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March 27, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-27

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VOL. 3X7XYVTTT o:M5A._- -- -- - -'


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mrmI# nrnma E i ri rn- E-e 1



Roeli And Spindler Have Disguse4
Activity So That Late Start
Was Almost Unnoticed'
(iy Associated Press.)
BERLIN, March 2.-Eluding th
vigilance of both the Lufthansa and
aerial police, Capt. Herman Koehl
Baron von Huepefeld, sponsors o1
the flight, and Arthur Spindler, a war
aviator, 'as mechanic, took ofi short
ly after 8 o'clock this morning from
Tempelhofer airdrome on an at-
tempt to span the Atlantic with New
York as the final objective.
The single-nmotored plane Bremen
carrying the intrepid fliers reached
the Heldonnel airdrome, in Ireland,
this evening and 'thus the first, leg
of the long journey from Germany
to America had been accomplished.
Captain Koehl took off from the
airdrome in utter secrecy in fasce
of the opposition of German avia-
tion circles. Especially opposed to
the flight was Lufthansa, the national
organization which he had been iden-
tified with and which reiterated its
contention that the east to west
crossing was possible only wih a
triple-motored hydroplane. Koehl
succeeded in disguising his inten-
tions so well that he was enabled
to make a fortnight's preparation for
the flight without his intentions be-
ing discovered.
Tests Motor
For a number of daysKoehl had
been flying six hours daily ostensibly
to test the motor and instruments of
the old Bremen with which he at-
tempted to fly to America last year.
His real purpose, 'however, was not
to attract attention to the start
which he, von Huenefeld and Spind-
ler planned for today. Not even to
his wife did Koehl divulge his full
purpose, merely saying he intended
to make a trial flight to Ireland.
where his future movements would
be guided by English weather re-
DUBLIN, March 26-Starting out in
secrecy on. the first stage of the peril-
ous flight to America, the Junkers
aeroplane Bremen landed at Baldon-
nel airdrome, near Dublin this eve-
ning, and its occupants immediately
took refuge behind another wall of
Phioteld by Capt. Herman IKoehl,
who had the benefit of an unsuc-
cessful start on a westward trans-,
atlantic flight last year, the Bre-
men came humming over Dublin to
find Com. Fitzmaurice aloft in aI
Free State plane, waiting to greet
the arrival of the Germans and fur-
nish an escort to guide them to the
air. station.
As soon as Koehl and his two com-I
panions, Baron von Huenefeld and
Spindler alighted, they began to'
stretch themselves. The Free State
authorities closed the gates to news-
papermen and declined to give in-
formation of the German airmen's in-
Will Not Present
Rejected Plan To
Board Of Regents
The University College proposal,
after having been submitted to all of
the faculties of the University and

irejected by two of them, will not be
presented to the Board of Regents at
their March meeting Tuesday 'night,
it was announced by President Clar-
ence Cook Little yesterday. The state-
ment, as given out from the oflice of
the President yesterday, follows:
"Because of the fact that only a
bare quorum of the Regents will
probably be present at the meeting ofj
March 29, I have decided to postpone
formal consideration of the University
College situation."
The postponement of action comes
close on the heels of a faculty meet-
ing held last Thursday in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts at
which time the various faculty inem-
hers were presented with a question-
naire by President Little designed to
get close to the. heart of the realj
feeling regarding the University Col-.
lege. Both the literary college facul-
ty and the faculty of the Colleges of
Engineering and Architecture have re-


IEditor's ote: ThisI is the eighteenth
a series of feature articles on canpus in-
stitutions intended to develop their his-
tory and major principles or organization
Fand, management.
Galens, junior-senior medical hono
society, was founded in 1914 bya
Egroup of students and faculty mem
bers of the University of Michiga
Medical school. Its primary function
was to act as a buffer betweencth
student body and members of the fac
E ulty of the Medical school. It ha
served for many years to give both
d factions a-n opportunity to argue thei
viewpcints with a chance of convinc-
ing the most influential men in the
faculty ,and student groups of the cor
rectness of idea supported by echl
e body.
Recently the society hasgone a ste
d farther and organized a regular dis-
, cussioa group within the association,
f' which, according to members of Gal-
ens, is of great value in that it gives
Sthe students a chance to practice pre-
-paring and delivering intelligent pa-
rpers on zubjects In which they are
interested as medical students. Te
existing system fulfills a need which
never before has received attention in
the medical departments.
Members of Galens are chosen for
general ability, -character anld person-
ality. The membership of the society
ris limited to 28 tudents and includes
President Clarence Cook Little, Dean
Hugh Cabot, and nearly all of the
prfessors in the Medical school. Dr.
Shepard, To Take Place Of Henderson
As Speaker Before Institute
O Religious Education
Due to the enforced absence of
Prof. William D. Henderson, director
of the University Extension division,
Prof. John F. Shepard, of the psy-
chology department, will deliver the
first of two lectures on the program
of the Institute of RelIgions Educa-
tion meeting at 7 o'clock tonight in
E the upper room of Lane hall.
This will be the fourth of a series
of ten lectures which are being spon-
sored each week by ,the Institute.
The other speaker upon tonight's
l program wil be Dr. Caroline Wil-
liams, of the Semitics department.
Professor Shepard, while undecid-
ed upon such short notice as to his
subject, has announced that he will
speak upon some phase of the psy-
chology o. religidn.. Dr. Williams
will speak upon "Egyptian 'Gods."
She is spending her first year here
at the University, taking the place
of Prof. W. M. Waterman, who is on'
a leave of absence. Her lecture to-
night will be ilfustrated by lantern
slides which she collected while trav-.
elling and pursuing her chosen sub-
Thomas M. Iden, who announced
these changes, also announced that
Professor Henderson and President
Clarence Cook "Little will deliver the
two addresses upon the Institute pro-I
gram, next Tuesday night. The next
meeting will be the last before
Spring vacation. .3

