THE MTC.H 1r1AN DAILY Q APTTx T'i,& 't t Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en. titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to, it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub. fished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann .Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4. o; by mail, $.0. $Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- lard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor...................Ellis B. Merry Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer Staff Editor......... ......'Philip C. "Brooks City Editor...........Courtland C. Smith Women's Editor........ Marian L. Welles Sports Editor. ........Herbert E. Vedder Theater, Books and Music. Vicent C. Wall, Jr. Assistant City Editor. .. . Richard C. Kurvink, Night Editors Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters Esther Anderson John H. Maloney Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald Alex A. Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe Jean Campbell Catherine Price Tesie Cb1iuh Tarold L. Passman Blanchard W. Cleland Morris W. Quinn Clarence N. Edelson Rita, Rosenthal Margaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg Valborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner Marjorie Fullmer Corinne Schwarz James B. Freeman Robert G. Silbar Robert J. Gessner Howard F. Simon Eljaine E. Gruber George E. Simons Alice Hagelshaw Rowena Stillman Joseph E. Howell Sylvia Stone J. Wallace Hushen George Tsley Charles R. Kaufman Reward L. rtscelJr William F. Kerby Edad .WrnJr Lawrence R:.:Klein Benjamin S. Washer Donald J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke Sally Knox Joseph Zwerdling Tack L. Lait, Jr. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, ;jr. 'T-'T11 E l Cll 4TC I1 N 1 I L 1 V - 1 A S.111 ,1,TTV1 ' fi: i that any inkling of the relation be- tween Teapot Dome and these first characters was disclosed, and today the people are looking bruised and surprised as each day turns up still another link in the chain of evidence. For the benefit of those who do not yet see the picture as a whole a few references will not be amiss. It has long been the policy of a few big bosses, particularly in the 17 states using the presidential primary, to dupe the unsuspecting voters into supporting a "native son"; the bosses would then arm themselves with the votes for this leader and proceed to the famous hotel bedroom conference, where they would barter them for power and favor. One of these latter power seekers was Hamon, who saw no better way of getting the naval oil reserves than to get himself ap- pointed Secretary of the Interior in Harding's cabinet. All would have gone well had not the newly-acquired respectability of the oil magnate de- manded the forsaking of a woman with whom he had been on intimate terms-a woman who preferred to murder- him rather than be forsaken. When the sensationalism killed Ha- mon's chances Fall stepped in, and with the unsuspecting assistance of Denby and Roosevelt in the navy de- partment the oil leases were soon transferred to the Department of the Interior and thence to Sinclair and{ Doheny. What happened to the im- mense amount of money provided for this exchange is now known-part went to Fall and part into the cam- paign fund of the Republican party, where it is now causing considerable embarrassment to such national fig-, ures as WillHays, Secretary Mel- lon, .and others. It is now too late to rectify these errors, or even to punish the offend- ers, but not too late to learn a les- son. i GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES THE LIGHT-HEADS SEEM to be taking the town by storm. The Mich- igan theater has the light brigade bill slated to start tomorrow. Then the stock company is going to take a crack at Anita Loos in about a week._ * * *I THE WRITERS, be it understood, are merely substituting in the absence °f the renowned Jeb, now vacationing. We Pnow his weakness, a fondness for the blonde ensemble, and so dedi- cate this column to him. WE ARE NOT press agenting, al- though passes should be meted out by local theater managers in accord- ance with the success of this free ad- vertising.* *THEATER MANAGERS, please note. * * * ROLLS WILL distribute free admis- sion tickets for the movie perform- ance. BUT NOT TODAY. RUTH TAYLOR, who is to star as one of the main boasts of the washed- out, was chosen from 200 applicants to play the role of Lorelei Lee. She hails from this state, but didn't go to the University. With the latter as the first point in her favor, it might be added that the following descrip- tion hardly does her justice: Lorelei Lee is a babe you all know, Whether or not you have gone to the show; She's quick and she's neat, She's blonde and she's nice, You look at her once- Then you look at her twice. She's the one of your dreams When she's put to the test, And of all the sweet girls She's the one you like best. Advertising..............Richard A. ey'r Advertising.........Arthur M. Hinkley Advertising... . Edward L. Hulse Advertising.......---John W. Ruswinckel Accounts, ............... Raymond Wachtr Circulation.......'