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March 29, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-29

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. M. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)


Volume s.

11IU RSiAY )At

CfI 2 Number 139.

Faculty Rifle Practice:
Thy R.O.T.C. Rifle Range will be open for members of the faculty from
7:30 untill 9:30 p.m., on Friday, March 30. Remiold Melberg.
To Seniors:
Mr. M. J. Kane of A. Stein and Company-"Hickory Products"-Chicago,
will interview students at the Allenel Hotel from 9 o'clock Friday morning
to 6 o'cl.ock in the evening, March 29, in regard to permanent business open-
ings with his company. J. A. Brsley.
Students, Colleges of Eiigineering and Architect ire:
The Classification Committee has placed the limit of time at which a
curse may be dropped without record at the end of the eighth week of the
semester (March. 31, 1928), except in cases of continued illness or other ex-
tenuating circumstances. In all cases the classifier 'should consult with the
instructor. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Psychology 31:
I will not meet my sections Friday on account of tho Michigan
Academy of Science meetings.
4J. A. Glaze, Instructor.

University Lecture:
Dr. Walter M. Simpson of the Miamni Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio, will,
lecture on the subject, "Tularermia," in Room 1528, East Medical Building,
Friday, March 30, at 8:00 p.m. The lecture will be illustrated. All interested
are cordially invited to attend.
F. E. Robbins.
University Lecture:
Dr. George Sarton, of Harvard University, and Editor of "Isis," will lec-
ture on "The History of Science and the New Humanism" at 4:15 p.m., Fri-
day, March 30, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture is under the
joint auspice's of the University and the Michigan Academy of. Science, Arts,
and Letters. The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robbins.
To1All Telephone Users:
Will you please observe, the following simple requirements when apply-
ing for a telephone or change in the present installation of the telephone
you are now using:
1. Submit written request to, the Assistant Secretary of the Uni-
2. In the event that a new installation is needed specify-(a) The1
number of the room in which it is to be installed and (b) the person under
whose name the phone will be listed in the directory.
3. If the present installation is to be changed specify-
(a) Present number of telephone.
(b) Room in which phone is now located.
(c) Change desired.
4. The standard cord length is six feet. Special lengths are eight feet,
11 feet, nd 15 feet. Permission to use a cord longer than 15 feet must c 'me
from the general offices of the telephone company in Detroit.
Everyone concerned will be saved much time if these simple directions
are followed.
herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary.
Scientific Management-Public Lecture:
Dr. Person will give his third lecture on scientific management Thurs-
day, March 29, at 4 o'clock. Room 101 Economics Building will be usedI
for this purpose instead of 206 Tappan Hall as originally announced.
C. B.Gordy. I
notice to all Possessers of Keys for th Natural Science Building:"
In pursuance of the Regents' legislation with regard to keys, I will be
in Rcom 3089 of the Natural Science Building on Thursday, March 29, from
2 to 5 p.m., for the purpose of stamping and recording keys.
All persons having keys for this building which do not bear the Univer-
sityrmark, kindly call at the desk. H. Glenn Bixby.
Michigan Academy; Annual Exhibits:
The first annual exhibition in the Sections of Anthropology, Botany,
Fine Arts, Economics and Socioliogy, Forestry, Geography, and Zoology will
be shown Thursday, March 29, at 8:30 p.m., on the second fl-oor of Alumni.
Memorial Hall instead of in-the Natural Science Building as announced in the
printed program. Refreshments will be served. All members of the Acad-
emy, candidates for membership and guests are invited.
G. C. )ickinson, Chairman of Local Committee.
Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
A special meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, is called at the request of President Little for Monday afternoon,
'April 2, at 4:15 o'clock, in Room 1035 Angell Hall for the purpose of con-
sidering the creation of a com mittee to set forth the points of view of this
Faculty with reference to the University College to the Board of Regents.
H. C. Carver, Secretary.
Seniors Jits:
Sensior Programs, Invitations, and Announcements will be on sale forl
the last time Thursday, and Friday, March 29, and 30 in the lobby of Angell

