)ESTABLISHED 1890 1 -i e Sir k 4Wt oMEMBER ASSOCIATED PRES E .: , . .. ........ . . . . . . ............ . .. VOL. XXXVIII, No. 138 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1928 EIGHT FIRST STONE OF~ _ t L~~~AID YSEDY OCCASION MARKS CULMINATION OF MORl THAN a8 YEARS WORK BY ALUMNAE BAND AIDS IN CEREMONIES Elizabeth Nuit, '28, Acts As Mistress; Mary White, '29, Reads History Of Women's Organization As the consummation of work of more than 38 years the cornerstone of the new Women's league building was put into place at 4:15 o'clock' yes- terday afternoon, the ceremonies, which were arranged through the of- fice of the Alumnae council, being well attended despite the sudden change in teiperature. The University band opened the occasion playing the tunes of Varsity as they took their pihces. Acting as mistress of the occasion Elizabeth Nutt, '28, presented Mary White, '29,. who gave a short review of the his- tory of the organization of the Wo- men's league, since its foundation un- der the direction of Mrs. James B. Angell and Mrs. Gayley Brown in 1890. This history has been recorded and continually kept through the ef- forts of Mary E. B. Markley, one of the league founders. The completion of the work has been carried on by Miss WhTlite History Reviewed Following the review of the his- tory of. the organization Miss Nutt extended to Mrs. W. D. Henderson and Mrs. Shirley Smith the thanks of the Michigan women for the effort ex- p=eudl by these women in working for the new building.t Mrs. Arthur Vandenberg, of Grand Rapids, an officer- of the Alumnae council,. who has been especially ac tive in the campaign of the Women's league, came next on the program and cited the various articles which were to be placed in the cornerstone. Prominent among these articles were letters. received from all over the country, aiong. them being letters from Governor Green, Senator Couz- ens, and the Deans of the various schools.I C. F. Brush of Cleveland, who has contributed largely, also sent a con- gratulatory note, as did D. M. Ferry, Jr., of Detroit. Letters were received from many prominent Michigan. wo- men, while from each of the organi- zed groups of Michigan women from all over the country came articles for the cornerstone. Receive (Contriblif ions Unique among the contributions for cornerstone' was that of Shirley W. Smith who sent a horned t9ad to- gether with a letter of congratulation in the success of the endeavor for the new building. President Clarence C. Little also sent a letter of congratulation from which the followng is taken: "To those who, in the future, may read this and the other enclosed com- munications it will be well to remem- ber that the building which stood here represented the fulfillment of a great ideal based on an abiding love for an institution, of learning. The visualf- zation of human ideals often takes the form of bricks and mortar, while the ideal itself, spiritual in origin and eternal in duration, uses the building so created to enlighten the lives of thousands of people. Those oil0. us who today rejoice at the erection of this building do so the more sincerely because we are cer- tain that no matter how long a per- iod elapses before its demolition it will have been dedicated to the build- ing of character and of friendship. May the sole reason for its eventual removal be that- the ideals for which it stands are in some distant day to be clothed in; a still greater and more enduring edifice." Completing the list of speakers in the ceremonies of the afternoon, Re- gent Walter Sawyer congratulated the women of the University in the success of their .efforts. "This build- ing marks the improvement in the progress of women educationally, po- litically and industrially" was the statement of Sawyer, "May it be a blessing to women and to education,' President Little then placed the mortar for the laying of the stone and as it was put in place the Uni- versity Girls' Glee club sang "The Yellow and the Blue." FORD LEAVES FOR TOUR OF EUROPE N GDOME TEMPEST WILL HAVE LITTLE ON OIL CAN SCANDAL, SAYS AB1 Faint rumblings of behind-the-door- as our national leaders, by a c politics were heard yesterday in con- tee behind closed doors. The 50 DEGREES A nection with the selection of the that Dean Harvey Emery will "Loquacious Lubricator," recipient of Student Party's candidate is the famous "Oil Can," at the annual without foundation." Gridiron banquet, when Waldo M. Two items of note came to MAR bE Abbot last year's toastmaster who has tention of the Gridiron banquet *- been chosen to :act in that capacity man yesterday. The applicat BOT ommit- report be the entirely the at- t chair- [ion of va dn~ INSTALLATION OF CLOCKS UNIVERSITY CORRIDORS fS AUTHORIZED IN I GIVE NAME TO NEW ORGAN Appointments And Acceptance Of Many Gifts Makes Up Re- mainder Of Business Granting of more than 50 degrees to students in the College or Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts, in the Graduate school, and in the S'chool of Education, formed the principal burden of business undertaken by the Board of Regents of the University at the regular meeting for March held last night in the law building. Numerous gifts and scholarships' were accepted in behalf of the Uni- versity, and several leaves of ab- sence were granted members of the4 various faculties. I Dr.Reuben L. Kahn was appointed director of laboratories at the . Uni- versity hospital and assistant profes-l sor of clinical bacteriology and serol- ogy. Formerly serologist of the state laboratories at Lansing, he was ap- pointed with the understanding that his services are retained by the state as consultant im'mologist to the department of health He will spend, again next Wednesday night, made some dubious predictions in an exclu- sive interview. "The coming election will be fraught with personalities," Mr. Abbot de- clared. "Big men who have many fault3 and peculiarities will be nom- inated for the position. These candi- dates will be nominated at the Grid- iron convention by their most intimate associates who undoubtedly will re- veal the worst per- sonal characterist- ics and qualifica- tions of their nom- inees. The o i l scandal of the Tea- pot Dome," M r. A b b o t predicts, "will not compare with the scandal 01 the innocent little oil can. Dr. Tom Lovell, campus poet an" philosopher, was received and immed- iately accepted, along with those of several other notables. Also, the famous Oil Can was placed on display in the window of Graham's bookstore where, during the strife, it will re- main until next Wednesday. ANNU AL FROSH FROLIC TO. BE HELD TONIGHT Elaborate Decorations Make Ballroom Of Union Spring Garden Of Real Beauty TED WEEMS WILL PLAY Henry Ford . Detroit motor m'agnate,. who left for New York yesterday, planning to sail soon for Europe where he, will pay an unofficial visit to his Euro- pean factories. Mr. Ford will be accompanied by his wife, whc will be making the trip fq the first time. SENIOR LAYV FUNCTWON TO BE HELD, TONIGHT Annual Crease Club Dance Is Limited '-To 12 Couples, Seniors Hold Majority Of Tickets TO HAVE CLEVELAND BAND Senior Law students and guests will' be entertained tonight at the Lawyer's club at the annual Crease dance, formal function of the graduating Law students. Th-e affair will last from 9 o'c cak until 2 o'clock with a special. supper being 'served during the night. As usual attendance has been limited to 125 couples and the l:argest part of the tickets have been sold to seniors in the Law school. Music will be furnished by the Gray Fawn orchestra of Cleveland, which has attained considerable fame both in America and abroad as a dance or- chestra. The last college function at which the orchestra played was a prom at the University of Oxford. This is their first Ann Arbor engage- ment. t f i i 4 IV As has been the custom, a scandal sheet, called "The Michigan Crease Paper," wil be issued at the dance. Ray L. Alexander, '28L, is in charge of the publication and Frederick W. Ziv, '28L, John D. Voelker, '28L, and John G. Garlinghouse, '28L, consti- tute his staff for the issue. Palms and lights of various colors will provide the artificial atmosphere to enhance the natural beauty of the lounge of the club. Leather-covered programs especially prepared for the Crease dance with -appropriate draw-j ings inside will be distributed. The Crease dance. committee is headed this year by John F. McCarthy, '28L, while Claude W. Coates, '28L, Kenneth E. Midgely, '28L, and Ralph M. Schwart- zenberg, '28L, are the. other members of. the group in charge. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law school and Mrs. Bates a's well as the! other members of the Law faculty and their wives will act as chaperones forE the affair. Miss Kearns Arrives, To Play Title Role' In Shaw' s "Candida" Elsie Herndon Kearns, featured ar- tist with the Rockford Payers' coming production of "Candida," arrived in Ann Arbor from New York city last: night and goes immediately into re- hearsal of the title role which she has created many times before. Miss Kearns was leading lady with the company last summer in its sea- son on the campus under auspices of the Summer Session, and recently ap- peared as Hedda Tesman, in Ibsen's i"Hedda Gabler" at the Whitney thea- ter with outstanding success. Prev- iou sly Miss Kearns was known to Ann Arbor audiences as leading lady with Walter Hampden and the Ben Greet company. the summer in Europe doing research ' work. Decide On Organ Title ' It was decided by the Regents that the new organ installed in Hill audi- torium should be titled the Frieze Memiorial organ as was the old. ! A letter was received from William S. Fargo of Jackson stating that he! wishes to support a zoological expe- dition into the southern deserts dur- ing the next summer. He will fur- nish the expenses and equipment. Two anonymous