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March 21, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-21

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RCH 21, 192E

AI1eYt t
Published every morning except Mom
during the University year by the Board
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Edito
The Associated Press is exclusively
titled to the use for republication of all e
dispatches credited to it or not othervs
credited in this paper and the local news p
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Ar
Michigan, as second class matter. Specialr
of postage granted by "Third Assistant Pc
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by m
r5ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, M,
oard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214
Telephone 4925

d in



Captain Hinchcliffe and Elsie Mac-
kay have but recently been added to
the long list of aviators who perished
somewhere between France and
America since Nungesser and Coli
were last heard from. Undaunted by
the failure of others, they too, ap-
parently fell prey to the Atlantic.
Now, plans are underway for four
French flights to be made during the
summer of 1928, with five of France's
leading birdmen playing the leading
Feeling that the Paris to New' York
hop is still a challenge to the courage
and daring of the world's best avia-
tors, the five Frenchmen, Costes, Le-
Brix, Drouhin, Bissoutrot and the
"Lone Falcon," are preparing for the
supreme effort this summer. It is
significant that they are giving more
attention to the perfection of their
planes than to publicity preceding the
It takes admirable courage to at-
tempt to conquer the Atlantic, but it
has been shown that courage alone
cannot accomplish the feat.. Past
disasters, as well as past successes in
eastern flights over the Atlantic, have
decisively shown this to be true, and
the time has come when flyers sholild
realize that the challenge is not one of
arousing sufficient courage and dar-
ing to undertake more flights, but one
of employing skill and science in the
construction of newer and better
transatlantic planes. Until then, too
much optimism cannot be expected
regarding the success of such ven-

Editor.....................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
Staff ditor..............Philip C Brooks
City Editor ...........Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor. .. ... .Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Assistant City Editor. ichard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nlelson J.' Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson lohn H. Maloney
Margaret Arthur Marion McDonald
Alex A. Bochnowsk. Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
Jessie' Church Harold L. Passman
Blanchard W. Cleland Morris W. Quinn
Clarence N. Euro- Rita Rosenthal
Margaret Gross Pierce Rosenberg
Valborg Egeland Eleanor Scribner
Marjorie Vollmer Corinne Schwarz
James 13. lreemar Robert G. Silbar
Robert 3 J: essne eHoward F. Simon
Elaine E. Gruher. George ~. 'Simons
Alice Hagelshaw Rowena Stillman
Joseph I?. Rowell- Sylvia Stone1
J. Wallace Hushen George Tilley
Charles R. Kaufman Bert. K. Tritscheller .
' liam F. Kerby Edward L. Warner r.
~awrence R. :Klein Benjamin S. Washer
)onald J. Kline Leo J. Yoedicke
"111v Knox Joseph Zwerdling
rack L. Lait, 'Jr.


BELIEVE IT OR not, despite wha
the weather man may serve up in the
I way of greeting, today is the first day
of spring. Throw away your heavy
coats, red flannels and all that, it i
going to be warm, BUT NOT TODAY
* * *
YES, SIR, THIS is the day which
is fixed on the calendar as the first
day of spring. Usually, spring begins
about the first day of summer accord
ing to the calendar, but the best thing
we can do is hope.
NOW THAT .SPRING is here the
arboretum will become crowded and
the canoe business will become profit-
able. Of course, there will be no
change in the automobile business
despite the weather.
ACCORDING TO THE instructions
of Dr. Emerson, printed in yesterday's
Daily, if you are bitten by a dog you
are to follow the canine to its home
and report the bite to the owner.
IT SEEMS THAT if the owner
watches the dog and afterten days
he shows no signs of rabies the bitten
person is safe. The rest was not
stated but we imagine that if the dog
shows that he has rabies after ten
days, it is just about time for the
.bitten person to look for medical at-
* * *
IF THE OWNER of the cur will not
tie it up for ten days the case should
be reported to the police department.
They will then throw tear gas at the
dog and make him repent his sins.
Personally we think that a little Chi-
cago gang treatment with a pistol
would be a sure cure for the dog.