F. A. Coller is Prefect of the organiz
tLion during the present school year.
The society is financed by th a]
nual all-Medic Smoker which is give
* sometime in May. Due to the fact thG
the Galens' entertainment is the onl
a all-Medic event of the year much a
- tention is given to making it a. su
n Before the Christmas holidays, th
- Galens staged a campaign for the co
- lection of funds for the purpose of en
s tertaining the children in the hospital
h at Christmas time. The goal set b
r the society at the outset of the driv
- was about $200, but when the find
count was taken nearly $1,200 ha
- been donated. About $250 of thi
amount was spent on Christmas par
ties for the small children, at whic
scores of dolls, sets of blocks, train
Sbuilding sets, and various other toy
were given to the young patient-a.
The Galens plan to buy two victrola
for the children's wards with the re
maining funds, and equip manua
training rooms for boys between 1
and 15 who are confined to the hospi

s, i

First Annual Dinner Will Feature
Prograntfor Friday; Sarton
to Speak on IItumnanisiu.
The th rty-third annual meeting of
the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts.
and Letters will be held in Ann Arbor
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this
week. Prof. W. B. Pillsbury, of the
psychology department, is president of
this year's meeting of the academy,
which is devoted to research and the
diffusion of knowledge.
According to present plans, more
than 150 papers will b2 read by mein-
bers of the academy during the three-
day convention, while in a general
way the meeting has been divided intoj
1 13 secticns with a chairman in charge
of each section and various papers
prepared for section ses'ions.
The gener~al program will get under
way Thursday afte rnoon ,1.

Professor Joseph R. Hayden, of the
elected a member of the Board of Di-
rectors of the Union at the regular
meeting of the University Senate held
yesterday afternoon in Room C of the PRHIII ON I U
law building. This was the only busi-
ness in the order of the Senate for I NA1nl _ EI
the day, and the meeting was the third SENATOR NE ELY
for the college year of 1927-1928. SECRETARY AVO
The Boa'rd. of Directors is the new BIG PROBLEM
governing body of the Union sup-
a planting the two bodies which former-.A;U S
iy directed the institution. The new .1_LAUDSI
body was effected by the amendment
to th-e constitution recently passed at 'Former Governor's Posit
a general meetiing of the members. Issue Is Clear, His Spol
Decla'es on House F
(By Associated Pre
Washington, March 26.-I
. .I politics for a time today si
- - - slation to the background
~EN ends of the capital with a
in the Senate chiding Secre
University Oratorical Contest To Be er, while in the House a 1
Held At 8 O'clock Tonight In I championed the c'ause of I
Hill Auditorium Illinois, and another advise
ty to nominate Longworth,
WINNER TO SPEAK AGAIN The attack on Hoover w
N ichiolas Logworth. 'by Senator Neely, of Wes
Five student orators, representing Whose ucmination for the Presi- who declared the coinmercE
iv dency was asked in the Ilouse by was U-odgin on the prohib
the three upper classes of the stu- Shaffer, representative froth Wiscon- toadta h onr
dent body, will compete at 8 o'clock sin, during a debate, yesterday. titled to his real views.
tonight in THill auditorium in the U'ni- ..- - ...-s.- - -- T,.. Lwdi'C n' kv m 4,i

