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January 15, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-15

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Morning Address Will Be Given In St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church At
Regular Service
Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell, author of
the Grenfell medical mission to La-
brador which has made Labrador
famous, will speak at 11 o'clock this
morning in St. Andrew's church, and
at 8 o'clock this evening in Hill audi-
torium. He will tell the story of his
mission work and relate some of the
experiences which he has had during
the 30 years that he has ministered to
the ills of Labrador's inhabitants.
President Clarence Cook Little will
preside atthe lecture, and Dr. Hugh
Cabot, dean of the Medical school,
will introduce Dr. Grenfell.
Labr~rdor, to which Dr. Greinfellhas,

(By Associated Press)
14.-The American delegation to the
Pan-American congress in Havana
will seek firmly to establish there a
spirit of good will in which to solve
common problems of the new world,
free from all suspicion of aggressive-
ness and dictation.
It was made clear tonight on the
special train carrying President Cool-
idge to the congress that the Amer-
ican delegation will stand squarely on
the policy which the Washington
government has professed for many
years, claiming no special privileges
and undesirous of imposing any selfish
In addition it was stated authori-
tatively that the delegation, headed by
Charles Evans Hughes, is prepared to
face repercussion from the recent
American policy in Nicaragua, which
involves the sending of Marines to
that nation. A viewpoint of the
Washington government, it was made
known, will be presented upon the
double consideration that the trouble
in the Central American republican
denotes no quarrel with the Nicar-
aguan government, and upon the
United States' policy of encouraging
stable and constitutional regimes in



Will Locate )leteorological
Over lee Cap And Carry



devoted his life, is one of the bleakest
areas in North America. It is acces-
sible in winter only by dog team, and I r
in summer only by water, and the
coast is a constant menace to all TOfNA
poverty of the peopl rand athessparse - !U l TOHA C PI L
shipping in Labrrador waters. Theoetofheeplantesar-
ness of the population makes it ex-
ceedingly difficult to travel in Labra- Sunderland To Argue Before Judiciary
dor, and practically nothing is known Committee In Behalf Of Bill
as yet about the interior. Xfhich He Drafted
These are a few of the difficulties I
that Dr. Grenfell challenged 30 years LEAVES ANN ARBOR TODA
ago when he sailed from England to--
be the first medical practictioner that Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the
Labrador had ever known. During Law school will leave today for
the first years he had to practice un- Washington, D.C., to argue before the
der the most difficult conditions, often Judiciary committee of the House of
performing major operations without Representatives in behalf of a bill
assistance by the light of an oil lantern which he has drafted and -which will
in a fisherman's shanty. come up for consideration in Congress
Saw Hospital Needs in the near fture
The need of hospitals soon became Explaining the purpose of the bill
apparent. Despite the extreme diffi- in a recent interview, Professor
culty of obtaining building materials, Sunderland said, "The idea of this
all of which had to be shipped to bill is to provide for the registration
Labrador on fishing schooners, Dr. in any state of judgements rendered
Grenfell has erected four hospitals, in any other state in the United States
located at Battle Harbor, Indian Har- or in-any of the districts. By this
bor, Spotted Islands, and St. Anthony, act of registration, according to the
which are sufficient to provide fairly proposed legislation, the decision will
well for the medical needs of the have the same force and effect in that
people. At the opening of the last state as if it has been handed down
and largest of these hospitals at St. by one of the courts therein."
Anthony last year, King George con- Showing the need for such action,
ferred knighthood upon Dr. Grenfell Professor Sunderland declared that,
in recognition of his distinguished "The constitution provides that such
services to the British empire. laws from other states and districts
To help in bridging the great dis- shall have 'faith and credit' in all
tances between the hospitals, how- states of the Union. However Con-
ever, Dr. Grenfell cruises the coast gress has never provided for the en-
during the season of open water in forcement of the provision. Conse-
his hospital ship, the Strathcona. The quently a lawsuit has been necessary
coming of Dr. Grenfell to the various in order to obta 'faith and credit
varousin he the stte.Thenewlaw pro-
villages along 'the coast is regarded osin the iother state. The neceswsary force
by the people as the most importantI isthe cntiutinalsproiso
event of the year. In addition to min- I
istering to the physical ills of thepeo covering this point."
ple, ;Dr. Grenfell acts also as magis- The bill, which Professor Sunder-
trate, performing marriages and set- land drew up as a member of a com-
tling legal disputes, as pastor, con- mittee of the American Bar associa-
ducting religious services, and as gen- tion, has met with the approval and
eral adviser and counsellor in times --t b
of stress. By Intimate PLANS ARE MADE
Those who know Dr. Grenfell are TO COLLECT DUES
enthusiastic and unanimous in their
praise of the man. Dr. Hugh Cabot Final arrangements have been made
characterizes him as a prophet; Mrs. for the collection of all class dues
Hilda Ramsay, an Ann Arbor woman from all classes on the campus next
who served as a nurse at one of his week on Tuesday and Wednesday, it
hospitals last summer, calls him a was announced by Charles Gilbert, '28,
"perfectly unique, absolutely fearless chairman of the Student council class
character." Dr. Eberbach of the Uni- dues committee yesterday. A meeting
versity medical 'faculty, who had of all class treasurers will be held at
charge of the medical work aboard a o'clock tomorrow afternoon in room
the Strathcona last summer, says of 302 of the Union, at which time an-
Dr. Grenfell, "He is the finest per- nouncement of final plans will be
sonality with whom I have ever come made.
in contact." Besides beiig a master All class treasurers are expected to
of his profession, Dr. Grenfell is a de- attend this meeting at the Union Mon-
votee of sports, an author of note, and day and those who fail to appear will
a ship pilot of no mean ability. be called before the Student council
To illustrate his indomitable, fear- to explain their action.
less spirit a story is told by friends The system of collection which will
of Dr. Grenfell of an occasion when he be used this year will be the same as
drifted out to sea on a piece of pan that followed previously. Student
ice with his dog team when the ice council receipt books will be distrib-
broke away from the shore. He killed uted to all of the class treasurers, and
the dogs one by one for food, and each treasurer will have to account
making a mast out of their bones, for the money collected to the treas-
flew his red shirt from the masthead, urer of the University who will handle
finally attracting help from shore the money.
\Vhereby he was saved. A small portion of the dues of each
woman student will be given to the
BROMAGE WILL SUCCEED REED Women's League building fund, and
for this reason all of the receipts of
Arthur W. Bromage, of the poltical women students will be stamped.

