STABLISHED 1890 W.V 5'i 4a11 ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII; No. 136 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1928 EIGHT PAG TESTIMONY PRESENTS KE PiCTURE OF S4I FLOODINGAND SINKINGI BARRISTERS, HONOR LAW SOCIETY, WAS FOUNDED BY CLASS OF 19041 TRAGEDY RECONSTRUCTED ELDRIDGE FOR BOARD O4 INVESTIGATION BYI 3 COURT VISITS NAVY YARD IBattery Rooii Was Flooded Withlin 84 Seconds, ContrA Room Within 13 Miiittes (By Associated Press) / BOSTON, March 27.-The battery room of the S-4 was flooded within' 85 seconds and th control room in any time up to 13 minutes after the submarine was rammed and sunk by the coast guard- destroyer Paulding off Provincetown last December, ac- cording to, testimony before the navy court of inquiry at the Charleston! lditor's Note: This is the nineteenth of a series of feature articles on campus in- stitutions intended to (develop their his- tory and major principles or organization and management. "To truly and honestly demean themselves in the practice of a bar- r'ster according to the best of their knowledge and ability" was , the re- quirement laid down by the founders of Barristers when for the first time there appeared on this campu's an honorary senior law society, accord- ing to the rolls of that organization. The group of,. charter members organ- ized in 1904 after much discussion in 1903 by the then junior class as to the place of 'an honorary society in the Law school. The purpose of Barristers is "to BI SHOP.UDGED IRST 'iIN FENSIC ONTE 1Will Bes Gri.nned4Awaird1 Of'$1100 biVr',z work for the social and professional advantages af the Law school of theI University of Michigan" according to its original statement, and the organ- ization has changed very little since its founding as far as its functions and purpose are concerned. During the year the members of the society meet for luncheon in the lawyer's club every other week. At these meet- ings from time to time a faculty man addresses the group; sometimes an outside speaker of note appears at the meetings; and frequently studIent papeis on subjects of mutual interest to the members of Barristers are pre-sented and discussed. For the carrying out the social partr of the purpose as stated, the society formerly gave a dance with the co- NAVAL APPROPRIATION,i UNEMLOYMENl T HOLDB, CONGREISS ATTENTIONi LABOR DEPARTME NT REPORTS OF -N UMBER OF JOB-LESS ARE DISPUTEDI OIL CASES iET 'VACAION Democrats Claim Government l!igulres For tnemployllellt Seek To Ree ".Prosperity" Ilsion ( B Associatcd Press.)" WASHINGTON, March 27--.A smat-; 1i t : 1 Fi[C 1 1 CURRI BLAMES THREE FACTORS FOR CRIME FIGURES IN AMERICA "Many famous criminals betray a factors which need to enter the cal- similarity in facial characteristics culations, such as financial position, which, though not apparent to the social standing, etc., which though eye of the layman, nevertheless exist they do not come under the head of and can be determined by the expert," education are of more importance was the contention of Dr. Nino Curri than that which we know as educa- when interviewed late yesterday after tion and which should be termed in- his lecture before Il Circilo Italiano. struction. Instruction trains the in- "Crime in America," continued Dr. dividual to certain habits, though the Curri, "is due to three factors. Of expected habit need not follow." these factors the shifting of popula- "Women, committing less crimes] tion is the greatest, while the mix- than men, are speciaists in crimes ing of races and special economic which are in inverse ratio to the conditions are the other factors. As amount of physical strength needed. for America's penal code, howevtr, They prefer poisoning their victims here Dr. Curri began to quote from to killing ,them with weapons." a letter which Lombroso wrote to a Dr. Curri thinks that the press is law convention in Chicago, "to this a great aid in the propagation of end the probation system which - has crime. been the great credit of America to i i I I ALL CONTINUE TO RECEIY TICKET APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL B ANQUE INVITATIONS FOR GRIDI 'RAZZFE T' HALVE BEEN PLACED IN MAILS r PASSWORD,BADGE NEEI Faculty And Student Party Deleg Will Be Seated Separately A In National Conventions With nearly 150 applications tickets for the Gridiron banquet navy yard today. VMA Tfhe court, which was appointed by And Gold Medal For Orat on Secretary Wilbur, of the navy depart- On "World Patriotism" n'ie'nt, alAter' the disaster 'here last I '}. SCN January, paid a surprievisit to theM'DONALD TAKES SECOND yard today for a personal inspection of the submarine. William C. Bishop, '28, taking as . ldridge Testifies his subject, "World Patriotism" was Lieut.