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager... George H Annable,

/ r.1

Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. T-he names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request. Letters pub-
lished should not be construed as ex-
pressing the editorial opinion of The

T H E A TER American Rug Cleaning Works
BOOKS Rugs and Carpets
M U S I C 'Cleaned-Sized-Repaired
t I__-1032 Green St. Phone 8115
y TONIGHT: "For the Love of Pete," __
y the twenty-fourth annual Junior Girls'
s Play, in the Whitney theater at 8:15 CO MERC AL
o'clock. e e. SE EL Fraternities and Sororities
"FOR THE LOVE OF PETE." Now is the time to be thinking of your
A review, by Vincent Mall. Still time to enter for that 1usi-yehinking
S Into the Whitney theater, 6o lately ness Training you need. Let syear bos or annuals.
- occupied by the shock troops of the prepare you for a good positionL
_Enter Monday Let Us Give You a Estimate
Rockford Players, has entered a gen-
tle frolic in the shape of the JuniorNH
Girls' Play-"For The Love Of Pete."
In their current effort the young lad-
ies have tossed off another of those
little things in headdresses and wise-
- cracks that we have come to so loose-
ly refer to as musical comedy. As suchoim reswns
it is quite stimulating entertainment,___PHONE_8805
and as a Junior Girls' Play, it is very, CLASSIFIEDPH
17 Univ. Ave. (Over Geo. Moe's.)
For the most part the pace is rapid, A
and Minna Miller, regisseur of the
vhole business, deservesa great deal
f credit for the production. With a
very little Miss Miller has gone a =o
long way, and with a little moreDBRefreshments
might have gone the whole distance. -eca Salads, Toasted Sandwiches and Thick
As it is, although it has a peculiar Ma td
and wonderful construction, there are Creamy ted Milks
occasional arid moments which Goto
should be fixed. But after all, it is G
nds. good, clean fun that nobody =C IPPE ' SUBW AY
IThere are several very remarkable --~', M~
p Performiances-Theodora Maloy's im- -_ SA N JD.) /1'% J1C,.t1A°
Personation of the Peter of the titleA NI HHP
Vera Johnston in a vigorous and en- N. UNIVERSITY AT SO THAYER
ergetic specialty dance; Shirley King =*below Our RegularCr
C as Clare; and Leone Lee who leads r Campus Drug Store
the chorMus. Miss Maloy carries the nllltllryi 111111 n 6 I
burden of the play's very intricate+
happenings with ease and assurance,
and at the same time is a very con-
vincing and good looking young man.
In addition to all this she puts over - -
the "Peter Blues" in a very capable
andpf'sin mnr.hespr-
ably the best leading m an any Junior s a y s a b o ut C o c aD rol a
Girls' play has ever possessed. Shirley p/ / M BDJ C - 0
King is a young lady of pleasing tal-
ents and a brunette beauty. She sings
well and often, and is possessed of
considerable poise. Delicious and Refreshing
The only thing to regret concerning
the work of Miss Johnston and Misss
Lee is that they didn't appear more - -
often. Both are excellent dancers, and
Why they were submerged for the x "Halloo your name to
greater part of the evening in the e reverberate hills,
front row of the chorus is quite be- and make the babbling
yond comprehension. Whenever they {$'Y("f e gossip of the air cry out"
appeared the show moved appreciably :/r
faster. The Bard of Avon gave much
As for the book, it missed being good advice. And this piece cer-
- s tainly has been followed by
something good by quite ,a wide mar- Ca-la:
gin. It had considerable possibilities,,Tedn. -
but there was a lack of humor that thel d sigyou read about. n
could not be over-balanced by gags'treta cres gf biten
about local pedantry. It is true, that: streets and corners of ctes and
the reason there was so little good evrywher ts name more
'~~-TWELTH NGHT familiar than the names of the
humor is that it is very hard to write TIs
s TWE r~x IGHT streets themselves.
good humor; and it is still more diffi- -.f, Act i, scenes
The Coca-Cola Cmpan, Atlanta, Ga.
cult to find a comedian to administerTp,
it to the audience. However, since 8 millionaduay IT H A D T O 'BE GOOD TO GET W H E R E I T I S
several very charming juveniles were
projected into our gratified midst, this
was quite speedily forgotten.
As it stands, "For The Love Of
Pete" has its regrettable moments,
but in its entirety it is well mannered
and lady-like and as such was well
received by the audience. Within its
limits it has succeeded very well, and
can hold up its tinseled head with FESTIV A L
the hallowed ghosts of "Castles In

Spain" and "Becky Behave."

