WOMMAMAW" rcAT11RT . T41~'r"f I t -iL1h/£ X890 71lrA L -AL 4r, t 41v -A--A&, ANE W4 t ASSC VOL. XXXVIII, No. 138 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1928 EIGHT SUDDEN DEATH TAKES SENATOR' WILLIS AT POLITICAL MEETINGi LIFE'S CAMPAIGN ENDS FOR WILLIS HOOVER EXPECTED TO GAIN VOTES AS RESULT (By Asociated Press) DELAWVARE, Ohio, March 30-11. S. Senator Frank B. WIlis, died here to- night. He had been sitting on the platform in Gray's chapel, where 2,- 500 persons, .there to listen to the city's native son speak in his own behalf as presidential candidate, when hie arose, walked -to an antechamber, and succumbed at 9:05 p. in. A physician was called from the audience and pronounced Senator Willis dead. Cerebral hemorrhage was named as the cause of death. The senator's tragic ending came at the largest political meeting Dela- ware ever had witnessed. The whole city had turned out in homage to him. A band, a parade, and red fire had .been provided to make his ap- pearance an auspicious occasion. The Buckeye Republican glee club of Columbus, on the platform, was singing farewelleas Senator Willis drew his last breath. As soon as the word of his death was voiced around the hall, the crowd became excited and left the hall hur- riedly. Some, however, were so shocked by the news that they sat glued to their seats. The police and national guardsmen HAYDEN COMMENTS Senator Frank B. Willis' death is to be regretted by all who knew him," P.rof. Joseph R. Hay- den, of the political science de- partment, said last night in com- menting on the sudden demise of the Ohio senator. "He was a convincing speaker, a strong supporter of the 18th amendment, and his death will greatly effect the pre-convention campaign in Ohio." Y I 1 I I I i . I BRHOADCAST PROGRAM FEATRESLECTURERS Goodrich, Slosson, Hunt, And La Rug Speak On Respective Fields In Thirteenth Radiocast MUSIC :IS ALSO INCLUDED "The case for some attempt at unified control in regard to the coal mining situation is overwhelmingly clear," declared Prof. Carter Good- rich, of the economics department, in GIRLS' P LAY TO GIVE EXTRA PERFRMNC Additional Showing To Be Presented As Feature Of Conventioi Week End Here LEAGUE TO GET PROCEEDS MICHIGA N SWIMMERS SET PACE; NINE MEN OUA IFY1FOR FINALS AULT CLIPS THREE SEONDS OFF INTERCOLLEIATE 440-YARD MARK THREE WRESTLERS PLACE Ionahoe, Hewit, And l'hpmas B Reach Semi-Final 0und In Ames 11restling Toarnanient (By Associated Press) PHILADELPHIA, March 30.-Mich- igan set the pace in the national col- legiate individual swimming cham- pionships in the Pennsylvania pool tonight by qualifying nine men for the finals tomorrow night. Stanford university came next with five; North- western university had four; Dart- mouth, three, Brigham Young, two, and Rutgers, Columbia, Williams, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New York university and Springfield, one each. Garnet Ault, Michigan quarter-mil- er, lowered the 440-yard. free-style record to5 minutes, 20A seconds, clipping more than three seconds off the old national collegiate meet mark of O'Connor, Stanford. But Shields, of Brigham Young university, who qualified for the finals, also lowered the 440-yard mark. His time was 5 muintes, 22.6 seconds. Darnall Dquan I Rcord t Bob Darnall, Michigan captain, aft- er qualifying in the 50-yard free style equalled the national collegiate 100- yard meet record -of 55 seconds flat. Breyer, of Northwestern, set the record time three years ago. Bill Schott, of Williams college, eastern intercollegiate 2 00-y a rd breastn stroke champion, made the fastest time in this event when he did 2 minutes, 41.6 seconds, only a 'seC- ond behind his own national col- legiate record. (Special to The Daily) AMES, March 30-Three Michigan matnen fought their way to the semi- finals of the national intercollegiate wrestling meet here tonight in which 17 universities were entered. Theron Donahoe won his way to the semi-finals of the 158 pound class. Donahoe was Big Ten champion at .his weight in 1927 but lost in the semi- finals to Beers of Iowa this year. Hewitt Wiins Again In the 125 pound division Bob He- witt won the right to meet Deers of Ames to determine who will enter the final round. Hewitt is Big Ten 115 pound champion, recently having de- feated Sapora of Illinois for the title. Blair Thomas of Michigan is also in the semi-finals, and