U'NFILL POI TN T F08 CEN1TRAL DEBATE COMP 1 -t EITITION1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -P.A G ETI R HED F 'I( 1 /IT 7Nlq' BEGIN LT ,11EEK, OF PRFIPARA'TIQN IlNOR *LLII AFFIRMATIVE IS AT HOME1 V arisity Will Mfeet Northiwestern And OlhiqS4tate On F riday Night;w INegath-e11 0, C~olIImbius ],Fight men comprising Michigan's irtsemester Varsity debate squad entered the~ir final week of practice yesterday afternoon in preparation for the thirty-first annual renewal of the :Cenfral league debates between Ohio State, Northwestern,, and Michigan netFriday night. In this year's debates, the Michigan Thfirmative team will meet the North-I western in lill auditorium while the ;AVicliigan negative will travel to Co- lmunbus where it will meet the Ohio State affirmative. -At the same time ain Ohio State negative Will Oppose' the Northwestern affirmative debaters at Evanston. Qnest ion 1iisedl Before The league queston whch has aI- readly been debated twice the year b)y Michigan teams is "Resolved, that the prnciples of the Baunws law of New fork be enacted into law in the other states." The Michigan affirmative team is comp~osed of Jarl Andeer, '29, William C. 'Bishop, '23, and Ormand J. Drake, '28Ed. John E. Webster, '30, is the alternate. Richard Savaage, '30L, El- liott Moyer, '30L, and Paul Franseth, '29, are the members of the negative team with Howard Simon, '30, as al- ternate. The affirmative team was the guest of Knox college in a no-decision prac- tice debate last week while the nega- tive team was defeated by Minnesota in a debate at Ann Arbor early in D~e- cemb~er. Other than these two dle- bates, the mn with but one or twoI exception~s r to intercollegiate dlebatimg fahrlks DebutOf O'Neill The debates .of this year, mark the first time that teams coached by Prof. James M. O'Neill, new head of the sp~eech department, have been enteredj in the Central league contests, al- though he sent many Wisconsin teams against Michigan in the Mid-West dce-, bates before leaving that institution to YPSIL ANTI COLLEGE ANNIVERSARY j CELEBRATION BROUGHT TO CLOSE tMichigan State Teachers' college at; of their respective schools by means 'Ypsilanti .concluded the celeb~ration of of speeches. the 75th anniversary of its founding,' At the morning session, Gov. Fred yesterdlay noon, with an all-confer- XV. Green of Michigan gave the main once luncheoni which was hield in con-! address of the program on "The P~oint junction with the representatives of of View of the State." Dr. Ellsworth the IMidl-Year Educational conference,, Huntington also addressed the gener- "meeting at, the same time. D~ean Ben- a ser~yo 10 niomn jamin F. P~itt enger /of the UniversitySteghnIsCai,"nlStrtn of Sexas acted as toastmaster andjSteghnIsCai,"ndtrto reprsenttive or any choos aD I. Brooks, president of the IUniversi- colleges throughout the country con-; ty of Missouri gave an address on veyedl the wishes and congratulations "Tlie Four Horsemen." Traveling Secretary Is Ann Arbor Guest................. Daniel Grant, alumni secretary of been traveling for the past six Ca the University of North Carolina., and months. He stated the opinion. that in f.sr'illl ow .i~ this year connected with the Carnegie the matter of relationship bet ween the Foundation on a study of adlult edui- University and its alumni, the Uni- cation, was in Ann Arbor Wednesday, versity of Michigan is probably far-i M d He is making an extensive tour of ther advanced than any other un M de fo many educational centers, and has versity or college he has visited.' MM-Hp rekfs Attractive and tasty select ion. Automobile s KA-ReaonaleUn4ice Skates Sharpeimed Promptly 9. I711 North Uiversity Ave. Next to Arcade Theatre CLASSIFIED A D55 BRING _________________________SA TISFAC TIONv' - - - - - -- - - ----------------- - - - -- -------- --------- STATIONERY M icii a n Ml atioitei Personal Statijonery and With forres-ponldence Cards Nanme and Address Phone 47441 1111 S. UTNIVERSITY Phone 474-1 I 'Jil s Ann Arbor's Magnificent New Institution .10M- Q 0 C - 0, (q..1; - v Y.