donations were ac-' cepted, one a fellowship in economic 1 European history of $1000 from a man interested in the development of the - Alumni university project; and the other a prize of $100 to be given the student doing the best re- search work in any field, to be awarded at the honors convocation. A grant of $2000 was made by the American Medical association to Dr. Alfred S. Warthin of the medical school and to Dr. George R. La Rue of the zoology department for the further investigation of the broad tapeworm. It was decided to install a uni- form self-regulatory clock system in the corridors and library rooms of each building on the campus at a total cost of $12,000 for 800 clocks. Only 98 will be installed at first. Many Degrees Granted Those granted degrees were as fol- lows: in the Graduate school, master of science, Robert H. Spiers (in pub- lic health), Jens V. Aagaard and Axel C. Christensen, of Copenhagen, Den- mark (engineering), Tso Hsin Cheng, Lewis B. Headrick, John E. Kruze, Ernest J. Merrill, Rahmwold J. Sah- kovitch, Teunis Vergeer. Master of Arts: William W. Arnold, Vera M. Baker, Joseph H. Bushey, Elsie G. Dodge, Arthur B. Elkins, James M. Guyer, John F. Huber, Harry H. Kim- ber, Rose J. Kitzmiller, Margaret A. Miller, Carroll V. Newsom, Arthur G. Pineau, Earl A. Resweber, Gladys C. Vedder, Phoebe S. Wang, Margaret D. Wolfe. In the School of Education: Bache- lor of Science: Stanley L. Sk-idmore, Marion E. Stevens. Bachelor of Arts: Ruth E. Beard, Eunoce M. Brake, Martha Brantingham, Eliza- beth M. Collins, Rita ,W. Greeman, Mildred E. Keen, Elizabeth S. Summy, Arnold R. Verduin, Gertrude Vint, Sadie J. Woodruff. In the literary college: Bachelor of Arts: Josephine' Averill, Berton Bales, John F. Banks, Florence Benz, Barton P.,Bishop,kRay Chang, Elizabeth Clark, Stanley S. Codding- ton, Jerome H. Cohen, Douglas Comin, Ruth E. Cozine, Victor E. Domhoff, George F. Fiske, Joseph N, Gast, Charles B. Gilbert, Paul Gins- burg, Joseph D. Goldsmith, James T. Herald, Laura M. Hobbs, Edith C. Kaplan, Harry C Katzenmeyer, John A. Kennedy, William V. Kinnietz David Leach, Carolyn G. Lee, T-ung Chi Lin, Charles D. Livingstone Leone McFerrin, Marvin L. Mann Arthur W. Mitchell Jr., Mortimer A Neff, Roy W. Nygren, Harold A. Ott Clara Raven, George Rifkin, Heler "nis is thefnrst Lattice work of flowers, designed time in the history to transform, the' ball room of the I that tax payers Union into a veritable spring gar- will have a vote in den, will form the- background for the choice of the the annual Frosh Frolic tonight. Oil Ca Latori Mr. u t rDimmedand vari-colored lights will said. "In the past the sauve leader be employed to complete a true car- has. been choson in the same manner nival at-nsosphere. Dancing will be- s gin at 9 ' o'clock and will continue until 2. The chaperones' booth will - be ar- ranged behind a gate covered with a i bower of floral trimmings and within ankenclosure formed with lattice II IJLTilS A TER OO work. Over the fireplace. will be a huge 1931 figured in white. I Ted Weems' Kansas City orchestra, RbtFst, .o He Fe l h Victor recording organization, will Last Year. To Make Final 1 furnish the music for the dancing. Appearance ere..The Weems band is a ten-piece insti- tution and is nationally renowned as NO ADMISSION IS CHARGED a dance orchestra. It completed a season at the Kansas City country Robert Frost1 noted New England club last yearand is stopping in Ann poet, will give the second and last lArbor for tonight's affair while en- reading during his present Ann Arbor route to an eastern engagement in, visit at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in New York. the Mimes theater. Mr. Frost, who ar- The grand march will form at 11 rived here 'last Monday for -a visit of o'clock sharp and will be led by one week, is former holder of the John Diehl, '31E of Buffalo, N. Y., fellowship in creative arts and the acting general chairman of the affair, fellowship in letters at the University.-1 who 'will be the escort of Miss He presented a reading similar to the Loene Lee, '29, of Detroit. one planned for this afternoon on Followngthe Wednesday.F gth grand march will Since he left here more than two com'e the flashlight picture of the} years ago the e snguests. This picture will be de- r go h poet has spent a large I veloped immediately, and sold later portion of his time nvimking shortI in the evening. It was undecidedI visits at various university sand col- log ceter whre e hs hld onyesterday whether Reograms would lege centers, where he has held con- sultations with student groups, read have a camera available to film the! manuscripts, and otherwise aided dance and the march. young authors. He has also done con- Favors for the party were dis- siderable writing of his own during tributed Wednesday and yesterday. this period, and his most recent work, The gift tokens for this year are a collection cf poems, is now