May- rd Street. . 1 Ptones: Editorial, 4g5; Business 22214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN 'itor.. ................Ellis B. Merry ditor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer aff Editor..... ... ....Philip C. Brooks ty Eddiot .... ....Coartland C. Smith omen's Editor........Marian L. Welles ports Editor. ......Herbert Ti. Vedder heater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. csistant City Editor. Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors obert E. .finch.... . Thomas: McKean Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick aul J. Kern t elson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters sther Anderson Sally Knox argaret Arthur John H. Maloney lex A. Bochnowski Marion McDonald car, Campbell Charles S. Monroe Assir Churc-h Catherine Price lanchard W. Cleland Harold L. Passman lar:,cN N. ,. Morris W. Quinn Margaret Cross Rita Rosenthal 'alborgrEeland ierce Rosenberg 4arjorie Foilmet iileanor Scribner ames B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz obert J. Gessnet Robert G. Silbar lae E. Gruber Howard F. Simon lice Hagelshaw George E. Simons seph E. Howell Rowena Stillman Wallace -Hushen Sylvia Stone harles R. Kaufman George Tilley illiaio F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller awrence R. Kleir Edward L. Warner, Jr. onald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer' ick L. Lait, Jr Toseph Zwerdling RUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH .,scrani Manager...George H Annable, Jr.. dvertising.........Richard A. Meyuti dvertising. ,....Edward L. Hulse dvertising.... .....John W. Ruswinckel ccoUnts . ...........Raymond Wachter irculation..........George B. Ahn, Jr. ublication......... ....Harvey Talcot Assistants eorge Bradley Ray Hofelicb Jarie Brummeler Hal A. jaehn amne Carpenter Tames Jordan harles K. Correll 'Marion Kerr arbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington gary Dively Catherine McKinven essie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons )a Felker Alex K. Scherer atherine Frohne George Spater ouglass Puller Ruth Thompson eatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum [dlen Gross Lawrence Walkley J. Hammer Hannah Wallen arl W. Hammer SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1928 ight Editor-G. THOMAS McKEAN senior theses. The students will ac- company an air mail pilot, flying from a New Jersey air field to Chicago. While the flight, in view of its ex- traordinary nature, is not particular- ly significant, it is ostensibly more sensible than any plan which per- mits students to fly their own planes, as has been advocated in some cases. At any rate it is probably the first time in the history of American col-1 leges that a flight has been under- taken for such purposes,. and in that respect; to say the least, it is rather interesting. T ASTED RO)LL AND W] Jj THYCALL . TlIS SPRINGr WE DON'T LIKE to doubt the word of those who made up the calendar and said that spring begins on the 21st of March, but if this is spring, Al Smith is president of the United States.' * * * THEATER BOOKS MUSIC will 0 CAMPUS OPINION Annonyinous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Letters pub- lished should not be construed as ex- pressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. 1 I 1 s SOLITERARY COLLEGE ACTION" To the Editor: In Thursday's Daily, gofessor Hobbs defined the University College as a "horizontal stratum which was to run through all schools and col- leges alike and provide for common work throughout the first two years of ,college." He then added, "It is this alone that the Literary Faculty has now rejected." After reading this I am obliged to express complete agree- ment with one sentence that he pen- ned, namely, "There is need of clari- fying the issue, not because it is obscure but because iteration of mis- leading statements has befogged the THIS IB THE tibe ob the year, this spring, when all people geb colbs. * * * THE ABOVE IS the way we talk now that the wonderful spring wea- ther has come. At that there was a time in the dim past when summer started about August. IT FELL OFF FROM COLD Dear Jeb: March may be going out like a lamb, all right, but why did the little lambkins have to leave their fleece all over the ground? Bee Jay Ay. * * * INLANDER NOTES WE NOTE III The Michigan Daily that the Inlander is coming out the third day of April. Now it strikes us that the publication is just two days late. WE HAVE ALSO heard that the Inlander is going to move into the Press Building with all the other pub- lications. From now on we don't ex- _ _i t _ ..... .