will meet Holding of Ames, national champion, tomorrow. Russ Sauer, the fourth Wolverine entered in the national *meet, lost to Grooms also of Ames in the 145-pound class by the narrow advantage of one minute 20 seconds. Saner was Conference champion at 145 pounds last year, but he was jdeposed; this year by Swain of Indiana. FRAYER EXPECTS TO KEEP OIL CAN Prof. William A. Frayer, pres- ent holder of the Oil Can, de- finitely threw his hat into the ring yesterday and announced himself a candidate for a second term as custodian of the Grid- iron Banquet trophy. "It is all right for you to take the Can and place it on display in Gr'aham's book store," Profes- sor Frayer told Herbert Vedder, '28, general chairman, when he re- linquished it yesterday, "but I certainly expect to sweep the elec- tion and get the Oil Can back again Wednesday night in the Convention at the Union. "While a second term would up- set tradition, there certainly is no one else on the campus so well qualified- I have spread more oil in the loquacious. sense- in fact the date for the banquet had to be changed because of one of Smy speaking engagements," he said. FROLIC TAKES PLACE IN UNIONBALL ROOM Granud [arch At Freshinan Dan"e Is Lfi By JohnB Diehl, ' IE, And. Miss Leone Lee, 129 WEEMS FURNISHES MUSIC Last night, amid an atmosphere indicative of spring gardens, 250 couples danced to the n'usic of ' -od Weems' 10-piece Kansas City orches- tra at the annual Frosh Frolic held in the ballroom of the Union. The . dancing began at 9 o'clock and con- tinued until 2. The grand march formed at 11 I o'clock, and was led by Miss Leone Lee, '29, of Detroit who attended the affair as ths guest of John Diehi,'31E of Buffalo, the : acting general chairman of the formal. The line of march formed a huge block 'M' and a flashlight picture was taken of this feature. The ballroom of the Union was trimmed in a series of lattice work of flowers. The patrons' booth was situated behind a gate covered with a bower of floral trimmings and '1ithi a fran2ad structure of lattie The numerals of the freshman class, ,1931, were emblazoned in white against the red fireplace.n t Favors and programs for the party were -designed to harmonize'in color scheme, each being lone in blue. The gift tokens were linked slave bracelets, beautifully colored. The programs were embossed with the Michigan seal in a darker blue. John Innes, '31, originally chair- man for the Frolic, but unable to assume active duties because of an Jnjury which confined him to the hos- pital, attended last night, but did not lead the grand march. TO PAVE MIMES THEATER ALLEY;-I CLOSE IN PORCIH SARTON GIVES ADDRESS BEFORI MICHIGAN ACADEMY OF SCV NC I IN FRIDAY AFTER HNO6ON SE'SO WORRELL IS SELECTED PRESIDENT FOR COMING YEAR AT FIRST BANQUET OF SOCIETY "The problem of new humanism is a fight on two sides," .de Glared Dr. George Sarton, of Harvard university, and edito- of th "Isis," in his address yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditoriut before the 1lichigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, now in three day session in Ann Arbor. "One must first be ready to struggle again the crude mnateriaism of the scientists on the one hand," he.said, "and o the other side. to fight the futile idealism of men of knowledge an letters. We edeed to simplify and purify our knowledge. "'As science and the world progresses," Dr. Sarton continued; "m realize that people are divided into two groups, groups having diverger interests. In the one belong the literary people and in the other the me .f science. 'Whey naturally tend to travel in different directions an therefore they do not understand each other. Often there is antipath between them. The time is coming, however, when one or the othe a i 1 . 