university Symphony Orchestra Concert:
The University Symphony Orchestra, Samuel P. Lockwood, Conductor;
Marian Struble Freeman, Violin soloist, will give the folowing program in
hill Auditorium, Sunday, April 1, at 4:15 o'clock: Moszkovski; Spanish
Dance, D major: Hubay; "Azt mondjak" (Mrs. Freeman) : Mozart; "Ave
Veruni" (a motet played by the strings): Brahms; Concerto, Op. 83 (Mr.
Phe general public with the exception of small children is invited. No ad-
mission charge. Charles A. Sink.
University Girl's Glee Club:
All members are requested to be present at the laying of the corner
stone of the Women's League Building at 4:15 o'clock today. We will lead
the singing of the "Maize and Blue" at the close of the services. Meeting,
as usual, directly following. Delma Loyer.
Uniersity of 1lichigan Varsity Band:
Formation today at 4 p.m., at Morris Hall. Full uniform.
Gordon Packer, Drum Major.
Iepitblicaan Club:
There will be a meeting o% the Republican Club at 7:30 p.m., Room 306,
Michigan Union, Thursday, March 29. Carl Brandt, a past president of the
crganization will talk. Anyone interested in practical politics zi invited,
especially women on the campus as the women's.division will be formed after
1 the regular meeting.
Harold A. Marks, President.
Christian Science Society:
Christian Science Society of the University of Michigan meets tonight at
7:30 o'clock in the Upper Room of Lane Hall.
Alice Louise Fouch, Secretary.
Iiscussion aGroup For Women:
The socond luncheon discussion group for .women, sponsored by the
Hillel Foundation, will be hed today at the Union. Professor Prayer will
speak on Mussolini. Helen E. Adler.

Iota Sigma Fl:
There will be a meeting of Iota
Sigma Pi in Room 410, Chem., Thurs-
day, March 29, at 7:30 pm.
Mabel Mifler.
Clii Delta Pi:
There wil be a meeting tonight at
7:30 o'clock at Adelia Cheever House,
516 East Madison. Meeting will start
promptly at 7:30 o'clock.
Helen Sruytlie, President.
Banqukt of the Baptist Guild:
Twenty-second annual banquet of
the Baptist Guild will be held in the
banquet room of the First Baptist
Church at 6:15 p.m., Friday, March
30, the 'speaker being Wiliam Pierc
Lovett, Secretary of Detroit Citizens'
League. Baptist students and all in-
terested are cordially invited.
Floyd Stayner, President.
Faculty Women's Club:
The regular Board meeting of the
Faculty Women's Club wil be hel
Thursday at 1 o'clock at the Lantern
Mrs. W. L. Badger.
Dr. Mark May ofYale university
will be the- main speaker at a school
of education banquet sponsored by
Phi Delta Kappa, national honorary
educational fraternity to be held next
Monday night, at the Union.

Vibration Problems in Design:
The attention of students in engineering, physics and mathematics is
called to a lecture on Vibration Problems in the Design and Construction of
Large Electrical Machines, by Mr. C. Richard Scderberg of the Westinghouse
Electric and Manufacturing Company, in Room 348 West Engineering Build-
ing, Thursday, March 29, at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Soderberg -is an authority on the
subject. George W. Patterson, Acting Dean.
'otlee to all Wonmen Students:,
Applications for the Open Road Tour which is being sponsored by the
Women's League must be made not later than April 20. All women who areJ
at all interested sh'uld see me personally before spring vacation, There
are women from ;other colleges interested in joining the Michigangroup but
we wish to make sure that all Michigan women are accommodated first.
Mary L. Lytle, Leader, Betsy Barbour House.
Laying of Corner Stone of Michigan League Building:
The corner slone of the League Building' will be laid at 4:15 o'clock,
Thursday, March 29. The short exercises will be entirely in the hands of the
undergraduate women who have arranged the following program:
The University Band, a short outline of- the history of the Women's
League by Mary White, '29, reading of the list of articles in the corner stone
by Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg of Grand Rapids, a 'short address by Regent
Sawyer, and the laying of the corner stone by President Little. The Girls'
Glee Club and the University Band will unite in the "Yellow and the Blue."
No invitations will be issued, but everyone interested in the League
work is cordially Invited to be present on the League lot.-
Elizabeth Nutt, President Women's League.