about-,link slave bracelets, beautifully col- to be published. ored with blue predominating. The Mr. Frost while here has met 'sev- programs are embossed with the eral student groups under the aus- Michigan seal in a darker blue. Both pices of members of the rhetoric de- 1were supplied through the Burr-Pat- partment, and a number of consulta- Ierson company, of Ann Arbor. tions have been arranged. Immed- Practically all of the allotted 250 iately prior to his arrival here he was tickets had been disposed of by yes- engaged in similar work at Amherst !terday afternoon, although a few re- STATE SCIENTISTS HEAR HOBBS AND PILLSBH~URY AS THREE-DAY ACADEMY SESSION OPENS HERE Dr.'George Sarton, Harvard Historian And Editor, To Speak On Humanism Today; Public Invited TO HOLD FIRST ANNUAL DINNER TONIGHT AT UNION Addresses by Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury, of the psychology depart- ment and Prof. William Hf. I1lobbs, of the geology department, marked the opening oif the thirty-third annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, in the Natural Science building yesterday afternoon. Speaking on "The Present Status of Knowledge and Opinion About Mental Fatigtue " -Prof. Pillsbury delivered the presidential address yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. Professor Pillsbury traced the work which has been accomplished in regard to the s'ubject bringing out the present status of knowledge and opinion about mental UNIV[ISITIfatigue. - Says Opinions Differ "There is a, distinct variance of B opinion about fatigue," Professor Pillsbury declared, "and many experi- Four Faculty Addresses And Several ments on the subject have been con- Student Musical Numbers To ducted. Thorndike, eminent psychol- Go On Air Tonight ogist, held the belief that there is no SLOSSON TO GIVE SPEsuch thing as fatigue, because his experiments proved that there was Four faculty addresses and a pro- no .decrease in eficiency of produc- gram by several student. musicians tion , with continued work. Such a will comprise the thirteenth Michigan method of measurement is not- suffi- Night radio program to be broadcast dent and consequently it cannot be over station WWJ, the Detroit News, accepted. between 7 and 8 o'clock tonight, it Professor Pillsbury metitioned his !was -announced yesterday by Waldo own experiments in regard to the subject and cited the many results M. Abbot, oL the rhetoric depart- which he has obtained. These experi- ment, who is program manager and ments, he said, were very inclusive announcer. This will be the last and contained many factors which Michigan Night radio program until added to the existing knowledge about after the spring recess. mental fatigue. One experiment in- . Prof. . Preston W. Slosson, of the volved the translation of a book from history department, will be' the first German into English. and was record- speaker on, the program, taking as his ed by Professor Pillsbury and Prof. subject, "Dictatorships," In this ad- C. H. Griffitts, of the psychology de- dress Professor Slosson will deal partment. with dictators of the past and will "The results of the experiment as also touch upon those known to cur- to speed and accuracy prove con- rent governments. elusively that there is such a thing Goodrich Will Speak as mental fatigue," Professor Pills- "The Current Coal Situation" will bury declared, "and although we can- be the subject of the address by not measure fatigue by the energy Prof, Carter Goodrich, of the eco- expended, we may consider it from 'nomics department. Professor Good- the physical and mental angle." rich recently returned from making Hoblis Is Speaker an investigation 'f labor conditions Professor Hobbs gave the first lec- in Australia, and has also done much ture of the Academy meeting yes- research work in the coal fields I terday afternoon illustrating his ad- Professor Goodrich will touch upon) the possibility of another coal sti)ke in. April from the first hand informa- tion he has gathered, according to Mr. Abbot. Prof. George La Rue, of the botany department, will tell of the' biology research station and the summer camp upon Douglas Lake in North- ern Michigan. "The Permanency of Stone" will be the subject of the fourth address) on the program, to be given by Prof. Walterr F. Hunt, professor or petrology. (Continued On Page 3) HENDERSON WILL NOT ENTER RACE, college for 10 weeks, and during the past school year has visitedu owdoin college, Dartmouth university, Con- necticut Wesleyan college, and the University of the City of Buffalo. He has been requested' to read, while here, not his newer poems but his older and more favored ones, although it is possible that at least a few of the newer works will be pre- 'sented this afternoon. The Weather mained unsold at the time of yes- terday's check-un. The committee for this year's Frolic was originally headed by John Innes, '31, but following an ac- cident confining him to the hospital1 for some time, he was succeeded by Diehl. DENY SELECTION FOR SENATE POST (By Associated Press) LANSING, March 29-The appoint- ment of a United States senator from Michigan to succeed the late Wood- bridge N. Ferris assumed the as- pect of a political riddle here today. (By Associated Press.) 