-Com. Emery T. Eldridge, a awarded first place in the University member of the board of investigation Oratorical contest, finals of which which has been conducting minute Oarical cntilstof which examination of the S-4 since she was were held in Hill auditorium last raised and brought to Charleston, was night. William MacDonald, '29, was the man who reconstructed the hap- given second place by the judges. His penings inside the S-4 after she was topic was 'The Riddle of the Race." sunk for the members of the court to- A gold medal and $100 in cash will day. be awarded to the winner and $50 to Lieut.-Con. John F. Bayliss, who the speaker placing second. The was in command of the Paulding at awards are made from a fund estab-l the tinik of the accident, was present fished by Paul A. Gray,,'90, of De-? at the hearing with his counsel. troit. This makes the second year Under cross-examination, Lienten- that Bishop has placed in the con- ant-commander Eldridge said he 'be test having taken second place last lieved that chlorine gas ,and dense year. Laura Osgood, '28Ed, received smoke drove the S74 crew from the lonorable mention from the judges. control- room, although if the flapper Her subject was "Parting From Puri- valve of the ventilation duct had been tanism." closed immediately the crew would Howard Simon, '30, and Bernard not h:ave been forced to vacate the Goldman, '29, also participated in the compartment. Examination last week contest. Simon discussed the "Use of disclosed that a piece of curtain and Leisure" and Goldman spoke on "This an American flag had jammed the Business of a New Religion."' valve making it impossible to close it. In addition to the cash .award SublnmarIne Was In Control Bishop will ieceive the additional The s nmarine- Ivasi t ss Ihonor of iepreseiting the University the time she was struck, thp witness in the Northern Oratorical league con- said, adding that if the flapper valve.tests May 4 at Minneapolis. '.e was could 'have been clo'sed there might defeated in the University contest last have been "a chance of raising th I year by iss Elizabeth Rabinoff,27 beat as all controls were capable of' Ed. Miss Rabinoff later placed second being -operated." in the league contest at Iowa -City. Le i.t-COmI. George C. Dowling, Robert 0. Miller, '30L, president of pathologist of the Chelsea naval hos- the oratorical association presided atl vital, who superintended the removal the contest. The judges were Profs. of the eight bodies inthe submarine James M. O'Neill, Louis M. Eich, when it was brought here from Prov-IRichard D. T. Hollister, Mr. Lionel incetown, told the court that drown- G. rock r and Mr. Earl E.'iFeleisch- ing was the ultimate cause of death, man, of the public speaking depart- with carbon dioxide, partial. Asphyx- ment. iation, cold, and exposure also con- The universities which with Michi- tributed. t t gan make up the membership -of the The naval court left tonight for Northern Oratorical league are Iowa, Washington where a final hearing will Ninnesota, Wisconsin, Northwestern, be held tomorrow morning with Capt. Minest, Wisrn.iI, Northwestern J. King and Coi. Harold E and Western Reserve. In previous ct th years Northwestern has been awarded Saunders, officers in charge of the S-413 first place and five second Places 'salvage oprations, asM witnesses, the ichigan orators during the same court will review the findings of the period have finished first 10 times and, board of investigation and survey as second five times._ well as that of the board of inquest As in the contest here an award of before giving its final report. _$100 is made to the speaker taking - -----C L -R E 1irst in the league contest and $50 is ,GALE DECLARES .