-THE MICHIGAN DAILY _________________ tfv NT~w vTh Pla ni~xl --- I Never Ge It %.~/W'N ~ ' V N -%WitM .. w9/ G A. ..i V A9 JIV . , L. .4/L4 I Fl'IYP(,ait t'1 ;:k F MEAS(. wiirrden or Lang wvill be in the ou to: ie owve-r, that both I Asbeck aiid \c- BE H1ELD1) ( S4)U'Tlfor th~e first te.m. These mien, incei- Afee, two ieadiing ,flingers, wil be on r . 1FT IY 111:1,1e1ally are the present leaing - fielding quartet oan'the squa(I, iiid GIlVE TENTATIVE LINd.EUP thleir n)re ent status will be either L G 1 1 strcngtl en n or weta (Ie by their If te wathe, wich as c d nluct in the ou e) gartnien today . It th weaher, hiehhas ated'tsleck Mlty ;Pitch very capriciusly within the px a trew Kellih -r andl Relebman are Ex - dlays, holds good loing enough, Coach ipected to alterniate in the receiving Ray L. Fisher will stage a short box for the first teal)), while the practice game betweenr two picked itchers for both teams will be teas othe Varsity baseball squad coe from ,among the 22 on the teamsI squad. It may be safe to predict, this afternoon on the south Ferrry_____________________ field fdiamndf. This wilmark the first practice tilt that the Varsity "squad( has in- Tim d1ulged in this year-, and will afford hoMii S0 1i :S Coach Fisher an oppruiyose cure the first definite impression of : what his team will look il) when the spring training tour and the Con- ference season are inaugurated.. Veterains Compose Infield While Coach Fisher was not tooit verbose when_ he announced the gam~e late, yesterday afternoon, he miade some suggestion of the corn- plexionl of the 'two teams that willj line up against each other today. Oosterbaan will gaurd first base, :Morse will watch, over 'the keystone sack, Weintraub will be stationed at thirdl, and either Capt. Loos or Cor- riden will be at shortstop for the first team.. Capt. Loos, who is en-r rolled in the Law school, has been14o S inconvenienced by late classes Ccy .afternoon and that is the reason Cor- f riden,. utility infielder, has been sub)- 5 styles stituted for him on numerous OC- casions in the workouts this year. McCoy, Nebelung, andl either (Cor- ~II I II A Large Assortmnent of II f .... _ .. .. the. mound at onle stage of the game!o te o h shtta.Hlz 'iman1, who i5shslowing d (aity improve- ninis another noss;ihie twirler for thi's team. The edl team in field will 1r) conpseiof Squire at first basec, St rraloh at second, (acen at short- sf01), a ad i:Myron at third base. The ou viedwll include Hill, Heymi, and Slagle. The catchers will ho' seec~ted frĀ°om Short, l~olin sky, and I :acke. , I .k " tt ii f a eBite " From This Tobacco Jasper, Tenn. March 23, 1927 Larus & Bro. Co. Richmond, Va. Gentlemen: I have always wanted to smoke a pipe. After several attempts I gave my "taste" up, for with each trial I got a blistered tongue. One evening, when looking over a certain outdoor magazine, I read that a certain fisherman could catch more fish when using- "Edgeworth," so I decided-I would try "his" tobacco- f or I am no poor fisherman! The next day I tried to secure Edge- worth. The local country storekeeper did not have it, so I[ sent by a friend to the city for my first Edgewxorth. Two things have happened 4 I still smoke Edgeworth, and the local storekeeper always has a supply. I catch fish and never get "a bite" from Edgeworth! Yours for keeps, H. V. Massey THIS THIS COLUMN 0LuM CLOSES 'O' L0S-,"; AT 3 PM. ADVERISING AT 3 P,4, !NOTICE TYPING-Theses NOTIJCE-The Barbectue Inn will dis.. sonable rates. Icontiniue tdeliveryv service after Dial 9387. Saturday. 132-133-134 aspecialty. TRea- Mi. V. fHartsu IT. C-77-180 ',: I' I Thompson's MFCN-Stop, look, listen. Kriss Dross rep~resentative now in city.' Let me j explain our free razor offer. 'Box 35. 