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March 21, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-03-21

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r .w.

VOL. XXXVIII, No. 130.


be given Friday night by the Union
9RS' [. 9SCI T i place of the regular dance was
made yesterday by William Jeffries,
R grad., president. Favors and balloons
will be given out at the dance.
It was also announced that more
couples have already attended the
ITALIAN JOURNALIST MAINTAINS Union week end dances than attended
FASCISM IS RULING BY all the dances given by the organiza-
.ARMED FORCE tion last year. The total number of
couples, 9,700, who have used the
PRESS SUPPRESSION CITED ballroom this year is larger by 2,000
than the number for the same period
New York Edtor, Who Spent Several during last year.
Months In Italy, Defends Part of this increase is due to the
MussolIni's 1wgimne .new band which has been playing
- '--Ithere for a short time. Paul Omer, a
"Fascist Italy is not the true Italy; musician of nationwide fame, has tak-
it is only the minority," Dr. Vincenzo en charge of the orchestra and is
Nitti, eminenmt Italian journalist, de- aking steady improvements with it.
Nitaiein kntgIthealijoraistside-fAs usual, the tickets for the dance
lared in taking the affirmative side of Friday night will go on sale at the
the debate, "The Rule of Mussolini- desk in the Union lobby on Wednes-
Is It Injuring Italy?" held last night cday while those for the regular dance
in Hill auditorium under the auspices Saturday night will go on sale Sat-
of the Oratorical association. "Al- ,urday.
though it is only a minority," Dr. Nittji
added, "it is a violent, well-armed min -WAD V
ority. I only hope that Italy w ill soon ctr411hh01
erty do not think that 41,000,000 peo- -~\I I'I IllI
ple would submit to an.ylgreat wrong- U
doing," declared S. S. McClure, New
York publisher, who took the negative Advocating More Reason In Marriage,
side of the debate. "The Fascists have Aldred S. Warthin Would
established a safe and sound form of Lessen Sex-Appeal
government which has 'resulted in an
org nized whole and an increa'se inB
civic pride on the part of the Italian Ii TALK ON RELIGION
people. Feism aims to-createa
government of authority, and it is ac- "Biological sins can never be for-
complishing just that." given," saaid Dr. Aldred S. Warthin,
Dr. Nitti openied the debate, speak- professor of pathology, who spoke on
ing for 30 minutes. He pictured Fasc- "The Religion of a Biologist," at Lane
ism as a reactionary government, hall last night under the auspices of
fundamenmtally. anti-derrxcratic. "It the Institute of Religious Education.
is a .n1gation," he averred, "of all the , Prof. P. M. Jack, head of the rhet-
principles that lie in the graces of oric department,, spoke on the same
youy American constitution. Liberty program on "Religion and Contem-
has been assailed until there is no porary Prose."
liberty of the press, political or any "I cannot think of any greater fal-
other kind of liberty." lacy than the common saying that all
Points Out Quieting Of Papers men are created free and equal" said
Dr. Nitti pointed out that all cri- Dr. Warthin. "That we are here at
icipm against Mussolini is immediately all is proof that our protoplasm ha
put down, certain anti-ascist news beenavictorious, but that protoplasm is
papers having been abolished and iot all of the same identical charac-
many anti- 'aseists having been ex- ter, for we are all from different pro-
filed. "Mussolini," Dr. Nitti said, "s toplasmic channels. We are the re-
not only president of the council, but si thawnof p e and evo-
he holds practically all the minis-sut of the law of progress and evo-
tries." -luion."
As an example of the suppression ofThe primary reason for living,"
the press, Dr. Nitti cited the case continued Dr. Warthin, is to. propo-
thahe ressdedrtoNittiliteshaseh gate the race, and to do this in the
where lie 'decided to ub>sishn teC [estrpossible way. The first religious
onierty T en byw Pesidentt Cosl- law of biology is that children must
idge.,. The result was that it was im- be given not alone those thins that
mediately supressed by the prefect of wl kee t it al o thegst
Rome. "I do nt know much about willkeep them alive, but also the best
American politics," Dr. Nitti said, possible heritage of the generation
"but I do believe that President Cool- I from which they come. In order to
idge would be considered a revolution- accomplish this reproduction must be
1St." controlled, a higher sex attraction
Be'ginning the 30 minute rejoinder than prevails must be found, and there
to Dr. Nitti's speech, Mr. McClure ex- must be more reason in marriage.
pressed his surprise at the power he j I do not believe in temporary mar-
had found organized labor to have in riage, and as a biologist believe that
Italy. Mr. McClure went on to point I divorce should be made more diffi-
out that the regime. of Mussolini had cult."
resulted in a tremendous increase in ;;Dr. Warthin concluded by saying
civic pride. "It seemed as if a new "life i's not primarily for the individ-
spirit had inflamed Italy," he declared. ual, but for the race. Young people
"Italy," Mr. McClure continued, "has Ishould be most cautious about the
been: experimenting with self-govern- history of their families before marry-
ment. It has been making fine strides ing. The 'doctrine of forgiveness of
in this respect under the regime of sins has done- great harm, for such
Mussolini and men of fine minds, great things as the transference of 'social
nobility and noble character are do- diseases can never be forgiven. There
ing this work. It stands to reason must be a scientific religion, a God
that they chos ;Musaolini to lead that is law and that you can under-
them in this task because he was the stand.
best man. "The significant thing about con-
Faseist Regime Upheld - temporary prose," said Prof. Jack, "is
"I regard what has been begun in its signs of a -spirittal thirst, of the
Italy as the best hope for making "desire to find a philosophy that will
democracy-''safe for the world," Mr. not evade the real issues." Prof.
McClure concluded. Jack concluded that literature is
Dr. Nitti evoked laughter in his re more moralistic, but unreligious.
buttal when he said, "Mr. McClure
mentioned that he fet, particularly FOUR FEATURES IN

