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March 27, 1928 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-27

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of BEAKS Satisfies Veteran
tApI)ed Record VAT ONAL MRK Baseball Mento< rILLFOR OIXI[ TRIPDRL



I i am well satisfied" was the en-
~ tusasic epy Coch Ba ISqluad Of i 16 To Start South Fridaty
« P isher when asked yetrii aboat O akeesFurhSrn
his imp? ession ofMihga1 192 Training Tour
tbaseball squad on the basis ofthe t
performance of the calndidates iiin ~t OhETEeH EM
: >....two practice ga1;"es hlvd the latto ---vt
~.~ part o last week. / (S9pecial to The Daily)I
' 4 aWhile he did ° not soar to the IOWA CITY, March 26-Sixteent
>' rrf yheights of~ superlatives in discutsSing, athletes will probably form the Uni-t
.................... the abilities shown by his mren in versity of Iowa baseball squad which
fvhe will bei the fourth annual train-
...:.ingtrpio the South on Friday,<
._ " . sqad o hrstlitigpay~rs ad tht h Cach ttoVogel announced today.Ii
t( fmscace hnth esn o h eight-game schedule with
openstwo weks Bnce.Dixie teams, the Hawkeye coach ist
The ccomlisment ofhis lead-! making tentative. plans to 'take five
e iams s-infielders, five pitchers, four out-
pecially pleasedCoc Fisher,. TheI fielders, and two catcher's.
-" Michigan tank captain whose tm battiing of his first ta a a littleI Fortified with seven letter, men,
tof :53 1-10 in the' 100 yard free short of what was anti cip~atel, but and seasoned -by some eight weeks
nstyle lowered the national intercol- Coach Fisher called attention to the of work in the Hawkeye field house,
elegiate short pool record of :53 6-10 fact that the first nine was facing ;the baseball team splays its first
-held by Moody of lyinnesota. The the 'best pitchers he had on the gan, 'eon Stra at St. Louis. Then.
-long pool record' is held b~y lron- squad and that accounted for the the men will penetrate farther tow-
-soil of Yale, :53 4-10. . little weakness. The fielding was un- ar(ds the Gulf and will play twoc
________________________________________________________games each with Louisiana State, Tu-
d ______________________________________ lane, and Mississippi A. & M. On
n the return trip north, Washington
d XVIN AT CORNEL_.L ENDS SEASON university will be met' at St. Louis.i
g ______________________________________ Iowa's lineup will be studded with
1B ebr ele "I"men. Blackford, third base, andl
While not the strongest aggrega- lahck on starts though Buck's (lid not Glassgow, short stop, are the dis-.
r tion assernbled for indoor track com- prove costly. After coasting in the' igihd ifiles ad Cptain,
preliminary heat at :07.8, the Wol- Terry, the heavy-hitting putfielder.
f petition at Michigan, it must be ad-i verine leader's starting b 't o c k The pitchers are Mulroney, Corbin,
Smitted that Coach Stephen J. Far-slpe an he erytokapij and Twogood , while the veteran
rell's team acquitted itself nost and was a poor fourith at the get-l catcher is C. B. Thompsonh.
satisfactorily in closing the season away. Though, still behind at 50I Among the other good players~
n with the conquest of the East's i yrsheoni-0. nl 2scn are Porter, Sahs, Allen, and Black-
- tercollegiate champion, Cornell. from the world record. . ford, infielders; Chance, Koser, Fab-
y Handicapped severely in entering From, the Michigan point of view, er, and Rath, outfielders; Clark,
the Conference meet devoid of coin- the most pleasing performance was avid, leadCrsn ices
e petition, the Wolverines came along that of Erickson, junior pole vaulter, and Hillier and Brown, catchers.
- well in the final two weeks of the in his first big chance. He mrade
ecampaign. good to the extent of a tie for first -_____________
No doubt can be entertained but at 12 feet 6 inches. This was es- ''NSI T WLLP, ,T f
e that the performances in the hurdles pecially good in view of the fact SA'DEES OTURLLSAY YOUE T
ywere most outstanding last Satur- that he was competing over the, TAILOR,- ADTE -UCGTYST COT S
day. In addition to Carruthers' dual strange sp~ecially elevated runway, Driye over and, get measured for
0 reet mark of :09.4 for the 75 yard built a year ago to accommodate Sa- your Faster clothes. We have a. very}
.e highs, it so happened that Dan Coop- bin Carr. It is a plank affair aboutI choice selection including some fine
n er's great race in the lows was 'fully 5 feet wide and ai foot high, and it; importations.
as fast as it looked. He reeled off was expected to bother the Wol- ISuits C;eaned and Prieaed, $1,0
the 7.5 yards in :08.2 breaking the vernues-but it didn't. CHIAS. D)OUKAS
dual meet record and equaling the One of; the features of the meet I1:310 South VUni-ersity
dmark for the Cornell Drill hall. (Contin."..n.'ae.Seven
SOn top of that. Aichigan suhport-
-ers should not forget that "Rabbit" r n a
! Kinney, who captured the highs here P N M KE
Iagainst Harvard, stepped over the talil SEE
Ibarriers in the preliminary heat in
Ithe same. record time as that made R d r f r P n
Iby Carruthers in the finals. HIGH QUALITY AND STANDARD PRICES
1 While no complaint can he made inI
that Michigan took -first and second PLUS SNAPPY SERVICE;
in the sprint, b)oth Capt.' "Bucki" Hes- REPAIR SERVICE
rter and. "Snicker" St uch had tough

