ESTABLSHED Jr Air Ar -A-Ao atj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 132. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCfI 23, 1928 EIGHT PAC TWO OBSERV'ERS TOLOBY RADIO BANGSTED AND CHURCH ARRIVE AT MT. EVANS FOLLOWING DARING JOURNEY ABSENT FOR 50 DAYS Four Radio Messages Received Here Bring Wrd Of Winter Trip Across Greenland Henge Bangsted and Prof. James E. Church of the (University Green- land expedition have returned safely to Mt. Evans from their daring winter trip over the Greenland ice-cap, ac- cording to a series of radiograms from Mt. Evans, dated March 17-20, received her'e by 8AXZ, local R. 0. T. C. short-wave station under the direction of Lieut. Richard E. Schlos- berg. The first message received Satur- day night read as follows: "Return today after good trip. All well. Have full report tomorrow. (Signed) Bang- sted." This was the first word which had been heard of the expedition since they set out late in January to make meteorological observations from the ice-cap. The local R. O. T. C. station was kept busy from 8:30 until 10:30 o'clock on Sunday, Monday, and Tues- day nights copying the report of the expedition as it came through the air from the Mt. Evans radio station, op- erated by Paul C. Oscanyan, Jr., radio operator for the expedition. Message Received The following message from Bang- sted was copied here Sunday night. "We have not obtained distance but have obtained results. Our farthest gave 4elevation of 2,000 feet. 'the travelling was hard because no snow on the ice, which snow survey will show: Have daily weather records for 50 days, morning, noon, and night. Have had some very violent storms, especially the 25-26 of February. We have some very interesting evapora- tion records showing that the ice- cap is evaporating very rapidly. Low- est temperature was minus 43 Fal- renheit. (Signed) Bangsted." Reports from Bangsted of the hu- man element in the expedition came through the ether Monday .night. The following is, an excerpt: "Our expedi- tion to inland ice started Jan. 15 in teeth of a howling storm. Church made his way to the first depot on route ahead of the sledge, but I and my eskimo wer forced back to camp in order to repair sledge smashed on ice in violent blow. Two days later I made a fresh start. Our party con- sisted of myself, Dr. J.' E. Church of University of Nevada, my young es- kimo helper, Marius, and our sledge with 10 dogs. I Road Lay Up Fjord . "Our road lay up the frozen fjord to the big glacier river system which is named Watson river by the Hobbs Greenland expedition. The route was very bad sand, stones, and slippery ice in river with little snow at certain places. It was very hard work for the poor dogs to pull the 500 pound sledge load through. When we came to frozen rapids we were stopped by steep ice wall and big rocks. Only way to get through was, to carry out-~ fit end sledge on our backs. We had 1 to carry more than 2,000 pounds this way...... "On the ice-cap itself we struggled in as far as was safe and were often stopped by strong gales of wind. We made our camp in a tent and for safety in stormy weather we built a big wall of snow blocks all around the tent. Beyond that we had to pro- tect the snow wall. This wasturned toward prevailing winds with our sledge which we tipped over on the side. The primus lamp gave us heat for cooking and we could use one quart of kerosene a day. Blubber from seals hunted in the fall was burned in a small lamp made of a developing tray. This lamp gave us heat and good light. , "Our meals consisted of oatmeal for breakfast, pemmican and bread or foam cakes for lunch, and pemmican for supper together with a cup of hot black coffee and two lumps of sugar. Ptarmigan and arctic hare furnished fresh meat which all of us enjoyed. We slept in deerskin bags on fur rugs above a thick layer of straw which we picked up on the way. The dogs slept outside in all kinds of weather without any protection The hardest thing in the world is to (Continued on Page Two) s .I i i r, { 7 SENATE ARGUES HIS DEMEANOR. Andrew J. Mellon Who yesterday was beleagured by the resolution of Senator James A. Couzens, Republican, from Michigan, to force him to resign from his of- fice of secretary of the treasury. The resolution cites a variety of charges, HUMORIST WILL COME HERE SOON WILL ROGERS TO APPEAR IN HILL AUDITORIUM APRIL 2 SPOKE HERELAST YEAR