7 C55 1 7 1 77 I j :, a forced all persons to leave the hall speaking over WWJ, the Detroit and made a picket line around the News, on the thirteenth Michigan An extra performance of the Jun- room in which the senator's body lay. Night prograa broadcast last night. ior Girls play, to be given Friday, Mrs. Willis Arrivesss Mrs. Willis, who was called off the "Regulation, Professor Goodrich con- April 27, at the Whitney theater, was stage privately, before any but those Jtinued, "cannot be achieved without anounced yesterday by Elizabeth with the selator knew he had died, some form of unified action." Wellman, '29, general chairman of entered the room just as the senator "Even a soft coal trust might have the play committee. The perform- expired. certain public advantages," Professor ance has been arranged, as a spec- As Willis entered the room in whichG he died, ha turned to B. A. Jones, his Goodrich continued, "as well as cer- lal feature of the week end of the secretary who accompanied him, and tain public dangers, if so sprawling Michigan Schoolmasters' convention said: "Jones, I never felt this way an industry could ever achieve it. in the city, which will be held on in my life. There is something aw- Or it may be that nothing short of Friday and Saturday, though ther fully wrong." an eventual complete unification, by tickets will be placed on general sale. With that, Jones reported, the sena- nationalization or otherwise, may All of the proceeds of the extra tor staggered, grasped desperately at fully solve the problem. It is to be the wall and fell. Jones caught him hoped at least that the Senatorsance, as of tose of te regu- just before he reached the floor. He lar run, will be contributed to the said hie really died then. The time present visit may serve to 'hasten s more unified control." benefit of the Women's league build-. waom Je rs. Wil s entered the 'A dictatorship, like mpajor surgery, ing fund, and the advance ticket sale r. Willisnevrn will be withnusd n sa vyin rare cases be necessary to for the extra perforance will be "Mr. Willis never will be with us any save the life of a 'nation," declaredw more. He is gone from us for all Prof. Preston W. Slosson -in speak- started today. Money orders for tick- the time." ing over 'the radio on the subject of ets, which will be priced the sameI sks row To isperse "Dictatorships." "But it is always as those during the regular perfor-. He asked that the crowd disperse attended by pain, loss of blood, shock, mances, may be mailed to Marie Hart- and leave the dead senator with and most serious of all, an after ef- wig, '29, at the Helen Newberry iesi- relatives. The body will be taken 1 feet of political paralysis which may to a Delaware funeral parlor to-srence, it was announced by Miss Well- night, where it will be prepared for mo fy and is cer torar man. The performance will proba- burial.. any a lo yr b1bly start at 8:30 o'clock on the night burial. 'health is restored.I Whether funeral services will be "The last dozen ears have w of April 27, later than the regulart held in Delaware or Galena has not . sThe ste ars havswit- j time of starting, due to the banquet of been determined. nd y th t rapid e as oiI the schoolmasters which will precede At93 .m. is Wlilatr democracy that the world 'has everit At 9:30 p. in. Mrs. Willis le t thieknwn" Profeso lsoncniud. it. i hall supported by Mr. Jones and her knwn" Psssor Sossn contu The regular box office sale of tickets: father, John Dustin. Her brothers, "All the last strongholds of absolute at the Whitney theater will be start- Edward, Nathan, and Fred Dustin, rule: Russia, Turkey, Austria-Hun- ed after spring vacation accompanied her1 gary, and Gerany collapsed under i 1 Frecedin; te metin tonghtthe stress of. war and the demoral- Prededing the meeting tonight, .zto fdfa. eulcns i PH Y I L G S S PIOLOGISTS Senator Willis had 'been the guest izatilon of defeat. Republicanism IS ofathe Kiwanis club in the d now universal, save in those coul- TO MEET HERE of~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ teKwnscu inteciigfraknb -,RLlnd wh~r vn- MO NOPLAN E1,HATTERS1 OLD ENDURANCE MARK Stinson Aid Jlaldemuan I emai Aloft For a3 pous, 36 inutes To Set- New R~ecord FLIGHT BEGAN WEDNESDAY1 (By Associated Press) JACKSONVILLE, March 30-=The world's aeroplane endurance record came back to America from Germany today when 'Edward Stinson and George Haldeman set a new mark' here of 53 hours and 36.5 minutes. The new mark was one hour, 13 mn- utes, 55 seconds beyond the record of 52 hours, 22 minutes, and 31 seconds, ntade last August by Johann Ris-' ticz and Cornelius Edzard, German fliers, using the Junker monoplane, "Europe." After jockeying their single-mo- tored Stinson-Detroiter monoplane to take every advantage -of breeze and altitude, the Amem.ican aviators came down this afternoon at 1:14.10 east- ern standard time, with five gallons of their original 550 gallons of fuel still in the tank. They had