PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY r: na _ rcT1 2 , ,2 STTNJ)AY, MARCH 25, Th2S FOOBAL EADR S'MEDAL OF HONOR CHOSEN AS DIRECTOR FOR FRESHAIR CAMP1 5 r Rf1(1 D1ESC RIBES l :(i Yti l~H MUST HAVE__EXPERINCEI M~emibers ofVoolb-alIl eaa lC111 ilDCniinin A 'aili.. "'Men who are chosen as councilors for the Student Christian Association fresh air camip have a chance for sell realization," saidl George F. IRich '30L, who has been chosen as student lead- er of the camp for the connling suam- mer. "The examile th]e m gi s t:i~i keep) for thle boys mot a r tends fo aid theon in making of I li< r summer one of worth and lbe'nefit." Rich, who is captain of the 1028 fo tball team, saidl that he ex]pects5to get quite a niumbner ofthtle foot ball squad as councillors at the camp, but that they, as all others, would have to qualify with the piroper characlter This is the Congresional Medal ofI and experience. No man is to bee honor awardled to (Col Charles A. allowed to be a. leader at the camp) Lindbergh recently by -special action who ha's nwt had pirevious scout or' of Congress. It. wans presented to him Y. M. C. A. camp experience, has not: by President Coolidge. the (quality of leadership, or is not in -________________________ terested in being around young boys. '12 andl 16 who would otherwise be un- Rieh said that hie has 25 contracts, but that only from 10 to 12 men are a ble to spend a pirofitable and healthy now eede. B wil kep oficesummecr. Rich said that they are pre- hours, in order to see all candidates, pared to take care of 100 boys this from 7 to 9 o'clock at Lane hall for summer, taking them from the local the first four drays of anext wek. agencies in four section's of 100 boys CaInl) At Pttiersoni Lake each. The camp is equipped with The camp is conducted each sum- n-er' by the Student Christian A'~o(i- tena tents for the boys, and in each ation at an ideal' spot on Patterson tent is one councilor. All regular Lake, not far from Ann Arbor, for the camp activities, such as swimming, benefit of boys between the ages of track, baseball, hikes, nature study, Detroit Enthusiasts STAEBLER MUST APPOINT Hold Flying Exhibit lEIGHT TO CITY OFFICES{ F ollowing the swearing in ofthe For the purpose -of stimulating ini-E new city council after the election terest in Ann Arbor schools, an exhni- of April 2, Mayor Edward V. bition of model flying was given yes- tedyafternoon in the l'niversi*y Staebler will be called upon to ma ke hghscol gymnasium by four' De-! eight appointments to city of ice. tr-it model plane enthusiasts. The This group includes the positions of di~play was under the direction of icity attorney, city treasurer andI rL. Byrn of University high school member of the police commission andl George Ross of the Ann Arborl which have been controversial mat-1 public schools, each of whom is head ters among council members for al-I i of the industrial arts department ins most a year.1 his respective school. The five year term of Titus Huet- AramAhgria, oe oftheDotoitzel, lpresidhent of the board of pub- camp fires, and boating, are held, lie works, ternkinates in May, as does Incidentally Rich expects to do the term of Michael Fritz on the some football training with the F alhlyouith,., who holds the world record squad candidates who are at the camp fo indoor model flying, flew his prize as councilers. There is a special need winning plane in the gymnasium. An- for an athletic director, a,(doctor, and noun c'^ment was made by Mv. Ham- a swimming instructor this summer, burg, secretary of the Modlel Airplane and Rich expressed1 the hope of oh- League of America, of the national taining these men from among the Co nte, t which is t:, be held at 'the ranks of the students of the Univer- Olympia in Detroit the latt er part of sity. The camp furnishe's the coun- JIuno at which more than 3i00 con- cilors with free room, board, and t estant s are expected to compltete. laundry, and a. small remuneration Mr. B~yrn