Will Be Brought Here Under The Auspices 'Of The Ann Arbor Theater League Will Rogers, noted cowboy humorist, will appear in Ann Arbor Monday night, April 2, in Hill auditorium, under the auspices of the Ann -Arbor theater league, the organization which s.ponsored his appearance here last year, according to an announcement made yesterday by Wilfred B. Shaw of the Alumni association. Rogers appearance filled Hill audi- torium to capacity last year when a number of encores were demanded by the listeners who insisted that Rogers talk to them for more than "FOR THE LOVE OF PETE" RECALLS LIFE ON CRUISE, SAYS PROFESSOR "I was delighted with Junior Girls' Play, 'For the Love of Pete.' It re- called vividly the efficient crew, thel dignified faculty, the frolicsome stu-1 dents, and the much-scrubbed deck of1 the Ryndam on the pioneer float- ing university," remarked Prof. W.f Carl Rufus of the Astronomy depart- ment in an interview yesterday after- noon. Professor Rufus, who was a member of the faculty of last year's cruise,1 thought the performance very well done. "The excellent dancing," he said, "reminded me of two of our r stars ab~oard, who danced by-royal in-1 vitation before the king and queen of Siam. The pompous dignity of the Median officials in the play quite ade-1 quately represents the majesty of the Sultan of Lahej, who invited 30 of our party to his palace with the spec-c ial order that a number of beautiful American girls be included. And the sprightly guards of 'For the Love of1 PROPOSAL BY ,COUZENS STIRS SENATE DEBATE Michigan Senator Demands Treasury's Secretary's Resignation Ater Pete' might easily be mistaken for the Sultan's army, the bodyguard of -the Prince of Monaco, or, by substituting kilties, for the superb Highlanders at Edinburgh castle." "We doff our hats to Barbara Crow- ell's Captain Blake," continued Dr. Rufus, "whose austerity reminds us vaguely of Captain Lieuwen of the S. S. Ryndam, Dutch, round, and jov- ial. Once when a pleading 'co-ed' placed her hand on our captain's arm, lie straightened up and quiz- zically remarked: 'Young lady, please remove your hand-I can't think.' The love scenes of the play aretexception- ally well done, and quite excel those on the floating university, to my knowledge, although I can't admit an extensive knowledge on that subject. "Mrs. Rufus, an astute judge of fac- ulty men," he went on, "admired each one of the play's professors in turn, although her eyes most closely fol- lowed Professor Pettibone's coat-tails. The policy 'to educate mercilessly' abundantly justified the penalty im- posed on the delinquent students, whose attempt to mutiny was sadly ineffective because they failed to se- cure faculty permission!"E Tickets for the remaining perform- ances of the play this week, which will be given tonight, tomorrow night, and tomorrow afternoon at the Whit- ney theater, are still available, ac- cording to officials in charge, though the advance sale for these perform- ances has been the largest thus far. WILL BE HELD TODAY~ 3lichigan And Northwestern Expected To Take Majority Of Points Of Seven Entries THREE TEAMS WITHDRAW1 By C. N. E. Withdrawals yesterday on the part of the Wisconsin, Ohio, and Indiana swimming squads whittled to only 7] the number of contestants for the Conference championship, the prelim- inaries of which will be held tonight at Minneapolis. DOORHS TO PUB'LIC AS EXHIBITI ARHE PLACED FOR 'TWO' DAY oSHOI MODELS OF HISTORIC LOCOMOTIVE WILL BE DISPLAYED BY TWO RAILROAD COMPANIES Preparations were complet. yesterday for the open house of t engineering college which opens at i o'clock this afternoon and continu ihrough tomorrow. Exhibits for the event, which is the first open hou given by the college since 1915, were put in place yesterday and e rangements for all other features were completed. Probably one of the most remarkable exhibits in the program a one that has all ready drawn a great deal of interest is the exhibit fur ished by the Baltimore and -Ohio railroad, which consists of a numb including mal-administration of the three hours. At that time he de------------- ' ' * " V de- Variety Of Charges internal revenue bureau to the ad- Ilared that of all the college aud- vantage of the Mellcn interests. fences before which he had appeared1 Senator David Reed, Republican, of he most preferred the Ann Arbor list- HOUSE ARGUES NAVY BILL; Pennsylvania, took