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March 29, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-29

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House ilitary ) Committee Rejects
Own Substitute For Muscle '
Shoals Proposition
(1y Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, March 28-Senator-
ial traditions tottered today when the'
Senate flood control project, that mayE
cost a billion, all federal money, to
curb the Mississippi, was taken up,
discussed, 'amended slightly, passed
by unanimous roll. call vote and sent
to the House all within a minute less
than a hour and a half. The adminis-
tration plan was not even mentioned.!
Only one whisper of dissent was
heard, that of King, Democrat, Utah,
who was paired against the vote and
could not vote. He thought the sub-
ject needed much more local treat-
ment; but his colleagues hailed the
words of Wesley Jones, of Washing-
ton, chairman. of the committee which
framed the bill, as that of a master
harmonizer., He was deluged with
congratulations by Democrats and Re-
publicans alike as the vote proceed-
ed. He was extolled by Ramsdell, of
Louisiana, for patience, kindness, and
wisdom displayed in ironing out dif-
ferences in committee and making
siblei the seemingly impossible re-
sult today,


Meanwhile, the House worked along
on calendar work with foreign af-
fairs committee projects on call. It
found a few matters it could pass
without objection, but the docket in' t
both houses is getting trimmed down-
to a point where most of the re- Viniversity of California Campanile
malning items are controversial and Above is shown the im-posing
will require actual voting. campanile of the University of Cal-
The House military committee pre- ifornia at Berkeley, which towersJ
pared today to add Muscle Shoals to above the surrounding campus
the list .of waiting bills, voting out buildings and can be easily seen
its own substitute plan for operation and the bells heard for long dis-
of the dam in Alabama by a $10,- tances.1
000,000 government corporation. of Plans for the Burton memorial
which the assigned duties will be campanile on the University cam-
production and sale of fertilizer. pus embody several features of the.
But the Senate surprise action on Caliiornia tower. This project has
flood control was the event not only been approved by University alumni
of the congressional day, but of the land oficials. The senior literary
70th Congress to date. It utterly sur- class has recently decided to give its
prised thb Senate itself, which is funds as a unit memorial in the
fully aware of its propensities to talk structure, to be erected. in the north-
in and out of reason. Rarely before ern part of the Universiy campus.
in Senate history has it acted with
such dispatch on a major project, ex-
cept in the stress of war necessity,
and very rarely indeed do its records C
show unanimous votes on roll call.
(By Associated Press) P
WASHINGTON, March 28-Henry
Ford is to be called before the Sen- # Plans for a cheering section at the
ate soft coal investigating committee football games next fall, to parallel
to ascertain whether his experiences ,
as col oeraorcanprouceanythat of last year, were definitely
as a coal operator can produce any adopted by the Student council at its
suggestions of elimination of difficul- g
ties to save the industry. regular weekly'meetng held last night
Decision to issue a subpoena, for the at the Union. Richard Spindle, '29E,
automobile manufacturer was reach-,lhas been appointed chairman of the
ed by Chairman Watson when com- section for next year, and according to
mnittee members requested that he be plans made by the council he will
called after he had heard a witness ,confer at once with the Athletic asso-
picture conditions of Ford's West Vir- ciation to lay definite plans and make
ginia interests in direct contrast with. definite arrangements.
- - - hln .ten ^vrinc +n .11 Me