Three mem-bers of the Second Uni-
versity Greenland expedition left the
base camp atop Mt. Evans yesterday
to fight their way inland over the ice-
cap as far as is practicable and es-
tablish a meteorological station at
which they will collect data until the
lack of food or the approach of spring
drives them back to Mt. Evans.
The three men are Henge Bangsted,
Danish explorer, who is in command
of the expedition, Prof. James E.
Church, '92, of the University of Ne-
vada, who will have charge of theE
meteorological work of the trip, and
an unnamed Eskimo helper. They will
make the trip with a dogteam ail
sledge, and will dig a cave in the
snow, which will be their home for
the month or two during which me-
teorological data will be collected .
The three men are provided with pem-
mican, a special preparation of beef,
which has long been in use in the
cold regions,and five of their dogs will
be slaughtered when they have reach-
ed their destination, to eke out their
provisions. The remaining dogs will
be fed on dried fish taken in on the
Word Received By Wireless
Word of their leaving reached Prof.
William H. Hobbs of the geology de-,
partment, director of the Greenland
expedition, Friday night, the message
being a part of the regular nightly
wireless conversation carried on by
the local H. 0. T. C. signal corps with
the short-wave radio transmission
station in the base camp on Mt. Evans

Opportunities for interesting work
and practical training in journalism
will be open on The Daily at the be-
ginning of the second semester for
all freshmen, whether experienced or
not, who wish to try out for the staff.
Meetings will be held in the first week
of the semester, and all prospective
staff members are urged to visit the
Press building as soon as possible
'after examination weeks.
Tryouts will be given a chance to
learn various fields of newspaper
work in the office of one of the larg-
est, and the third oldest, college
daily in the country. Thirty years
development has resulted in an or-
ganization and methods closely ap-
proaching those of the leading profes-
sional journals. On the editorial staff
of The . Daily, there are opportuni-
ties to learn and develop ability in
writing, gathering news, editing, and
a wide range of technical processes in
the production of a daily newspaper.
The business side offers practical ex-
perience in writing advertising copy,
sales wvork in circulation and adver-
tising,wstaff management, problems of
make-up, arrangement and relative
space values, as well as accounting
and collection work.
On both sides ofs theorganization
freshmen wii be assigned to certain
types of work, but will be shifted
Small C orporat ions Will Benefit By
Cu t In Tax Rates, 1Loward Declares
"Reduction of rates on taxation of
corporations earning $25,000 or less
in a year as contemplated in a bill
now before Congress will mean a
great deal to thousands of shopkeep-
ers and small corporations all over
the United States irf this 'bill is
passed," stated David C. Howard, a
well known member of the West Vir-
ginia bar when questioned concerning
the present tax situation in the
United States. Attorney Howard
spent the week end in Ann Arbor,
delivering two addresses on the