....George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication .............. Harvey Talott Assis'ants George Bradley Ray Hofelich Maie Brummeer IHal A. Jaehn ^.a'e Lrrpcr James Jordan 1 °Carles K. Correll Mtar ion Kerr Barbara Croell Tha e .Lenington e1s e hge'ad Catherine McKinven Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons Ieer Alex K. Scherer Katherine Frohne George Spater Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson Beatrice Greenberg Herbert . Varnun Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley " ,T Haimmer Hlannah Wallen Carl W. Hammer SATURDAY, MARtCH 24, 1928 Night Editor-G. THOMAS MKEAN CONGRATULATIONS After two months of preparation, during which time no effort has been spared by the eight student commit- teeMnen in charge, the first engineer- ing open house since 1915-one of the most laudable enterprizes undertaken on the campus this year-was open- ed to the public yesterday. The results which the engineers have attained. in their showing are extremely commendable. Not only have choice exhibits from distant points been secured, but painstaking efforts have been put forth to re- present the scope and nature of the engineering work in the college here. To exclaim, in a burst of enthusiasm, that tie present display is the great- est ever attempted here would per- haps be unfair to the energetic class- es of more than a decade ago; but to say that it is an extremely worth- while and interesting exhibit is no more. than justice. It is in regard to this question of expansion moreover, that serious doubts may be raised, for the old en- gineering open houses, steadily aug- menting in elaborateness and scope, finally, died under their own weight when they commenced to occupy too large a portion of the students' time. A showing such as the present one is intensely valuable and highly worth- while, and it is to be sincerely hoped that the affair can be made annual, for the benefit of the University, with somewhat of the commendable sanityI which has characterized the laudabler showing of the present time. A NATIONAL ENLIGHTENMENT Many of the tricks peculiar to big politics have been openly hinted andl guessed at during the laat few years, but the sum total of effect on the public has been negligible, principal- ly because there has never been any effective tie-up with the big prob- lems and the figures behind them.I Probably the first and most strikingF instance of this kind is the mess re-i sulting from the oil investigation.s Every day strengthens the searchlightt and broadens its scope, and the pub- lic tremblingly awaits the shattering' of yet another idol. -Seven years ago the startling ande sordid murder of Big Jake Hamon,a an oil millionaire, anticipated thea ACHIEVEMENT A thrilling chapter in the histor of man's "unceasing battle agains the elements has been writte] by Henge Bangsted and Pro James Church, of the Universit Greenland expedition, with thei return Saturday from their tri inland over the Greenland ice-cap t observe weather conditions. A story rivalling many tales of adventure i C peril and hardship has been relate by the radio messages received, an though it is still too 'early to tel whether their winter excursion wil bear any startling scientific purport the cause of weather prediction wil have advanced even in the knowledg that the condition, of the ice-cap i inconsequential, if such is found to b( the case. The expedition of these two men in the face of considerable peril and the mid-winter hardships of Green- land, is truly an accomplishment. The spirit of the University, in its loftiesi phase, accompanied them in thei hazardous journey, and 1(he entire University joins in sincere felicitation for the high order of successful scien- tific achievement which has attended their efforts. "WRITE ME DOWN AN ASS" The Chicago schoolboard, with blus- tering ostentation characteristic of that body, has written the final chap- ter in the protracted combat over Wil- liam MacAndrew, and the superin- tendent has been dismissed. A pro- British ring, foisting insidious propa- ganda on the entire country through the Carnegie foundation, the Cecil Rhodes scholarships, and the Eng- lish Speaking union, has been men- tioned as the basis of the whole anti- American difficulty by the board--and MacAndrew, a minion of the British, has been consequently expelled. That is the way the report of the school board reads; and perhaps, if the school board !s fortunate, there will be several others through the na- tion who will agree with it. To the large c.nd vast majority of the outside public, however, the vote of six to two by which MacAndrew was ousted reveals six of the members of the Chicago school board each standing up in turn and re2iting a brief but poined quotation from a rather capa- ble British dramatist-"Write me down an ass." The application is rather insulting to innocent Dogberry and Verges, of course, and compli- mentary to the knowledge of Shakes- peare which probably does not exist in Chicago; but it seems singularly suitable to the case of the superin- tendent ousted by the bigotry of a "tolerant" city. The interest aroused in the color- ed folk, and their supposedly warm and palpitating doings, by such novels as "Nigger Heaven," "Porgy," and THEATER BOOKS MUSIC TONIGHT:- The twenty-fourth annual Junior Girls' Play, "For the Love of Pete," in the Whitney theater at 8:15 o'clock. * * * BARRE HILL Barre Hill, one of the most suc- cessful graduates of the Union Opera in recent years, has been steadily ar- riving for the past two seasons. Last year he arrived principally in Detroit, and this season his activities were transferred to Chicago and environs. His most recent triumphs have been in the contracts for opera this sum- mer and next season. He is singing the entire German repertory of the Cincinnati Opera, this summer, and "Carmen" and "Pagliacci" with the American Opera company next year; also a debut in "Carmen" at the Chi- cago Civic next season, as