P Afe Q4 .N
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CAR'INAL [Alf T[, Lawn Tennis Heads GfSS FIE
Approve Pro Games Rdverisng
Y[,H~NBPUC TAN'VTICE 7Twnd ngtbl g tve-
TYPING THESIS, 1026 Packard. Dial
7391. 85, 86, 87
turnover insures a fresh stock. You
secure the best quality at a moder-
ate price. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels
'I he United States Lawn Tennis as-
Dr. )Ieanwell's Quintet His Two Big sociation is prepared to extend the Formation of a freshman hockey
'en And Four Non-Conference piofessional elements of the game team will take place, according to
Yielories To Its Credit and "encourage the growth" of the Varsity Coach 1ddie Lowrey, as soon
newly organized Professional Lawn as there is ice in Ann Arbor. Coach
F-STER STARS AT CENTER Tennis association. Lowrey is at present attempting to
This was disclosed today in an- get a place to put his Varsity charges
(S:'tiael to The Daily) Inouncement of resolutions proposedItlhrough scrimmage workouts and willI
S A,)i ON, Wis., Jan. 13.-Wiscon-I by the Amateur Rule committee for be busy withthe team in Detroit the
sin's cage five, conceded by few as a adoption at the annual meeting o: the first part of next week, but states
championship contender in the pres- . S. L. T. A. in Chicago, Feb. 11.-1 that when there is ice at the Colise-
ent Big Ten yace, has stepped from This represents a sharp reversal of um, on those days arrangemels will
the background into the spotlight as the attitude of the U. S. L. T. A. which be made to take care of the freshmen
a result of a clean slate in six starts has refused to have any connection 'reporting for 1ractice.
to date, two being Conference vic- with the professional game since i; The coach is ontimistic of the pros- I
tories. was pushed into the limelight by C. pects for a large turnout of yearl-
Dr. Meanwell's midget quintet faced C. Pyle's traveling troupe, attracting ings. He has had reports from"'vari..
their Big Ten schedule undefeated, such stars from amateur ranks as ons cities that there is some excellent
having disposed of DePauw, Butler, Suzanne Lenglen, Mary K. Browne, hockey material in the freshman
Coe and the Oregon Aggies without Vincent Richards, and Howard Kin- class.
difficulty. Indiana and Purdue were sey. Richards and Kinsey are mem- One rumor says that five men from
the only other conference team's to hers of tle new professional organi- I last year's Michigan College of Mines
win all of their preliminary contests. zation. team, which claimed the Midwestern
Hotchkiss Will Return If the proposal for harmony is championship, are freshmen at the
Flashing an accurate and fast short approved, the amateur and profes- University of Michigan. This news is
pass attack, Wisconsin swamped Ohio sional governing bodies of tennis willys to the a and e is1
at Columbus, 30 to 13, and two days enjoy working relationssimiar to wgratifyingtilthe coach, are s
later trimmed the powerful Michigan those prevailing among the ruling t out to see if the statement is true
aggregation, big Ten champs, 26 to 22. groups of golf, or just a wild rumor.
With Minnesota and Illinois remaining
on the Cards' first semester schedule,
Meanweil is turning every effort to
annexing both these games.
Should the Badgers win these two
from the Gophers and Craig Ruby's
five, th 1 edey wil inded e a serious
factor in the title chase. There is a
possibility that three veterans will
return to the fold after the semester
examinations. Hotchkiss, star guard, n ht d E
who was lost two days before the Con-onght and very Saturday Night
ference season opened due to an in-
fected foot, will be out of the hos-
pital within a week.
Several Players Ineligible
Lycan Miller and Elmer Tenhopen, T
forward and center, both encountered
scholastic difficulties early in the year.
These lads are both better than six Ann St. at Fifth Ave.
feet in height and have proven to be
of Big Ten calibre. Kowalcyzk, a
regular of last year, will not be
eligible this year as lhe has with-
drawn from school. Ted Ghmeile-
wski, a sophomore forward from Chi- PA R K
who has also been on the in.-
e! gible list, will surely break into
the lineup later if the ban is lifted.
