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March 30, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-30

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Freshmen Women Requested To Make
Choice Of Part They Desire;.
Lists To Be Posted
Tryouts for the Freshman pageant
will be held fro-m 5 to 6 o'clock.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of
next week in Sarah Caswell Angell
hall, according to an announcement
made by Miss Ione Johnson, instruc-
tor of physical education, who is di-
recting the work of the dance com-
Completing the series of open na-
tural dancing classes for freshmen
women interested in gaining in'struc-
tion in the art previous to tryouts,
the last one to be conducted by Miss
Johnson will be given this afternoon
from 5 to 5:30 o'clock in Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall. These classes have
served to furnish those participating
with a nore definite idea of the prin-
ciples of natural dancing, and the in-
struction received will be of value in
assisting women desiring to tryout
for dance choruses to- understand
what will be expected of then at the
All women who .are interested in
having any part at all in the pageant,
including those who wish to enter
other activities than the dances, are
urged to appear for tryouts on Mon-
day, Tuesday, or Wednesday, these,
being. the only. days on which the.
opportunity to tryout will be given.
Eligibility for participation in the
Freshman pageant, as -previously
stated, is based upon the scholar-
ship record of the previous semeser,
one "A" or "B" and the remaining
hours in "C's" being the minimum
There will be about ten leads af-
fording places for solo work and the
cho'ruses are' expected to include 160
women. A list of choruses and 'lead-
parts will be posted by the dance
committee on the bulletin board of.
Barbour gymnasium, and freshmen
women- -before appearing for tryouts
are requested to select the leadi.ng
character or chorus for which they.
prefer to be candidates. It will be
necessary fo~r tryouts to submit their
names and the parts for which they
are competing to members of the
dance com'mittee who will be in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall on the
days of the fryout. -
Music for the dances of the pageant,
while not definitely decided: upon, has
been selected by the music commit-
tee. Tryouts will be asked to inter-,
pr-et by movements the music and the
character of the part or dance which
they wish to portray.

Sports Frolic And Style Show Of 1928
Is Women's Annual Fancy Dress Party

Sports co'stumes, sports decorations,
and sp-rts refreshments, together
with the spring style show, will char-
acterize the annual Fancy Dress party
,of the Women's league which is to be
given at S o'clock tomorrow night in
Barbour gymnasium.
The style show will be put- on b by
Jacobsens, with 10. University women
acting as models. First in order,
sports costumes will be shown, then
the prints and tailored silk dresses.
Following that, evening gownr will be
exhibited, and lastly, pajamas and
negligees will come upon tha stage.
The style show will be given in Sarah
Caswell Angell hall and will last for
one hour. It will be accompanied by
special music and lighting effects.
In contrast to the sports frolic and
'spring style show of this year, thel
two functions .were given separately
last year. The Fancy Dress party
last year was not very elaborate, and
all the money saved was given to the
Women's league building fund. Each
sorority, dormitory, and league douse
also gave a donation to the building
fund, and costume prizes were award-
ed to houses a's groups, since every

member of each group carried out the E
group idea in costuniing.
During the evening the houses all
joined in and gave a parade, leaving
their donations with the building fund
on the way. The prize for houses
having more than 25 women was won
by Martha Cook dormitory, and they,
,represented, a "gold rush. of '49."
Miners, pioneers, Indians, and gold
made up their donation to the enter-
tainment of the evening. The Sal-
vati-n army of Kappa Delta won the
prize for houses having le'ss than 25
students, while the newsboys of Alpha
Omicron Pi and the pirate hand of
Alumnae house received honorable
The 1921 spring style show was
given several days later in Detroit, by
the J. L. Hudson company. Michigan
women acted as models, and $100 c-f
the proceed'3 were dfnated to the
league building fund.
This year costume prizes will be
given to individuals, and will be
judged by both beauty and originality.
Class stunts and other special enter-
tainment will be furnished, and music
will be played for dancing by Edna
Mower's orchestra.


"Study anything and everything'
for a secretarial background." says
Miso H. J. Corbin, secretary to Dean
Effinger, in answer to the question
"What would be best to take at col-
lege to. prepare one for a secretarial
position." "As for myself, I took a
pre-medic course-not expecting then
to be smoothing out educational diffi-
culties for Uhiversity (J Michigan
sudents, bu't even that is useful.
Often I have to advise a prospective
doctor the courses he should enroll in,
and my experience is invaluable f:ar
"However," Miss Corbin continued,
"I do. think that elementary informa-!
tion in all subjects is desirab:e. One
oan never know too much English, of
course. A private secretary is called
upon to dictate many letters; she must
have a good command of English and
a large vocabulary, that can be
greatly augmented by the study of
several languages. Then she must
know people; know what they areI
thinking even if they do not say any-
thing; f-or this, she should take as
much psychology as possible." -
A general knowledge of other sub-:
jects is exceedingly helpful. One
should be sufficiently acquainted with
branches of study to know how and
where to obtain information. This
would imply training in economics,
political science, especially fine arts
-"It. is a pet theory of mine that
.everyone should take a fine arts
course," added Miss- Corbin,-and then
the 'subject relative to the line of busi-
ness entered, as accounting for secre-
taries to bank officials.
Miss Ruth Rouse of the Graduate
school stated that in her ,opinion a
cultural background was the most
necessary attribute. "Of course," she
'said, "you would have to go away to
get the mechanical work, such as typ-
ing and stenography, but college
training would mean knowledge of
English, at least tw~o languages, psy-
- - TINt T.

