THE MICHIGAN DAILY__ ________ I f c ff4 L f r e : I t c 1 i Fio-[S H, KI iEcht Wrestlers Awarded Letters; WIN At ITHACA TEAM Four To compete At Ames. F+rida' COESSAO IR 0 [ 0 D J N ' i: (Continued from Page Six) lbetween Donahoe and Captain Beers was tecotrst in stregli )hown thisoyfthpotoow.foh 158-poundcrw.b the sophomores on the tVo t ceams. Miini To Oppiose SontcrnCe i ioni Two of the men, Captain Watson This same pair battled' in the finals Grodsky was the only one of six Tliinclads On April 7i ttan ex-Captain Donahoe; are receiv- last year, Donahoe had apparently Wolverine new-corners to score; for duos Angele s ing their third award in the tsport, accumulated a sufficient advantage to Jack Moakley's aggregatio, nine !___ while Sauer has won two "'s"The win in the regular period after go-, sophoin-ares secured eight p~laces andl MEECT 'VO BE 4 ARD TTothers, Hewitt,. Thomas, Elliott,? War.- ing behind his rival four times, but raked in 23 of Cornell's 45 point 1 R__S__ ien, and Prescott are receivinglihe timers found the Wolverine' total.' (Seilt h al)their first letters. lakcked two seconds of having a mmii- __ _I__ (Specal toThe Dily)Four, of this number, Watson, ;ute.'s edlge, the time necessary for- PORTLAND-Resolutions hav been URBANA, l\~areli 26--University of, Dona hoe, Sauer, and Prescott will be a. decision. adopted by the six members Io f the Illinois track mien, 13ig 'eni outdoor lost through graduation, while War- Thomas, Donahoe, Sauer, and HFew- northern section or the Pacific coast and indoor chars'pions, are girding ren, Hewitt, 'hlliott and T'honmas will itt will enter the intercollegiate i Conference requesting that radio retrnt~ or th n~clusof hemeet at Ames on Friday and Satur-I broadlcasting of 'football games be themselives .for their long journey 1982iem a.sopd to Los Angeles where they will en- Winning I -9e one first, three, second, ______________________'stopped. ______________ gage the powerful Univer.Sity of and two third places in the annual' ....+.rn.-..r-.....,...... Southern Californi~i squwtd a w ek Big Ten individual wrestling chain- : frmStnd .p io ns i tp meet at Bloomiington,I0 Despite their supr .macy in the Michigan carried off first .placeEr Western Conferenice, the Illini view w it h a total of 15 p o in t s, e . io as regard. the roster of Trojan perform- Northwestern, the nearest rivals. C a p erg. Illinois' achievements this sea- Wisconsin, Indiana, and Chicago tied' son include victories over Note for fourth; Iowa was seventh, Ohiol Dame iand Iow in da7eefs, tfirst ,1aadn iist idfregth n A n o plc nto)i e noo pe n Pilrdue was tenth. brilliant performances in the Illinois Bob Hewitt, who annexed the only Fr A lC as s indoo~r relay carnival, title for Michigan, and Joe Sapora F rA l lse One{ of the brightest spots in the of Illinois easily advanced to the Illinois picture is Abbhott, a young; filial round, and then. the Wolverine ^ distance runner 'who has already! repeated Donahoe's performance of '7 in oe ' ,li c establishled a new Illinois record of last year by defeating the man who, 9:27.6 in the two mile. - bad previously beaten him in the Lyon, Big Ten shot put champion, match which decided the dual meet lSaeSre has a record of '48 feet 10 7-8 inches. title. Earl White has cleared 13 feet 3 1-4 The most closely contested, match_______________________________________ inches in' the pole vault. [of the entire meet was, tle battle _______________________________________ t is COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. LASSI IE IHI C~OLUMN AT 3P.k F~OR REM FOR RENT--2-roorn furnish~ed front coon ferrde. Address 206 ADVERTISING NOTICEr1 "TI- E H ElDELBERG"-Hoie cook- ing'. 