< c ock, with a meeting of the coun-
Michigan Was Influenced in Early cil, which consists of this year's offi- versity Oratorical Contest. The speak-
Days by German Educational cers and past presidents, in the Na- ers are: William C. Bishop, '28, Laura
Methods, Speaker Says. tural Science building. Following this, M. Osgood, '2Ed, Bernard Goldman,
Ian illustrated address by Prof. William William McDonald, '29and o-
EDUCATORS TO COME HEREI H. Hobbs, of the geology department, 2, Wiliam
---- . ;will be given at 2:30 o'clock in Natural ward Simon, '30.
"The University of Michigan wa:3 in- Science auditorium. "The Greenland A prze of $100 incash and a gold
fluenced greatly by German univer- Expeditions of the University of Michi- medal will be awarded to the stu-
sity methods in its earliest days gan," will be the subject of Professor dent placing first and a similar award
through the residence of its first presi- Hobbs' address. of $50 is made to the speaker being
dent, Henry Phillip Tappan, in that The Pillsbury Will Speak. I placed second. The prizes are offered
country for several years," said Dean The presidential address will be through the courtesy of Paul A. Gay,
Edward H. Kraus, of the Summer Ses- given at 4:15 o'clock in Natural Sc- '90, of Detroit who has established a
sien, in speaking upon the influence yauditorium by Professor Pills- fund for the purpose.
rmleducational methods upon egeTh Of the five students who are com-
of German euainlmto:upnbPresent Status of Knowledge andl
American education, Monday noon at IKpeting in the contest Bishop and Miss
the meeting of the School of Educa- spection of the annual exhibit, whic Osgood are members of Delta Sig-
tion faculty.will be located on the second floor of ma Rho and Varsity debaters. Bishop
"One hundred years ago, the mns-the Natural Science building, will obtce- took second in the contest last year.
tutions of this country were in a form- i cupy the attentin of the members the Since then he has participated in de-
ative period," he said. "The general rest of the day. All sessions, it has bates with Knox, Northwestern, and
custom was to go abroad for an edu- been announced, are open to the pub- Wisconsin.
cation and to obtain standards from lie, to whoi a cordial invitation to Miss Osgood has been a member of
European methods." English institu- attend is extended. the women's debate team for the past
'tions gave classical courses, and the The main address on Friday will be two years, debating against Ohio-State
clergy had -much to do 'with the ar tC
chool.he feeliingtbetwee the two given by Dr. George Sarton, of Har- ntCbus last year and against
nations was still bitter. France lacked eard university, who will -speak on -
facilities and was in a very unsetled '"History of Science of New Human- ward Simon, the sophomore represen-
stage politically an education~a.11y iism," at 4:15 o'clock in Natural Sci- tative, was a member of the Varsity
se pohit visitos tredua to the ence auditorium. This will e fol- debate squad both semesters serving
Conseutio s turn. toth lowed by a meeting of the council at as an alternate. He was a participant
the more famous Americans who went 5:30 o'clock in the Natural Science in the annual freshman debateof last
thoemyost A ans who a building.wn.year, being a member of the Alpha
to Germany to study and who became Ihe feature of Friday's meeting will Nu team,
nce thei hs e - the First Annual Dinner of th The winner of the contest receives
ward Everett, and Benjamin Franklin. Academy which will be held at 6:15 the additional honor of representing
The German influences now found o'clock in the Union. All members, the University in the Northern Ora-
candidates for membership, and guests torical league contests on May 4 at
divisions into schools aystcolleges, are invited. Following the banquet, Minneapolis. As in the local con-
ad an illustrated lecture by Watr M. test an award of $100 is given to the
placing emphasis upon work, i;impscn, of the Miami Valley hospital winning student and /of $50 to the
free electives,honor systems, and espe- I at Dayton, Ohio, will be given at 8 orator placing second. The awards
caly research work and its cease- o'clock in the New Medical building. are made by the former governor of
quent extension into industry. Exhibit to have Seven Seedons.' Illinois, Frank 0. Lowden who has
"But recent developments in Amern- lThe annual exhibit, which w I be recognized the winners in this way
can education have turned the tide to located en the second floor, west cor- since 1900. 4
a point where German educators are ridor of Natural Science building, will All students in Speech 31, 32, 33,
aow studying the American innova- be ccmlosed of seven sections. The and 34 classes are required to be
ons Dean Kraus said. The ap exhibit rooms will be open from 3:30 present, it is announced. The judges
was reached in 1895 or thereabouts, to 6 o'lock on Thursday afternoon, will be members of the speech de-
was reachedain71895'orothereabouta,
and now the interest ha's turned to and again -at 7.o'clock on Friday partment.
these shores. The things which Ger- moi'Wng. Follwing are the sections
mans are especially studying here 1 which will comprise the -exhibit: an-
and spc~ oci ology, foreestry, geographyThe yX1eahe'r
and putting into use are co-educa- thrope logy, lota.ny, fine arts, econm-ea
tion, more examinations, avoiding spe- cs and sociooy, forstry, geography
cial requirements and opening the uni-_ e and zomlogy.e(By Associated Press.)
versities to those who are fitted to ; to mee as1 f thed Cloudy to partly cloudy; not quite
be students even if without epecial vention. Following are the 13 sec- so cold in extreme westportion to-
preparation along certain lines, pop- tion; an te chairman of each: an- day; tomorrow increasing cloudiness
ularity of working. one's own way ;anor ;and he cairaato wac:naer.
through school, and summer sessions. throwlcgy, Prof. W. I. Wrrell, asso- s
Dean Kraus mentioned in connc-I l)1'0prfessor' of somitcs; botany, CO iaEG
&ate nyI o asNuTuu" COLEG ARE LI
tion with the last pint the coring Prof. Bradley . Davis, of the botany.JLLzd«J
visit of 25 German educators to the fdepartfieiit; economics and sociology, SA YS ROBERT F
University during the latter part of Prof. John V. Van Sickle, of the coo-_ _
April. These men left a day or two nomics department; fine arts, Paul "Colleges are like individuals; they
ago from Germany for America where 11lnore, of Detroit; forestry, John C.
they will spend three months in the eGamp, of East Lansing; geography,1 think the important thing ismor-
study of education of this country. J Thomas, of Detroit; geology advanced,' whereas the really import-
and mineralogy, S. G. Berguist, of tant thing with colleges as well as I
ORDERS OF CANVES I ast Lansing; history andl political i tigwthcleeca ela
science, Paul Al. Conoannon, of the p- Th individuals is to be original."
WILL END T O A YIitcal science department; language 1That, at least, is the opiion of
.V LL END LhA~ri~kand literature, Prof.. Louis I. Bred- Robert Frost, renowned New England
Today marks the final chane for vold, of the Inglis-h department; poet, who arrived here yesteday for
seorsyn mathe y c e orr Imathematics, Alfred L. Nelson, of De- a visit of one week. Immediately, how-
seniors n the literary college to order oit; psychology, Prof. C. H Griffits, ever, Mr. Frost warned against tak-
class canes. Representatives of the of the psychology department; sani- ing his opinion to seriously; though
class cane committee will be stationed tary and medical science, M. H. Soule, in the past two years, since he left
in the lobby of Angell hall from 1 of Ann Arbor; zoology, Carl L. lubbs, the University here, he has visited
to 5 o'clock this afternoon for the of Ann Arbor. a number of college communities and
purpose of taking the remainder of The an-nual biologist's luncheon will come into contact with a large num-
the orders for canes. be held Friday noon in Room 1023 of ber of students.
the Natural Science building, while This has made it possible, ac-
E TR! A TO PLA Y members of the section of for.try cording to the poet, to more
~ YERS' CLUB DANCE willhold a lncheon Saturday noon in or less superimpose the various col1I
the Union. , leges upon each other for comparison;
of Paris, and several other places of Prof. 11. H. Hanford, of the English and in spite of the invariable loyalty
department, is vice-president of this of the student body of each to its ownt
note in Europe as well as numerous year's meeting of the academy and school, the colleges are much the
engagements all over the United Lee R. Dice, Curator in the Museum same in regard to the personnel of
There will le mre than 125 of Zoology, is secretary.' their students, Mr. Frost finds.
Thees wilinaDeOCTOReTOtheaSPEAI1have confirmed myself in my
couplesin attendance the affair, IDOCTOR TOSPEAK life-long suspicion that they are all
according to those in charge . Among1U O +A JLaie nsieo hi mgnddf
the features will be the annual edi- UPON PA~THOLOG Y alke, in spie of their imagined dif
tion of the scandal sheet known as frences, he said. I find literary