well as a,New York recital. * * * "FOR THE LOVE OF PETE" A review, by Phillip C. Brooks Here is a task-adding praise to justified paeans of praise already pub- lished! Frankly and briefly, "For the Love of Pete," provided for me more fun than any other campus produc- tions I have seen. And that not mean- ing just low comedy fun, for this show is a splendid example of a good play well done. As this is the first Junior Girls' Play I've seen (thank God or not, as the case may be), I can't use the already tried and true method of comparing it to previous ones. But there are other campus shows it can be compared to, and it has them bad- ly beaten. The girls make better men than the boys do women, it would seem. Add to that fact the realization that here is a group of girls ably directed to the minute details, organized by someone with real vision, iMinna Mil- ler, and seeming to enter the work thoroughly themselves, and you have it. Shirley King is unquestionably as able an actress as has been produced here this year, besides being a musical comedy star in dancing and singing. Paired with the highly commendable Theodora Maloy, she makes a very strong lead. Vera Johnston features both in her personal dance number, which brought down' the house-justifiably- and in her work of directing all the dancing. Thy are nearly all versa- tile actresses. The hook and lines are not strong, but are adequate, and especially so since the whole show has enough in- herent life and attractiveness to carry itself without depending on a lot of cracks of uncertain humor value. Well executed settings and clever lighting effects give the show a good foundation. If the girls enjoy doing this as much as they appear to, they deserve the pleasure, for all the ardu- ous work they, have been. A fact ob- vious enough to be worth noting is that the only people I have heard say they didn't like the Junior Girls' Play were the boys from the Union Opera. "DON'T COUNT YOUR CHICKENS" Sam Harris and Hassard Short, makers of "Cradle Snatchers," are presenting one of the stars of that show in a-new comedy entitled "Don't Count Your Chickens," by Robert Ris- kin and Edith Fitzgerald, which will play at the Cass theater in Detroit or a brief engagement beginning Sun- lay night. Mary Boland is the lady vho is being featured, and with her ire various others from late suc- cesses, notably Sylvia Sidney-the niniature Katherine Cornell-, Ray- nond Sackett, Maude Eburne, Charles Eaton, Anna Thomas, and Joseph Rob- nson. I In any Financial Problems, be it Sav- ings, Loans, Investments or only Friendly Advice, we offer you the facilities of this institution. COME IN AND TALK THINGS OVER Member of Federal Reserve System I,., FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK Cornwell Blk. (Temp. hIdqts.) 330 S. State Street II She's fast and she's frenzied, Makes any man bow; Believe me, my children, She sure is a wow. * * * IT HAS BEEN RUMORE;D that to- day's editors ,of this column are not exactly alike. For want of a way to -make the point effective, we quote' the lines from the Junior Girls' play: "I guess men and women aren't just' built alike." Being nine o'clock babies we found it difficult to keep ift step with the ROLLS tradition of making late investigations. * * * AT A LATE HOUR LAST NIGHT, however, we were in our respectiveI beds while the ROLLS editorial board went on an interview tour to find some campus sentiment on why GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES.( We submit some of the major de. ductions: TINY HERB-Daily Sporting Ed.- " 'Tis a matter of discretion. I refuse to confirm its validity because of dark complications.f C. CATHCART SMUTZ-"Oh, the angels they fly high." * * * SEARCHING FOR SOMEONE who' might have known the aforemention- ed Lorelei Lee in her childhood days we sought the president of the Law- yers' club who also hails from Grand Rapids. "I attribute my blondness to Dutch ancestry," he said, "If at first you don't succeed-" * * * .BEFORE WE proceed further we must insert at this vital point the motto of this column: "CLEANLI- NESS is next to GODLINESS." * * * BLONDE BABIES I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high, through mud and air, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of pretty blondes there. Their leader was a charming miss, I threw to her an etheral kiss, She dropped it though, and I was sad--1 These charming blondes, they drive me mad. i ) ( i OUR NEXT DOOR neighbor, the' Music and Nonsense editor, is wont to classify the movie as beyond worth- iness of dignified critique. So we have gained permission to run our own review.I THE STORY is one in which Lore- lei Lee is being educated by a Chi- cago button king. The education takes the two on a sea voyage to Paris where sweet, gentile Lorelei feeds her, button king poisoned fish. While the poor fish is recovering, she captivates and captures Spoffard, a millionaire "THE GREENWICH FOLLIES" The Greenwich Village Follies, which is finishing a "sticks" tour at the Shubert-Detroit this week and next in preparation for that street called Broadway, is still in the tenta- tive state. Blossom Seeley was with the show at the start, then wasn't, now is. The interim saw Grace La- Rue in substitution, and Detroit pa- trons are seeing both. Dr. Rockwell is chief funnyman. The show is fun- niest in three or four skits which parody Broadway dramatic successes. "The Trial of Mary Dugan," with Blossom Seeley in the title role, is particularly good, Harry Jans and in- cidental music contributing to the h qa.,, c o ~f 11,11 , . . - -__