up the defense of eners. the secretary after the Michigan sen- Characterized University (ly Associated Press.) ator had finished his fiery accusation. Rogers has from time to time taken. WASHINGTON, March 22. - The delight in referring to the University long-standing Couzens-Mellon feud, of Michigan as "Friedman university" modernized by the firecracker resolu- or "Oosterbaan college." He stated tion which tie'stormy Michigan sen- while here last year that- Michigan'stor hss 1926 football championship entitled ator has prepared to be touched off, her to "first rating in the Conference plunged the Senate into another two scholastic standings." hours of hectic language today; but Born on a ranch in Oklahoma, th os etaedwt h aa Justice Valley Decides That Forier Rogers spent the most impressionable Cabinet Officer Is Too Illr years of hs life as a cowboy, to which appropriation bill. At least that is 1For Spring Trial fact many people attribute his philos- what it is supposed to be debating. f ophic calm which characterizes both These are some of the things it did ASK TRIAL POSTPONEMENT his actions and speeches. When his talk about in fact: talent as a movie actor and speaker The S-4 disaster (it's not covered by had been realized by showmen, lie the bill); Philippine sugar; an al- (By Associated Press) appeared for sometime as the feature leged lobby on veterans legislation;t WASHINGTON, March 22.--Without attraction of the Ziegfeld follies in recovery of the South from pot-Civil the support of his co-defendant, the New York, but it was not until recent- war carpet-bagge.r days; desirabilityt aged 'and ailing Albert B. Fall, Harry ly that lie has travelled around the of changing immigration basis so as F. Sinclair must face trial alone here country delivering his monologue in to import more "Lindys" (two speech- I on April 4 on a charge of conspiracy concert halls. ' es); free air mail for congressmen; to defraud the government out of Has Had Varied Career alleged bad conditions of the congres- the Teapot Dome naval oil reserve. Rogers' varied career has taken him sional cemetery; merchant marine Justice Jennings Bailey so decided from his Oklahoma ranch to perform- value as a naval auxiliary; (not cov- today in the District of ances in the "Follies," a cowboy in a ered by the bill); indignant denial' preme court, indefinitely postponing rodeo in Madison Square garden, a that Wyoming is a decadent state. seering of the former interior secre- monologist, Mayor of Beverly Hills, And more to the same widely varying tary; seycring the two ca-ses and grant- Calif., and unofficial ambassador to effect. . ing the lessee of Teapot Dome a two the world at large from the United When the Couzens-Mellon row was days delay instead of the two months State's. While abroad in 1926 in the over, temporarily at least, the Senate e songhtn . r capacity 'last named, he was received reopened its door to the migratory witnesin thiscae, Finair antedaby princes an-d potentates all over bird bill, but just for a minute. It 1witness in his case, Sinclair wanted a Erope including the kings of Eng took flight again to let the conference postponement so the one-time cabinet land, Belgium, and Spain, as well as report on the radio bill take its place. iofficer and senator, who rs ill in El a visit made to Massolini.Senator Dill, having "posted" the hePaso, might with safety be move His honesty of opinion has seldom walls of the Senate chamber with im- here for the trial at a time When obeen assailed, for his unbiased judg- posing maps and views, glaring sta- would not be subjectedto the rigor o nent of American affairs has brought tistical charts to back up his remarks Washington winter weather' cnthm recognition as a humorist who about redividing station power and cf11 assured Sinclair at a recent rarely offends. Rogers stated last wave length privileges on a population conference they had in the Southwest year when he was in Ann Arbor that basis. Originally the bill was intend- that he was ready to .tell the whole iseldom dces anyone of whom he ed to give life for a year to the story of the lease of the Wyoming speaks take offense at what is said, radio commission, but the red4stribu- naval reserve which was followed by fcr as lie said, "If a man is a big tion tail tacked. c-l in the House is ayment of $233,000 in liberty bonds man, and I usually talk only about