Advertising..... ....Richard A Meyu.
Advertising ............Arthur M. Hinkley
Ndvertisig....Edward L. Hulse
a~dvertising----------John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts............. .Raymond Wachter
Circulation.............George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication................-.Harvey Talcott
George Bradley Ray Hofelich
Marie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
lamie~ Carpenter, James Jordan
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromel Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dively Catherine McKinven
Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Ona Felker Alex K. Scherer
Katherinek rohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg- Herbert E. Varnum
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley
C. J. Hammer Hannah Wallen
Carl W. Hammer

Night Editor-ROBERT E. FINCH



Today the students and faculty
members of the University will be
given in opportunity to register their
choice for President of the United
States on a straw ballot to be con-
ducted under the auspices of The
Daily. The event is not tremendously
significant nor important; nor will it
materially affect the outcomne of the
presidential race (though the results
will be reported to a central tabula-
tion of the college polls throughout
the nation); but as an indication of
stula'nt interest in the vital problems
of the nation the ballot will be an ex-
cedingly effective barometer.

The accusation that American col-
lege students are not interested in
the more serious .problems of their
day is too often made to require
repetition; and an opportunity to dis-
play this interest is so seldom offered)
as to be a rare privilege. By far the
outstanding public question of the
present year, however, is the question
of who will occupy the White House
from 1929 to 1933, and a display of
student enthusiasm for one candidate
or another would be an effectual con-
tradition of those who feel that uni-
versity students lack serious in-


To the Editor:
After returning from my three week
vacation, which I spent at the Univer
sity hospital, my attention was calle
to an editorial on High School Aero
nautics, in the March 6 issue of you:
paper. I think the writer of the art
icle completely misunderstood the
news from California about establish
ment there, in Galt high school, of
course in Aeronautics, and accordingly
his fears about the danger of such at
innovation in the high school curricul
are unfounded, and are liable to mis,
lead the public.
None of the high schools arc liabli
to go into flying training for the sim-
ple reason of the expense of it. I
would be more interesting and im-
portant for the few engineering
schools in this country, engaged ii
teaching Aeronautical Engineering, tc
also include flying training for their
students, as a certain amount of prac-
tical experience in flying is of advan-
tage to future Aeronautical Engineers,
however, they have all unanimously
decided not to do it, not only on ac-
count of the responsibility in case of
accidents that might occur in connec-
tion with such training, but primarily
for the reason of perfect inability to
stand the expense of such training.
The news from Galt high school
means simply, that they introduce in
their curricula some elementary
courses on Principles of Flight and
Aircraft Engines, just like similar
courses developed and conducted for
the past few years by some of our
graduates in Aeronautical Engineer-
ing, at Cass Technical high school in
Detroit, and also the City college of
Detroit. I . understand that similar
courses are being offered in several
other high schools in our state and a
few others.
The purpose of the instruction in
high schools is for the following rea-
son: a new developing aeronautical
industry needs not only engineers, but
also in a much greater number, skill-
ful mechanics, foremen and workmen.
Only a small percentage of youth
passing through high school are
capable, as we know, of acquiring a
college or university education, the
majority of them furnishing the more
intelligent material to our industries
and business organizations, and, since
high schools train in different trades, .
it is perfectly proper for them to also 1
include Aeronautics and so answer a
need which is becoming more and1
more apparent. For that reason I have<
already advocated this idea for some
years and, personally, I feel very gra-
tified that the Daniel Guggenheim
Fund for the Promotion of Aeronau-t
ics has recently started a plan for,
spreading out a knowledge of princi-t
les of aeronautics through the medi-I
um of private and secondary schools.
may also mention, parenthetically,
hat even before the World War ins
ome of the European countries, the

IF THE DOG does not want to go=
home the only thing for the person
bitten to do is retaliate and bite the
dog. In that case the canine will
begin to think it has' the rabies from
the bite and will hasten homeward.
Thus you will be able to discover the.
domicile of the animal.
* * *
WE LEARN FROM a paper publish-
ed in Mishawaka, Indiana, that Paul
Oscanyan, radio operator of the Uni-
versity of Michigan. geological station
in Greenland, proposed to Astrid
Funder, daughter of the director of
the Copenhagen School of navigation
by radio.
* * *
THIS SEEMS TO BE fine for the
lady because if she wished to refuse
she merely has to say she didn't hear
the message correctly.