chology, some science-oh, in general,
A secretarial position means varied'
work. Each day is different. Every
man has his individual problems.
One can never be sure what will be
needed. But, there is no limit to the
heights a woman may scale, either in
salary or work, and the environment
is very pleasant.
The President's secretary, Miss
Cameron, thinks that adaptability is
the prime requisite for a private sec -
retary. English, naturally, history,
science, and psychology-all are
In general, 'a private secretary
needs to be a well educated person.
Twenty-two -points, were expressed
as necessary for the perfect girl ac-
cording to one of the men's organiza-
tions at the James Milliken univer-
sity of Decatur, Illinois. Neat ap-
pearance and pleasing personality are
placed at the head of the list, while
good looks, cam-e in considerably'
further down. Homemaking require-
ments do not enter in until almost
the end of the list.
The,,requirements are: that the girl
must have a neat and pleasing ap-
pearance, a pleasing personality,
good intelligence, good health, and
a pleasing voice; that she mgust have
high ideals and good looks, able to
dance well, to meet people, be broad-
minded, reasonably modest, have ain-
bition and be not too much interested
in the affairs of others. Finally, she
must be congenial, economical, loyal
and be able to make a good home.
tom of wearing caps and gowns is be-
ing attacked by Isis, the student mag-
azine here.
XE: 1'Tt'rrir iwvv..c

Saturday is the day which has been
set by the Women's League as the
one day in the year in which it is
hoped that every Michigan woma
will devote her time almost exclusive-
ly to the League and help increase
the funds for the building. This dayy
the afternoon may be spent in play-
ing b r i(1d g e at a n y organizedt
house on the campus and In the eve-
ning the Fancy Dress party also be-
ing sponsored by the League may be
Every house on the campus with
the exception of the League houses
are to hold bridge teas this Satur-
day. Their immediate purpose is to 1
earn mnroney for the League for in or-
der to play every woman must pay
$0.75 or if she is making up a table
the charge will be $3.00. Women, how-
ever are not the only guests who may
attend these teas. For the' first time
since these teas were inaugurated
men are to be allowed to attend.
Each house op holding a tea is
to be allowed 15% of the money it
takes in from the bridge players to
pay for the refreshments, but it is
hoped that in many cases the houses
Swill pay for their own*refreshments
out Of their house treasury. In this
way the profits going to the League
will be larger.
Playing wi start at two o'clock
and will continue until five o'clock.
Then in the evening the Fancy Dress
party -may be attended and in this
way the entire day will have been
devoted to the League.
tWomen's World Fair
To Show Vocations
Women's World fair will be held
May 19-25 in the Coliseum in Chicago.
Strange vocations of women will be
lemon strated.
This year the "streets of strange vo-
cations" will be more bizarre than
ever. A blacksmith in Chicago, Miss
Ethelyn Schell, has sent word that
she will be present. She will demon-
strate her works in wrought iron,
candlesticks, andiroirs, and benches.
A turquoise miner, Mrs. Viola- Smith,
_f Santa Fe, New Mexico, has con-
sented to bring exhibits of the little
Aue stones in the rough -and polished
;tates. She will demonstrate how the
htones are obtained.
The Women's World fair, originated
four years ago by Miss lelen M.
Bennett cf Chicago, is d(signed to
;resent each year a pictorial glimpse,
)f women's progression. The Coli-
seum takes -on the appearance of a
gay carnival, with brilian,t tented
enclosures dtted over the big floor
and women of all nationalities mingl-
ing together.
. ',,,,,, ...,,,,,,,,,, .,...... ... ... ...,,,..., ,,,. ,,,a
The Easter
Atmosphere Inspires
Individual Chic
Which Is Ever Aided by
Correct Beauty
19 Cutting Apts.
Don't Forget Our
Monday cand
Tuesday Specials


Freshmen women interested inf
drawing posters for the pageant,
are reminded that the contest
closes April 18. Posters must be
submitted April 17 and 18 at Bar-
bour ' gymnasium. Instruction
and sugghstions may be obtained
by calling Helen Cheever, chair-
man of poster committee, at 3716.
Prizes will be awarded to the;
posters ch-csen by judges from.
the architectural school as win-
ning first and second places and
honorable mention will be given
the one receiving third place.


"Lightly clad women really are
better protected from cold, than men,"
says Dr. Leon Bernard, professor of
the medical faculty of Paris. "Their
clothes may seem thin," hs explains,
'but the- goods-silk, satin, linen, and
fine thin wool--are more closely
woven and insulate the body better. .
"Women can stand cold weather as
well, if not better, than men as lon'g
as they keep their feet dry. The
quicker movements of women stimu-
lates the circulation."

$1.25 one
Leave Ann Arbor
8 A. M. 12
4 P. M. .
Stop at Union 5 Minute

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Terminals-Ann Arbor, City Pharmacy
Ypsilanti, Heron Hotel
Toledo, interurban Station
way, $2.25 round trip
Leave Toledo
2 Noon 8 A. M. 12 Noon
8 P. M. 4 P.M. 8 P. M.

;1- 1 I1



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White Henna Pack . . .. ... 2.50
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