taken the air at 7:37.40 o'clock last Wednes- day morning. Stinson and Haldeman were hur- ried to their hotels at Jacksonville, 18 miles away, where the reporters found the two men. They both grinned while the news- paperynen questioned them . "You see," said Stinson, "We planned this flight last Christmas lay. We tried it near Detroit but failed when the weather interfered. I ,guess you know about the ice freezing on the wings of our ship.; "When I first thought of the as-1 cent, I decided to ask George to go Swith me, for the reason that he is !one of the few fliers I would want to go to sleep with in an aeroplane. n 0 e ti b Q 0 t V g s ti n, p e; t tl :a C t t t f C 11 n t t e A c t 9 l-p I t t must go in the direction of th ther. I believe that it would b asier for the men of science to go i: he direction of the literary people. ~arton Sees Conpromnis I~r, Sarton. pictured the new humna sm as being a sort of compromis etween the literary men and the me: f science. The literary men, the his orian,'and the like look to the pas he speaker explained, while the me f science look to the future. Di Sarton intimated that both shoul ompromise and concern themselve ith the present. "The only .activity which °is prc ressive and accumula'tive is th cientifi-e," Dr. Sarton continue Men of 'science are more intelligen ban the men of letters but they kno pore because their activity is bot mrogressive and accumulative." )r. Sarton pointed out that it i asier for men of science to rise t rominence because of the fact tha hey can spedialize in a crtain flel end learn everything about that freh In fact," the speakersaid, "that 3 ne objection of the literary people- hat the scientist may know every bing there is to know about a ce ain subject and yet may be an as vhen it 'comes to .other things." 'liect Officers 5= Prof. W. H11. Worrell, associate prc essor of semitics, was elected to tb fice of lPresident of nextyear's meel ng of the Academy, at the -first at ual banquet of the Academy held i he Union last night. Following a he other officers for next year elec d at the banquet: vice-president, I A. Kenoyer,. Western State Norm1 ollege; secretary, Prof. Dow Baxter, associate professor of silvies reasurer, Prof. Robert B. Hall, of tI geography. department; editor, Pro Peter Okkelberg, of the zoology tlA )artment; and librarian, William IA Bishop, University librarian. The la hree were re-elected. Two new sections were installed le banquet, the section of forest and the section of fine arts, and se Lions and section chairmen we naned and elected for nextyea, meeting of the Academy. "Tularemia" was the subject of a iustrated address in thre ast Mel cal building last night, held- und the joint auspices of the Acade and the University, , by Dr. Walt Al. Simpson, pathologist at the Miai Valley hospital at Dayton, 0. Dr. Simpson declared that tul remia is a comparatively new di ease which is carried principally 1 wild rabbits. Those who are a fected by it are usually; exposed an infection while dresenmg or eat wild rabbits which have had the d ease, Dr, Simpson said. Pictures illustrating the handli: of certain cases and the nature cr t disease were shown and explain by Dr. Simpson. Experimentatl has shown, he said, that a pers who has recovered fromr the infecti is immune from further attacks, b as yet no serum, either preventati or curative has been discovered. Section' meetings and round tal discussions will bring the thirty-thi annual meeting of the Academy to close here today: MICHIGAN CLUB: TO HEAR TALK Speakers at the Triennial meet of the University of Michigan ci to be held May 10, 11, and 12 at 1 Blackstone hotel, Chicagofwill governed by the theme, "The It relation of a State University, Alumni, and the State." Among the large number of proi nent men who will speak at the 'I ennial are numbered four preside of large state universities. Th men are Pres. Stratton D. Brooks, the University of Missouri; Pres. . tus D. Coffman, of the University Minnesota~ Pres. Walter Jessup of room of the Allen hotel. Senator Willis' daughter did not come to Delaware to hear her, father's speech. She remained in Ada, where she is a professor at Ohioi Northern university. WASHINGTON, March 30.