safe in Italy, due to~the influence or
the Mussolini militia. Every Fascist," IEWED SATIRI
Dr. Nitti said, "is safe in Italy." Dr.
Nitti, in closing his rebuttal, stated "A_; rica? Ah, there are only
that he did not believe that the way four things over here that I do not
to uphold the liberty of the press was like" declared Dr. Vincent Nitti, em-
to supress it, as was indirectly advo- lk,
cated by Mr. McClure. E inent Italian lecturer, author and
In closing the debate with his re- historian who spoke in "Till auditor-
buttal, Mr. McClure said, "The great- ium last night when into rviewed for




ic m
of a

Specimen Ballad
PEPI thoroughly believe in such
1enesday. March 2, 192 1jthings as the straw ballot whichAA
j " m a s o n o r g n o hThe D aily is conducting, as a 9 1 L xl
PARTY PREFERENCE I(jthought and thoughtfulnessIL
[ i Democratic about issues of which citizens
[ DemoraticI generally ought to be informed
] Republican 1and to develop intelligent opin-
ions. I hope that not only a
~ , large number will vote, but that
[ ]. '............................''.....' each vote may also represent
genuine interest and reflection. j Vorld Court, Proh
(Voter may register preference in both parties if desired) g
[ ] William E. Borah NewtonD. Baker i i i BOOTHS WILL BE C
[ 3 Nicholas M. Butler [ ] Vic Donahey THE UEIL ICIPLVto
Voting; booths will be opened p
[ I Charles Curtis [ ] Walter George for the experimental poll on Presi
[ ] Charles Dawes [ William G. McAdoo Largest Cast Of Season, Extensive will be conducted under the auspice
S I lerbert I loover '] James A. Reed Scenery And Costuming Will tions point to the day's event as one
[ Feature Production ever staged on the campus. The
[ ) CharleslE. Hughes[( Albert Ritchie o'clock tonight, with the exception o
[ j Nicholas Longworth[ Alfred S ith WILL RUN THROUGH WEEK There will ire six booths open t
,NS --- these will be distribUtd widely in
F ] Frank Lowden [ ) Thomas Walsh After a lapse of several weeks connected with the University int
[ ] George W. Norris Mimes will open its theater next student. These will be on the diag
Monday night with one of the most front of the library, and at the Sta'
[ Frank B. Willis .pretentious productions it has ever other three will be lOcated in Angel
[ ] ..... . ..... attempted, namely George Bernard front of the University hospital. TI
Do you believe that commitment to a policy of rigid enforcement for Shaw's "The Devil's Disciple." The
the 18th amendment is a desirable qualification for a President ? largest cast of the season, augmented -
direction, and extensive scenery and,! FR
............ '...'....''...".... costumes will characterize this drama S
Do you believe that commitment to entry by the- United States into of the days of the Revolutionary war.
"The Devil's Disciple" has long ., IL.CNTNU
been one of the projects intended
the World Court is a desirable qualification for a President ........by Mimes for production but the o av
portunity has never before presented Favors To Re Silver Slave Bracelets
Do you favor the <lrafting of Calvin Coolidge as a candidate?. . .....itself. ' It is the only one ofrShaw's W Micig ea ill Take '
_________________________________________________many plays that he conidered pro- News Reels Of Dane
per material for the stage, since he1
ASSIFICATION: i intended most of his works for books MUSIC TO BE BROADCAST
alone. The drama deals with stirring -
Faculty peiodsof the Revolution when a part Tickets for the annual Frosh Fro-
1 1Fcutyof the country was in the hands of li, on sale for the past week in the
W-a Stdn he famous General Burgoyne, be- e nst
fore the latter's surrender effected lobby of the Union, have been bought
a turning-point in the struggle.: at a rapid rate, according to the
ii Mlale Student .
During a single scene of "The statement of the committee in charge
Devil's Disciple" the entire cast of of the event. The sale of tickets will
60 will be on the stage in a mam- continue throughout this week and
SGNEERS PLAN MITiI iVmoth mob scene representing a hang- until the night of the dance, which
MODEL ,EXHIBITS ing.[ The mob is about a gallows which will be Frida, March 30. The sub~
-. will be erected on the stage. The en- scription to the affair is $5.
a part of the Open House pro- tire play of three acts includes five Assurance of the fact that Ted
that will be presented by theiI DONATION scenes, the models for which are be- Weems' Kansas City band will be
Ing designed and executed by Fred available' to furnish music for the
ents of the College of Engineer- Rebman, Mimes scenic artist. Cos- formal has solved the problem pre-