___. , .,... ...e.1« L.. .. s.. fr-s THIS AFTERNOON AND TO- NIGHT: The Rockford play- ers present "The Barker" at 8 o'clock in the Whitney theater. TONIGHT: The Ann Arbor High School operetta, "The Pir- ates of Penzance" in the Masonic Temple auditorium at 8 o'clock. TONIGHT: The Mimes present "The Devils Disciple" at 8:30 o'clock in the Mimes theater. "THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE" A review, by George E. Simons- and Charles S. Monroe Age cannot wither and amateurs cannot stale the infinite variety ofj Gilbert and Sullivan. From the open- ing scene wherein the sea off Corn- wall coast rippled realistically on a faded backdrop to the closing scene wherein half the pirates turned po- licemen and sacrificed themselves slaughter so that Ann Arbor high school could maintain its reputation for seeing the end of ham produc- tions, the production flittered with genial, if sometimes unintentional, humor and a cargo of uniforms from 11 11 The origin of the pranks of April Fool's Day is not definitely known, but there are several opinions about the way in which these customs arose. The day as we celebrate it now, arose in France in the sixteenth century at the time when the calendar was corrected. According to the old calendar the New Year with its celebrations came at what would now be the last of March. When it came at, this time the celebrations lasted for several days, culminating in a climax around April 1st. 44 t 1 1 t i situation." pect to receive any contributions for the original show. It is difficult for me to understand the Inlander will take them all, BUT But G. and S. is recognizable even how any man could visit the recent NOT TODAY. through such an orchestral static as meetings of the Literary Faculty and I * * last night's, so those whose offspring then proceed to write a communica- DANCES LAST NIGHT 1 were not in the cast or employed as tion that would lead one to believe IT SEEMS THAT the Froshl Frolic stage hands found some enjoyment that the members of this Faculty re- and the Law function were both given outside of the puerile interpretations. jected "alone" the concept of "a hori- last night. It is reported that several The show went slowly at first, terribly zontal stratum which was to run hundred persons froze to death in ponderously in fact, and it was not through all schools and colleges the wonderful spring air trying to go until the pirate chorus bloomed forth alike." from one of them to the other. the familiar strains of "Hail, hail, the I am willing to bet Professor Hobbs DISPATCHES FROM DETROIT gang's all here" while brandishing a a good beef-steak against a dozen state that Henry Ford has left for collection of choc malt cups from the tallow candles, of his favorite brand, Europe. We wonder why he doesn't alumni's shops and swords from the that if he will introduce a motion at try to fly across in one of his planes. last Elks convention, did the pro- the next meeting of the Literary fac- * * * duction begin to see life. ulty that will result in members voting WE ALWAYS KNEW that Henry Although the "corpse de ballet" and on one only of the following propo- Ford didn't think that it could drive the acting were poor, for high school sitions, not thirty per cent will vote him out of the country. Perhaps the voices, they weren't bad at all. Van for the first. Detroit auto magnate is going abroad Cook in the role of Frederick handled (1) I am opposed to the concept of to find a new model for his new car, his part better perhaps better than a University College. he needs it. most children would do, and although (2) I cannot vote in favor of a THEN AGAIN IT may be that Ford he committed the popular error of University College at this time be- merely left in fear that Fred Green, not using the key, sang well. Richard cause the details of the plan which governor of Michigan, would appoint Winchester, as the Major-General, was, so far have been submitted do not } him to the seat in the Senate left va- really the mpst outstanding of the, appear to me to afford sufficient in- cant by the death of Senator Ferris. cast. Although his smooth cheek, clear formation to jsynFord would refuse the position, ABER eye and boyish good humor belied either for or against the project. NICHT HEUTE. him, his recitatives were well handl- . * # * ed and he seemed to get into his (3) Inasmuch as the UniversityT College project contemplates sialler THE CORNERSTONE part more easily than any other. The sections and better instruction, and AFTER THIRTY-EIGHT years of latter was evidenced in that he shook . effort the Women's league managed less. this will require additional funds, I to lay the first stone for their build- But finished productions should not prefer to