. ,

frequently in order that they can be-
come acquainted with all the differ-
ent fields. The entire system is on a
competitive basis, but there is no
definite selection or appointment
made until the end of the semester.
Further information will be pub-
lished occasionally, and announce-
ment of the definite time for try-
outs will be made after. examinations.
In the meantime, however, anyone
who is interested is welcome to dis-
cuss the matter with George H. An-
nable, '28, Assistant Business man-
ager, for the business side, or Philip
C. Brooks, '28, Staff Editor, for the
editorial side at any time in the offices
in the Press buliding on Maynard
Paul Kochanski Is Fourth Attraction
Regular Series; Made His
Debut lit 19121
Paul Kochanski, youthful Polish
violinist, will make his ann Ann Arbor
bow in Hill auditorium next Wednes-
day night when he will appear as
the fourth attraction of the regular
concert series under the auspices of
the University Choral Union.
Kochanski made his American de-
but in 1921 under Walter Damrosch,
conductor of the New York symphony
orchestra, and the circumstances that
attended that occasion have marked
hinm as individual in the musical field.

Beckner, f........... 5
Correll, f (c)........ 2
McCracken, c......... 4
Scheid, g ............ 1
Wells, g ............. 5
Strickland, f.........1
.Starr, f.............0



18 5


Oosterbaan, f.......:. 6
Harrigan, f and g (c). 1
Chapman, c......... 2
Rose, g and f....... 3
McCoy, g............4
Gawne, f............1
Free throws missed:



2 1
3 2
1 0
0 3
2 1
0 0


8 7 42


Beckner 2, Correll 1, McCracken 4,
Scheid 1;; (Michigan) Oosterbaan 2,
Harrigan 2.
Satisfactlion Is E1xpressed By Officials
Of University At Way In Which.


at the head of Soendra Stroemfjord, special topic of taxation.
or Kangendlugssdak fjord, as it is "Under the present system, namely
called by the Greenlanders. the income tax law of 1926," he de-
While Bangsted, Church, and the es- dared, "There is a straight rate of
kimo are on the ice-cap they will be,
entirely out of communication with 13 1-2 per cent federal income tax on
the outside world. Speaking of their incomcs of $25,000 or less with allow-
trip, Professor Hobbs said yesterday, anc of $2,000 exemption. On the
"The trip has its hazards and diffi- other hand partnerships of which
culties, but the promise of important there are many in existence, of course,
scientific results from this expedition pay a much smaller r:ate of tax and
is very great, and this warrants the l are naturally free from corporation
risks which must be assuned." taxes of any sort. Consequently when
Bangsted, however, has already in a group of men, in order to limit
the winter of 1926, spent six weeks their liability under the law, form a
upon the ice-can. He is the onyman corporation, they are forced to pay a
known to explorr hoh rt much larger tax than if they had
tempted anythinglike the asentt- simply formed a partnership. I am
temptd tainth e present speaking, of course, only of those
tmt t o live on the ice-cal), 'an who fall under the earning class do-
therefore knows the work as well as ;whodfabune.n
anyone can. In many ways, however tinedI above.
the trip will be a pioneering expedi- To remedy this situation," he con-
tion, fraught with as many dangers ti;;nueA1 "Andrew Mellon, whjo is'
nd difficlte atSecretary of the Treasury, proposed
and dfculties as attempts to reacha bill which was to have corporations
the pole. The men are all volunteers. in the earning class mentioned treat-
Teae ourth aitoii '1ed the same as if they were partner-
The cave which Bangsted, Church, ships. Now, it is immediately obv-
and the eskimo will dig in the snow ions, that such a solution is most im-
will be the fourth observation sta- practical, for in many case's it would
tion of the University of Michigan in involve extremely intricate work in
Greenland. The central one is the base handling the federal income taxes due
camp on Mt. Evans; Professor Hobbs e tha mansu coror
is also paying a Danish official in HoI- tioans have more than just a. few
stenborg to record the instruments stockholders who would have to file
which have been furnished him-, and their income as under a partnership,
the University expedition is cooperat- namely through the personal income
ing with a smaller expedition on the tax items. The House of Represen-
other side of Greenland under the di- tatives voted this down and thus de-
rection of a Rumanian, Dr. Dunibrava. feated Secretary Mellon's plans."
The principal object of the Univer- "Since that time," Attorney Howard
sity expedition is to study the unique added, "a new proposal has been
air circulation over the great Green- brought up which will be more feasi-
land ice-cap that covers the entire in- ble and obtain the desired result if
terior of Greenland. The glacial an- passed. It is suggested that the ex-
ticyclone which centers about this i1ce- cmption on corporation incomes, of
cap is the source, thinks Professor $25,000 or less be increased to $3000
Hobbs, of the violent storms which and that a graduated scale ranging
have long been so disastrous along from six per cent on very small cor-
the Atlantic seaboard. porate incomes to 11 per cent on
It is hoped that in' time it may be those approaching $25000 be adopted.
possible to predict these storms, and This bill was substituted for the de-
broadcast warnings by wireless to the feated one by a vote of approximate-
ships and airplanes. On two occa- ly nine to one. Whether it will be
sions during the past summer awl passed or not, is of course, for the fu-
fall these hopes have been distinctly tune to decide, but it might do a great
vindicated, although it is as yet too deal toward inproving the present1
soon to make any promises of future rather unfair situation."
Itmma ldI I n ~iUirLti a.