FOR PLANE TAKEOFF A little ten-foot slide rule, pride three days after it disappeared. Some
SRof theenineers' hearts, has been student with an eye to effective ad-
lost! Such is the tragic word ema- vrtising, it seems, hung the pride
EARLY THIS MORnating from the engineering college, and joy' of the engineering college
which yesterday discovered that the (the slide rule) over the engineering
tiny rule, valued highly as a chil- arch during the exhibit last Friday
RUNWAY STRETCHING TOWARD dren's pet by the students or that and Saturday for the purpose of at-
AMERICA CONSTRUCTED college, has disappeared, strayed, tracting attention. It did attract at-
TO All) GERMANS~ or has been abducted! tention; and yesterday it attracted
The sudden news, coming as a still imore attention .when lt sud'-
PLANE IS IN 0 OD StAPE thunderbolt to the unsuspecting me- denly turned up among the missing.
chanics, has caused a. veritable Immediately, of course, the en-
One Of Two Fliers Places Much Trust panic; and it is generally taken as gineers have suspected their time-
In Superstitions; Other Believes an indication of their keen observa- honored rivals, the law students, of
In Science And Nerve tional powers that the loss of the the foul crime. .Early yesterday
tiny implement was- noticed only spies were dispatched to ransack
(By Associated Press) the far corners of the Lawyers' club,
BAILDONNEL AIRDROME, I.F.S., 1 10IT f and it was with downcast faces that
March 28.-A long wooden runway ALLU V IITORS they returned to their pinions and
stretching in the direction .Cf Galway i LL cog-wheels last night with no report-
and America was contemplated tonight ((ed success. "Somewhere the little
to aid the Junker airplane Bremen to ATlEW I1slide rule must be," the engineers
takeoff at dawn tomorrow, if weath- unanimously believe (with the scien-
er reports from the United States jus- tific logic so characteristic of their
tify the start of the three Germans, inTor race), and there will be no calm e-
their attempt to makes the westward pose in the engineeritngrd 'coigegeTunB
flight across the NortheAtlantic. O(ccasions ForVisitors To Use pose in the engineering college un-
Capt. Hermann Kqehl, Baron von Angell Hall Telescope til it is found.
Hunel According to reports at a late hour
Huenefeld and Arthur Spindler, merry IH--- last night, it is generally agreed that
comrad.es in arms, are rI4dy and NI4IHTS TO BE SUITABLE the instrument has not been mislaid,
eager for the great adventure and that consequently it was aided in
Baron von Huenefeld today paid an Tomorrow and Saturday night from its escape. Since the rule is totally
Irish farmer 70 pounds for tearig 17 to 10 o'clock, the astronomical useless, even to engineers, because
down a stocne wall at the far end of o t iea alrtr se
the Baldonnel field so that the plane laboratory, located on the fifth floor of its size, an early return, is ex-
could make a mile and a quarter of Angell Hall, will hold what ispected by whatever practical jokers
straightway for lifting its great known as "visitors' night." At that may have. perpetrated the crime,
weight of three men and 2,500 litres .oA telegram sent to a prominent en-
weitothe air. time those who have secured tickets, gineer by an anonymous lawyer last
The wings of the monoplane are which may be resrved by calling the night read: "Have you checked up
oiled, to prevent the forming of ice Observatory office, will be allowed to on your locomotives?" Polieh are in-
when the forino h e raie observations through the tele- vestigating the clue.
whnthe machine gets into the areagthcle
of fcg and mist, or rain, and the cold sAcort0
winds. The motor has been tuned to A0ordig to Prof. _. . Curtiss, di-
perfection and every navigation in- rector of the observatory, "visitors'
strument has been put to the test. 'tight" is being held in the Angell Hall WIL O E S H W
The plane remained all, day in the laboratory instead of the regular
hanger under guard of the Junker's University observatory because it has nnR
mechanics and Irish Free State horse- 1the best telescope for direct observa-
men. { ion of the moon and other stars
Pacing nervously back and forth be- The telescope which was installed
tween the hangar and a lane of Free in Angell hall last spring was made States He Is Anxious To Return Here
Irish turf, where the runway was be- by Warner and Swazey of Cleveland Where He Says They Aways Catch
