riirniini T ll sed for Hloist ensborg on the coast borg 'Nilliam S. Carson, assistant I TYL IDITIUN , LL where Oscanyan will embark April.17 acrojogist, who will accompany F0hD ~ . d f n nAPwhere hiee(xpects to marry Miss As- H on. Meanwhile Kaliquist will be alonei - Tf~lIFA tril Funder shotly ater his xrrival. at He station continuing' his daily WV r'srig pcal etnFesyo 1hHik il1rn oioses osrain n alo sesos day. A meal that tastes different, wthat is what to do. During all the clay I lay' different thanote Fis'h .Prnes t u on nay hack uzitil late at ight when F x M TORCOACHES othetDinnrs. Gve u ri Aror ha T }gheouht gtu and 4-V mak y ry tma fle~U nArbor, Ypsilanti, Toledo !INfl T RE TA RA T and oatmeal. We are so far away! irnfnai.-Ann Arbor, City Pharmacey , from :ny help that we have only the '4i leo 5t ~i , Intrroun Hot 4213 #.i.11 1HON i.. 233 k. STAT r r 'rl , ice, the strong windls, andl ourselves.' 3,5ARCADE 8.4 John Barryinore "The Sea Beast" A sto ry of ie Wlialell een of apier icit. 'The featrleo, Yajikees! ,poi 1)AY "CASEY AT THE BAT" Subscribe For the Weekly An rrsLaing 117 Meatstat Popular Prices ~ =1 Fr sesh Fa o[d wIndChickens ! 202 E. Huron. Phone 4159: T Rp , . tr Iaest Timos Today! A. "Ilew O Nt"-trigiigie angle-anm old maw11 ,woos a lientifiil gil by nroxy, anid She fallis In love ith the hanidsomle yoII) n idtitute- ,A NI 'l'iltE- N ,RI '4 APPOINT31ENTS SAN }LA UREL in The Finishing Touch A Cartoon Paramnount Riva J~fieoTopics and 31,e'h.Locals Orchiestra (jp frograms Are Auigmenten for Anniversary. A.gain Announcing Cosmopolitan Opening SATURDAY And So the World Laughs with a Genius! WoroThWalng 2 YarsFor - Y 'i f\C~i ^ 'x'4 'Tis wvay the Big Maiw! This iiaiy to L)fi ;le BiDT= Liaig'.'lis! This -way to, C}aplin's i' hev-riuge oinedy circus! ~"Ilja way to ich t4rr ait Sthow of mirh! This may to the4 coinetd, r~iall Iiie! I14 stars Charlie ~ hi ngliabie , joy tcreAitir Approved h_ smile st)Irsis all ,over the wvorld! 's a perfect it-- t of laughter! ~a tiE7 B Frointtile Studlios (of