__ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TI-URSDA Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, VIichigan, as second class matter Special rate )f postage granted by Third Assistant Post- paste General Subscription by carrier $4.00; by mail, ;4. 50. Offices. Ann Arbor Press Building, May- 'ard Street. Phones: Editorial. 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925' MANAGING EDITOR ti JO H. CHAMBERLIN 1 t cusation, however, when the facts are clear. Russia, at the present time, being by economic and social nature incapable of waging war, has done what is quite natural under the cir- cumstances- she has proposed that other nations be reduced to the level where they are unable to make war. It is not necessary to seek an ul- terior motive under this cold fact- for human nature itself would con- tradict any such motive. The Russian government has acted perfectly nat- urally under the circumstances, and while their proposal is of rather doubtful value, any allegation of in- sincerity, such as the present one,, is quite likely to be ill-founded. IDEALISM IN POLITICS Those who revert to subtle expres- sion often run the risk of being mis- understood. Their remark intended to point out a fault by showing it in exaggerated form may often be taken seriously and so misinterpret- ed. With all respect to the author of the campus opinion in this column, such seems to be the case with The Daily's recent editorial "Out of the Bag" on the latest fraud expose in the Republican party. At the outset, it should be, said that The Daily has no more sym- pathy with the corruption of the Re- publican or any other party than is apparent in the accompanying opin- ion. I TOSTD ROLL THE DAILY L ELECTION IS YESTERDAY THE DAILY held a straw vote to find out the feeling on the campus in regard to presidential prospects. The students were re- quested to put names and telephone numbers on the ballots. * * * WE HAVE OUR suspicions and we are personally going to see that all ballots turned in by women students are destroyed. Of course, here and there one may be held out because the telephone number is good look- ing. No, pardon us, we mean the girl. THEATER BOOKS MUSIC II Editor.....................Ellis B. Merry Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer Staff Editor..............Philip C. Brooks City Editor............Courtland C. Smith Women's Editor........Marian L. Welles Sports Editor ...........Herbert E. Vedder Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Assistant City Editor.....Richard C. Kurvink. Night Editors Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters Esther Anderson John H. Maloney Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald Alex A. Bochnowski Charles S. Monroe Jean Campbell Catherine Price Tessie Church Harold L. Passmian Blanchard W. Cleland Morris W. Quinn Clarence N. Eaetu' Rita Rosenthal Margaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg Valborg Egeland Eleanor Seribner Marjorie F-limer Corinne Schwarz James B. Freeman Robert G. Silbar' Robert J. Gessner Howard F. Simon Elaine E. Gruber George E. Simons Alice Hagelshaw Rowena Stillman Joseph E0. Howell Sylvia Stonef J. Wallace Hushen George Tilley Charles R. Kaufman Bert. K. Tritscheller William F. Kerby Edward L. Warner, Jr. Lawrence R. Klein Benjamin S. Washer Donald J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke Sally Knox' Joseph Zwerdling Tack L. Lait, Jr.' BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM: C.PUSCH Assistant Manager...George H. Annable, :jr. Advertising..............Richard A. Meyw Advertising.........Arthur MI. Hinkley Advertising.....Edward L. Hulse Advertising.............John XW. Ruswinckel Accounts........ ....Raymond Wachter Circulation ...... George B. An, Jr. Publication........... ...Harvey Talcott Assistants .George Bradley RaysHofelich Marie Brumineler Hal A. Jaehn lames Carpenter James Jordan Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr Barbara Cromel l Thales N. Lenington Mary Pively Catherine. McKinven Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons Una Felker Alex K. Scherer Katherine Frohne . George Spater Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley E. J. Hammer Hannah Wallen Carl W. Hammer THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1923 Night Editor-NELSON J. SMITH, Jr. * * * AS WE .GO to press, which is hours before the final vote has been de- termined, it seems that the campus has cast a heavy vote in favor of a fellow by the name of Hoover. THIS FELLOW HOOVER seems to be a good man, all right, but then he has carried the intelligent vote and that speaks poorly for any man's chances. * * * AS NEAR AS we could find out the students have supported the tradi- tion of the State of Michigan and have given an overwhelming majority to the Republican party. Seems too bad, but we imagine the only reason the vote wasn't unanimous is that there are several southern students in the University. * * BOLT SAW TO it personally that he received one vote. * * * To be sure, political parties would be much better off without men prone to engage in fraudulent dealing. It would also be better if party men would try to keep their own houses clean rather than "keeping mum." Likewise, it would be nice if an honor system could be established and