next Friday and Saturday, the Characterizes Statements Of Robinson tuming for the drama will be the sented by the cancellation of contractx
imore and Ohio Railroad will l And Nye As "Demagogic Slander;" largest of any campus production of by the Goodrich Silvertown orches-
hibit of mdel locomotivesWrites Letter To Nye the year with the exception of the tra, of New York, WJZ broadcasters,
r historic and modern. The histor- Opera. The wardrobes are being sup- to play for the Frolic.
odels will be ofm the famous lo SINCLAIR AIDED IN 19 18 plied by Van Horn of Philadelphia. Something exceptionally nove has
otive the"Tom Thum theThomas J.' Dougall, '28, who has been planned for the affair in the
ts th TyTh "(AssociatedPess)appeared in leading roles in several manner of decorative features. The
iam Mason," and the "Camel y ress of the productions of Mimes and Coi- plan was originated by two art stu-
k," while running models in exact ALBANY, March 20.-Gov. Al Smith edy club this year will carry the role dents and will be put into effect by
e of the modern Santa Fe, Presi- tonight characterized as "demagogic of Richard Dudgeon, the-"Devil's Dis- the Ann Arbor floral shop. The theme
,\and Articulated Mallet types of slander" statements made before the ciple," and will be supported by Flor- for the floral hangings will be an-
nes will be demonstrated. Senate Teapot Dome investigating jnce B. Tennant, '28, who appeared nounced at a later date.
he New York Central lIes will r n
have an exhibition on hand of committee yesterday that Harry F. recently in "The Home Towners" Favors for the event have been an-
eas an wibin a s ala p i tg - Lois Porter, '28, is also in the cast nounced as silver slave braclets en-
while Dalton ;D. Walper, '30, is act- graved with the Michigan seal. The
which demonstrates, both types scandal, had been a heavy contributor ing as stage manager. A poster has programs have been designed to har-
ir brakes now in use on the rail- to the New York state Democratic been specially designed for "The monize with the favors in color
s. This car, however, will be on gubernatorial campaign in 1920. Devil's Disciple" by Lyle Overton, scheme, and they, too, will be stamp-
bition only for' a short time Sat- In a letter to Chairman Gerard P. '29A. ed with the Michigan seal. The gift
y. Nye, of the Teapot Dome committee, Percy L. Edwards, '28L, is direct- tokens will be distributed (luring the
y htm ,ing the entire production in the ab- week of the (lance. Presentation of
NIOR CANES ON Governor Smith declared that "a. care- sence of E. Mortimer Shuter, stper- the stub attached to the ticket will
SALE THIS WEEK ful search of the official records made visor of Mimes dramatics. "The Dev- entitle the bearer to a favor.
at my request today confirmed my il's Disciple" will run throughout the It is expected that by the end of
recollection that Mr. Sinclair never week, according to present plans. The the week that negotiations for the
eobers of the senior literary class tickets may be reserved by mail now, arrangements of broadcasting the mu-
order canes from 9 to 4 o'clock contributed to my campaign fundy nwscfthFricy no heD-
day this week in the lobby of either in 1920 or at any other time CLOPP T TO troit stations wili be completed. I s
ell hall. According to William that I ever ran for office; in fact, I trit atin illwb ced.
nbaugh, '28, chairman of the cane fie feeto sgvro n12 '" ~ 'C U already a certainty that a new reel
mbag, no orders will be taken failed of election as governor in 1920 TO FRENCH CLUB company will film the procedure of
n seniors who have not paid their and Mr. Sinclair had been appointed the grand march and later stages of
s dues. to the racing commission months As the fifth lecture upon its annual the dancing.
e canes will be delivered at the prior to that election, some four years program, Le Cercle Francais, campus In accordance with precedent, it is
n desk of the Union lobby before before there was any thought of the French society, will present a talk urgently requested that no corsages
e day, it is stated by class officials. oil scandal. n "Peasant Life In France," by John be worn at the affair.
price of the canes thi's year will "I' do not propose that either you B. Cloppet, of the' Romance language /
$4. or Senator Robinson, of Indiana," the department. It will take place this The W eather
governor continued, "shall escape afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in room 1025
AIERICAN LIFE public humiliation for the infamous Angell hall. nr3 Associated Press.)

