SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PG If T'. GE T'1 .TP .._. . \ r! //t11 LE'AGUE WILL #PLACE SOCIETYN~ COBNBSTO [ BE~ ['t The Junior Girls' Play is attracting TH~kt ,,Ymay guests to Ann Arbor this week- BUILDNG lend.Those who are being entertained BUILDNG TH RSDA at the Delta Zeta house are Eleanor Horny, Mary Dunnigan, and Alice ---- Feistier cf Detroit, Hazel Hub and .ALTUNI AND JREGENTS WILL BI Mrs. Becket of Cleveland, and Vir- REPRESYNTED) BY ginia Gillette of Tecumseh. SPEA KERS Enitertain Deams The members of Gamma Phi Beta BAND WILL PARTICIPATE entertained the (leans of several of ______the schools of the university at a din- Betty Nutt, P'res ident, Will Preside At Ceremony; ;Mary Whlite To Sumnmarize History IPlanis for the cornerstone cere- nony to be iheld at 4:15 Thursday, March 29, on the league lot, have been comlpletedl, it was announced yesterdlay. Betty Nutt, '28, president of the Women's League, will presidel at the ceremony. Mary White, '29, who will represent the undergradu- ate women, will open the ceremonyl with a summarized history of thel League, comp~iledl by Mrs. Wark- icy and Miss White herself. Mrs. Vandenburg of Grand Rapids, who has been very active in the un- dlergradul ate campa ign, will repre- sent the alumni, andI will readl the list of articles to be0 placed in the cornerstone box. Dr. Sawyer will give a short mesage from the Re- gents of the University. President Clarence Cook Little is to' lay the cornerstone1. The University band will also pa~1rticip~ate in the ceremony, which will 1be brief and very simple. iEvery- 'ner en Wednesday. The guests were Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Wilber R. Humphreys, Dean and Mrs. G. Carl Huber, Dean and Mrs. Emil Lorch, Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Miss Beatrice Johnson, Miss Grace E: Richarson, Miss.Ethel McCormick, and Dr. Margaret Bell. ,lnmdors Are Guests The members of the Junior Girls' Play cast have been entertained this week at their respective houses and- dormitories. Spreads have been given in the houses and at tea rooms~. Among those who entertained are Helen Newberry Residence, Betsy Barbour House, Martha Cook Build- ing, Delta Zeta, Sigma Kappa, and Pi Beta Phi. Anniounces New Patroness Kappa Delta announces a new pa- troness, M~rs. Walter F. Hunt, of Ann Arbor. Patronesses of the chapter will be the guests of Alpha Omicron Pi next Saturday at the bridge tea given for the benefit of the Women's League. Alumnae To See Play Three alumnae,- Mrs. John ;Hume of Mulskegon, Miss Ruth Layman (of NEW LEAGUE LIBRARY HONORS THE -WMO, RY AOF JESSi E HOR TON KESSLER ,,. iPOMJNN T ALUMNA! ii 114 , " ter---' ?° -- t r- U l~ - 1 R t , ,.A f r 'n I f;{ ^r Z E t ti, i~~~ ~ ~ tly ll. '.-1 , _ a(fI; b I t 1Ca}. MICHIGAN CLUBS IN NEW YORK TO! SPONSOR CONCERT' Min~le. Crazier Ozinun, a former St u- dent, in the Vanivcrsity Schrool oft music, will make her debu~it in New York on March 210. As a. student in Annr Arbor, she was a member of the choral union, and she has also been on the May festival plrograms. Mtine. Ozmun comp~letedI her study inl Ger -I manmy and :Paris.I Mie. Ozmrun comcs fh'o in a family of MVIichigan people. Heri fatheor, Al- [red Crozier, graduatedit roni the Michigan law school inl [880, and her Elizabeth Struthers Dies Of Pneumonia- Elizabeth Struthers '29, daughte-raof 11r ;and Mrs. 0. B. Struthers of P'leas- ant Ridge, died quite suddenly at 10:30 o'clock P~riday night at the Unri- vers ity hospital. Miss Struthers was taken sick