vote against the creation of inpf_ WP sincerel J ho e that they he exnCc.and.nthe Ann Arr at- After the New Year was changed people still pretended to hold celebrations for the purpose of fooling those who had forgotten that the date had been changed. The person who was fooled was called a "Poisson d'Avril," April fish, instead of April Fool, be- cause; the April fish is a very young fish and easily fooled. In Scotland the fools are called April Gowks-a gowk being a cuckoo, the silliest of birds. Even in India they have a festival calledthe Feast of Huli, which comes on the last day of March. At this time the natives make merry, frequently at the expense of their friends, and their fool is called 'a "Hul Fool." Another guess is that the custom of sending anyone on a useless errand is a travesty of sending Christ from Annas to Caiaphas, and from Pilate to Herod because during the Middle Ages these scenes were a part of a Miracle-Play given every year sabout this time. However, it is all guesswork, but there seems to be some con- gruity between the' celebrations of all the nations so they may have descended from long ago through a source now forgotten. AA #i 101 N. Main St. 707 N. University Ave. I / NOTION PICTURE COURSES Since the early development of the motion picture, its educational ad- vantages have been realized. News reels have been developed to follow current events. various types of ed- ucational films have been devised for popular showing and for supplemen- tary instruction in school. Field sur- veys, and explorations of various na- ture have been recorded in the cel- luloid. Now the motion picture is to be used comprehensively to the advan- tage of instruction in schools and colleges. In the future, geology pro- fessors, besides lecturing and suggest- ing reading on the formation of con- tinents, will illustrate the action of water on a -continent through cen-1 turies in half an hour. In no more than the time needed to explain the action, there will be shown recessionl of Niagara Falls, volcanic action, the great ice age and the erosive effects of rivers and rainfall. Similarly, history, geography, nat- ural science and economics may be taught with the important material set before the eyes in its supposedI reality as well as explained in the text- book. The motion picture will not sup- plant the text book but will merely1 supplement it. There can be no doubt that if properly arranged, it will make the material much more interesting. Explicitly, Harvard university in conjunction with the Pathe film company are "going on location" to film such material for permanent use in schools and colleges. The "produc- tion lots," is reported, are the labora- tories of. Harvard to which are brought "close-ups" of all corners of the earth to be included in the pic- tures. Small models ingeniously ar- ranged to portray the action which. occupies the entire world and many centuries. Already much has been done and by summer more than 30 reels will be available for use. With the direction of the trained teacher, the results should be suita- ble for classroom instruction. Prev-. ious failures, except in the case of Yale which is doing the same in the field of history, have been invariably due to inferior direction. If successful, the work will in mak- ing study much more interesting and effective engourage one of the great- est advances ever made in education. _I 1 (. a new unit until I feel that the de-"gt he extonein lace in a little velopment of another unit can be ac- get the next one in place i a little complished without injury to estab- lished units of the University. HUNTING FOSSILS (4) I am in favor of the University ONE OF THE staff of Field Museum College project, and vote for it with spoke the other day on hunting fos- the. understanding that the date ofsils. It must °be very thrilling to go opening this unit and all matters per- out and hunt the poor fossil. One must taining to finance be left in the hands always use a high powered rifle. of the proper authoritiesWhen you see .a fossil take careful I will go even farther; I believe aim and shoot. If you hit it you have more will vote for the last proposi- ruined the poor, thing and if you tion than for the first, probably two don't you can't capture it. to one. THE ONE NICE thing about hunt- Members of the Literary Faculty ing fossils is that they will never at- have never voted on the University tack the hunters like the lions do. College from an educational point ofAt view. Two votes only ,alve been Another thing is that they never run taken in Faculty meetings 'on this away. RALU)NI project, and none in the Committee U AU* of the Whole meetings. The first FROM THE DAILY