Gargoyle Staff and Pyouts:
Meeting Thursday, at 4:30 o'clock,

Frederic li". Zv.'

Spring init'iation banquet will be held at the Fawcett House, Huron and
Division Streets, on Thursday, March 29, at 6:15 o'clock. This will be a
joint meeting of the engineering faculty 'and student membe's.
I. M. Salmond.


Colloquiumn in Applied 3lecltanis:
The next meeting, is on Thursday, March 29, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 248,
West Engineering Building. Professor J. A. Van den Broek will speak on
'The Factor of Ductility in Design." All interested are cordially invited to
attend. Please note that the meeting room -has been changed.
W. N. Coates. l
Cercie Fantuis:
There will be an interesting meeting of le Cercle Francais Thursdayj
night at 7:30 o'clock at Lane Hall Auditorium. All members are urged to be
present and any others who are interested are cordially invited to attend.
Milo S. Ryan, President.
May Fesivui ict:
Beginning Monday morning, April 2, at 8:30 o'clock, all course May
Festival tickets which have not been ordered by mail wil be offered for sale
"over the counter" at the University School of Music office,Maynardstreet.
Present estimates of mail orders still to be selected indicate that there
will be available a limited number or $7 tickets in the First Balcony; some at
$6 on both the Main Flcor and First Balcony; and some in the Second
Balcony at $5.50 each.
Orders received before Saturday noon, March 31, will b filled in advance
of the public sales.
Charles i. Sink. j


University of Michigan Band:
Known formations for the spring
March 29-Formation at Morris
Hall 4 p.m., Women's League.
April 4-Practice, Morris Hall.
April 5--Concert of Glee Club and
Band, Hill Auditorium.
April 18-Practice, Morris Hall.
April 20--Meet at Ferry Field 4 p.m
Iowa-Michigan baseball game.
April 21-Formation at Morris Hall
1:30 p.m. Illinois-Michigan baseball
April 25-Practice, Morris Hall.
April 27 - Formation for High
School Debate. Hill Auditorium 7:30
April 28-Formation at Morris Hall
1:30 p.m. Syracuse-Michigan baseball
May 2-Practice, Morris Hall, or
Outdoor Concert.
May 9-Practice, Morris Hall, br
Outdoor Concert.
May 12-Formation at Morris Hall,
Minnesota-Michigan track meet.
May 16-Practice, Morris Hall, or
Outdoor Concert.
May 23-Practice, Morris Hall, or
Outdoor Concert.
May 26-Formation at Morris Hall
1:30 p.m. Harvard-Michigan baseball
Other dates will be arranged by Mr.
IR. A. Campbell.
Gordon Packer, Drum Major.





Treat Her Like a Sweetheart II

A e 4

u uxM er



J. Albert Roesch.







No Regular Dance Fridays



Frosh Frolic

I IlIIIIIIIIIII11iI1hI1iIIIIIIII1hIfiIIII1igjIII1fIIIItl III1 I111 1iII1lI1lIliiiIIII 1 111 1hiiii 11
Music by Paul Omer and His Orchestra Two Pianos, Specialties, Songs and F
Under the direction of DON LOOMIS Piano - A lnmwndinso e 1n flf Por Cm


.w, 'vs vv t - 'I/ W W LVWWN

e~l .i. VV l /' d..

All Seats I
S Reserved I



Orchestra |5c
Mezzanine ..50c

Tonight and Remainder of Week
Mimes of the Michigan Union presents
George Bernard Shaw's Famous Drama









'tom Dougall, Florence B. Tennant and Francis Kleutgen


With a Costumed



Cast of Sixty .,,II

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