SUtTNDAY. MARiCH 25 928i THE MICIGAN DAILY T'A\CE 'TTIREl' S0~iVl y~, ( iillO',VC(l l)y A ad VC\V ('arne- FE NM AKER S ORATORS TO FOR AWARDS F~inal pomn~2tition in CONTEST VICTOR C. VAUGHAN, FORMER MEDICAL SCHOOLEA PRAISES UNIVERSITY GROWTH ON RETURN TO CA Dr. Vitr .Vugafre progress had been very rapid., fe leedah rate Cof Ithe ave TUISDAIdean of the Medlical school, in an Dean Vaughan, as he is still ;lian has beet; lowered ur interview yesterday, praised the! known to the dloctors at the hospital,; avethle lowest of a 1 the University ,growth of the University since he re- was in Ann Arbor for a brief visit. T- hese I W() 103 c~z ill act T-In .. n oivr i of 41n fi'srii/rn.!1 s()(;ieiy, endowed by Andrew C'arilo- ; : 411;:: . V PENIMAKERS gic'. SEE D~r. t'aughan and Vlrs. Vauighan were in lb e Orient: last year investi-R i e o RPIkl g ating hospitals, and lie relatedCX - HIGH EQUALITY AND STANDARD PRICES p- ie'Uces its.Japanese. (ioniee, andi PLUS SNAPPY SERVICE P~hilippine hospit als, declaring that sanitation and hygenics are far I e- =F R EPAIR SERVICE Oratorical contest will be held at 8 sge rmtefaut n12. He 1-is5chiairmuaniuiuo . ume '" o'clockfrmTuesdayclnight 1in.Hill auivito-nrecounted tales of the growth o themedical science, National Academy, i'lokTuewa igt nod iylsted. -of Science, at Washington, D). C.. rium, i a anuncedysea. At- where he resides. tendance is required of all students Threas tme hen-- Ir in speech 31, 32, 33, -and 34 classes. "didhnot haveXaytimethedn c sd There will' be no admission charge.(idnthvX-astedanadj rpheliv stdens wh wil seakThat was back in the '90', and t he In the final conte'st are William Con~ily meanis a doctor hadl of a ster- Bishop, '28, Laura M. Osgood, '28 Ed., 'taining whether or not a bone was B~ernard Goldman, '29, William Mc- lbroken was by manipulation with the D~onald, '29, and Howard Simon, '30. hands. These five were chosen following q "Three per cent of the people of three class preliminary contests the United States are sick every which were held almost two weeks year," Dr. Vaughan statedi. "There: ago, will never be enough hospitals to The two seniors who are competing take care of them all. It will be!j in the contest are both Varsity de- !necessary to have a hospital in everyj baters and members of Delta Sigma 'section of the United States before1 Rho. Bishop, speaking as a junior, we can handle them all. But -at thme took second in the contest of last ;same time, through medical science, year. Miss Elizabeth Rabinoff, '27 Ed.,____________________ was awarded first place. D_______ A prize of $100 in cash is to be R________ awarded to the student placing first TWtFAY ufnd iION+IDAY and a ca'sh award of $50 will be given to, the student finishing second. The Jack Hoxie winner of the contest will represent, the University in the Northern Ora- D~r. Tictor C. Taughimn i torical league contests at Minneapolis ---- "Bustin' Thru" on May 4. University hospital, and of the Med- 1'Felix :: NIGH~ News4 :: andii As in the local contest, an awardl ical school during the 47 years that "PLEA~SE DON'T" of $100 goes to th~e speaker taking he was connected with the Uiniver- Tisj " -with 10fc first place in 'the league contest and sity, and said that the mnaterial a prize of .$50 goes to the orator _________ TUESDAY paced second. Minne'sota, North- "A M*lin'd western, Wisconsin, Iowa, and West-c RIBBONS AND"A M lonBd emn Reserve are the five uigiversities SUPPLIES __________________ which, with Michigan, make uip thefo all makes of membership of the league. ::.EWIER Mebr+fRh vNstNVpoSTY.- al trnvr fe stack insures NORTHWESTERN UIEST the uroe, rs American legion have offered the uni- bs uaiyat noea pie ~versity the deed to their clubhouse for 0. D. M O0RR IL L use as a training shack by the R.O.T. 17 Nickels Arcade. Phione 6615. .t lllltllllitlltlltil~~tl111tiii 1111111111111111111111111@ t 1 @ 1 t t t @ ! t t ! 1 11 11@1 l l 1 1t1 ,x 1.1 HOTEL ,ON SCor. 4th Ave. and Huron St. Tl 55 E A quiet, clean and comfortable place to stay;~ ==-easily reached from all parts of the city. Reasonable Rates Restaurant in connection where -real home cooked meals put upItsJ =by American chef are served.*We ItIIe Y - i -Try Our 75c Sunday Chicken Dinners-~ They Are Delicious Our Motto Is Service - . TIl1 e Nas Ton al Re(s.ear'ch Wh~ich Dr. vauielmn i " I '.ak ecli helpinni( ;iien; c searchl.. If is an o~lit fit men mandl women graduates of the Uiversity are engagedliii caving for the sick in l hose count vies Subscribe For the Weekly ,......... i I TO CONi/INCE YULI THAT WE PARE .__ . f . PIPES show v ofeved Dmkle~ssAltdcbeO1 i ( I I I iI f I i i We W10 11 Give You with ny $1.09 Pipe or over 1ctins dgewoIrth 15c Revelation of PA~f NlS DIL[L'S BEST or pkgs.{ Herbert Tareyton or Barking Dog 3-DISTINCTIVE SH4OPS-3 ",33 E.IX1111W I{TY 1i'1+E. IhURON i1113 SOUTH U. JOHN M. JET TERS i was issĀ®umiarrrard eierm anwrr. s r>.e!.a - "-r" aorn.or .mrrweamrmsrwu , /// rrsr .ser ...._.,....:<" . .. :... -._ , .. > .+r.+'af:=?r,>.zb:4C^."ir 1/1G.' SA3Cd'$w^'v':1 C, HEATE R Weel tegiiunil i uiday, )larch 25) .Night ............7T5c to $2.50 Wed. and Sid. hts.. . The fo $1.50 Plns tD% tax I Lafayette at Wayne-Cadillalc 1100. SAMIIH. IHARRIIS and IIASSARI) SHORT Present a Hilarious and Audacious Comedy With BY RIOBERT RISI AND) EDITH1I FTZtERAhi1D Di ected by Iassarul Short "As Snapipy as the Title Suggests" w :. w~r .nn ................ .... Bieginn ink Woodward, at Eliot NGT kMONDAY, 211o n n lflig ulats. 'Tues., Thur. and Sat., March 260 AhIUE50c' 75e A Glimpse Into the Life of Almost Any American Family By Howard Lindsay and Bert Robinson I