The complete program for the com-
ing triennial meeting of all Univer-
sity of Michigan clubs to be held on
Ma 10, 11, and 12, at the Blackstone
hotel, Chicago, has been anounced
by officers of the Alumni association..
The Triennial is to be featured by
business and district meetings for
I much of the time, and noted men have
agreed to speak at these meetings and
also at the various luncheons and
dinners of the convention.
At the Triennial banquet, which will
be held Friday night, May 11, in the
ballroom of the Stevens hotel, the
speaker's list will be composed of
President Clarence . Cook Little, Dr.
Stratton ,D. Brooks, '97l-Regent James,
0. Murfin, '96L, and William R.
Schneider, '10L, who is a candidate
for the governorship of Missouri, and
who resides in St. Louis.t

He went on to explain that being 'ad-
vanced' means merely to be well in-
formed, while greatness in art de-
pends on something more--a spark of
originality (which the poet indicated
by a meaning snap of his fingers.)
One can be 'advanced' by merely keep-
ing abreast of the original ideas pro-


When senior law students and theirc
guests at the annual Crease dance
function move to the -music of Spero's
Gray Fawn orchestra of Cleveland
this Friday night in the spaciousc
lounge of the Lawyer's club, theya
will constitute the first college groupt
to dance to the music of this orches-t

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