- given to the student who is' second. U NOF CHINA These awards are made by Frank 0. ULowden, former governor of Illinois IS IMPROBABLE who has presented them in every contest since 1900. "'t'hat hi*a will ever be closely united is to be seriously doubted,"' SHEPARD DEFINES Stated Prof. M. Gale of the history de- E IIN.TALK partmlent, in an addlress to the Men's RE I I N I A K Educational club last night at the T Union. "The Kernel of Religion as I See "There are many 'actors iagainst It from a psychological Point of this unification," he said, "as natural View," was the subject treated by barriers are prohibitive to transporta- Prof. John F. Shepard of the Psy- S- __ _ , ,- 4 _ ,_n the fourth of operationof th Vulcans andthtaof Druids, calling the affair the "B-V-D" eng f political skirmishes chiefly -- over unemployment figured as a side- dance, a custom which has been f'ast light on a rather quiet Senate ses- disappearing but which the Barrist- sion today; while the House got back ers hope Ito revive if possible. to work on the naval appropriation A number of men on the faculty of bill, te last of the major appropria- the Law school, including Dean Bates, are members of Barristers and faculty tion measures and passed it. men -are elected from time to time SH1. Smoot, of Utah, started the when the regular membership elec- Senate show, after body had tions for seniors are held. toiled at calendar business for a couple of hours tc find a small hand- ful of small matters it could let go R through without~debate. He used de- partment of labor estimates of 1,800,- 000 jobless as refuting alarming -re- Tports of economic ills, and he broughtI the Democratic hornet-nest around his ears. The Democrats, including Wagner, of New Yor, who started New England Poet, Here For Week, the unemploym-ent foray with the To Interview Students On I resolution calling for departmental Creative Writing figures, insisted there were more like 4,000,000 out of work. TO READ OLD FAVORITES bellmar Deinands.-Survey With that clash over, temporarily Robert Frost, noted New England only, since Wagner is loading his gun poet who is here on a short visit, will for attack, McKellar, of Tennessee, give two public readngs of his poems got started on a long speech support- during his stay, it has been announc- ing his demands for a survey of the ed. The first of these readings will Nicaraguan canal route. The migra- take place at 4:15 o'clock this after- ory bird bill was the subject for noon in the Mimes theater, and the the Senate with Blaine waiting to re- second will take place at the same some the now virtually admitted time and in the same place on Fri- filibuster to kill it. Indications are day afternoon. that they will win out tomorrow as Mr. Frost, who formerly held the flood control must be taken up soon. fellowshp in creative arts and the The House devoted a lot of tim- fellowship in letters at the Universi- to futile e'for'ts of Beggs, of Ohio, ty, has returned to the city for a supported by other Ohio members visit of one week, during which'time chiefly, to pin the navy department he will intervew students, give the down to prompt action for construc- two public readings, and renew old tion of the first of the two 6,000,000 acquaintances. Since he left here 'cubic feet dirigibles already author- more than two years ago he has spent izel. It developed in debate that the varying lengths 'of time at Amiherst esign of the Goodyear Rubber coin- college, Dartmouth university, Bow- siany of Akron, Ohio, is the only one doin college, Connecticut WesleyarieceyvedArythepsrtetn y. college, and the University of the City received by the (prtIve nti of Buffalo, at each of which places Committee work was not highly ex- he has helped students who were in- Commie wor way. hi ex- terested in creative writing. Immed- coaing (lurin theaThe See lately previous to his coming here e coal and cottyon investigators were spen te weks t Ahert ocu-pounding away, hut Teanot Dome was spent ten weeks at Amherst occu- off the boards except for planning by pied with this work. members of that conmmittee as to In hie two readings here, Mr. Frost Ifuture activities. They are not has announced, he will read by re-'treuaytvites. lTheysare ot quest not "his newer and better througli yet with Will lays and other poems but some of the old favorites." Republican national committeepast He has written, however, a number of andpresent oficials. poems since he left here, some or which are now about to be publish- WASBINGTWN, March 27.