307 E. Washingt'n St., will not (close during spring vacation. A~leal .tic.=ets, aisc snigle meals. 135-136-137-1.38-131) MEN-Stop, look, listen. Kriss Kros > representative now in city. Let mc_ explain our free razor offer. Box 35. s 129-135 NOTICE-Two used portable _type- writers for sale. One and two year- o1(1 rspectively. Rea~sonable prices. Catll :3489. E. 11. Munn. C-Tues., Thurs., Sat. NOTICE-Be sure and visit this most modern and efficient Hat Cleaning and Shoe Shining Parlor. Michigan Theatre Bldg. 539 E. Liberty. ( C-Tues., Thurs., Sat. TIWO-TONE. shoes made to your measure. From $6.50 up. Hand-made English style by an English shoe-N Imaker. Corner of South U. and 534 Forest. No connection with any firm of the same name. Only one place. Yes, we do repairing. CI NOTICE-Good food and good service, one, block from campus-thiat's why, you save. Barney's Restaurant, 516 E. Williams. C. Fountaiin Pen Repairing Our skilled Penmakers Service costs- you no more. The only logical place 8Ui E to have your pen repaired. c TYPEWRITER SERVICE ' All makes. No better skill found any- where. Prompt service. Rider's Pen Shop Phone 895;0 C Typewriters For Rent Good machines, your favorite make. Rider's Pen Shop Phone 895.0 C TYPING--Theses a specialty. Rea- sonable rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387. C-77-180 l'ortable Typewriters-New or Usedi 11T WILL, pay you to come to Royal.~ 1ealquarter's and see the New Royal pprtable before you- buy. This "Baby" Royal is already outselling all other ' wakes of portable. " Some Ba by." WAN~TED WANTED-Students to know that our hompe launudry methods give. your clothes personal attention. Moe Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. tC LOST LOST-The back cover for a wr'st1 waItch near Waternman Gynm, (';ll Bob M'ontgomnery, 7617, hasze. I' ke largest selling qtality pencil egrees Superlative in quality, the world-famous V PENUS Buy give best -service and ac longest wear. d oZen 'Plain ends, per doz. $1.00 Ameican Pen~cil, Co., 215 Fifth, Ave,, N. Y. 1. MlgJeisof UNIQUJrThin Lead ;,) Colored Pencils in 12 colors-ro.0o per do::, I3 --, Rider's Pen Shop C TYPEWRITERS-Sales and Service. IAll makes, large and portable, lbought, sold, rented, repaired. Our machines and work guaranteed. I1" Sbusiness since 1908. 0. D Morrill, 17 Nlickels Arcade.: T1ypowriter Ribbons and Carboi. The best you can buy. Always fresh, Rider's Pen Shop C, L 1 I CORNWELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal. Solvay anct Gas. Coke This business ham been growing ever ,ince it was establi~shed, The so 'fit- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly . way. If you think so toro, let's, get toethiev. CORN WELL COAL- COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCKj fr Phones, Office: 4651-4552 Y*rd Ofie: W~2 I / ( I , , I' } HBl smart suit for spring wll ibr]e a worsted ... aud we have a display of both fin- ished and -unfinished woolens which wAilinterest You.. rd Accurately styled'and carefully cut these suits represent very unusual values. fifty dollars and ndiore 4 , 1- !' s 11 I I For 'topcoats m',y we recommend to, ,you oUr three new co Vts: a Camel's, hair coat with raglan shoulder, and iu. I black-or brown at $8 Angora' cloth in many shades of brown and grey" at $ 58; Imported English tweeds and homespuns at $4S. Sring Twe ds and Worsteds~ of, Eydusive. LANLGR\OC.K .appearance. Designs Insure Distinctive GREENWOOD and KILGORE * ~ t, ,Ili Il _ 1_.'1 rt_- - _v_ _ -, ,11! 7*1 - y1 -_ e3MA n - n @ A n.,d