Unlike most prominent European mu- Project Has Worked Out
sicians of the present day, his suc-
cess dates from his endeavors in this READY TO SHOW ALUMNI
country. He was not heralded as pos-
sessing exceptional talents before his The University moving pictureI
appearance here, but after that he was was given its first showing yesterday
signed immediately for five weeks morning to a small specially invited
with the orchestra. group of persons at the Union. The'
Kochanski's studies were begun un- picture was shown without titles and'
der his father at an early age, and unedited before Christmas, but merely
le afterwards studied under Mlynar- for the purpose of allowing Univer-
ski and Cesar Thomson in Brussels. sity officials to criticise it. The film
There lie won within three yeras the has been cut to five reels, and is in
coveted Grand Prize, made a London fine 'shape for presentation by alumni
debut, and came back to Warsaw as organizations throughout the country'
professor at the conservatory. After which have asked for it.
a short time he was appointed to a University officials expressed ex-
similar post at Petrograd, succeeding treme gratification at the way in
Leopold Auer. Shortly ,after this he which the film has worked out, and
came to London and America. Since are highly pleased with the produc-
that time he has been in demand in tion. Originally planned as a means'
many foreign countries, and has tra- of bringing alumni in closer contact
yelled in Germany, Russia, Spain, with the University, the film has
Greece, Turkey, Egypt, South Amer been scheduled to be shown at alumni
ca, Cuba, and Canada. gatherings throughout the country. It
Critics here amd abroad have pro- will be presented in Ann Arbor next
nounced Kochanski's work to be now Saturday, when more than 500 alumni
atitse highsit decred tht hs will gather for the Centennial send-
aits highest point, declared that his dinner to be held at the Union
i wuthful spirit and vigor have comn- that night, and will be shown March
bed with technical mastery to ro- 19 for the student body in Hill audi-
uce a perfect sincerity and maturityorium. This second showing will be
T e prgram for the Wednesday under the auspices of the Women's
.ht c onrw hW pulsdaleague and a small admission will be
night concert which was published mu charged.
earlier has not been amended but will The moving picture itself was filmed
be played as issued first. There are a under the direction of the Metropol-
few tickets remaining for the attrac- itan Moving Picture company of De-
tion, and these may be' obtained at the it, wosm Picture many of D.-
Schol f Msicoffcesfro ~troit, whose general manager, A. B.
School of Music offices from Charles Jewett, took personal charge of the'
A. Sink. The single tickets are pric- operations. The filming was paid
ed at $1.50, $2, and $2.50. from the regular University budget,I
and occupied more than a month last
MARINES ARRIVE fall. A large number of prominent
AT CORINTO PORT faculty men are included in the
A CT P Tscenes and especially effective among
the pictures taken are those of the
(By Associated Press) Clements library and of the football
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Jan. 14 - games played last fall. A number of
With the arrival at Corinto Monday rare volumes possessed by the library1
next of several United States ships are shown in the scenes taken there.
carrying 600 marines, aeroplanes, mu- Several excellent pictures of the]
nitions, and other supplies, and with engineering shops and laboratories'
the coming of Maj.-Gen. John A. Le- have also been included in the picture,1
jeune and Brig.-Gen. Logan Felaud, in addition to scenes from practical-f
definite plans are likely to be put into ly every phase of University activity.
effect immediately for the campaign
against the former liberal general, FLYERS WILL TRY
Sandmno, who has been active in the NE
region of Nueva Segovia. ' FOR NEW RECORD9
For the umoment the rebels are in (By Associated Press){
concealment. Col. Mason Gulick, MITCHELL FIELD, New York, Jan.-
commanding the marines, believes a14-Undaunted by failure today to es-~
they are hiding in the dense forest tablish a new record for duration fly-
awaiting the passing of the marine ing, after a gruelling struggle for
and national guard patrols. Marine more than 51 hours, Clarence D.
aeroplanes, which returned from Nue- Chamberlin 'and Roger Q. Williamsl
va Segovia last evening, reported that tonight were planning to start their
no rebel activities have been noted third joint attempt at dawn Monday.
in the last day or two. ' The fliers came down out of thet
Four or five planes fly to Ocopal skies at 2:04 p. m. today, having ta-
and Quilali every morning. They are ken off at 10:12 a. m. Thursday, in
under instructions to bomb any sus- an attempt to break the present world
I pected hiding places where rebels record of 52 hours, 22 minutes and 31
might be located. On several occa- seconds, held by Germany.-
sions groups of rebels have been They were hollow-eyed from fatiguet


