13 9 UMARH02,8 THRE.MICHIIIGAN DAILY inhimR Au [!lf i YIILRIIJNAHNANID CONGER Freshmen Prepare ;IGM LH UL I fVCTO X E IT, ,AND THETA CHI Advertisin ON OLYMPIC TEAM orCampus et LEAD I-M RACE gA AGUIGOT90 RCIc tv1s~ile 'es)(otne fo aeSx Cniud rmPg a) INTC BEtEIACRIN 00D RC IE EW YORtK, M[arch 27. -Lloyd Pus tournament some stiff ro peti- alpha Mu, advanced 1G pints overg WASHINGS dne. Called for and1 idmitien0.aroundI Sthne F150 foot marl n a n o he Iol n A andndlayion. ' eta Chi in this ev nt ; delivered. Call 6862. 136-137-138 ttntar # tr n f~PEezswas defeated only onlce in Big Ten tflno h otnA .adIa S'igma Alpha MNu took the water contto.Coner of the Illinois A. C., fre - Teretet .trnthinnubes lo)1 contest from the Theta Chi "THE HEIDELBERG-Home cook-1 TWO-TONE shoe-:~ made to your measure. From $6.50 up. Hand-made~ English style by an English shoe- maker. Corner of South U,. and 5314 Fo'rest. No connection with ally firml of the same name. Only one place. Yes, we do repairing. C Fountain Pen IRepalrling Our skilled, _Tenmak~ers Service co.- ts ,you no more. The only logical place a : ' t] SEASON One 'week Ii ~ei~ ~iteiaWilliams, a newcomer, appears) to' most runners of American Olympic APRIL be a capable understudy to Ketz' r~d middle distance candlidat es, wFill i~e OPENS ARL 2I~ should develop into a point winner expectedi to race at 80}0 meters and ofretwilbegie tewith a little more experience. !1,500 mcete. events at the Amster- of estwil begivn te jThe loss of Lovette and Schrave - ,.___ ii;-emors of the Varsity tracks squad, follow ing the vi(tory, over Cornell in the final o~ the in(loor season7. Coachl Stephen "Farrell hals (decided to relax the regulalr progra1m of daily (rills mntil the first of next week. permit- sand in the discus leaves t he Michl- igan coach with the (difficult task: of developing a new performer in thlis event. Gabel, football star, pom5sC5os the potentialities of a capable dis- cus thrower. but needs much practice. .ing he 1m1enl to work ot as they BOILERMAKER NINE TRAINS plea1se. The imajority' of the runners are in FOR SOUTHERN, OPPONENTS; good1 condlitlon, arnd the veteran coach feels that a slight rest after the .last (Continued from Page Six) three weeks of strenuouis work will halfback, seem destined to grab per- prove a beniefit. Tihis will still allow Emanent berths by virtue of their the squi(l three weecks in which to get heavy hitting and fly chasing ability. into cond(1itfion I'or the first outdoor Pleck, "a veteran gardlener, seems tcompletition o' the seaison', the Ohio likely to complete the outfield trio.: relays, wh1ich ivwill be laid April 211 Behind the bat Eickmann, reserve at Columbuhs. from last year's nine; Ramby, a for- The second1 outdoor engagement of iner outfielder, and Kugler, a ok-1 tHe Season, the IDrAke relays, occur more, are waging a battle for' th1e r jilst one week later, while th1e initial honors. dual mneet is> ;(h(dIclle(l for May 5 with hlio State tc fColumbu11s.lMil1neC-I sota] comessIhre Al ny12, and the p a -eS Ii~ team meei(ts lIllinois1the following1x - week a2t Urbarna. It is (liff'iclllt to gaugre 1llic strengtht (10or comptcition is concerned, cdue to kt lie fatct t int the con clies h1ave hiad!T b- o p litt le or no oplportuinity to WROSitsI" Prcipo" the canid~ates ;'or the hammt~er, jive- Pecito"I lin1, discu1s, a1 nd broadjum ini actPion. Have you ever noticed Coach F'arrell is faced with qadiff- j right after a meal cult task tisseason ill leveloping 'How tired andi lazy men to relacrre the stti1s illthe vanr- you always feel?! ous field e ventis vioWere 1st im telling you folks it isn't a joke, through gradluat ion. The places. of It will freshen you up Captain Northruip, L~ o v e t t e,? and if you try a good smolke.! Schravesand must be filled if the But whatever you,,do Wolverines are to have a well-bal- these lines you must heed!, ance tea thi seaon.There's a certain tohacco Ti ]C i 2111 1]'r 7of course, that youneeod. Thehamer pears to b~e the only It's packed in a tin, one of these evenzts in which Mich- the tin's colored blue.f iganl is certain to1 be well fortified. Not only the smoking The veteran Ketz, sophomore star of but the chewring kind too. the 1927 team, has been practicing Of cours3if you never regularly andtperIob ngo are bothered this way, appeas tobe ingood Just keep the prescrip~tion shape. Last season Ketz was con- for some other day: tAsk for tobacco,t thie best that's on earth; ff To shorten the story, ( ~just call it "Edgeworth.." Aura, Chias . J. Butlerj t tOwonaboro, 1Ky. f l ~eb . , 1927. mh(, , rctlmn lf nn-; l - -, C1.fj