AND FOR THE more. unpopular
men, they can broadcast the proposal
feeling sure that at least one of the
millions in the radio audience will
AT THAT WE would feel sorry for
a man who had several acceptances.
We also wonder just what action the
courts would take in suits for breach
of promise. No, Oscar, we shall send
all our proposals by telegraph.
* * *
NOW THERE COMES to our at-
tention the fact that one of the en-
forcement officials, to use the com-
mon vernacular a University cop, rode
his motorcycle into the rear end of
a car on State street.
* * * -
University take the motorcycles away
from the enforcement officials and
buy them kiddy-cars. With these
there will be much less danger to all
the citizens and students.
* * *
that the committee in charge of such
things has sent out invitations to
prominent men to attend the Gridiron
banquet. As yet we haven't received
one of them and we can't imagine


Nor is the poll a matter for the men
students of the University only; for
the enfranchisement of women voters
has brought with it a measure of re-
sponsibility that can not be ignored.
Public and political questions have
become matters of concern for both
sexes, and with the tabulation of
women's votes to be made in the
campus balloting, some indication of
their interest in the natlonal life of
which they will some day be a part
may be gained. -


A Criticism, by Robert J. Gessner.
Of all the art exhibits that have ever
adorned the walls of West Gallery
the present by far out numbers any
in quantity, and also in its own style,
any in quality. And all this is due to
the prolificness and taste of the Print
Makers Society of California.
;Dry points and litographs by Eng-
lish artists, etchings by Belgians, and
wood blocks and block prints by Cali-
fornia artists constitute the major
part of the better work. New Eng-
land contributors along with a few
New Yorkers share in the general
Of the unusual presentations a
lithograph entitled "Fuchsia" by Lily
Blatherwich (English) is the most
startling. One of the finest bits of
technic to be found among the etch-
ings is "A New England Road-Eve-
ning"-- by George Elbert Burr.
"Desert Clouds" by H. L. Doolittle ofe
California is delicate in its fantastic
effect. Ernest Watson of New York
has beautifully displayed his imagi-
nation in a poetic thing called "Siren's
Bargue." From France Maurice V.
Achener has sent representative ex-

Course tickets
may be ordered by mail.
Monday morning, April 2,all
unsold tickets will be offered
over the counter," $5.50,
$6.00, $7.00. (If Festival
coupon is presented in ex-
change, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00.)


Straw ballots are necessarily in-
decisive; but a straw ballot represent-
ing or. a large scale the opinion of
a great University student body as
to v hom is the most ably qualified
maa for President, and upon at least
two other public questions to be in-
cluded on the ballot-the World Court
and prohibition-cannot help but prove
enlightening. It is a privilege and a
nominal duty for an American uni-
versity student to entertain at least
gaFlff gj.,nao f infp,.nczt 4in tlanr.nnac.

Dates;May16,17,18 1 -Six Concerts
CONDUCTORS: Moore, Stock, Grainger, Delamar-
ter, Higbee.
SOLOISTS: Corona, Montana, Kruse, Alcock, Telva,
atzenauer, Davies, Althouse, Koch,
Basiola, Baromeo, Rabinof, Grainger

EVEN IF THEY don't call upon us
to speak at the affair we know that
we deserve the right to speak. Fur-
thermore, we are now supporting
Hobbs to get the oil can.
WE BELIEVE WE are correct in as-
suming that the man who gets it is
one noted for saying the wronE thing


University Choral Union, Chil-
dren's Festival Chorus, Chicago
Symphony Orchestra.
"St. Francis of Assiss" Pidn? :



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