a week ago Saturday and was taken immediately to the hospital with an acute case of pneumonia. She went to Olivet College her first' year, transferring to the University, last year. She xva's a member of the Kamm~ Kappa Gamma fraternity. . ' aunt, a medical mliss-ionary in Kan-' Aoki, India. is a graduate of the med- ical school. Through her interest in the league, VMine. Ozmnun is giving the proceeds of her first concert to the New "York group) cf Michigan women. The con- cert is being sl)i soiedl by the men's University off Michigan Clubi of New York, in conjunction with the M lichi- g~an women. The program is pllannedj' so as to make the performance a real ?Michigan night.- i FRES11MEN WVOMFN All freshmen women who have not paid the pageant fee of one dollar may do so Monday in Bar- bour gymnasium between 10 and 12, or between. 2 and 4. All eli- gible freshmen who have not already done so are urged to pay the fee at this time. Margaret Eaman is chairman of the finance committee for th~e pageant, and members of her, committee will bie stationed in Barbour gymnasium at the hours statedl above. a Ladies! Listen!. Look! The memnoual library in the new league building is to 1)e dedicated to the late JTessie Molrton Kessler, '01, pir-minenit Michigan alumna, who was very active in League work. Mrs. Kessler was a graduate of the Rush Medical college, Chicago. She studhied later at the Sourbunne and also in Vienna, ai was deepily interested in scientIific mnedical research. Mrs. Kessler was the originator of the famous Ann Arbor meap, which >e be designed and( prodlieol br he host classics andl literature own expense, proscn t ing it as a gift l1)r icerone,. It:i; to be 'open toa to the league. She wais one of the m alwi s ant:( undergraduates, and first to make a gift of $;1,000)to the l e ie. room where t hey may dro league campaign. 11 or untimoly death andl bro~wse at will. in January, 1927, cautsedl groait sor, Dr. Karl Kessler was keen] row to michigan Women01, and theliei- ('erest 0(1An thlis memorial to) his brary is to hb-leoicat edt as a litbIing and( had, planned interesting tribte t herntem~y. ons to if, carrying out his w tribut tofhrememryr such a room. 1-us dea The library is to; be a r'oml 10 by , tN, weieks Ago imay make it ii 40, and will he devoteId to 'cu rrent511)1 (' to carry out all his dreanr reading, books, anad p iioitlica Is, w ithiii wox- of ot d WillI Dp 111 j ly int wife, add~i - wife's ath a impos- is, lho{ oine who is interested inr the league !Detroit, and Miss Elizabeth Garrett is urged to co0me, and the ceremony I of Kalamazoo, who have returned to is public.l Ann Arbor to see the Junior Girls' Play, are being entertained at the F"A SHION01%ASHOW lis Alpha Phi house. SAlpha Xi Delta has as guests for UNIQUE F AT URE the week-end: Mrs. G. T. Sanzenhach- r er, Mrs. Larry Bevin,, and Mr:S. TM. OF* S ORTS ART Y Caple of Toledo, Mrs. J. H. Boyd and( Miss Elizabeth Boyd of Muskegon, One of the features of the F/incy 1 Mrs. J. F. Follmer of Vicksburg, and Dress party of the Womens league,] Mrs. J. Harter of Schoolcraft, and to b-e given at S o'clock on M~arch Miss Frances Brown of Detroit. Ear- 31 inlBarbour; gymnasiull, will be j hier in the week Mrs. B. Nagelvoort of a fashion show by Jacobsen's. It will ; Royal Oak and Mrs. A. M. Vcos (L bie given in Safrah Caswell Angell Grand - Rapids were in Ann Arbor to hall, anld will be accomplaniedl by see "For the Love of Pete." special music and lighting effects. To 1Holdl Recehtiomi iVodels will be chosen 'from