now wagging the whole dog. The bill thim by the wealthy oil operator.big men, he won't mind what is said still lacked Senate concurrence when The former interior secretary reiter- about him. It's only the lesser type that body ajourned. ated that desire yesterday in news- of individual who might take of- The Couzens resolution demands the aper interviews. fense." treasury secretary's resignation on a However, he politely declined to ' Tickets for his Ann Arbor perform- variety of " recited charges, including subject himself to interrogation by ance will be on sale at Wahr's book- -anal-administration in the internal rev- the Senate Teapot Dome committee I 'store throughout next week and prices enue bureau to the advantage of MeT- when asked by that body yesterday if will range from $2 down, according to Ion companies. Senator Reed, of lie would do and the committee aban- those in charge. Pennsylvania, took up the cudgels in Sdoned for the present, at least, its - the secretary's behalf when Couzens ln to sd ihairman, Cerald P. finished his outpouring. Reed sought i planttosevoteschairanectatheP financehe Nye, of North Dakota, and its prose- .e to vote the project into the finance cutor, Thomas J. Walsh, of Montana, (By Associated Press.) committee, but " it got shifted to the to El Paso to take his testimony. calendar under the rule, despite a Explaining his position, Fall said Fair and warmer today; unsettled warning from Norris,.Nebraska, that he was ready to have his deposition - and warnmer tomorrow with probable a showdown could not be avoided, in taken for use in a court of law as his ' showers. his judgment. taetmny th ein w oudb held within -I . testimony then wou ers if he were i MORTAR BOARD, HONORARY SOCIETY, Slquestioned by a Senatecommittee IS ORGANIZATIONOF SENIOR WOMEN there would be no limitations upon 1 the scope of the questions.Editor'sNo t e This isthe sixteenth zation. Th present chapter at Mich- Owen J. Roberts, of special gov-. a series of feature articles on campus in. e wment il counsel, and Senator stitutions intended to develop their his- igan is composed of 15 members, the -tory and major principles or organization Walsh said the deposition of Fall I and management. s riaximum number that' any chapter Wcould not be used at the trial -under may have, as provided by a national constitutional limitations unless the Mortar Board, national senior hon- ruling. - defense asked that it be taken: orary society for women, was founded There are now 35 active chapters def__n____as____ - in February, 1918, at Syracuse, New of Mortar Board grouped in seven SCUR RI TO SPEAK Y IYork, with the following now active sections each under a director. In- CUT PEA;chapters as charter members: the cluded in the section in which the Il CR IIN LG I University of Michigan, Cornell, Ohio University of Michigan is a member FACULTY TO, CLARIFY! Members To Fill Out Questionnaires For determination Of Attitude Over Proposed Measure HOPE TO SOLVE PROBLEM In order to clarify the recent action taken by the faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts in regard to the University College proposition it was., determined yes- terday that questionnaires should be sent out to the members of the faculty body for the puspose of collecting and defining the issues. This action was the only result of a special session of the faculty called by President Clarence Cook Little for further con- sideration of the proposal. President Little placed before the faculty two misconstructions which were liable to be placed on their re- cent rejection of the Uniersity Col- lege proposal by the Board of Re- gents and the general public. The, first of these he stated arose from the wording of the resolution passed by the body, declaring that the project of lomocotive models of both mod ern and historic interest and is value at close to $100,000. Among th models are reproductions of the fan ou's old Tom Thumb, William Mason Thomas Jefferson, and Winan's Camel back locomotives, and of modern it terest are models of a Santa Fe freigh engine, an articulated-mallet type lc comotive with 16 drive wheels, an'd modern passenger locomotive of th 5,200 class. All of these models ar complete in every detail and are ac tually working models. Along th same line the New York Central line have sent a model of the De Wit Clinton train which is valued at $15, 000, and