main- tained in every line of human en- deavor. Yet, even to set forth the ideal- ism of youth or persons younger, ser- ious support of the latter measure particularly would be extremely non- sensical. Idealism should be indeed heeded; but it should also be tem- pered with knowledge of human na- ture. The factors precluding an honor system in party politics are too num- erous and significant to mention. Even in the country's colleges, supposedly the home of idealism, the honor sys- tem of examinations will work only under conditions rarely found. Reform in government administra- tion should not be slackened; per- sons engaged in fraudulent dealing should be severely prosecuted; cand- idates for public office with ques- tionable records should be refused; but it is silly to expect to accom- plish all that immediately which pre- viously has taken decades. CAMPUS OPINION Annonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Letters pub- lished should not be construed as ex- pressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. DEMOCRACY AND EFFICIENCY If some completely authoritative and understanding intelligence should characterize' Italy under Mussolini with all its implications, the result would very probably include all the significant statements made in , the Nitti-McClure debate on the rule of I1 Duce. Mr. McClure and Dr. Vib- cenzo each presented different as- pects of Fascist rule both of which could be true without great jeopardy to the other. There is little doubt that the Fas- cists have efficiently administered government with great benefits to Italy since Mussolini became prime minister. The forced increase of in- dustry and the ordered decrease of waste could have no other effect on the country. On the other hand, it is equally clear that many privileges concomi- tant with democratic government have been withdrawn. Suppression of news- papers is probably the outstanding example. Yet, at the same- time it may be true, as Mr. McClure as- serts, that these restrictions have not appeared as a wrongdoing in the eyes of 40,000,000 people. Italy is furnishing another exam-; ple that a wisely dictated government may bring greater prosperity and welfare than the humanly operated, but only moderately efficient rule. Their poverty in natural resources and their overpopulation makes the dif- ference very significant to the Ital-t iahs. . THE HAPPY COLLEGIANS I By Hot Stuff Chapter IV As you know, dear reader, we is waiting for a driver for the paddy wagon and as we has just been turn- ed down by Geologist Hobbs, we is on the rocks sota speak. But Hobbs comes through. He quick points to a line of mixed stu- dents coming along two by two: "I has a geology class on a field trip here," sezze. "Try them." Well, so the captain of the crew he ups and ats 'em and gives the class an oral bluebook on "Can you drive a Car?" The flunks 99 44-100 pure being forced to admit that it's been so long since they've driven a car that they don't even remember how to strip a set of gears. So-it looks as if we has to walk, 'but the sergeant sprouts an idea. He quick runs over and calls up Ann Arbor High school and in thirty min- utes by my Ingersoll-twenty min- utes by the campus clock-a couple of their freshmen comes up, meets the boys, and takes the wheel of the patrol wagon. Stuff and I and the two skirts quick piles in the car, but those dig-danged ornery cops pulls us back. "You can ride," they says, "BUT NOT TODAY." Mary (that's the girl friend) lets out a roar and drenches the new- mown hay with a flow of tears that raises the mean average rainfall a couple of inches for the day. "I never j yet had to get out of a car and walk," she moans. (To be continued) A LAWYER STUDYING Just A Poor Boy Gone Mad Blue hats, green hats, Red hats, Gray hats,+ Saucy hats, Naughty hats, Plain old staid hats, Brilliant hued gay hats, Parade each hour Down the walk in front of me. ; Sales and Evidence, Wills and Insurance, Trial and Appellate Practice, All are waiting for me.1 Good Lord how can I concentrate t Elucidate such subjects While hats, hats of co-edsl My window shows to me. C Poison Ivy. l * * * K TONIGHT: The twenty-fourth annual Junior Girls' Play, "For the Love of Pete," in the Whlit- ney theater at 8:15 o'clock. * .* * "FOR THE LOVE OF PETE" A review, by Jo ll. Chamberlin A refreshing reassurance has been given the 5,000 campus cynics left in th wake of the Union Opera with the current edition of the Junior Girls' Play now running at the Whit- ney. The production, with few im- perfections, moves with balance and precision. The singing is competent, the dancing quickened with new steps, and the dialogue runs rapidly but doesn't stumble. Tritely speak- ing, it is a creditable show, good en- tertainment, in its satire on intellect- ualism, for both faculty and inmates of this institution. Tossing the nosegays, one should go to Theodora Maloy whose imper- sonation of Peter meets expectations. Shirley King as Clare sings pleasingly and loud enough to be heard over the house (in contrast to recent whisper- ing soloists), the Gruber-McCurdy comic affaire registers, Dorothy Ack- erman is sympathetically pedagogical, and Geraldine Porter takes compe- tantly a somevwhat -easily abused role. Alma Scheirick falls easily into the requirements of the professorial