The work of John Doyle at back
guard and Bud Foster at center has
been the salvation of the Badgers in A Dime a Dance
their past wins. Both of these boys,
playing their first games as regulas,
have come through like veterans.tee9t 12 P. M.
Foster has been a scoring factor, an i9(
important cog in the floor plays and
a power on defense.
Doyle has been greatly responsible
for the fine defensive record estab-
lished by Wisconsin in their six NO ADMISSION FEE AT DOOR
starts. Opponents have averaged but
16 points per game on Meanwell's de-
fense. The scores to date total as
follows: Wisconsin-167; Opponents Music by "Michigan WVo verines"
AUI' - 111 1 o useu puri eu t ype
wiiters for sale. One and two years
old r:..;pectively. Reasongble prices.
Call 3489. E. H. Munn.
Tues., Thurs., Sat.
NOTICE-This coupon and twenty-
five cents will entitle you to one
dinner Saturday noon, JTan. 14,
Barney's Restaurant, 516 E. Wil-
liams. 85
NOTICE-University Beauty Shoppe
now opcn for business, under man-j
agement of Miss Madeline Moran,
t111oSouth University.2Hours: 9 a.
n. to 9 p. m. Dial 21329. 85I
COMPLETE typewriter service, new
and used machines of all makes.
Rentals by the week, month or
semester; repairing of all makes by
skilled workmen; all kinds of typ-
ing, prompt service. High class rib-
bons and carbons. Rider's Pen Shop.
TYPEWRITING and Mimeographing
promptly and neatly done by ex-
perienced operators at moderate
rates. College work a specialty for
nearly twenty years. O. D. Morrill,
17 Nickels Arcade.
FORRENT obe sn gle roo, AROMS t t$3.25 per week at
I FR RNT-oule r snge rom, IFLETCHER HALL
at 916 Mary St. Call 8294. 85; Ann Arbor's only Men's ;Dormitory.
FOR RENT-Double room, with run- Under new Management.
Ding water. One block from cam- Especially adapted for Student's con-
pus. Open next semester. 7669. 719|venience. New, Fire-proof Building,
Tappan. 85, 86|Steam heat, Shower Baths, Hot and
l'O{ RENT--A suite at 311 Thomip- cold water in each room.
son; steam heat; continuous hot Lounging and Smoking Room
water. 85, 86 915 Sybil St., near Ferry Field. Dial
FOR RENT-A strictly modern fur- -
nished apartment, suitable for two FOR RENT-Men, That single or
girls, $50. 621 Forest Ave. Phone i double room, quiet, well-furnished,
5607. 85, 86 clean, light, well-heated right price,
- close-in, is just 11'2 blocks from
FOR RENT-For girls, a large light, southeast corner of campus, in pri-
well heated front room, single or vate home; only five roomers, two
double. Special price for second bathrooms. See it now. 1306 Wash-
semester. Call 6284. 85, 86 tenaw Terrace.
FOR RENT-Suites, double and WANTEI
Mingle rooms, at Reduced pricesWNTD-0P
Saves you (ollars. Secure Sat. or WANTEDCHF
Sun. Steam heat, hot and cold water. Write, giving full information and
337 Thompson. 85, 86 references. Box 21. 85, 86, 87
MAKE your reservation now for the
J-Hop breakfast. Tables for parties
of 2-4-10. Exclusive for quality.
Tuttle's Lunch. 85
NOTICE-It will pay youtto call 3489
before buying or renting a type-
writer. E. H. Munn, 203 So. Thayer.
Tues., Thurs., Sat.j
NOTICE-Be sure and visit this most
modern and efficient Hat Cleaning
and Shoe Shining Parlor. Michigan
Theatre Bldg. 539 E. Liberty.
TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold,
rented, exchanged, cleaned, re-
paired. Our machines and work
guaranteed to give best satisfaction.
0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade.
IWE have three skilled penmakers
back of our retail counter to serve
you on correct fitting, adjustments
and repairing of all makes. You
will not find equal service any-
where else. Our prices are no more
than you would pay elsewhere.