uaiu gaines. lheadl Coach Lawson Robertson of the Olympic team has formally noti- fied the runners to train )rw these distances. While Hahn has been. in I favor of competing in both events, 'Cange quest ions his own ability tol i'C.,en five successive dlays. Only four runners have ever scored the( double triumph in the Olympics atl the 8f) aind 1,500 meters distances.1 E. I-f. Flack of Gsreat Britain per'- formed the feat in 1896, Jimmy Light- body of the Ulnitedl States in 1904,1 Mel Sheppard, anl)he American, in 1908, and A. G. B-ill of GreatlBritain, ill 1920. is shown by the 135 pounde'rs who!plittu nraigtermr have four star performers.' These !gin by 10 points more. men are Anderson, Kalonic,1evis,' The A interfraternity basketball was andl Maebius. Ilealman a3nd Kir by won by Phi- Kappa Sigma, while are. the two outstanding wrestle.rs LmdiCn lpaws unrn), the 145 pound class. The 158 poutnd-_ The B3 basketball championship is to ens; are led by Koffman and Sigenfoos.{ be played off tonight between Sigma in the 115 poundl (ivision,. three IAlpia Mu anid Alpha Kappa Lambda. . green share about equal honors in re- Sigma Alpha Mur participaztel in a spect to their ability. McKinley, tie with Phi taigua Delta in the foul Imermn, aol M~illird hve at Irowing, tournament. This event was I e m n an Mcilad h v a >slight edge in this weight. Stanch-F may ked by close scores throughout,. field, Larson, and Shilling have been Inashablextohfrgeenhead ofaSim the best perormers in the 125 pound wsal ofreaedo im Class. Alpha Mu by placing secondl in two events. ing. 807 E. Washington St, Wutii o aveiyor pen'rpairea ui(it close during spring vacation. Rider's Pen Shop C Meal tickets, also single meals. j 135-136-137-138-139' TYPEWRI ER SERVICE NOTICE-Good fo n odsrie All makes. No better ,ikill founid any- one block from campus-thatsrwhy wvhere. Prompt service. you save. Barney's Restaurant, 516 1' Rider's Pen Shop E. Williams. C. Phone___950_C Type writers For Rent ______________________Good machines, your favorite make. Rider's Pen Shop [ sPhone 8950 C T o p on TYPING-Thestes aspeciailty. Rea- Ssonable rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387..,C-77-180 TAM\PA--A ban liam been placed on golf for all m)emlbers of t he Wash - ington ~a seba 11 club, nlow trainingl hiere. {CH L IN PARIS{ All E xpcii ses I ncluin g round trip SlC&aifshlil) fe for T1wo Months $ 750 lDirected by lIuiiier A. 1)esl araIisĀ° A rra igedi by Al -Travel Cluh,f (4raiid Rapids, Michigan* Senior Caps and Gowns For All Classes. Van BoeInc. State Street spring weight crusher hat 11 $5 III i, SENIOR IT W.LALJ pay yo, to come to Royal headquarter and see the New Royal portable before you buy. This' "Baby" Royal Is already outselling all other makes of portable. :'Sonw Baby." Rider's Pen Shop Authorized Deal ors in Royals C TYPEWRITERS-Sales and Service. All makes, large and portabhle, bought, so nld, rentedl, repaired. Ousr machines and work guaranteedi. In business since 1)0'S. 0. 1). Niorrill, 17 Nickels Arcad~e. C Tfypewriter Ribb1ous and Carbmo-, The best you can buy. Always fresh. Rider's Pen Shot)(1 FOR SIiE FOR.S AT,-'Three large wcihl-lowcr> i n rose bushes. $1.01) up. 1Lilac hus-h1es, 0c 1up. Aa'S rt ed dah~illia lulbs, 50r per doz. 2-burnoer c frio Stove, ;',.0 1 Lady's *n1w slip- plls, size S1,,$1.50 p lair. Call:12 H-ill St. 1 FOR 1R'KN T F R R - 2 r; n ;u; o i Nyfurnished . fron t rom ; girls p 'e- ferrde. Ades26;S :ut Ii1our'th !Ave. Phone 7990. ;3-3G-:17 i WA ;N 'UEli WANTED-Lady livingalnewoul like post-gradtuateo or business woman as roomer. I41l1':E. Washi- ington. Call 9800, eveniings. 136-137 EXP'ERIENCED stenog'rapher who expects to remain in Ann Arb or permanently. Please give educa- tion, experience, a)ge and approxi- mate salary expected. Write Box - 37. 4ii-7:3"r-138 I JNIVE I, T -V Ygrldutnew ith book- l ?e)ing~ experienc:e for permnanent full tiin' work.Wit Bx8. WANTF2[--St udents Ii inow that, our hlom laundr-y methods g~ive your clohesper:sonal alttention. M0oe Laundry, 204 N. Maiin. Dil) ah 91. C, CA.PgandGOWNS ORDERS NOW, BEING TAKEN FOR ALL SENIOR CLASSES, IN THE UNIVERSITY. Official Out fitters for the Past .TenaYears ~9,voW class bowling byv a margin of over 200 pinlsJby (downiing the fjunior lits in the roil-Off. 'The winners amassedI a total of 2578 to their opponents' 237G. Ciron wall was high man~ for . thae freshmen it Ii a game average of 207. '' Neukom and lVtarting 'won the all-, campus lo2.1lIes from a field of 16 entries. MCeeting Parker and Cobb inI the ;finals, xNeukom comnpiled- a high individual totlQ of G50 for his team.' RIB~BONS AAD Stli'LtE for all makes of TlYPE IY.i t'U IRiIJid f. roici er, fresh stock finsure's best quplily at a inoderate price. 