we learn that vote was on "Resolved : that the Col- there are about 68,000 living alumni lege of Literature, Science, and the of the University. When the time Arts claims the privilege of admitting comes to get tickets to the football its students directly, until such time games it seems that there are about as the State shall provide adequate 680,000 alumni. funds for developing the University * *n* College effectively without injury to MOST OF THESE students of the established units of the University." past received degrees so it seems that This carried 77 to 74 sn the faculty wasn't always as strict as The above resolution was an amend- it is now, or at least didn't hand out ment to the following, "Resolved: that as many "E's" as at present the Faculty of the College of Litera- * * * ture, Science and the Arts does not MANY OF THESE men fought in favor the establishment of a Univer- the Civil war to preserve our Union. sity College at this time." This mo- Many others took part in the Span- tion, as amended by the previous mo- ish-American episode to rid the new tion, carried 82 to 71. As in the world of a tyrant, still thousands of Engineering College, instructors have others took part in the late war in no vote, so Professor Hobbs should France to make the world safe for have compared the Engineering vote Democracy and big business, and yet of 66 to 25 to our vote of 82 to 71. we have an automobile ban. We In order to ascertain the sentiment hopenone ofthem turn over in their of instructors of three years stand- graves. ing, their votes were taken separate- grav*s' ly, and the results stood 20 to 12, and THE REPORT THAT Mr. Emery 21 to 12, respectively, on these two was lost or struck or something in issues. the Arboretum has been confirmed. Of course Professor Hobbs can main- We have a poem in hand commem- tam that in framing the two motions orating the event. There is not room that were voted upon, the Faculty to print it today, but it will appear merely attempted' to reject the Uni- in the near future. versity College plan in as polite a Jel. manner as possible. But my impres- * sion at the time was that the memi- ing of the day on which the Regents bers of the Faculty were- expressing held their meeting, and I repeat that I VC UAPt:UUUU, illitt 4110 111111 Hl IJVF RL- L F F L L T F tempt surpasses that of many schools. After the leading girls had recovered from severe stage-fright, Misses Ar- nold, Hawley, Kenyon, and Stapleton did well, especially the latter who sang and played her Mabel excellent- ly. Ham-yes; but the authors are caviar anyway. Give the kids a hand! *. *, * "THE SEVEN LAST WORDS OF CHRIST" Although for the most part I would become a charter member of any so- ciety for the abolition of oratorios, Dubois' "Seven Last Words of Christ" is something of which to make per- manent exception. It is well written, it has excellent content, and as pseudo-opera is very effective. The descriptive passages begin with Christ on the cross and Mary at his feet, praying, while the crowds of Jews are demanding his death. The seven last words of Christ before his death are set forth in solo parts, and the shouting of the mobs is taken by chorus and orchestra, and the storm and earthquake following the death are given in a symphonic arrange- ment. At the end, an anthem of praise is heard from the choir. Earl Moore's classes in Choral Lit- erature are presenting this next Wed- nesday afternoon in Hill auditorium; under the' direction of Roy S. Lung- ham, director of Mimes and the Union opera orchestras. WILL ROGERS America's gum-chewing and lariat I tossing comedian, Will Rogers, is again appearing under the auspices, of the Michigan Theater league in Hill auditorium, Monday night, March 2. The movies, the stage, the radio, and the lecture pjatform are equally fertile fields for Mr. Rogers, and his appearances in Ann Arbor are becom- ing almost annual. THE ROBERT FROST LECTURES The last of the Robert Frost lec- tures was given yesterday afternoon in the Mimes theater, and far more than ,the S. R. 0. sign was needed. The ohour was (devoUted nrfl.1ieinnfl'lXto .I OR cinnamon toast or toasted sandwiches, brown and crisp and tem'pting, the Manning-Bowmnan is a favorite with housewives. Tip the door and the toast turns automatically - ready to toast the other side. No burned fingers or injured dispositions. The price includes a seven- piece Toasted Sandwich Serv- ice of "Golden Glow" Limoges China delicately decorated and gaily modish. Nomm elk i -r/1tt TEA and TOAST DURING MARCH ONLY Toaster and China Service $6.50 A Small Payment Deliveas Balance with Y=ur Light Bills P7" 7 T T 1l"1 T"\ V" /7" V% A T 1'7'K T1 !'-% T Oft 'Y