3Mostly cloudy and probably today; generally fair and not so cold tomorrow. snow quite WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION WAS FIRST ORGANIZED IN 19051 S Edito's Note: This is the twenty-first a series of feature articles on campus in- stitutions intended to develop their his. tory and major principles or organization c and management. The Women's Athletic association was first organized May 25, 1905 by D. H. E. Brooks, physical director of! the women's gymnasium, who realized the need for such an organization among university women.' The women -at Michigan had played. Basketball which was successfully or- ganized and managed by a representa- tive committee. It was felt, however, that other sports were needed, and in order to bring all of the sports to- gether, the association was formed and its object was "to promote inter- est in gymnastic and athletic sport's, and to further the social spirit among er and swimming, bowling, tennis, golf, rifle, and fencing are minor sports. An opportunity is given any woman to come out for any of the class teamrs, as well as participation in intramural games. W.A.A. points are given in recognition of team and squad members. Points lead to larg-; er awards of M's, pins, and the priv- ilege of wearing an M sweater. At the close of each major season a banquet is held.for all those who, have actively participated in the sport and awards are made at this time. Perhaps the biggest and most import- ant activity of W.A.A. is Lantern Night, which is managed entirely bys the association. It is held early in May, at which time the Freshmen pageant* is also presented. Another of the big activities carried on is the In a statement given to the press yesterday, Prof. W. ,D. Henderson, di- rector o( the University extension di- vision, declared that under no circum- stances will he be a candidate for United States senator or any other political office. His statement fol- lows: "I was surprised to learn that at a recent' committee meeting of the' Democratic party. my name was sug- gested as a possible candidate for the office of United States senator. While I appreciate the honor of hav- ing my name mentioned in this con- nection, I wish to state that under' no circumstances shall I be a candi- date for this or any other political office." FORD LEAVES FOR EUROPEAN TRA VEL (By Associated Press.) DETROIT, March 29.-Aboard his special car Henry Ford, accompanied by his wife, left here for New York on the first stage of his reported European trip, railroad officials an- nounced late today. Passports were issued for Mr. and Mrs. Ford this week according to unofficial reports. It will be Mrs. Ford's first trip to Eurone and the second for the multi-I dress, "The Greenland Expeditions of the University of Michigan," with mo- tion pictures and slides taken during the expeditipns. Profe'ssor Hobbs also announced that the third Greenland expedition will sail from Copenhagen, Denmark, on May 16, and from Cop- enhagen will follow a course to Hol- stinberg, the final landing point. The first expedition to Greenland, Professor Hobbs stated, was made in 19* when a small group of men under his command sailed from Sibley, Nova Scotia, bound for the frozen shores of the arctic. The group landed at Hol- stinberg and later made it their stop- ping point on the second trip to Green- land. The expedition was instigated, Professor Hobbs explained, for the purpose of testing the local humidity and temperature 'of the Greenland region. The investigations made proved so successful that a second trip was planned and made last year, Professor Hobbs declared, The annual meeting of the Academy will continue today and tomorrow with two lectures. and the first an- nual dinner of the Academy sched- uled for this afternoon and tonight. Sarton Here Today Dr. George Sarton, of Harvard university, will deliver the main ad- dress tlis afternoon, speaking on the "History of Science and the New Hu- m'anism," at 4:15 o'clock in the Na- tural Science auditorium. Dr. Sarton is well known as the editor of the "Isis." The lecture is being held under the joint auspices of the Uni- versity and the Academy, and a cor- dial invitation is extended to the public, according to members of the Academy. Following the address by Dr. Sar- ton, a meeting of the council will be held in room 4065 of the Natural Science building at 5:30 o'clock. The First Annual Dinner of the Academy will be held at 6:15 o'clock in the Union. Tickets should be se- cured at the Headquarters room, I 2116 Natural- .Science building, be- fore noon, 'it was announced yester- day., E