Fis- bee. Jean Currie as the head of the floating university where education and the wild waves meet and Dor- othy Lyons as the escaped laboratory lover, Algeron Apperson Aspinwall, both have their moments. As for the dancing the chorus move- ments are precise, sometimes Tiller- esque in execution. Theodora Maloy's specialty in overalls, Leone Lee's skipping rope number, and Shirley King's waltz were received with con- siderable enthusiasm. Vera "V." John- ston's specialty as the girl in blue who wanted 'a man was one of the best of the show but Miss Johnston does not have the numbers her ability merits. I 'cotld spend hours..... While the book is satisfactory it would be greatly improved by the speedy demise of the more obvious lo- calized wisecracks. Most go over. Some don't. It's not so easy to pro- ject one's self back to the land of the Mediocre after some allusion to the ambiguity or eccentricity of a local faculty luminary. The dramatic moments are fully realized by the cast but the intervening dialogue could be cut in places to remove the slight let down. The Merrick-Evans sets and costumes are adequate, above the usual run of canvas, tinsel, and gilt. Directrix Minna Miller has done a good job utilizing the possibilities of the book. If directing a Junior Girls' Play were confined to the play proper it wouldn't be such a job but playing the egotism and playing up the obscured talents of a hundred odd stage struck juniors IS some- thing of a task. "THE BARKER" Nifty Miller ... Charles Warburton Chris Miller......Robert Henderson Carrie ........Kate Holland Patton Lou ................ Frances Dade Ma Benson.........Velma Royton Colonel Goudy ........ Franz Rothe Hap ....... . ... Samuel Bonnell Doc ...............Robert Wetzel Sailor West.;..........Harold May Cleo ................ Licette Moulin ! The next offering of the Rockford Players will be "The Barker" with th-e above cast. Of all the rugged ways up Parnassus, the author of this play, Kenyon Nicholson, has probably chosen the most rugged, for the Muses have gone New England and have ac- quired a shiny dew outfit of neuroses; their favor is obtained most easily by >eating out, on a set of dishpans, a version, in a minor key, of the/ temp- :ations of Paphnutius. They have any I amount of disdain for a play, about lemental and uncomplicated people, ike "The Barker." In spite of scorn owever, this' picture of carnival life s a good melodrama. It shows us he naive and sentimental carnival >lk-their hopes and their disappoint- vents, and it also gives us color and avour of those who make their living 'om the exploition -of freaks. H. M. A NEW VENTURE rmn Pn a nd 7nn1 C4 - . - _ts, . WHAT STAND?' To those who have -appreciated the liberalism and fairmindedness of TheI Daily as expressed in the large ma-I jority of its editorials, the one of Thursday entitled "Out of the Bag" comes as a shock. At first reading I thought it must have been intended for sarcasm, yet there were the following unmodified statements: "How much better it would be if the Republicans were to find .onme clever and astute crooks to head their party finances -- some men wb. could think and keep quiet. . . and Of course, as with Germany, the stern rule of a few may prove nearly disastrous if it starts on some wild course. In such emergency, the ap- plicable control of democracy is worthwhile, even at the expense of some previous inefficiency. ThoLgh as a debate, the arguments failed to clash, they were illumina- tive of Italianaffairs. Michigan, par- ticularly Monday night's audience may be very grateful to the two gen- tlemen for their escorts. INSINCERET The plan of the Soviet government to scrap all war materials, recently presented to the preparatory com- mission disarmament by Maxim Lit- vinoff has been styled as insincere by Lord Cushendun, representing the r i; f t 1 "It is asking almost too much to request that any political party adhere to high principles of integrity in its dealings, to in- stall an honor system in finance." Can the editor really mean such things in truth and not in sarcasm? In order to. clarify his position with his readers, not only here in the Uni- versity but also in other colleges it seems as if further comment is neces- sary, particularly on such questions, for instance, as the following: 1. Do the political parties stand in need of men who will carry on the practices of Fall, Daughterty, and Hays but improve on their technique by not getting found out? 2. Certain other Republican party leaders knew what was going on some years ago but kept mum, making ap- parently no attempt to clean things up from either within or without. Was this policy best in the long run for either the Republican party or the country as a Whole? 3. Is it not worth while to try to establish the honor system in every ine of human activity ? 11 WE HAVE ON hand a story sent us entitled "The Modern Paul Re- vere." It relates how the mighty Paul turns down many offers of his- pitality to ride on and save the people from the British, we print the last epi- sode of aPul's ride: Galopp! Galoop! Galoop! Knock, Knock! Knock! "Who's there?" (sweetly)I "Paul Revere. The British are com- ing!" "Won't you come in Paul?" (real sweetly) "Nope, Can't. Got to save the peo- ple." ",011. ,a 1 1An ,11 !d ll -i A 11 I 11 I