ing built, wa the young Germaan who have mado the largest refracting His Very Best Jokes
nobleman. He carried a monocle 'telescopes in the world. AccordingW
screwed in his right eye. His slim to Professor Curtiss, this instrun-ent WILL TALK HERE MONDAY
figure was garbed in a navy blue suit possesses all of the modern contriv,
and he wore a German student's cap ances and conveniences possible on Advance ticket sales indicate that
The' suit, he said, he does not intend to such a telescope. Will Rogers, noted rope-throwing and
take off until he reaches Mite The 10 inch.lens in the telescope gum-chewing cowboy-humorist-may-
fl-eld, Long Island. it was given to the University by Ro- or-philosopher-actor, will be greeted
Von Huenefeld is as superstitious art Lamont, '91E, who.also is financIonday by as large an audience d
as the ,ordinary sailor who sais eing the southern astronomical expe- heard him speak the last two yers
sea in ships; his pockets ;are filled1 ition of the Tniversity at Blomfon- when he appeared before capacity
with trinkets, augurs of good luck and tein, Orange Free State,.South Africa. houses in Hill auditorium. Rogers
pieces of all kinds. This afternoon
he fled like as sared rabbit from a This lens was taken by the late Prof. has declared that he is anxious to re-
photographer who attempted to take William Hussey to Ai'rmca in 1923. turn to Ann Arbor where the audi-
move f h a mwhen he made a trip there to examine ence "always catches his best jokes."
Contrasted with the monocled nole- conditions for astronomical obs rv, He will appear under the auspices of
man, the chunky Koehl, chief pilot, tions in the southern hemisphere. It the Michigan theater league which
watched the preparation for the Bre- was then brought back and installed sponsored his two previous appear-
men's getaway almost disinterestedly, in the telescope in Angell hall. ances here.
To him flying the Atl~antic isn't luck, Both Friday and Saturday nights Rogers has attained an internation-
but science and nerve. He has a copy will be suitable for observing the al renutation as a satirist of any sub-
of Lindbergh's book and from it says moo, according to Professor Curtiss. ject. He has traveled widely and
he has learned the lessons that ice At this tin.1 the moon is the only during his travels has been entertain-
and sleet on the wake of the plane are object of !moular interest which is ob- ed by princes and potentates through-
likely to be -his greatest enemy. I servable. There are no planets in out the world. His satire is always
-- - sight. framed to the genial satire, criticizing
MINE OPERATORS Provision has been made for 210 and patting on the back at the same
EVER RELATIONS' visitors and practically all the tickets time. He attempts to pad his humor
V have already been taken, P rofessor with sympathy rather than sarcasm
(By Associated Press.) Curtiss said yesterday. made bitter by contempt.
CHICAGO, March 28.--The Illinois --4 Rogers' early years were spent as
coal operators association, represent- Bi~rn d h a cowboy on a ranch in Oklahoma.
ing therlargest state group of the M n J ll His first public appearance was with
u in bituminous mines, hasmg Oil W orrying Abouta rodeo in Madison Square Gardens,
severed relationships with the United New York city. When showmen real-
Mine Workers until the miners' organ- G ianied ized the possbilities in his calm, Phil-
ization agrees to a reduction in wages. osophic attitude, hewas featured for
Determination to challenge the union " awhile in the Ziegfeld Follies. In re-
adherence to the Jacksonville wage iShekel-Shekel," the cry is gather- cent years Rogers has spent much
agreement was approved by the asso- line for acceptances to the Gridir of his time in ecture tours Such as
ciation today, three days before the 'lianquet of Sigma Delta Chi approac the one in which he is engaged at the
expiration of a temporary agreement present time.
between the operators and the es, and the air along State treet is Thoe who know Rogers well claim
workers. gho of theinfamous guests will be that e takes his work on the stage
~--~-~ rewarded wiof th he equally infamous guesteas a humorist very seriously. Much of
ORFEA T PROPO rOil Can, tr phy extraordinary. Quali-phis time li spent looking over news-
FOR NEW SCHOOL fed observers report that considerable papers, following the political events
midnight oil is being burnt through- and watching the social trend of the