--l- ."y f utaey2 lca' r 4e i-e - Da )A t 1 - ^ ---t - :::: . 4 Are you one of the thousands who find, each week, hours of haineiiiss in the Michigan Theater ! You should be. IFew cities its I'lie wvorldI have such a theater-a magniticent palace of udreamnis. And few theaters can- presenit such programis-the finiest ptictulres, stage creati~ns, extra features, concert, orchesira, organ novelties. Anl all for the same price (or less) thian most I heaters charge for ordinary shoes. On the Wings of Laughter Comes- In the contests last year, Ohio! State wogl the undisputed champion- ship defeating Michigan at Ann Arbor and Northwestern at Columbus. Northwestern was second by virtue of the -fact th~t t affirmative team de- feated the Mdichiigan negative in the dlebate at Evanston. In 1926, however, when the arrange- ment was the same as this year, Mich- igan won the championship be dle- feating the; Northwestern team. in Hill auditorium and winning from Ohio State at Columbus. IOWA.---Elvin R. Seaton, '91, a graduate of the college o1 lawx, has provedl to be alive when all college records pronounced him dead. BOARD DISCLAIMS NEW PUBL1CATION E'AST LANSING, Jan. 14 - The Michigan State college board of pub- , lications yesterday issued a statement disclaiming~ all responsibility fora new., publicat ion which appeared on the campus recently. The new organr is said to have been established for the expression of radical student opwn- io 1s. The board-,of publications announc- ed that no report of the proposed journal had been ii'ade before publi- cation andl said that it "apparently is o. private venture on the p~art of (cr- lain :,,udents of the college. JEED TO TALK ON COT YGOVE.RNMENJ1T Prof. Thomas H. Reed of Ithe polit- ical scie'nc depart ment will be the principal, speaker at the Detroit Open I'oruui this afternoon in the autono- bile city. He will speak on the "Man- ager plani of municipal government for Detroit." Professor Reed has written exten- sivelY Onl municipal affairs andl has ! made a particular study of the mana- ger plan of government for cities. hi~erii o I~C iaxt 4mestl s y~u 'n~~fYP you pajersand fte Ini~rsiy iicoaie priatese I , a a tia k W ITH GLEN TRYON (Star oif "Hero Fur A Night") ill Tlha'nks ' for the Buggy Ri~de" Beautifuil Laura Lail~ante t eamied with the refreshing coniediaui, Glenni TryonIi n a thioro ughl y a mutsig and udpi-to-date confedy with surprising fiii'eifl tivists and a 21m altitude of ludlicrous sit n!ationls. You'll enjoy every moment of "Thanks For The B3uggy Rtide." ta The Merry Makers of Mirth and Melody- ILL1Y AITON- and His _ A newi and novel idea of sy fleollafed jaz- These muisical clowns are wizards at emuertaiiing- "I Told Them All About You" ii LLOYD. HAMILTON I KARL WIEDERHOL D'S ON THlE B lB ON GRANDE 0ORGAN If wiii "PAPA'S BOY" I MICHIGAN ORCHESTR1A FLOYD HOFMANN liiiAMemiCmdyI AT HE iNOIXy 0j(i~in~g (Con ert ad4 'yneopation style 2s ,i SUNDAY PRICES SHOWS SUNDAY 1:20, 2:55, 4:30, 7:00, 8:50 Attend the Mlatinaees- Seats Without Wi'aiting - The Michigan Also Will Give You ADDITIONAL KINOGR.AMS THlE WORLD'S GREATEST NEWS REEL __-and AN FX(LLSITE IMICHIGAN TTHEATRE NOVELTY "THE ]LION HUNT" Attend tihe Matinees- seats Without WIaiting Adults 50c-Children 25c To be public The M1I (H WA N theatre affords a igre ieal of roont. At the matinees there w Ill bie seat, to be had at 1i''ak 112r, an.214 1'jnight, Awhile ~~hclv. Iv ho ill be filled, at Du an t low you amamy feel as- F -f 1'go~od s4emis.The seconid 5110W Udl i'arcĀ°l be 501ont-as ~ii~.stime o'peiiiumg night as well were'r ied fol. twvJ)o lwk s, ithe 11ere._ 1tilhundr12edls of 'empi~tysas x it em'all hiad i ben a ccom iu(4iadate. 1l1111 --a -4 o7% r T1 7 _7A ' 1" 7a Kill1 i