among . The Alpha Epsilon chapter of Alpha thme women students of the Uni- Xi Delta and patrone-ases are givinig versity, and ltime namies wil1)0 kept a reception Tuesday from 3:30 to G secret. o'clcck in honor of the new patron2- The four class stunts, which arc, esses; Mrs. Cyrus Sturgis, Mrs. Theron given every year, will 1)e of a varied I F. Blankford, Mrs. J. Raleigh Nelson, natur thi yea, an and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Newvcomb. natre hisyea,, ndwill add spice The dining room will be decorated in to the evening's entertainmxeitt. roheir pink and the following wifl pour: o2rgaiization is uinder the directi-f I'4Ms.I-H. H. Seeley, Mrs. Frederick Cal- of Elizabeth McCurdy, '29. 1cr, and Mrs. C. D. Tfhor~pe. Music for (lancing will be fturnished Alumnae of Collegiate Sorcsis gave by (Ina Mower's orchestra, which ; luncheon Saturday in Detroit in will b)0 swelled to five pieces forl honor of the senior and freshmnen the occasion.; members. Prizes will b)e given for costumes, I-_______ but will 1)0 given to individluals inl-I At Miami university the wvomn steadi~ of to houses this year, since held a Leap-year party for the men. sports costumes offer such a wide .! They made all arrangements for the sc01)e for individual originality. Cos-j party, called up for the dates, and imes exhibiting the fashions of any sent "flowers. They came for' the known era and sport will appear ( men and took them home after the some of them funny, son of them dance. dainty, and others5 beautiful. E - D~ecorations and refreshmenlts will Almost 10% of the studlents of also( follow the sn~orts idea. Poster Massachusetts Institute of Tech- displays will advertise the affair in ; ology, come from foreign countries. the halls of Barbour gymnasium, Uni-l-- vehsity hall, and in the three larger ___________________________ women's doriatories.I Ellen Groff, '23, chairman of the so c ia l c o n ;' n itte e o f th e W o m e n 's l e g e-il b s i s e n p e a -l inig for the Fancy Dircss party /byj Jean low, .'28, Katharyn Field, '29, Esther Ander'son, '30, Katharine Butler, '29, tandlIElizabeth McCurdy, "I nedt aitnc wcarpet-iiliich '29. 5 ti ll a-Ve? Some say (o1er- For' years the women east and south of the campus have been hoping that someone would open a 'women's hosiery store east of the campus. Your wish has been fulfilled with the open- ing of t~he VANITY HOSIERY SHOP Vt ( ' ldni "I ';care Ion I st University, With ia ( onizplcre liini of high ('1An s,, 111 ")hi ionied osieriy, ini Servi'e weight amidlshee r chiiffoiis, in Al lthenewest Eastercilaes at pop~ular prices. COME IN ANDIM ~P US SHO0W YOU Vanity Hosiery Shop Egyptian Husbands May Divorce'"WIves By Repetition of Three Word Fortmulat Annoy your husband and lie will divorce her husband uiles ; she cari repeat three times "I divorce thee" prove cruelty or neg;lect. andpretoyouwil bea dvored The situation komietimnes a rises and reso! ou wll )0 (hiorcd Iwhere the man whoo has,(livrlcOedll is. woman. All this, b)e it understood, wife wants her back agaii. [lIathis is in Egypt. case there are complicated enWI~s gov- In the land (of the Sphinx and' the ernmg the situation, namely, th,, tins- Pyramids, (divorce is a simple matter hand may (divorce his vwifettwice anal -for the husband. The procedure it- have her back twice hut It' cannot ito self c Insists in repeating three times it the third time, untless in the menian- the three formula words "I thee dIi- while she has marr'ied ain t h e n1,, vorco.' Grounds for (divorce are