Visitors Stall Successfully, Keeping
Possession Of Bal Continually
For Eight Minutes
" By Herbert E. Vedder
Thrilling a monster crowd beyond
description, Michigan's battling Wol-
verines tore through a furious game
that was more than basketball to
annex their first Western Conference
victory at the expense of a fVt
breaking Indiana five last night in a
whirlwind finish. The final score, 42-
41, merely tells the result,aand In no
way describes what was the greatest
battle ever staged in Yost field house.
Every man on the Michigan team
played fine ball and each one lent
himself to teamwork, making forea
smooth combination.
Bennie Oosterbaan was high point
man of the game with 14 points but
all of the others deserve equal credit.
Capt. Frank Harrigan, though mak-
ing only one basket and three free
throws, played a fine floor game and
passed unselfishly.
A most gratifying feature of the
game was the work of the Maize and
Blue five under the basket; the Oos-
terbaan-Harrigan combination was
working at top speed.
McCoy Is Effective
Ernie McCoy played well offensively
and defensively and was most effec-
tive at taking the ball off the back-
board. Rose was assigned the hardest
job of the evening, watching Art Beck-
ner, but fought all the way. Bob
Chapman, sophomore center, showed
up excellently, getting the tip most
of the time, and playing with the cool-
ness of a veteran.
But in 'listing the Michigan honor
roll it would be nothing 'short of
criminal not to mention Dick Gawne.
He went in with less than five
minutes left and the score 36-31 and
played faultlessly, slipping com-
pletely away from the Hoosier de-
fense to take a pass the full length
of the floor and drop the ball through
the hoop to give Michigan a 41-38
Attacks Superlative
It is doubtful if any defense ever
devised could have stopped Indiana
and Michigan last night. The attacks
of both teams were 'superlative though
there were bad lapses in defense, and
at the close of the first half the
score was 25-19 in favor of the
Wolverines. Indiana's worst defi-
ciency was in free throws as they
scored one more basket than Michi-
Within two or three minutes after
play wa's resumed, Indiana broke
loose with a vengeance. McCoy sank
a free throw to put the Wolves back
in the lead and Rose's basket brought
the count to 28-25. A basket and
free throw by Scheid tied the score.
A moment later Wells againamade an
uncanny shot to give Indiana a 3-28
lead which they clung to tenaciously
by a wonderfully well executed stall-
ing game.
After six m'inutes of this the Hoos-
ier spell was broken, Oosterbaan mak-
ing good on two gratis shots to tie
up the game. Strickland made a bas-
ket and McCoy a free throw. Then
Beckner and McCracken shot two
baskets and the Michigan cause seem-
ed hopeless with the Hoosiers leading,
36-31 and starting to stall again.
The Wolverines, however, broke this
up in short order and adopted a
shooting game. Chapman put one in
from the corner of the floor and Mc-
Coy added another two points. Ooster-
baan finally dropped one in from the
foul line to give the Wolverines a
37-36 edge.
Hoosiers Lead Again
The edge was of short duration,
however, as Captain Correll's basket
put the Hoosiers back in front. This
lead vanished, too, when Oosterbaan

tipped one in and Gawne put Michi-
gan in what looked to be a command-
ing position by his sleeper basket.
Captain Harrigan and Beckner each
made good on a double foul and the
score was 42-39. McCracken brought
the Hoosiers within a point of Mich-



VI w I r 13 2 r iriac){)i r ;iii. W L
Northwestern..........3 0
Fire, breaking out in the cellar, Wisconsin............ 3 0
completely' destroyed a double farm Purdue ...............1 0
house, two miles south east of the city Minnesota ............1 1


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