1928 THE. MICHIGAN DAILY SOWS~ SELEUT SQUAD BBIK ALYS SPRING GRID PRACTICE' C everal F eatures IAddied Tol Progm' Of ,Ka isas I'Relays CNFERENCE' SPORT DOP FENCING CAPTAIN TO BE NAMED AT TRIS BANQUET APRIL 5 COLUMN L IS% CLOSES As the conc luding evecut of thec areaT- 3 P.M. I A.D 1rE Each M31;u11To0 e t(ow.1lied In Certainj 'r'o. tion 1Until Celleral Call j A Is Issed April 16l ALUMNI AWARD OFFEREDI Attcr a rather embryonic start on Monday, spring football practice got under way in earnest yesterday after- nboon with the first sighs of spring. Coach Tad WXieman has a squart of about 25 or 30 selected men who will be drilled either to develop some cer- tini talent suich as kicking and pas's-I iNg or will be trained -in the technics of some certain po'ition. Later on they will be inistructed in the funda- i mnertals of some new 'plays which' Coach N'fiemian is trying out. Practice Siarts April46 These men will continue under; spaecial instruction utntil April 16 or, 17 whe n they will be augemirnted..by aill men whlo wish to try out for the' Varsity next, fall in the regular spring practice session. Franklin Cappon" will, return ;to Michigan after anl absence of two years in time to aid in the coaching. He was recently appointed assistant coach and will give up the position of head coach of the University of Kan- sas, which he htas lield for the last= "two years. The Chicago Alumini trophy will be awarded at the end of this .drill to the man who has shown the most im- provement and hqs reported regularly for practice. The players who have received this award in forfineir years are Ray Baer in 1925, Captain-elect George Rich in 1926, and "Kip" 'Pay- !or, last year., FRESHMAN INDOOR SQUAD, TO END SEASON MARCH 0 Freshman indcor track activities will come to an end on Friday, Mtlarccr 30. when numerals will be awarded to promising performvers on the sqtuad and a captain elected. Though no more meets are schediuledl for the in- dlfor season, the mlen will continue practicing this week as usual in the feld house until warmer weather per- i its them to begin work on the out- door track. With the advent of the outdoor, sea- se"n, Cach Charles Hoyt's proteges will be enabled to increase the list of, their field actiyflie's by the addition of the discus, hanmm _r, anti javelin throws, heretofore denied them due to limited amount of space in the field hloue Fifty-six athletes have entered the; Mid-western A. A. U. wrestling cliampion shiip5 aai sect ional trials' for the Olymnpic teami to be held on \Friday and( Saturday ait the Univer- sity of, Iowa. 04 Veteran, National league: southpaw and formner world series hero, who is with the Chicago Cubs this season. Recent ~praotices have indicated that the, tormner Giant star has lost little of heis forkner skill that earned the ad- miration oft 41 fandom. .t (Special to The Daily) LAWRENCE, March 21 - Aside from the hundreds of university, col- le'ge. and high school athletes who will compete in the Sixth Annual Kansas Relays at the University of Kansas Memr orial Stadium here on April1 21, there will be several other feature events, it has been announced by Dr. F. C., Allen, Kansas director of athletics. One of the features attracting un- usual, interest is the announced in- ternational ,Indian marathon race in which it' is planned that three long distance Indian runners representing Mexico, the United States and Cana- -da -shall compete for each country. The distance, in~ this race is to be the regulation marathon distance of 26 miles 385 yards and will be run from East Topeka to the University df Kansas stadium track where the fin- ish will be made before the great crowd assembled for the relays pro- per. Word comes from Burt Jamison, old Haskell graduate, who is track coach at Sherm'an Institute in Cali- fornma, that a member of the Hopi tribe will more than likely win the tryouts there. Incz is reported to be far lbelowv Ohe ivill assemble at a. banquet April 51 usual standard this year, with the result that it cannot b)e hoped that ate \ici.,Uinw fth Varsity letters will probably b the new men will strengthien the, awanrded. The banquet will be Meld Varsty erymuchnex tal. in the day following the all-camlpus ('uliii Miller, l;rea