-- The death of Senator Willis brings to an end one of the most' spectacular con-l tests in the Republican presidential campaign, but at the same time leaves Ohio Republican politics in a, tangle whose solution is difficult tol foresee. ,Senator Willis and Herbert TA)veri were entered against each other in the Ohio pimary to be held April 24. ; Under the Onio law' it is necessary for a candidate to express his will- ingness to aiter the primary and the date for such expression expired more than a month ago. Whether it will be possible to re- ,m~ove Senator Willis' name from thef ballot is for the Ohio leaders to do- cies -Italso will be for the sen- ator's friends to determine if they will now give up the campaign against Hoover amd permit the dele- gation to go to him by default. RICH WILL PLAY' AT LAW SMOKER Frank A. Rich, noted banjo solo- ist for radio broadcasting and brothert of George E. Rich, '30L, captain- elect of the 1928 football team and president of the freshman Law class, will come to Ann Arbor Monday night to appear as a special feature of the banquet and smoker of the freshman' Law class to be held at that time in the ballroom of the! Union. Rich is a senior in the Law school of the Ohio Northern uni- rich sen as nlyas wnerE o f'EX E K N r ai ns onlas ym l- NEXT WEEKEND I feel that he would be able to doy national unity, where kngsnreign i[--Two decisions of importance were what was necessary in case of ai b t ' "Teachers of anatomy from all s5c-jF L made by the board of governors of the pich" The ermnenc of Stone Build- tiOns of the United' States and Canada DANCE FAII T Union at the meeting held Thursday Haldeman, who was Ruth Elder'st Tig Pesanecyof Pon.uWalter will convene in Ann Arbor on Tiurs- night. The closing in of trhe porches pilot on their Atlantic flight lasta bday, Friday, and Saturday at a meet- TTd the pavig of the alley beside year, smiled. "It was not such a bad F. Hunt, of the semitics departn ent. ug of the Association of American I IJ SL IE R U E' Mimes theater were the projects experience. Our 54 hours in the air Professor hunt traced the use of anatomists. The first session will passed by the board. stone as a building material fronmIPse y iebad was not nearly so mch vof a strain te ealy Colalg mbegin Thursday morning, and both 1 Traditional rivalry between Engin- The closing in of the porches on the th al ooildays up to modern I as that 35-hour jump "I made outr morning and afternoon sessions will eers and Lawyers brcke out again last j irst and second floors will afford a over th& Atlantic." tinmes, tuching upon the care which be held on the remaining days of the i night wheni a crew of engineers sought considerable addition of space both "Parachutes?' echoed Stinson when is necessary in selecting the nateria convention. to invade the Lawyers' club in search for luncheons and for the dances. asked if tre fliers had worn them f for different buildings and the proper ahThe programs will consist of lee- of a 10-foot slide rule which disap- The windows which will close in "Absolutely no." a treatment of it. tures and demonstrations by promin- peared from over the Engineering the porch will be of a similar type Neither aviator has -made any im-v "The Biological Station of the ent anatomists from universities alrch during the recent Open House of of wood to that used throughout the University of Michigan was the sub- throughout the country. Several C s Egrest of trhe building so that it will ediate plams. "We will rest a bit thogotte conr. Svrlthe Coltges of Engineering. n ohm, te ad jet of the fourth address on the social events are also scheduled on Engineering students in line with } harmnorize. the windows will open . . program by Prof. George R. La Rue, the three-day program. previous conflicts between the two outward, so that, if desired, the Stinson said the monoplane aver- of the Botany departnrent, who is di- Headquarters for those in attend- schools assumed that the giant slide . , porches can be changed back to prac- aged 85 miles an hour during the rector of the Biological station locat- anrce will be the Union, where all of rule was somewhere in the Law club. I tically open porches again. The con. flight, which would have beenl ed between Douglas and Burt lakes. the rooms have been-reserved for the Acting on this assumption the raiding tract which has been made sets May "enough mileage to fly from New The musical side of the program period of the convention. All smok- party forfued shortly after 11. o'clock 16 as the