stated that there is wide for the summer's work. "You get interest among pupils here, as shown something from that camp that you I by the enthusiasm of members of the cannot get in college," Rich added. Model Flying club formed recently. IF - A ark. board. Frank B. lDevine will have colas- hpletedl his three years of service onl the board oft polie - commnissioners inI May, and Philip Schumache 's term as fire commissioner expires at the same time. Dr. John A. \Vessmn- ger's term as a, niwmber of the boardl of healthbaliso closes then. These appointments are madle by ;k the mayor subject to the approval of the cit y coun cil. As t he mayor has asserte(d( that lie did niot intendh to re -sulbmit ap~pointmlents to city at- R orney, city treasurer and niomber of the board of policecommissioners' until after the net coluncil was ")seated, it is probale ~ t lc e eight npplointmemts will be made at one 11110. REPAIRING We sell and service all makes of Typewriters The Largest and Best stock to select from in Ann Arbor, backed by skilled service. at River's Peen Shop Phone 8950 ALL MAKES r Sunday Chicken Dinner at the Ann Arbor Restaurant I I' I 5UNUUL I PISl All Expe'nses Including round trip, steamipii fare for 'Two $*750 Direclted by WIoir A. lDesi Thi nis Arraniige d by I'd -Ti'a~vel Clubi, Grandl114 Rap ~idsi, Miehll . Serving at all hours. We serve only the hiighest quality of chicken. Try it and we are sere you will recommend it to your friends. E i , 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET -H ' " . fi 12r2.I''c.T i ar2RIFO [ 'c .1 i 'rJ('e t t _1"°c.fc .12J .1 '. cJ . t ic.P c 3C C 'c. ' l i. r' '° c? 2Pc3 cam'., American Rug Cleaning Works We Invite Your Inspection of Our Complete Line of Rugs and Carpets Cleaned-Sized-Repaired 1032 Green St. Phone 8115 Wedding Invitations, amts, Visiting Cards Wedding and Social Announce- Stationery 'I The Superior Quality and Reasonable Prices Will Surely Please You i U I Diamonds Watches 4 Clocks o Jewelry Ability and Reliability Our experience of many years in the build,,:ng of fine homes, is avail- able to. you-Hundreds of the bet- ter homes in Ann Arbor are the re- sult of our efforts. Ann Arbor Home Builders,. Inc. F'. 1P. C'ory, tPres. S. Seliuall , V. P1. E. It. Sit t;i, Sec.-Trens. Y 11 id VV. Arm R.'s UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Iligh Grade Repair Service 1251) N. Main St. Phone 730 /,... A March Calls for Waiffles and Maple Syrup and the Lincolns specialize in serving the best you ever tasted -rich golden brown, butter crisp waffles. You'll say you'ye never tasted better. SPECIAL SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNER SLINCOLN RESTAURANTS I; 13. HURON 8111. 233 S. STATE S. wi Lafayette at Sheb SHUBERT hLyAFAYETT E DETROIT1 Cadillac 8705 ; 1 4A II'. I Week Only, Opening Monday Night 'William Morris Presents sir Harry Lauder FISIIBRAND VARSIT Y SLICKERS The most stylish and practical rainy day gairments for college men and women. ASK FOR FISH BRAND ~~f~ THlE GENUINE WATERPROOF SLICKERS BY NAME VAIEDCLOF TYLES YOU~R DEALER YAND CYOTLRS j HAS THEM -I, RI JDCLR 3A. J. TOWER C. BOSTON MAS S. I -"EVER NEW" f- Fol lowing is New York IR j11 'rfle L a jgh-Creat ni'Supre me" In New Sonigs andl Old Fav orites-C-(ompany of ClIever Euatert imei's "IEVER NEIV" In New Songs and Old av~rite -('onala o f (Cleve'r Entfertainiers. "Left an Anucie (ItCeering for :dote."-N. 1. 'Times. PI'ItES-NIl( EH T S-S'.;>f, $2.09, $I . )O, $1.00), 7. 3IAT1NE S1 5 2.0(j, $1.W(, $1.00,, 40c. Plus tax. I " Q 9 Lunch Chicken Broth with Noodle Head Lettuce 1000 Island Dressing Celery Hearts Olives Roast Young Capon Sage Dressing-Giblet Sauce' Mashed or Candied Sweet Potatoes French Peas, Stewed Corn or Spiced Beets Ice Cream or Cake .Bread or Rolls_ Qk ;:::._ t j-.-- N . SU- .-iI N. Wallace Beery III "Casey at the Bat" r 1- A surkiing comed~y of thle List4)ll1 dial. m~ond~, 'iith' Zeer STARTING THURSDAY -And On the Screen- ERTRUTDE AZ~ '7S E Itr,: t ; I