L Y B DR NI TI p insinuations that you have made by There are two lectures remaintingj
LLY BY D N T your pretense of disclaiming desire to on the series, as well as the annual Mostly fair with rising temperature
cast reflection on me or stating that theatrical presentation of the Cercle. today and tomorrow.
cism took hold.yurcm ttehsncoenwth
r. Nitti; chuckling to himself all youi committee has no concern with PROMINEN E ON CAMPUS IS BASIS
temte" Vtt CA P Slwile, told the story of a bang.temte.
thietod te toy.1 vsh After the governor had written the F6R HONOR SOCIETIES' INITIATIONS
inm Paris at whc hewte letter, word was brought to him that
st of honor. He was called up on Sinclair had contributed on one occa-
sel ho . his aos paped "The n' hEditor's Note: This is the fourteenth of tion. The members in both of the so-
Shird,"ani-ascistpubcatoThsion to a Democratic campaign fund a series of feature articles on campus in- cicties are active for only one year,
k Bird," anti-Fascist publication, in New York. The contribution, made stitutions intended to develop their his: tie e ai for only oeyar,
distributed in Italy with. the ban in 1918 to the New York county Demo- tory and major nprinciples or organization atte eintothe alumni of timethe organiza-
upon it. by Mussolini in effect. cratic committee amounted to $1,, and management.tio
smuch as this was a secret, Dr. records in the secretary of state's of- Vulcans, founded in 1904, and tions.
I refused, but upon being urged. fice disclosed. Neither of_ these groups overlaps
eli the story and being promised ____e discosed.Druids, founded in 1909, are the sen- with Michigamua, the all-campus hon-
t it would be kept in strictcon-SR ior honor societies of the Colleges of or society, which initiates in the
nce, he told them the story of AE Engineering and Architecture and of spring and is likewise comprised of
the paper for the next week, for ARE ON DISPLA Y the College of Literature, Science, and members of the senior class. Michi-
mple, was to be sent to Italy in the Arts. Both choose their members gamua,wahile choosing its members
line cans. An exhibition, which will continue on somewhat the same basis as the
s a result of the story, an account through today, has been put on pus life, and both have as their ob- members from all schools and col-
this- method was published in a display in the corridors of all four pslfadbt aea hi bmmesfo l col n o
flos tjectives the promotion of good fel- leges and holds its initiation prev-
ncw paper a week ater.h out- floors of the Architectural building lowship and the assistance of campus ious to the other two. Men are never
ie was that no less than 6,0001 showing work in design, free-hand activities. chosen to membership in both the
s of sardines were opened in Italy drawing, water-color, and building Thel Druids annually choose bes.Tribe of Michigamua and Druids or
Fascist officials in an attempt to construction as it is done in some tween 20 and 25 men (24 at present) Vulcans.
over copies of "The Black Bird," of the leading schools of architec- and hold their initiation in the spring Like Michigamua, however, the in-
ough, in reality, the whole story ture of which Michigan is a charter under the "Druid Oak." The Vulcans fluence of Vulcans and Druids is rare-