James Davidson, of Bay,City has sent a scale model of a Grea Lakes freighter which is also value at $15,000. . Buick Cooperates The Buick company is sending a ful sized Buick 1928 chassis, which is cu away and electrically operated, show ing clearly the working of the interna mechanism. A model country side ha been set up by the department o transportation. This shows high ways, bridges, lakes, hills, valleys farms, and so on all in perfect per spective. In addition the highwa department will demonstate traffi -signals, models of grade crossings, 1 different models, of highways, min ature road machines, some of whirl will run, and .an exhibit of types o fences used to guard the highways which was furnished by the Cyclon Fence company. The department of aeronautical en gineering has, under the direction o Prof. Felix Pawlowski, arranged t exhibit the wind tunnel during th open house. This tunnel, which i located in the basement of the Eas Engineering building, is so built tha an endless stream of air, created b a large electrically 'driven propeller passes through the tunnel at a spee of about 200 miles per hour. Mode airplanes are hung directly in the ai stream and made immovable. The are connected to intricate apparatu above which can measure to -an ex ceedingly fine degree the most delicat changes in the lifting powers of th wings, the body resistance, and othe things of scientific interest, and thi apparatus will also be on exhibi The department of aeronautical en gineering will also demonstrate number of model airplanes, and wil present examples of design work i On the basis of past performances was unfavorable to it at present be-j Michigan and Northwestern are ex- cause the funds for putting it into operation seemed to be lacking. It was pected to monopolize the 99 points not known from this whether the plan which are up for distribution among would be deemed favorable at such the various teams, while at least five a time when the funds were availa-1 new records are in danger of being ble or not. 1 lowered during the course of si.e The second possible misconstruction. races which will be contested by such lay in the reference to the financial stars as comprise the rosters of the qualifications, according to President Wolverines and Wildcats. Little. He wished to determine wheth- Oldest, and apparently safest, of the er the faculty really felt that it should4 existing short pool standards is that have a voice in the budget as wellC set by Faricy of Minnesota six years as the Board of Regents, or if this ago when he negotiated the 200 yard was a wrong conclusion. breast stroke in 2:38.8. Wagner and The original intention was to have Thompson of Michigan and Lennox the questions dictated and answered of Northwestern are all capable of yesterday afternoon, but because of swimming within two to three se- the time and thought necessary thist conds of this time. plan was abanoned. Some alterations; Next most secure among the pres- i will be made in the original question-r ent records is that set by Breyer of naire and this will be copied and sent! Northwestern in 1925 when he SprItLt_ out from the President's office im-a ed the 40 yards in :18 2-5. Walker, mediately. The members of the fac-l Michigan sophomore, is credited with .ulty are not required to answer any the best seasonal performance in this or all of the questions except as they event, :18 3-5. see fit, and no names will be affixed In the other crawl events Ault, I to the sheet. Michigan sophomore who holds na- It is thought by the President that; tional intercollegiate record of 5:04 from this body of information there 9-10 in the 440, is expected to dis- will be gained an insight into the true place the official times made by How- objections to the University College ell and Breyer, 2:20 5-10 and 5:12 plan, unobtainable from an ordinary; 7-10, in the 220 and 440 respectively. vote. The proposition is scheduled to come before the Board of Regents at NEW YORK PASTOR its next regular meeting March 29 TO TA l K SUNrDAYI and by this method. some light will O T LK SUNDbe cast on .the whole affair. Speaking ,for the latter body President Little rev. Karl Reiland, pastor of St. ' declared that it was not their in- George's church in New York city wil tention to press the University Col- f deliver the last address on the spring, lege is the fac-ulties did not want it, series