and this man has again divorood hber. equally trivial in nature. A husband The servant class in., igyli xv ho may divor ce his wife because lie is come almest, eit ireiy from t lie so iiili- tired o(f her, because she has annoyed ern part of the Nile to ( agi ro antd the him, or be cause she may not have Delta area, always le ave tiHeir awiv s borne him childrien. at home, frequemntl1y forget, Ii eii, andli onl the oilher hand-a woman cannot marry others. NOTICESI Thlweovwl le a special meeting of i'egatsus at 4 o'clock in Barbour Gymn- Alterations $ Dressmaking Hemstitching JEWELRY andf I SWEATERS The Quality e Hestitching Shop I7.1 N. Univi. Phione .)?la T t for Easter Weber's fnd. Buntel's In Easter Boxes. Chocolate E ggs, Rabbits and Novelties THEMAXROY Under the Michigan T heatr'e Sign PHOINE 63~ _____________________________________.________f Easter Preparations (i.r lothes mtake flie xsmart mInit(13119111 We addtik'he dsiird smar9Itne's t.:7your 'cast-offs.j L INiid'els ArcadeI Most Sensational1 Surprise of All F~or Your iefore-Vacatiori \ave The Firs-r.tIzek in April Eugene and H olywood Permanents Reduced to $8.00 POWDER PUFF BEAUTY SHOP Over (,ihasi's No Appoinlimeiis for_ Reduced Prmanenits After March 3 1 I II i o 11 s.%4a~~kfl'u~4fl4~nS ftnw..flCa a~rwinnn~ss~ I ...,_....._._. ... _.. ..._. ...... _.:. ,_........_ ._.._._,.a. ...,....... ..... .,.. ... .,,e.._._.w, .. .: _ i 1 McI eLL UN IVJE SITY, 'Mlont real--! Each aft ernoon thle patrons of thel 'Tea Room" arme entertained by nmu- sical selections 0)f various types. itig file whole floor is all the rate. Elen liy honie will look like Mrs. Thin's, 1rs.4')ick's, anid Mrs. Harry's. Also if lity husband happens, to drop it cigarette anid it burnstlis broadlloomii carpet it is irre. ti'ievably ruined. If I get an Hleirloomi Chinese rugy of M1rs. Mferrck-l can lhave somuething distillptive, somiethinig differentf -If I orter, I can not .only ex- press lily 0ow11ta'ste-Iiiy owni inidividuality-hiow exactly ta' cm)1ors amid sizes L want, tuck ill liy own initials which make tit(, rug nwrct, valued, by les('eld- Cats, atnd~ will protect it againats theft always - bint I c'anl sav front, her, stock-price and best of all, if. at aniy tinme thee rmmp' bets burnied or injured I canl get wool a exactly nmatcla datmaged palrts amid cani leave it replre4l t i;1 one can ever tell a iever injur'ed." MRS. )IEBRICKi is now In D~etroit, -ivlere shte huas it won- derful display at, the Flower Mhow at Convenitionm Hall, Thec rugs will: againi be on exhibit at HIEUR OME - 928 CHURCH ST.-ON NEXT TUILESDAY . She leis not only ia very large stock The Most Complimented Stockfing in America "Ruby ' _ FULL ASHINED T3_ply ; :tY a A quiet homelike place to refresh yfourself' after a show or dance. The quality of our light lunches and sodas is our first consideration. F ui Our own guaranteed 1 00 per cent Silk F'iis~x jug, 1 U t -) tucard, straight back to the silkworm. A stocking wih so moany qjualities that we could fairly ask a greater price, but we are not. "Ruby Ring" costs 'no more than any other stockin~g in Whe same class. Thle only stocking of its kind in this city and the best stocking of its kind anywhere. Offered 'in every shade for stI cc o < c>=. ing tiear. l1.65 o .2 The Cape Coat I a Swagger, debonair, the cape of today has a smart flare that lends distinction to the coat. Developed sometimes in only the sleeve cape, again in the half or scarf-'ape, it flows into Special .Dinner and Luncheon On Sunday~i. il 11 1 11 11 1111 IIHl I