129-135] TWO-TPONE shoes made to yourl measure. From $6.50 up. hland-made English style by an English shoe-i maker. Corner of South U. and 534 Forest. No connection with any firm of the same name. Only one place.1 Yes, we do repairing. C NOTICtE-Good food and good service,, Ion(, block from campus-that's why you save. Barney's Restaurant, 516' E. Williams. C. l~ounta~in Pest Repairing 'Ouir skilled Penmnakers Service. costs you no more. The only logical place to have your pen repaired. SRider's Pen Shop' C TYPEWRITER SERVICE IAll makes. No better skill found any- where. P~rompt service. Rider's Pen Shop IPhone 8950 C Good Imacchines, yrourf.avorite make. Rider's Peln Shop Phone 8950 c' Portable I')'pcwvrl lers -New ,. r Used' IT WILL pay youm to come to Royal h leadlquatrters andl see the New'' Rylportalel before you buy. Th~lis, "Bb"Roya;l is already outselling all other mak11es of partable. "Some Baby." 5 ' r ., WANTED-Two experienced %ales- men for summer. Call Hunter, 7310, }between 5 and 6. 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132 LOST LOST-Old-fashioned gold earring- South Ui between Chur'ch and Jef- ferson Apts. Reward. Call 7037. 31-32-33 LOST-Left in v, locker az the Union fool a long string or large, dark bhue, wooden beads, fastened with ai gold pin on which were the liii- tials A. L. S. Not valuable, but prizedl as a souvenir. Will the finder please leave it at the desk at the. Pool? 131-132-133-134 LOST-Set of three keys. Call 815. 3-1-32 LOST-White gold nose glasses. Re- ward 'if returned to Laura Chip- maen, Betsy Barbour. Telephone G68W. 132 LOST-Phi Chi pin. Call Hubly, 8317. 132-133-134 LOST-A pair of cut 'steel buckles in or near Michigan Theatre. Phone 3301.. Reward. TICKETS & RESERVATIONS f _ For All Important T ake and Ocean Tines 1 ~Tours. Cruisesv L- Independent Travel E. G. K uehler - Gen. Steamship Agenty ~ .-601 F. THeron 1'1. 06412 ANN ARP(MR ~ Rider's Pen Shop Authorized De al ors in Royals C Edgeworth Extra High Grade Smoking Tobacco IRead The Want Ads rTYPEiW\RJITERS-Sa'les' antd Service. All makes, large and portable, bought, sold, rented, repaired. Our machines and wvork guaranteed. In business sinceo171)8. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Acd.C The best you can buy. Always fresh. Rider's Pen Shop C WANTED) WANTED-Students to know that our home laundry methods give yoit c o h s p m n l a t n i n MoeiLaundry, 204 N. M ain. Dial 3916. C select spring suits i I $59 !!1 ad upwards MAN ON STATE STREET Established 1888 se NA WIID rUw Easter eggs and Bunniies a good English shoe for day wear $10 Made in Our Own Cand)) Shop Mailed for You from HI 20 ,000 -6 SWERETLAN D 212 South Main Give UGs Your Orders Earls Thompson 9s Thompson's Hand Tailored Suits WHY Follow the Leader? --South U -South U o ++wunr e r w.ra fn.wr r I have been made by Wild & Company oS ou kn ow, there are not f J. ^4 ....rrr r two people alike in -thi~s ;E f ,_- I wild world. D o you k nowv that just a stone's throw from the Th len why should multitudes wear a 36, 37 or 38? campus the . finest clothes are r 1 4A /- law AQW X t x VI O M4 0 ove brin ur i } I I I manufactured by Wild & Com- piny? From twelve to fifteen skilled tatilors~ are employed the year ma de for you. The measures alrouind, These people heave made, tailoring their life work and -ugderstand the art of mak- ing fine clothing.. Wild's. clothes are worn by stu- dents,: business men and alumni. Mail orders are received from all Wild's are taken by an expert. who de- votes his full time to designing, drafting and measuring. The clothes will be made just a.s you like them and there is a Yiokbav~t Qb. wide variety of imported . and domestic- materials 'Which are parts. ocf the United States. A IN OUR "hall, there's no question about who's representative calls. on Detrt These, clothes cost different. you no more. The I-ead Man. It's Prince Alberta Y OU'T It's all Aind it in any room you wander into. trade each Wednesday, at our Detroit office.. you'll ever be offered. And that's hospitality, if you ask me. What a treat it is, too. Fragrant and inviting. Cool -: a reprimand. Comforting as "11~ alibi. Mellow and mild and long-urning, no matter how often you toad up and light up. You're in good company when you smoke P. A. The world's most experienced smokers have placed this one brand first. CZZ9 C<\9 Since 1888 the Tild Label H-as Stood for Everything Fine in Men's Clothing $4200 $500o to. k w l WhNW A u I Vntr r a"'t hp rf I !