of convocations sunday morn- hence the meeting yesterday. ing in Hill auditorium, according to arrangements completed recently by' CONTINUE SALES the special student committee on con-; vocations, appointed by. President FOR CANES TODA Y Clarence Cook Little. John A.'Snod- grass, '28E, is chairman of the coin- IJMembers of the senior literary class a mittee, and James Inglis, members of cane committee will continue to take I aeronautical engineering. Laboratories Opened The department of chemical engin- eering is opening -a number of labor- atories to the public, among them, the ceramics laboratory and the electro- chemical laboratory. In these labora- tories will he demonstrated a large group of machines, processes, and ex- periments. The melting and pouring of metals,.in furnaces will be an im- pcrtant feature of this part of the program, and various metallurgical exhibits will be displayed. A chem- ical show will be held in room 1042 East Engineering building 'at 2:3( o'clock this afternoon, and at 1( o'lock in the, morning and 2: 30 o'lock in the afternoon tomorrow. In the West Engineering building the department of electrical engineer- ing will open both the dynamo lab- oratory and the illuminating labora tory to the public. In the new Physic, building the department will demon- strate x-ray and vacuum tube experi ments, the diffracting gra-ting ma chine, ultra-violet spectroscopy, the reverberation room, the sound proo room, which' is four floors under- ground, andhhig4 frequency phenom ena. The radio rooms will also. b opened and will be in operation, Models To Be Shown The department of civil engineerini is also offering some exhibits, amonm which are models of a sewage dis posal plant an'd a filtration plant, - collection of modern and historics surveying instruments, and a numbe of maps. The department of marine engineel ing will have some ship models in op eration in the naval tank, and will ex the board of trustees of the Michigan orders for senior canes from 1 to 5 School of Religion, and Dr. Frank o'clock today in the lobby of Angell Robbins, assistant to the President, hall. At the same time orders will be have aided the committee in its de- taken for caps andgowns,according niinqadnnnnq o an a 1nonnment by MatnCrr f 1)r. Nina Curri, professor of crim- inology at the University of Rome,j will deliver an address at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday, March 27, in room 2003 An- gell hall on "The Italian School of Criminology." His lectu're will be given under the auspices of Il Circolot Italiano and will be free to the pub-) lic. Although still a young man, Dr. Curri has become noted as one of the foremost exponents of the Lombroso State university, and Swarthinore col- 1arc: Ohio State university, Camne- c u15alpa m3.LU 'd,1- w.* UIf;1 '1, y IIU4L11 bi x ~er, tlege. Tie name Mortar Board was gle Institute of taechnology the Uni- Reverend Reiland is one of the lead- '28, chairman of the senior literary taken from the local chapter at Ohio 'gversity of Pittsburgh and the Univer- ing pastors of the East ajnd he has class committee on caps and gowns. I State university and Pi Sigma Alpha sity of West Virginia. To these four taken an active part in the advance s Before any orders will be accepted, was taken as a motto to give the or- chapters the Michigan chapter will of the church in accordance with time class dues must be paid, it is empha ganization rank in Greek societies. be hostess in the spring at a section- modem trend. He has at many times sized by class officials. The purpose of Mortar Board is al convention. National conventions addressed college audiences and it service, scholarship, and leadership are held every two years. was partly for this reason that he was FILL ORDERS FOR or as taken from the national con- The Michigan chapter of Mortar selected by the committee for the MIM'ES OFFERING stitution, "To provide for copperation Board carries on a campaign of glove- closing convocation. between these societies, to promote selling each year for the Women's ArMail orders are now being filled for college loyalty, to advance the spirit league with two definite sales during SATURDAY D/LIT *DANCES 1the week's run of George Bernard of service and fellowship among Uni- the year. Added to this the orgam- TO BE PERMIT TEDShaw's "The Devil's Disciple" at the REQUEST RETURNI d"1 . r Wr % r seer 1r M r C