times. He often says in this connec-
'eiiey oigdow the proposed out the town by certain individuals
bond issue for $600,000 to build a new who consider themselves eligible for tion "When I can't think of anything
school in the fifth ward, Ann Arbor the .o ;deal because of their past re- funny, I always read the Congression-
electors cast approximately 1,500 marks in public, their political drag, al Record" and "All I know Is what
votes against the proposal as com- or their own little furrow on the can- I read in the newspapers."
pared to approximately 700 votes in pus. Tickets for his Ann Arbor engage-
- favor of the issuance of the bonds. As in the past the committees in ment are now on sale at Wahr's book-
t Voters on the east side of Ann Arbor charge are being deluged with dinner I store, with prices ranging from 75
1 were against the measure by a vote dates and cigars, but word from the cents to $2. All the seats are reserv-
- of four to one, while those on the I headquarters of the Vice Ring has it ed.
o west side showed about an equal divi- that bribery is to no avail. According
sion in favor of and against the mea- Ito the cusoary practice all will beNA I A G Y E T
surd. I weighed and found wanting, no matter WITH RKS B
wat- 4i4sWITaus VJOKES B


-With two addresses and a council meeting scheduled for this
afternoon, 'the thirty-third annual meeting of the Michigan academy
of Science, Arts and Letters will get underway today. Prof. W. B.
IPillsbury, of the psychology department, who is president of this
year's meeting of the academy, will deliver the presidential address
it 4:1.5 o'clock in Natural Science auditorium.
The general program will begin at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon
when a meeting of the council will be held in room 4065 of the
Natural Science building. This will be followed at 2:30 o'clock by
an address in Natural Science auditorium by Prof. William KI-
Lobbs, of the geology department. "The Greenland Expeditioas of
the University of Michigan," will be the subject of the address-by
Professor Hobbs.
The presidential address by Professor Pillsbury at 4:15 )'lock
in Natural Science auditorium will conclde today's activities, with
the exception of the displaying of the annual exhibit on the second
floor of the Natural.Science building, in the west corridor. The ex-
hil it, which is one of the features
of the convention, Twill be opemi
from 3:30 to 6 o'clock this afternoon
A Stonight, and will be open again at 7
o'clock tomorrow morning.
The exhibit will consist of the fol-
Iowing divisions: Anthrplogy
._Botany, Fine Arts, Economics, an
Freshman Laws Will Present Musical Sociclogy, Forestry, Geography, and
Skit As Feature Of Evening's Zoology. The exhibit is open to the
Entetajinment general public as are the lectures and
--_ section meetings.
BATES, AIMLER TO SPEAK ill Hold Mebtings
Torniorrow and Saturday , 01l b'
Plans have been -completed for the given over to section meetings and
banquet and.smoker of the Freshnan lectures. Dr. George Sarton, of Har-
class of the Law school to be held vard university, will deliver the mail
next Monday night, April 2, in the address of tomorrow afternoon at 4:1
ballroom of the Michigan Union, ac- o'clock in Natural Science auditorium
cording to George E. Rich, '30L, presi- His subject is, "The History of Sclenc
dent of the freshman law class, who and of the New Huritanism." Follow
will be in charge of the festivities of ing this a meeting of the council h
the occasion. scheduled for 5:30 oclock in roon
On the whole, the event will re- 4065 of the Natural Science building
semble in many ways the annual grid- The first annual dinner of thi
iron banquet given by Sigma Delta Academy will be held 'at 6:15 o'cloc
Chi, plans being made for a gigantic tomorrow night in the Union. Ticketw
reckoning between students and for the banquet, it has been an
faculty, when each faction will have nounced, should be secured at th
the opportunity to call each other to Headquarters room before noon. Al
task for any grievances that they may members, candidates for membership
have accumulated during the year. In ahd guests are cordially invited.
addition there will be special talks by At 8 o'clock tomorrow night, an i
Dean Henry M. Bates and Prof. Ralph lustrated lecture will le given in th(
Aigler of the Law school, and an ad- New Medical building by W ralte1si
dress in behalf of the freshman class Simpson, of the Miami Valley hospit:
by Thomas V. Koykka, '30L. During at Dayton, 0. "Tularemia" will be th
the evening special songs written for subject of Mr. Simpson's address,
the event wil be sung by all those The annual biologist's luncheom
spresent i under the directiion ' of will be held tomorrow noon in roon
Lawrence Tharp,'30L, who l:ed soldiers 1023 of the Natural Science building
in songs before they went "over the while members of the forestry 'setio
top" in the world war. will hold a luncheon Saturday noom
Additional entertainment is being I in the Union. Following are the var
planned in the form of a Union opera ious sections and the chairman of eac]
on a very small scale with all the which will hold sesions during Frida;
parts, both male and female, being and Saturday:
taken by men in the "Michigan Law Anthropology, Prof. W. H. Worrel:
Revue," a musical skit depicting the associate professor of semitics; bot
life of .a freshman lawyer and attempt- any, Prof. Bradley M. 1Davis, of th
ing to show the pleasures and diffi- botanly department; economics an
culties Hof the freshman during his sociology,. Prof. John V. Van Sickle
short but happy sojourn in the Law of the ecionomics department; fin
'school. Accompanyment will be pro- arts, Paul Honore, of Detroit
vided by a feature band including two forestry, John C. DeCamp, of EaE
pianos. The production and technical Lansing; geograsphy, J'erone Thoma
work is all being done by members of I of Detroit; geology and mineralogy
the freshman Law class. / "G. Berguist, Cf East Lansing; bis
The freshman Law banquet was once I tory and political science, Paul
a tradition in the Law school, even' Concannon, of the political science d
in the days, when, because of limited I partment; language and literatur
facilities here, it was necessary to go Prof. Louis 1. Bredvold, of the Englis
to Detroit or Toledo to hold the an- department; mathematics, Alfred T
nual function. The class of 1930 de- Nelson, of Detroit; psychology, Pro
cided s6me time ago to attempt to re- C. H. Griffits, ,of the psychology d
vive the tradition of a get-together to partment; sanitary and .medica
promote a closer feeling between the science, M. H. Soule, of Ann Arbor
members of the class and a better zoology, Carl L. Hubbs, of Ann Arbo
contact between faculty and student.
Monday's affair will be the culmination l POET GIVES FIRST
of these plans. Tickets are now on GI E
sale at $1.25 apiece in the freshman 0 F TWVO READING
Law classes.
Lw l sI Robert Frost, New England poet ai
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. - All former holder of the fellowship f
travel agencies on the campus have creative arts and the fellowship:
been consolidated into one bureau, letters at the University, gave UL
which is supervised by the university first of two public readings of h
and managed by students who desire poems yesterday afternoon in t
business experience. Mimes theater. Mr. Frost, who
here on a week's visit, will,,again.-l
APPEAR TODA Y pear at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow afte
USED ON A THLETICS "noon for a second reading of 11
poems. This will be his only otn