FOR RENT - Furnished two-room'
apartment, well heated,, light and'
garage if wanted. 315 Packard.
22464 85, 86
FOR RENT-Single room, warm, pri-
vate home. 1304 Horman Ct., be-
tween Forest and Olivia, near Wells.
Telephone 21619. 85, 86, 87
FOR RENT-A front suite at *515
Walnut. reasonable; also a tuxedo
WANTED - Two-room furnished
apartment, near campus. Address
Box 20, Michigan Daily. 85
WANTED-Students interested in
summer employment. Tuition prizes
-to those who qualify. Call M. E.
Beukema, 7653. 85, 86
LARGE reddish pocketbook, Tuc ;day,
in Room 25 A.H. Finder please call
Miss Cogsball at 6641. 85
LOST-Friday afternoon, between
1503 Washtenaw and Ann Arbor
Branch Bank, bills and change in
envelope. Finder return to either
above addresses. Reward. 85
LOST-Book, "Mashs & Demons," by
MacGowan, 1025 Angell Hall, Thurs-
day morning. Phone 9670. 85
Tues., Thurs., Sat. 1 Manufacturers of the famous Rider cheap. Phone 7618. 85
"Masterpen." Rider's Pen Shop.
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea- FOR RENT-One double room, also
sonable rates. M. V. Hartsuff. FOR SALE rcom-mate for Senior Dent. in suite,
Dial 9387. 77-180 FOR SALE-One J-Hop ticket. Call near Law Club. 517 E. Madison.
Mack 4718. 85 85, 86, 87
NOTICE-We deliver 'between the
hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p m. Prompt FOR SALE-Sweet cider, grape juice, FOR RENT-Completely furnished
Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481. apples, potatoes, carrots and cab- five-room house; heated; one block
20 100 bage. Call R. E. Wagner, 9534 or from Campus. Very reasonable.
22413. 81, 82~ 83, 84, 85, 86' Phone 6642. 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89
By virtue of a 20 to 16 win over
Theta Xi, Beta Theta Pi forged to
the front in the interfraternity bas-
ketball league Thursday night in the
preliminary matches with a total of
three wins in as many starts. All the
court teams looked better in Thurs-
day night's contests than they have
in the previous games.
The results of Thursday's games
Theta Kappa Psi 8, Acacia 4.
Phi Gamma Delta 19, Sigma Zeta 3.
Phi Sigma Delta 16, Phi Rho Sig-
ma 1.
Delta Sigma Delta 11, Sigma Phi
Epsilon 4.
Phi Kappa Sigma 2, Pi Kappa Al-
pha 0..
Sigma Nu 2, .Theta Kappa Nu 0.
- Sigma Chi 15, Tau Kappa Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Mu 39, Kappa Delta
Rho 8.,
Phi Beta Delta 2, Phi Sigma Kap-
pa 36.
Alpha Chi Rho 14, Chi Phi 12.
Tau Epsilon Rho 14, Phi Iu Al-
pha 5.
Xi Psi Phi 21, Phi Kappa Tau 4.
Hermitage 2, Nu Sigma Nu 0.
Theta Chi 20, Alpha Kappa Lamb-
da 4.
Phi Kappa Psi 0, Tau Delta Phi 2.
Triangles 6, Phi Kappa 17.
Kappa Nu 3, Alpha Chi Sigma 11.
Alpha Delta Phi 15, Alpha Psi 8.
Detroit Theaters .
A Butterfield Theatre
Main Floor
and LAGOH and
in the
. .r
Mat, $1.00 to $2.50
Nights, $1 to $3.50
Forty Flapper Freshies
ABE LYMAN (Himself)
and His Orchestra
! I
itEV I l w~
Woodward, at Eliot
NIGh TS, 7Epc $1.50. Mats, Tues.,
Thurs. and Sat., ,50c, 75c
A FU'NNY 510W .
San, Janney's New York Wow
"Loose Ankles"
_- _ - II