date for completion: York to Ireland and back again."' included harmonica selections by ers, luncheons, and banquets will also and procel e, to the Law club where j Charles Sylvester, '28P, and Lewis be held in the Union while the tech- nore than 125 couples were dancingACtTIVITIES OF S.C.A. ARE MORE Sylvester, '28P, and vocal solos by nical meetings will take place in the at the annual Senior Law Crease ball. LIMiTED THAN IN PREVIOUS YEARS S'tewart Churchill, Spec., and Helen" various laboratories and lecture rooms Access was gained to the building M. Gould, '30. lin the medical school. and the party was interrupted for a Editor's Note: This is the twenty- completed. This University Y.M.C.A.< short time while all lights were ex-1 second of a series of feature articles on cie nild f CEREM ONIALS OF CREASE COURT tinguished for nearly half an hour. nt s 'teeipto deveo1 carried on a new udentg friana -M* YAfter another briief effort, the aid- !organizations and mnaeen. o pain forthe mateirztCistofwianhas ATTRACT MANY TO LAW FORMAL ^_wasLan.halin at1w. ems gradually began to slip away, *Bcueo h rwho h scaimtemtraiaino hc Itheirobiectiv-Because1 of the growth of the Un- After having saved their money for bits of scandal an gossip about tIe msobtieda the Un Now such organizations as te Cos- ter atyerinodehoeforrhereaayesanohegets aswelasf the slide i-le still a versity and the consequent subdivid- moploitan club, the ero-Cauasian Ihtheasatterrof the danceaitself.hRay mystery-at least to the engineers. ling of work, the actvit'ic of the Stu- cub, the Union, and the Women's annual clothes .pressing, more than - L. Alexander, '28L was editor of this --dent Christian association are fewer league have taken over the majority- 125 senior Law students and their year's edition. DECORATIONS TO REMAIN than in previous years. When the of responsibilities which were furm- t1 idea was first conceived iw1a58 of erly carried on under the Student guests appeared last night before Appearing for their first time in( FRUNION DANCE TN I T having anf organization for the re-Cveiitia8oassycarid on uner tat " The Crease Court" in tire Lawyer's Ann Arbor, the Gray Fawn orchesta IviurIi u'iiiogaztonf-th me Christian association, banner, so that club "to res thir suits,"as the y entaine the guestsFwitharnumberligious guidance of University stu- the present year is being spent in mak- club to "press their, suits," as the entertained the guests with a number All decorations whichl were- used dents it was found that there were a ga-setfisrvynodrt e- invitatiomns read, before the Gray of special novelties. The Crease l eoain hh ee sdtdnsi asfudta hr eea ig a'scientific survey in order to dc Fntonchsta, ofCle e. a n is ire fis coll e uncionat last night for the Fro.3h Frolic will great many more activities that could termine just what the future func- Fawn orchestra of ,Cleveland. dance is the first college function at remain in the Union ballroom tonight be handled by such an organization. tions of the institution are to be. Palms and lights of many colored which the orchestra has played since for the regular Union dance. The IThi was before the days of the Present activities at Lane hall are hues provided the artificial atmos- their engagement at the prom of the lattice work of flowers, designed to i Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. However, comprised of furnishing a meeting phere to enhance the beauty of the University of Oxford. . transform the ballroom into a spring today these organizations have many place for the foreign student g-oups, lounge of the Lawyer's club. Leather- Among the guests for time occasion garden, along with dimmed and van- kindred intemests, and alt hough there operating a sumnmer camp, sending covered programs prepared especial- 'was Arthur H. Ryall, '02L, noted pub- colored lights will form the back- isno connection whatsoever between students to the Lake Geneva summer' ly for the Crease dance with draw- lie utilities lawyer, who has been ground-for the dance. the local institution and the national conference, and to the national stu- ings appropriate to the occasion were in Ann Arbor over the week end, de- 1 organization, they cooperate on many dent conference during the Christmas F., l~e .,n loa of hnn Ilirnrnm a c~ip~fa iP~~a tT'?R re.911 I, '7"i1 7T 1 nII nhl"1Q hn.;.3 oc ni ino "1n~rMyiVile li~l