Kenneth E. holmes, '29A, and Lou public appearance during his prese
l A. Spaulding, '28, add a great deal to stay
the delectability of the Gargoyle golf TRUCK KILLS SMALL B(
Several bunkers will hold the in-
terest of reader's. The Music Math Harley Dell Jr., aged I1, son oflA
iCharms departmenit contributes me- and l Mrs. Harley Dell, 1427 Gold
views of many new records which avenue, was struck ;and fatally injur
have been issued recently.The book by a motor truck this afternoon. T
department contributes to the in- accident occurred on North M
tellectuality of the golfer with re- street.
views of "We Sing Diana" by Wanda Tesruck was driven by Don:
Fraiken Neff, "Thle Witness at the Mesnerd, 908 Monroe a venue, an e
, Fs ploye of the Chevrolet Motor compal
Window" by Chas. Barry, "Safari," by The lad was immediately removed
Martin Johnson, "Tarka, the Otter," was niirritm hnenital ht he di

others elsewhere. 1 L1 J5i1~CI~~L ,I i
otesesehr.it is possible, according to the dis-
cussion held last night, that some
REPUBLICAN CLUB change may be made in the system
whereby more thorough advertising
TO HEAR BRANDT will be given the section in the fresh-
man class, and it is possible that up-
Carl Brandt, of the public speak- perclassmen will be allowed to sign
ing department, will talk before a [for seats before the end of the present
m-eeting of the Republican. Club to be school year, though the plan has not
held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room been definitely worked out.
306 of the Union. Mr. Brandt is a ! Final plans for Cap Night are now
past president of the club and will 1under way, it was announced by John
include in his talk something about Starrett, '28, chairman of the Cari
the past experiences of the club. He I Night committee, and it is planned to
will also give some valuable inforia- restore the Cap Night ceremonies to
tion. to those interested in practical their former position as a coloriu
politics. i event after a lapse of one year, ac-
Arrangmeents are being made icording to Starrett. A prominent
whereby members of the club can alumnus has been tentatively secured
take part in actual political activi- for the principal speaker, and Star
ties in the immediate future.d 1rett believesthat he willsbe able t
Women are invited to attend the' announce the definite site before
meeting as a women's section of the 1 spring vacation.
club will be formed immediately fol- ( D
lowing the regular meeting. INTRAMURAL SPOR
DURING VAC ATION V top's N ol:- : ais is the twamttho
a Si of featre articles on canpus in-
stitutious intentded to develop their his.
Relaxation of the automobile ban tory and major principles or organization
for the period of spring vacation has and management.
heen announced by the Univmersiby Intramural athletics have increase
authorities, to parallel that of the in scope to an enormous extent in th
Christmas vacation and the J-Hop few years that have elapsed since
week-end. The ban will be off at 6 their inchoation here in 1913. In tha
o'clock ion the afternoon of Friday, year Floyd Rowe, first director of in
April 6, and will be restored at 8 tramural athletics, organized a sys
o'clock on Monday morning, April 16. tem of sports events and contests fo
+'-- -m ar o.n.tisr in mrCit


ing the pre-war era, 13 different types
of sports were practiced, and 2,058
participants practiced them during the
first year of the organization's his-
d tory. Rapid increases in the number
e of coftestants in sports continued un-
e til the advent of the war in 1913. At
t this juncture the work was trans-I
- ferred to the S.A.T.C. on a much
- smaller scale.
r The decadent situation was im-
nroved immediatelv after the war,

whttheirstatus + - .
!Startling and strange will be the
sights and sounds that will greet the Combining with the usual features
favored guests. A picked German an element of humor which is based
band-picked up--will belabor theiir in- start at this time, so a new departure
struments with 'The Sidewalks of Gargoyle will go on sale on the cam-
New York," "That Auto Ban Gone," pus today. With the coming of
and other ditties favored by the steam- spring it was felt to be appropriate1
ing politicians, while the lighter mom- to humorize on the sports which
ents will be enlivened by Bob Carson start at this time, so a new departure
and his Buccaneers. was taken from the ordinary spring
I-Hand painted portraits of the past number.
{ grand lubricators in all their patri- Baseball, vwrestling, basketball,
archal majesty will deck the walls, golf, track and other fortrs of ath-
hung with specially imported Nicar- letics, particularly the other forms,
aguan bunting. Voting machines of
ancient date will be installed in the come in for satirical comment in this
ig- n or he month of April. Maurice


i+ll-n lint nn rririnn tin sr 171 varsu i.%

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