W in New Laurels BAND AT lITHACA 'uHilt, dlTiit : , lDonal w nA F I n1 113 oc K e ToJur
InEvanston iect ELVESAFAR iey 'To lotw-City Frhlay
DetrotF r Coirnell th atdcoal a~f air with RET:ER INTESA N
Derotmonopolized honors ic RoST'n'es I it SN iad SEASON
Northwestern university's sixteenith
annual interscholastic track and real event-'everything w-as fixed t:) Eight mem'bers of the 1928 Mlicht-
swimming meets by gaining the first acconmnodate the visiting Michigan iawrsln tem ilrcivlt-
three places in the- track competi- team, but more than this, tocerters for their work during the sea-
tion and winning the swimming meet on the hionme squad and lend color Soi which closedl Saturdy wt h
with an unprecedented point total. to the meet. ioeiulcaposi
Detroit Northeastern retained the The Big Red band of about 6;0 1B ig Ten eeacrindividualncamiounshipn
track laurels gained last year by-j pieces turned out en-masse and micet, ac lfordingtonenounement
anmassing 18 points to outscore North-E played all during the evening, fair- day afternoon. This is the largest
western and Cass T'ech, whose totals n rishing much entertainment for the, number of letters ever, awarded in
were 15 1-2 and 12, respectively, four or five thousand people present (Continued on Page Seven)
Showing- the bafst-balancedl high and the roll of dtrums was no negligi -___________________
school swinmming team ever seen in ble feature during the dashes.
the Evanston tank, Highland park Cheer-leading was also way uip oniB O O
overwhelmed all opposition to win a high plane, several acrobats in for thna delit ifuJ
the national crown with a total of front of the bleachers leading those - A 1)VENTURE -
38pitipesv, thunderous "C - 0 - B. -A Tour - A Cruise- or
Victories in both relays, the breast 'N-E-L-L". yll. a Adet Travel
stroke, and the 40-yard free style, , C AuLieble
were scored by the Polar Bears. WASHINGTON, .-Jh . Hz ~ 11 G ebler2
Fela, the sole entrant from Akron, lett of Washington was elected cap- AN N ARBOR0
Ohio, set a new world's interscholastic tain of the W. & J. track team. ---
feeord of 1:06.3 in the 100-yard back __________________________________
In_ the track events,\ Northeastern
of "Detroit, through the brilliant per-I
formance of Eugene Beatty and Lov e
Snowden, won premier honors. Beatty
won both hurdle events, placed third
in the 880, and annexed fourth place Th
in the 50 yard dash. Snowden won
the sprint in :05.4. 46 ig Ten9V O xfor

GETS $100.00!!
rBill anal Jack were typical college boys
always broke! To make their expenses,
they had thought of running everythinig
from a hambur~er stand to a near-beer
1factory -- somehow these plans never
"Bill, we've Pot to sell something that
is good and at bargains prices."
"jack, I've beat you to it."
"The same wonderful idea struck me
the other day when I was looking at a
hole in my sock, so I wrote the Super~-
wear Hosiery Company of 701 First
Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minn., who
cater to college men's furnishings, and
who are the largest advertisers in the
countrv se'in!r men's hosiery exclusively,
direc-t, and just received their complete
selling outfit FREE, and Jack, it's a
knockout! Every color, fabric, and fancy
style a fellow could want! 39. different
styles-and say-they've also got a line
of the snappiest men's silk ray'on under-
garments-one and two-piece suits.
"Jack, I'll have every fellow on lb 4
campus outfitted with a supply of spring
and summer socks and underwear!" 4
"Jack, send for it yourself. there'-
room for several feilows on the campus
with 7,o men buyers. Write thenm to.
dr r for their compete selling outfit."

Looks better and wears
longer--worn by Michi-
gan men the world over
Jor men G Sin~flce 148&

._._.>.r._e. ____________________ .... Li

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