-Senate ed. . Democrats reiterated their contention During his visit here Mr. Frost is that 4,000,000 persons are out of the guest of J. A. Burshey, dean of work after Senator Smoot, Republi- students, and Mrs. Bursley, and sev- can. Utah, arose in the Senate today have introduced, should be extended so asto have the sentence suit the offender's type and individuality.dThe modern form of slavery should be discontinued." When asked as to the relationship between crime and education, Dr. Cur- ri refused to definitely commit him- self. "Statistics showing connection between education and crime are us- ually unreliable. There are so many ROLIC FAVORS WILL BE GVENOUT TODAY Silver Slave Bracelets With 1Wichigan Seal Dance Tokens Engraved Are - tral conferences with student groups; have been arranged under the auspic- es of the rhetoric department. The poet's only public appearances dui-j ing hs stay here, however, will be the readings to be presented today and Friday. Ito tak em plo3 the ale the In 000. Ear situati spring result GRKAH AMITOITAILK ~zI~ II71LIYII ~ ~ lredic AT CLUB MEETING took S1partnl Prof. Samuel A. Graham ot, the were School of Forestry and Conservation tured will be the chief speaker at a meets ing of the Forestry club to be held But tonight in room 2039 Natural Science their' building. Prof. Graham will speak North tion and communication and thera- chology departm tikl su - -von "Forests and Entomology."'labor ditional antagonism of the various a series of ten lectures being spon Pr of. Graham is chief entomologist and (1 states makes their cooperation well-xI sored by the. Institute of Religious for the Lake states, being connected 4"mout3 nigh impossible. The 'Chinese are [Education. The meeting was held with the federal governument. Ile "trying only alike culturally and are other- 'at 7o'clock Tuesday evening in the has been engaged for some time in sue." w ise similar to a 'separate europe,' Upper room of Lane hall. ot experinments in his field, n ipaking a! sent] mrade up of many hostile states. A lj"Your judgment of what iswot special study of the pineti-moth, calledl that holds China together' is the fear while, your judgment of value,. is and insect -diseases of the spruce cale of outside invasion, against which she Irreligion,"prof. Shepard said in de- trees. He has prepared severalWelch has built up powerful militaryiningre ,articles on the sprucemudwormandi stren~~~~~~~thgy whc hawlboeoariin eiio.- fceapa sho te ~old" Whn oucoe o asfound means wheireby this dis -mwuch shtowa naos fthe vaious j eiesoufacen aequesingih es e mrf.ahbe c sntrhle.nooogs n In 1914, after Pofes or Gale had lifYoefcaaqesinshch. sated t tht-to me a religious question. W hats e m a e ct re d. g pinte iosthsie internationalese salt com- you believeg intellectually about GARGO YLE WILL OFFE mission, ii which capacity he served Uthings in general and in particular xs, untl hs rtun t Amric lst ear iwill make a difference in what your B U T O A P madeti his et mn y o stmeicl st e, ar.!l "Yofrljfe gm a e ,f w at i rh spec. {il s ud fT he F i- C MP (,al e This~ position was one Hof considerable pl1oie a e"hecniud inportalce, as hie was the chief com- Di. CarolinetWilliams of the In the April number of the (sargoyle submil m1issioner for the four central prov- Senitics department gave the second which makes its appearance on the exliod inco te gratin basin whin ashlecture on the evening's program,-- campus tomorrow morning there are ch aPs othgt u asinfuav ia y g g - offered many amusing features. Ini be obit lationh of pver 117 millions and con- "Egyptian fods." addition to the usual run of illustra- Whe tro llig all the salt taxes from this , tion a and editorial matter, this is ea vicinity. s A ARBOR s month's Gargoyle is offering an added the s GE RMAN A IA TS WILL GIVE PLAY feature. In accordance with the wish- their G ERMA NAtInATO m--Sat es -of the B and G boys, as well as ject P ,LA N HOP TODAYGilbert and Sullivan's comic opera those of the student body, an attrac-PingU -htA r sy Piates of enance" wl bnive bounty is being offered for all own, Th.s ss , s rir. CaolPnzance will.bes pre-tsheep on the fly. Things had arrived eradi (By Associated P iesf' c -sented Friday evening at the Masonic at such a pass on the campus that it xpo misionr fr te fur ental rov Seitis dparineveings pogrm.-camus omorowmor.ngtLeeOae4crr e encouragement from the un- yment outlook from the bias of epartenwt of labor reports that nemployed number about 1,800,- ly relief for the employment1 ion through the advance of the and summer seasons and the ing stimulation of building was ted by the Utah senator who comfort also in the labor de- lent' s report that couditionK not as la