17 Nickecls A rcade. Pl~one ,615. a .A I SmnokingT "" z'q.i Thompson-s -South U 71l N. Umiversity Ave: Next io Arcade' Theatre i A Full Line of wVhite)-muse c&t1I-lardy Models On Display At a bout J. L. PICKERING fJr. Thompson's. some good styles in spring shoes $10 i S 4 I i tt t 1 19f GUYWOOLF.OLK 330 South State Street Exclusive Lasts and Patterns Do i gncd and Sold Only by WHITErU & 1BROADWAY AT 40TH STREEt X84 BRO)ADW4VAY 144 WEST 42R STRET rnT31PQLITO0I4H013oUBsI DING AT WALL STREET IINICKERBQCKER BUILDING PHILADELP~iA--11 CD-EST NUT STREET .gls 1 ~44toa1BONDS toFIT thieINVESTOR $1 TF -Or_ - a/l gtat. I C 1) _ _ _ _ U.f~l/VJG a UC4, I&tut t "IJ13 JUM - then fit yoursef frr that career YO0U wouldn't join the first mraternity that gave you af bid unless you liked it. It should be the same with the business you enter--don't dirift into it, just because it "turned up." first, know whether you are interested in a certain line of work, then fit yourself for it by proper selec- tion of courses, and by reading and observation. Having made your selection, do not let chance propositions deter you. Apply this test of fitness to the bond business, if you are considering it. Because it requires a high degree of training and ability, the compensation and opportunities for the man adapted to it are unusually good. It may be just the field for you. Assuming that you have madte a studied decision to enter the bond business, the best start you can make is to choose a conservative, reliable bond house that will provide a sub- stantial background for your own efforts. Ally yourself with a firm that will take pains to train you for effective work. In the Halsey, Stuart & Co. training schools, each new man is given three months' intensive, pratcticail training, with pay, before being assigned to active dutty. Most of' the questions you arry ha've in mind about thse bond business are ans'wered in our booklet, "1The Bond Business as an Occupation for College Men." Ash for pamphlet MD-3'A r, I It' I T'O college graduates-men who prefer the finer things in life, and Iwho have the ambition to become recognized leaders in their communities-the S. S. Kresge Company offers -a future that abounds in opportunity. With 450 stores in operation, and a volume of business running well toward $150,000,000 yearly, our program of-expansion is now well under way. We are opening new stores throughout the nation as rapidly as we can train men to manage them. For these future managers we want college graduates with trained minds and well rounded personalities. These men will be taught every phase of our business. They will start at the bottom and be trained in each department-every detail of store management will be given to them. At every step their progress will be en- couraged. They will be expected to work hard, and when this intensive training is completed, they will become store managers, and possibly higher executives-dignified positions paying from $3,000 to $15,000 a year and more. If you are willing' to work hard and show your mettle, you can find your future in a Kresge job. Write to our Personnel Depart- ment today and a graduate of your own college who has already found success with us will be sent to see you. PERSONNEL DEPT. 6 "When I finished college it took m~e two,,,years. to pick the right Company. When this decision was reached, I forgot my degree, my diploma, my major' study, and started in at the bottom with the S. S . Kresge Co., a business totally foreign to my training. If I was right in concluding that the Com- pany was everything and the kind of business not so important, I was headed the right way.' "The re-adjustment period was pretty hard and it took a lot of sticking, but during this period I found out something else. It is not education that makes a busi.- ness success, but how to apply "what you know. For that reason a college man has the advantage over his less fortunate brother. "My exiierience in this Company can -be duplicated by any other college graduate. Every Kresge ex- ecutive started in at they bottom, and was advanced as fast as the different _phases of'the busi- ness were learned. Results alone determine how successful one will be. There is always plenty of room at the top for the most ambitious, and due to constant expansion, this condition will hold true for a great many years to come, certainly during this generation.,," -J. L. PICKERING, Jr. F IN CO RPO RATED MT. Pickering is now an 11 E E 1 11 I