ibition Amendmei
ird Term Issues
Promptly at 9 o'clock this morn
dential candidates and issues WN
es of The Daily, and advance co:
of the most pretentious straw bal
polls will be open all day unt
if the noon hour.
to take care of the campus vote,
order to accommodate all who
the capacity of faculty miember
onal walk at the engineering arch
te street entrance of the walk.
41 hall, in the medical school, an(
he last booth was added yesterda
accommodate those medical stud(
and 'staff me-mbers of the hosf
who would otherwise not b abl



Ballots Include Many Names
The ballots include the names
several'of the principal men of0 el
party who have been entered in
nomination race as well as other w
have merely been spoken of -n t
connection. There twill bean, o p
tunity for each voter to ndicdate.'
choice of all the ,candidates for Pr
ident, his choice of the best man
each party, and any other men wh
he considers worthy of the positi
In ad'dition to this choie of candida
a few 'of the issues arising from -
campaigns are preented-a'amey,
world court, the enforcement or m
eration of the ,18th amendment,
the advisability of drafting Presid
Coolidge for a third term.
Among the men who are included
the ball are Secretary of Comme:
Herbert Hoover, Senator. James' ,h
of Missouri, Charles V. 'ghea, for
er governor of Illinois, William G. 1
Adoo, Senator William 1. Borabh,
bert C. Ritchie, governor of Maryla
Senator Charles Curtis of Kan
Nicholas Lpngworth, speaker of -
House of Representatives, Vice-Pr
dent Charles G. Dawes, Vie Donah
governor d Ohio, and Frank B. Wil
Measure ,Endorsed
This poll will represent an earn
attempt on the part of The Daily
record the feelings of the campus b
in regard to political parties, '10n
ees, and platforms. All members
the faculties, men and women s
dents, and all others connected j
the University a'e urged to vote
some time during the day. Endor
ments of the measure have been p1
tiful, and the affair is being lool
on with considerable interest by 0
siders and other newspapers and pi
odicals. The importane of the W(
en's vote in a large quantity i be
specially stresed by the sponsors,
The detailed work of cuntingt
ballots and compiling the results V
be undertaken by the mnbers of '
Dailystaff and by' volunteers fr
campus political organzatone, i
as the Republican club and the H093
for President club. The resmts w~
be published in full temorrow mni
ing". It will be necessar for the ,
er to sign his name, telephone n
ber, and class, also designating if
is a member of the faculty No p
lici-ty- will be given this liformal
as it is being used strictly for re
lative purposes in lieu of a regis
"Nobody in this generation kn
what the McCure's magazine of
years ago was," S. S. McClure,
magazine's former editor decli
I after his lecture last night.
"It was an amazing and vivid £0
Its work was much the same as I
'which I am doing now," For
months, Mr. McClure made an e
sive study of Italy and the growtl
Fascism. It was this type of'iniv
igations that the MCClure's mag
that he published conducted, he
"I expect to spend twp or
more years studying Italy," he 4
tinued' "Then I will study city
ernment; and investigate the ide
placing all of the power of run
the government in the hands of
man and giving him a council' oi
men to advise him."
Returning to a discussion of



est -terror in the world is a govern-
ment of the incompetent. Mussolini s The Daily. "They a re:1 oving pie-
not endeavoring to spread Fascism I tures, apple pie and che ese served
but is attempting to establish a sound together, the Saturday Ev& ning Post
government." and Arthur Brisbane!"1
At the conclusion of the regular de- 1 Dr. Nitti,' his dark eyes twinkling,
bate, an open forum was held, with made one exception in regard to the
Robert S. Miller, '28, president of the movies, however. Charlie Chaplin, lie
Oratorical association, who presided said, is his big favorite, as is the
at the debate, acting as chairman. case with the average European.
Asked what he considefed Mus'solini's Strangely enough, however, Dr. Nitti
international imperialistic attitude to pointed out, Chaplin is not consider-
be, Mr. McClure gave as his opinion, ed a comedian, but rather a superb.:
"There is no danger of his stirring artist. In France for example, three
up any war with European nations." books have been written about Chap-
ANEMIA RESEARCH litalian journalism and Italian uni-
A CVICTAAIT A D1)FlIfversities-both are very different

to t
to t
of t


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